Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fixing Our Presidential Election

The likeminded national media has shamelessly carried Barack Obama as their standard bearer. The time for even pretend fairness has ended.

Every conceivable smear was unloaded on Sarah Palin whose entry into the Presidential mix brought real excitement and total fear to every Obama supporter in the land.

Armies of Left Wing TV producers loaded Katie Couric and Charlie Gibson with every trick question they could dream up as a way of discrediting Sarah Palin for their interviews.

The media stacked the deck of tonight’s Vice Presidential debate with a moderator who is a ringer. She has a financial interest in the outcome of the debate and election with her pro-Obama book she’s publishing. The debate will give every possible advantage to Joe Biden. After the debate the media can be counted upon to declare Biden the winner.

Obama supporters will do absolutely anything to get their way with this election. Every conceivable fraud, dirty trick, lie or threat is not off limits.

Acorn has been busy with other groups creating millions of bogus voter registrations facilitated by voter registration laws that encourage fraud. This election will find the ballot boxes filled with fraudulent votes.

Billionaire George Soros and every other Communist has overloaded the Obama Campaign war chest with propaganda funds used to mislead voters.

Will they use bullets to achieve what their money and phony ballots can’t achieve? I think the answer is obvious. This will prove to be the most polarizing election of our collective lifetimes. I fully expect to see the worst.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Senate Bailout Bill Victory!

Washington, D.C.—It was a victory, but not for free enterprise and the values we fought so many wars to protect. The only winner here was Karl Marx and his redundantly failed government model. It won’t work this time either.

The crooks, incompetents and traitors to the American way in our own Senate voted to hand over $700 billion of our money so this disaster can continue.

Will the House do the right thing and vote this monstrosity down? I seriously doubt it.

Free enterprise is dead.

Both Sides Have Rested In O.J. Simpson’s Trial

Las Vegas, NV—You can never guess what a jury will do. Jury’s logic is nearly always beyond predictions.

That Las Vegas Armed Robbery/Kidnapping case against footbal great, O.J. Simpson that should never have been filed in the first place will enter the phase of Jury Instructions and Closing Arguments. There may be a verdict as early as Friday.

The jury will be charged with sorting out the stories given by a wide assortment of thugs, thieves, liars and even a pimp, most have which have been given get out of jail free cards by prosecutors.

Watching televised trials cheats viewers of one very important insight to help predict the outcome. The faces, interaction and reaction to the accused and various witnesses with jury members provide loads of tell tale information.

Televised trials never show jury members unless they agree to give interviews when the trials are over and the verdicts have been returned.

Even with the ability to observe the jury, their verdicts often still defy predictability. One statistic remains constant, over 80% of Americans who are forced to stand trial get convicted.

O.J. Simpson’s odds are not good despite ample reasonable doubt. The best I’d hope for is a hung jury and mistrial. I’m sure O.J. Simpson would agree with my assessment that being a criminal defendant sucks.

Chicago Cop Freed From Prison In Iowa Injustice By Appellate Court Panel

Des Moines, IA—The Iowa Court of Appeals has ruled on the controversial case of Chicago police officer Michael Mette. Mette has been serving hard time in Iowa’s prison system. So far Mette has been behind bars for nearly an entire year.

It was on October 8th 2005, Chicago police officer Michael Mette of the Fillmore District was attacked by a Dubuque college student, 20-year-old Jake Gothard while attending a birthday celebration at his brother’s home. Before it was over, officer Mette was arrested, prosecuted, convicted and has been serving a mandatory five-year Iowa prison term.

The problem with the conviction is that Mette’s action came as a result of pure self-defense to avoid injury from an assault by the drunken Gothard. The assault was compounded by the findings by a lower court judge who convicted Mette despite strong evidence that there was no crime.

While in prison Mette complained of abdominal pain and was refused medical treatment. Mette had appendicitis and finally his condition became life threatening and he had to have a portion his bowels removed in emergency surgery.

The case has proven to be an outrage that has mobilized Mette’s fellow officers, Mayor Daley and Chicago’s police superintendent Jody Weiss to seek Mette’s release from this unjust conviction.

With the reversal of the conviction Mette should be able to return to duty as a Chicago police officer without delay. I suspect that he should be getting back pay for the work he’s missed while in prison. I know that Mette’s fellow officers will welcome him with open arms.

The sad part of this story is Michael Mette and his family will never get back that year of his life wasted by an unjust conviction. This is at best a bittersweet conclusion to a frightening and sad story.

So far prosecutors have not said if they plan to take their case to the Iowa Supreme Court. They have 20 days to do so. I would expect a fairly quick release of Mette from prison as a result of a yet to be entered lower court order.

Here is a copy of today’s ruling by the Court of Appeals:

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heather Locklear Set Up By Tabloid Snitch Seeking Cash

MONTECITO, CA—Heather Locklear was apparently spotted by a tabloid magazine snitch looking for a way to sell photographs and video. has posted a 911 call that may have been designed to simply bring police to Locklear and her car for investigation of DUI when there was no basis for such a call.

The caller knew for sure that pictures of Locklear doing, “Simon Sez”, or the routine field sobriety test with the police would have cash value even without an arrest. The investigation would also bring a flurry of questions from an officer. Questions like,”are you taking any medication?“ top the list.

Most Americans are unaware they do not have to answer any questions, or cooperate with police by following requests to submit to their examinations and field sobriety testing. Drivers must agree to breathalyzer and in some jurisdictions blood testing or face the loss of their driver's license. Those tests don’t happen until after an officer actually makes a DUI arrest.

Most DUI arrests can be avoided by simply remaining silent, asking for a lawyer and not performing those embarrassing dance maneuvers for police. The problem for real drunks is they can't remember to follow such advice when they are under the influence.

Heather Locklear had a real problem to deal with that the average driver will never face. The total embarrassment and career killing exposure that even an innocent police stop would bring to her had to have a giant impact.

That kind of pressure brought on by simple stone cold fear would cause anyone to appear to be under the influence. The influence of real fear would also mimic impairment.

Most people don’t know that you can be arrested for being under the influence of any number of prescribed medicines. In a police stop that impairment diagnoses is not made by a physician but a cop with some limited training. Taking most medicines as directed does not cause sufficient impalement to justify an arrest.

This arrest of Locklear has a really foul odor to it since it was brought on by apparent financial greed. The CHP officer apparently allowed a 911 caller’s information to influence the scope and direction of what transpired. I hope Locklear’s lawyer Blair Berk gets her life back for her soon.

See what TMZ published here.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Games Some Prosecutors Play

Las Vegas, NV—Some star struck prosecutors and cops want to take credit for putting O.J. Simpson behind bars. Instead of justice it’s about status and bragging rights. They want to brag that they could do what Los Angeles authorities couldn’t do, and that's convicting the former sports hero.

I say former sports hero because Simpson no longer has that special admiration. Today the public treats him with suspicion at best and many believe he somehow got away with double murder. Today and for always, Simpson is a kind of a dark celebrity, more famous for his perceived connection to a despicable and brutal crime than his outstanding achievements on the gridiron.

Now Simpson is on trial as a jury has to figure out just which group of thugs, thieves and liars robbed the other of Simpson’s personal memorabilia. The stories have changed despite sporadic surreptitious recordings by ringleader and convicted arsonist, Thomas Riccio. Riccio has profited by more than $200 K for arranging the entire event police and prosecutors are calling an armed robbery/kidnapping.

Prosecutors have used those tricks and tools defense attorneys will never have. One is the ability to buy whatever testimony they want through immunity and get out of jail free cards given to confessed criminals. The other is a trashy stunt they pulled with their own prosecution witness, Alfred Beardsley.

When prosecutors called sports memorabilia dealer, Beardsley as their witness he was in custody for a parole violation in California. They cleaned up Beardsley, dressed him in a suit for court and delivered him to the jury looking like any ordinary businessman. But when Simpson’s lawyer’s called for Beardsley as a defense witness a few days later he was brought into court wearing jail garb and chains. This was a cheap shot to say the least.

Simpson must sit as an all White jury passes judgment on him on this case that was only filed because he was O.J. Simpson. Simpson faces life in prison should he be convicted in a case where nobody was injured and the property taken was in fact Simpsons'. Will O.J. Simpson get a fair verdict in Sin City? The odds are against that happening.

What a Great Depression Would be Like Today In America.

In 1929 America was a place for self-reliant self-starters. There was no such thing as government welfare, food stamps and so called income tax credits that supplemented income rather than take money from underemployed workers.

Americans were able to deal with deprivation and knew how to live off the land. Today Americans would simply starve.

Cutting off money to the people government turned into totally dependent and helpless leaches will prove bloody. These people will resort to violence when their demands for entitlements fall on deaf ears.

Today we have millions of Americans addicted to expensive illegal narcotic drugs. They can be counted upon to give us a crime wave like we’ve never imagined.

The only growth industry I envision is private security and small arms sales. Will we as a people learn self-reliance and how to work together as a result of hard times?

Will charity return to replace government handouts? I don’t see a wartime economy improving things since we’ve been at war for several years.

The only salvation for America is to defeat Communism and Socialism. God help us all.


Washington, DC—Our Congress and President George Bush would never leave Wall Street crooks high and dry! They came through for their pals while putting their hands deep in our pockets.

In America you had a right under free enterprise to make investment gambles and lose your money. Bad companies were suposed to be allowed to go under so more reliable companies could prosper. Not anymore! Now the government will guarantee every crappy investment you could possibly make.

This is a variation of Mel Brooks idea explored in his film and play, The Producers where a couple of crooked buffoons try to make the world’s worst play with intentions of overselling ownership and getting rich. Now companies can count on being rewarded for failures and mismanagement.

What about ordinary gamblers who are bad at math and never win? They deserve full protection from the taxpayers too!

I was recently talking with a friend about the possibility of being homeless sleeping by the railroad track because of a destroyed economy. My friend offered up the idea of having outdoor meals of Jackrabbit stew may be in our future.

I can only wonder how long the American experiment can hold out now that free enterprise is dead?

An Update: 9/29 1:00 PM My report about the death of free enterprise may have been greatly exaggerated since the “sure thing” bailout failed in Congress. Maybe there is hope after all! Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Celebrity Meltdown?

MONTECITO, CA—Pretty and talented TV star Heather Locklear has had her troubles lately. In June she checked into a Tucson, AZ medical facility, for some behavioral issues that came to light after a disturbing 911 call.

Saturday afternoon Locklear was arrested by an officer of the California Highway Patrol for DUI. Locklear was reportedly taking prescription medication that police believe impaired her ability to drive.

I wonder if the officer administering sobriety tests on Locklear took into account Locklear’s very real emotional reaction to the horrible privacy invasion and effect of this exposure on her career?

These kinds of arrests go unnoticed for most Americans but Locklear gets an overdose of humiliation because of her celebrity status. It does seem unfair. This arrest will be resolved with little more than a slap on the wrist in its worst case scenario.

Heather's booking photo is a reminder to always look your best and smile for those over-exposed mugshots.

Locklear's troubles are just a small part of a great career. Hopefully she will soon be in in good health and once more entertaining us in new projects.

A Restraining Order Worked For Once In Phoenix, AZ With A Little Help

Phoenix, AZ—Phoenix police say an unidentified woman went to court and got a restraining order against a yet to be identified man.

That bad news is restraining orders don’t stop bullets, knives or even fists. This time along with a restraining order the woman got herself a gun. It turns out the man this woman sought protection from finally learned his lesson after breaking into her apartment.

In a happy ending to a frightening story, the woman opened fire on the home invader killing him.

Learn more about this from KTVK-TV 3 News In Phoenix.

A simple video Primer On Our Economic Mess and its Cause

Obama’s October Surprise, Hillary Clinton and a Coup d’état

Chicago, IL—Since late Spring I’d heard unsubstantiated rumors from at least one usually reliable source of mine that Barack Obama was in for a political disaster before November. A corruption scandal would undermine his candidacy and perhaps bring about his indictment. I wrote this information off as wishful thinking.

I never once underestimated Hillary Clinton’s political spy network because she’d never spare any expense hiring people like convicted telephone eavesdropper, Anthony Pellicano. Hillary would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. I strongly suspect Clinton knows about most or all of Obama’s criminal activity and culpability. That knowledge has guided this shrewd woman’s actions throughout the campaigns for the highest office in the land. I suspect Clinton has been sitting on this information like a hen on an egg.

Now it’s reported that convicted political fund-raiser Tony Rezko who faces scores of years behind bars is ready to play his cards in hopes of getting a deal from the Justice Department before his October 28 sentencing in Federal District Court.

Rezko has both raised substantial campaign funds for Obama and has paid him off with at least one personal cash windfall on a piece of real estate. It’s safe to say Rezko knows where some fresh and very toxic bones are buried in his former confidant’s back yard.

In life as well as politics timing is everything and This may put the Democratic Presidential slate into a large black hole before an incredibly historic election. I predicted a political coup d’état involving Clinton and now the information my source provided is starting to come together.

Today’s Chicago Sun Times tells us that Rezko is ready to play his cards and perhaps change the course of history. At least one Governor and one Presidential nominee have something to worry about. I think we may be in for some change Obama had not anticipated.

My questiion now is who will Illinios Governor Rod Blagojevich rat on to soften his own problems? Will Mayor Daley and Alderman Ed Burke get invited to this party too?

Read the Sun-Times article here.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Televised Trials Are Vanishing

Los Angeles—Court TV tried and failed to turn a profit providing gavel to gavel coverage of high profile trials.

The biggest problem was and is we don’t have enough big trials or interested viewers. Frankly what goes on in our courtrooms proves to bore most Americans to tears.

It’s a really rare day where there is a trial such as the O.J. Simpson double murder case that captured the imagination of the entire nation.

Since that trial we have had interest in the Michael Jackson child molesting and the Scott Peterson murder cases. Court TV also spent a fortune promoting their trial coverage to gain viewers.

An overriding reality is that most people are either working or are in school and don’t have the time to watch these cases in America’s courts.

To avoid totally losing their viewers, Court TV found they needed talking heads to tell us what was going on and limited their courtroom coverage. I hate the talking heads for the most part because too often these personalities wish to align themselves somehow as heroes for victims. The TV personalities spend their time polluting and otherwise influencing our jury pool. The result is that a fair trial for accused defendants is too often unobtainable.

The trend for now will be fewer trials getting total coverage. The retrial of legendary record producer Phil Spector will be causality because of a lack of interest and more importantly profits. News directors rightfully say the Spector redo is a waste because for the most part it won’t provide new information.

I want to cover the Spector retrial but unless my effort is sponsored or underwritten there is no way I can cover this. I can’t devote myself to traveling to downtown L.A., pay for parking and tell my readers what’s going on. During the first trial I relied on the Internet feeds to bring those Phil Spector trial stories to this blog.

Trial blogs with knowledgeable writers using a combination of highlights video, written narrative and still photographs are both a great and the only alternative. That requires a blogger to write about the day’s events and a producer to gather video and still images. That also means providing photographers to share the work of providing pool images and video.

The way I see it the only news organization that could handle decent trial coverage is the Associated Press. They sell their content to all the other news organizations. The AP can always be counted on do a great job at least with keeping us all informed about important testimony and evidence unleashed in the courts.

The AP always provides great photos of dramatic trial moments but they are really weak on providing courtroom video right now. Hopefully that will change for the better.

Blogging these trials is still a very expensive proposition for local TV stations. They have little interest in tying up reporters and producers just for a single story they will use for their 40 minutes of actual news coverage for their entire day. TV stations need to maintain websites to provide this kind of extended coverage.

Viewers and advertisers frankly care more about YouTube content than the serious business of TV trials. That simply means unless viewer habits change, fewer trials will be put up for public consumption.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Face Of A Chicago Gun Criminal

Chicago, IL.—It was in September of 2006 when the Chicago police gun team kicked down fire fighter Ted Kozak’s Northwest Chicago door and grabbed his prized gun collection for the second time.

Kozak is a man who devoted his entire life to saving lives and helping his fellow man. Kozak simply likes and collects firearms while living under an assumption there is in fact a Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms in America. Kozak never sold those guns or used them in any kind of evil act.

Apparently police say that there were a couple of fully automatic firearms in Kozak's collection. Those too are collector’s items that can be lawfully owned by people in most jurisdictions outside of Chicago. Chicago simply violates the gun rights of everyone.

One such firearm was a coveted and venerable Thompson .45 caliber M1A1, sub-machine gun. The other was an increasingly rare British Sten-9MM sub-machine gun. These were museum pieces that were in excellent condition despite the reality that they are as much as 70 years old. These are hardly the tools of today’s criminals but items of significant historical interest and value.

Kozak is facing serious prison time if convicted and that would be a travesty. I say we cannot afford to put this fireman in our prison system.

There are a few legal avenues left for Kozak in Chicago where the Circuit Court judges mirror the attitude of the gun-rights hating Mayor Richard M. Daley. I just don’t see common sense or mercy ever being a part of this prosecution.

Ted Kozak is a productive and good citizen. Mr. Kozak deserves the support of every freedom loving American. Help save Ted Kozak.

Las Vegas TV Reporter Sues Over Hearing Loss At A Police Gun Range

Las Vegas, NV-- Former KTNV Channel 13 reporter Christina Brown has filed a law suit over a hearing loss suffered during a story she did about Metro officer’s firearms training. I think this lawsuit is serious business and has merit.

I suffered a similar hearing loss and am hearing impaired today as a result. I’ve used both ear plugs and muffs together ever since my first traumatic ear damage. Some sadistic U.S. Army officials forced me and my basic training company comrades shoot M-14 rifles at Fort Leonard Wood, MO with no hearing protection whatsoever in 1968.

Please, always wear the strongest rated hearing protection while on the range because the damage is irreversible. Hearing aids are miserable to use as I have learned.

You can read about this lawsuit from the Las Vegas Sun.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama Has Always Hated Your Gun Rights And He Always will

Today Barack Obama’s spokesmen try to falsely present him as a supporter of gun rights. Of course, moving into a national political arena Obama’s gun-rights hatred puts him far out in the Left Wing extreme. The Obama supporters want to soften his life long position to camouflage and diffuse the truth, misleading the nation’s voters.

Obama’s political career was spawned in the Regular Democratic Party of Chicago. For those who don’t know Chicago has been and is controlled by organized crime figures since even before the days of Al Capone. Criminals hate the idea of armed citizens that can resist extortion and every other crime. It’s only natural for them to take the position of demanding outright gun bans. A disarmed and helpless population has always been the goal of Chicago’s politicians.

Obama has never missed an opportunity either in the Illinois General Assembly or the United States Senate to vote to ban or restrict gun ownership and self-defense. Obama has redundantly lashed out against the right to carry concept and has remained in lock-step with Mayor Richard M. Daley that today who is still defying the law of the land handed down in the Supreme Court’s Heller decision.

Yes, Obama as President could either sign into law or veto gun rights bills passed by Congress. More importantly as five members of our Supreme Court are over 70 years old it’s very likely the next President could appoint a record number of judges to the high court. Only one more Liberal gun-rights hater on the court could reverse Heller and give politicians the right to ban firearms.

Just imagine where are gun rights would be if Obama was able to appoint four of his cronies? You need to see firsthand just how Obama’s desperate spokesmen are trying to re-write his horrible gun-rights record.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sarah Palin Has Clean Hands In Bailout Mess

The only candidate who has absolutely clean hands of any responsibility in the Wall Street bailout mess is Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.

Unlike Obama, Biden and McCain Sarah Palin is not owned by the lobbyists and the crooks who created the mess. Sarah Palin is the one Americans will trust the most to give us real change. Sarah Palin deserves the trust of all Americans.

Media’s Whitewash Covers up Horrific Racial Crime

Knoxville, KY—It was a crime of incredible depravity and cruelty was committed against a young White couple by four Black thugs. This story is even beyond the worst horror film any Americans have ever seen. Channon Christian, 21 and Chris Newsom, 23 were savagely carjacked, kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered in January of 2007. Most Americans never heard about this crime or its frightening details.

The media would not report this racially charged story. The same was true about another horrific bloodbath in Wichita, KS on the cold night of December 14, 2000, Reginald Carr, 23, and Jonathan Carr, 20, invaded the home of three young Wichita men who had two female guests. The Carr Brothers forced all of them to strip naked. They beat the men and raped the women.

In addition to repeatedly raping the women, the Carr Brothers have been found guilty of forcing them to perform sexual acts on each other, sodomizing one of them, and forcing the three male victims to perform sex acts with each of the women. Then the Carr Brothers robbed them and brutally murdered four of them. One victim survived by chance to identify and testify in court. The Carr brothers are waiting today on Death Row.

The media’s mentality is mind boggling when they routinely refuse to provide the race of wanted murder suspects on newscasts. Minority group members, specifically Blacks and Hispanics commit far more of their share of crime. The media’s whitewashing these crimes does not make them somehow go away. Giving Americans the right and training to protect themselves is the only real answer.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Santa Monica College Inspires Musicians, Singers and Actors

Santa Monica, CA.—No it’s not your Ivy League college where the rich kids go. Here the kids are as diverse as can be and nearly all appear to be in a heartbreaking financial struggle. The one thing the kids I saw didn’t lack was spirit.

A few years ago a case I was working on brought me to Santa Monica College. I sat in classes over several months and watched some amazing kids and teachers. This school loves to advertise itself as a gateway for hardworking students to transfer into more prestigious colleges with the help of scholarships and grants.

Between classes the kids socialized, and talked about their dreams of making it big as entertainers. I’ve watched the same kids nervously count change in hopes of being able to get a decent lunch each day. I’ve also seen these kids trying to look their best for recitals with badly run over shoes that reminded me of my own rough start in Chicago at Loop Junior College.

I watched the kids as they came into their first week of class where they had to get up and perform before their classmates. Few were impressive or stood out in their performances. Nearly all hit some really sour notes. What the kids lacked in skill and polish they made up by being absolutely fearless.

By the end of the semester it was all very different as the kids came off as talented professionals. I’d seen firsthand a huge difference with these youngsters. It was awe inspiring and only after a single semester!

Dustin Hoffman who dropped out of SMC credits the school for his own amazing acting career. It’s funny to remember how Hoffman slid right into the role he landed as a rich college student in The Graduate. That great film made Hoffman a film star and a multi-millionaire.

If I could live my own life over again and become an 18 year-old SMC freshman I would do it in a heartbeat. At SMC wealth is not measured by the amount of cash on hand.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nanny Government To The Rescue Again!

Made a bad investment? Bought a home you could not afford? Lost money on a speculative deal? Never worry because the Democrat controlled Congress will let you reach into your neighbor's pocket for a quick bailout!

When the commercial real estate market went sideways with the Charles Keating crap Congress quickly bailed out the crooks and incompetents with the Resolution Trust Corporation. The government sold all the distressed property by running the largest real estate outfit ever. Boy did we pay!

Next property values went through the roof while Americans bought bigger and better houses than ever with easy no money down loans that were not so easy after all. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mismanaged beyond control has a new owner! Guess who? Your nanny was right there with a big milk laden breast to make it all better.

AIG was long rampant with mismanagement and now gets a big reward for a really crappy job, the biggest bailout ever. Free enterprise is over in America.

Terrorists destroy America with bombs. Our own crooked Congress destroys our economy with bailouts to those who deserve it the least. Soon there won’t be enough trees to make the paper required to print the money Congress has funneled for bailouts. Our money will be soon worthless and all our land will be owned by foreign governments. Was this what our founding fathers had in mind?

It's not just Democrats we must blame for thus mess. Unfortunately we have a bunch of lobbyist owned lawmakers who run as Republicans despite the fact that they vote with the Democrats.

It would have been a lot better if on September 11, 2001, Flight #93 hit its intended target and gave us the Congressional term limits we were not smart enough to give ourselves.