Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It’s Time to Test Obama For Drug Use!

When people apply for even the most menial of jobs drug testing is required. Admitted cocaine user Barack Obama’s displaying signs and symptoms of obvious cocaine abuse. Obama's off teleprompter speech is so slow and so measured and yet so full of constant gaffs.

A physician friend of mine suggested that Obama is sucking the crack pipe. When he called it to my attention I could see the symptoms this medical expert saw and pointed out.

The latest act of drug ridden reckless speech was the incredibly nasty, “Lipstick on a pig” crack he directed at V.P. candidate Sarah Palin that’s preserved on YouTube for posterity.

That kind of offensive gutter politics is what we’d saw in old style Chicago ward races for Alderman where the inebriated candidates never cared because the elections were always fixed.

Obama’s offensive “Lipstick on a pig” remark should cause every woman in America to think twice about Obama and just who he really is.

I think Obama should undergo public drug testing. I suspect he'd test positive for illegal drugs.

Watch the video

Want A Really “Green” Idea That Saves Lots Of Oil?

I don’t think anyone is really serious about this issue. I see lots of people claiming to be Green and trying to make money with alternative fuel sources along with smoke and mirrors.

Billionaire, T. Boone Pickens wants us all to switch to his product, natural gas. Aside from making Pickens much richer, that of course would cost Americans many billions to convert vehicles that now burn gasoline.

A simple way to save lots of gasoline would be for America to simply change the work week. Four ten-hour days or even three twelve-hour days would cost us nothing and save us all a bundle. For those who suffer big city gridlock as many as four hours a week of wasted drive time could also be saved.

The fuel savings would be tremendous. There would be fewer accidents on our roads and Americans would have more time to spend being parents instead of commuters.

A bonus to this plan would be a serious reduction of greenhouse gasses dumped into the air would make a visible difference.

The longer work days with three or four days off in a row, has been a big hit with cops everywhere. In Southern California, police departments that don’t adopt the short work week programs find their tenured officers leaving to departments that have. Those cops have portable pension plans so there is little or no downside when they switch departments.

America’s workforce and their so-called “Green” politicians should be at the forefront making this plan happen.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

What’s A Community Organizer Senator Obama?

That’s a fair question and that title could have covered people working to organize communities for the Nazi Party, The KKK, or the Communist Party anywhere.

The Black Panther Party was a very violent organization based on hatred of all White Americans. They too called themselves, community organizers.

I have no clue from this vague description what Barack Obama was selling or to who. It really sounds like a way for him to cover a period of unemployment.

Middle-aged men routinely say they are or were self-employed consultants to avoid admitting periods of idleness. There is an amount of social disgrace in being out of work.

Of course Michelle Obama was a Chicago Democratic Party insider and that helped get Obama out of the community organization business and on the government’s payroll. Chicago Democratic Party insiders are never unemployed.

For Sarah Palin to suggest that being the Mayor of her home town with responsibilities trumps Obama’s “organizing” function any day is fair play. Obama is so distracted and off his game since he and his minions forgot they’re running against John McCain, not Sarah Palin.

Obama needs to realize he’s really ready for his prize as a second place winner in the November election.

As always the Democratic Party buries their dead. With any luck Obama can keep his Senate seat longer than Carol Mosley Brown kept hers.

Palin Panic--Creating a Jihad in Obama’s Camp

V.P. candidate, Sarah Palin brought major excitement to an otherwise really dull Presidential campaign. Her energy, charm and good looks have sent Obama’s campaigners into a major panic.

I spent a couple of days chatting with every Liberal looking person in L.A. I could. Somehow for the most part Liberals are so easy to spot in any crowd. I’d start the conversation with a, “What do you think of John McCain’s new sidekick”? For fun I’d make a sour face to get an honest reaction.

The Liberals I talked to expressed fear, anger and loathing. One middle-aged man wearing lots of gold jewelry standing at a rent-a-car counter was actually foaming at the mouth while screaming about Palin. He claimed that we were somehow getting four more years of Bush on account of Palin coming out at the eleventh hour. He called it a sneak attack saying, “Obama can’t deal with this so late in the game!”

One very Liberal Hollywood agent said, “Unfortunately Palin has communication and theatrical skills way beyond Obama’s” The agent went on to say Palin has the looks, talent, voice and energy that any casting director would die for.” “It’s now going to be a really tough race for Obama and to me it does not look good”, said the agent.

I talked with a UCLA nurse who said it was overdue for a woman to be on the ballot. She defended Palin as appearing candid, saying she, “somehow just didn’t trust Obama.” The nurse said, “He (Obama) just seems too measured and sneaky for me.” The nurse made it clear she was a life-long Democratic voter who will vote for McCain this time.

Reportedly Obama’s camp is desperately trying to get their effective female campaigners to somehow return the public’s attention to Obama.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Lies and Doctored Photos Smearing Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin hit the political scene somewhat like a secret weapon. Palin has what most voters have been looking for. Palin has a fresh face and she is a tough Washington outsider who understands middle-America and the challenges of family life.

Palin and her speech sent major shockwaves into the formerly confident Obama Cabal and their reaction was to undertake a giant smear campaign-Jihad. The problem for the Obama’s people is that the public won’t buy into the falsehoods.

Fox News took on the seven most common phony stories generated and here is their audit of the facts.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Chicago Police Administration Demanding DNA Samples From Officers.

Chicago, IL—According to Lodge 7 of The Fraternal Order of Police, the Chicago Police Department in an unprecedented move is urging officers to sign a consent form and submit to DNA sampling. Their intentions are anyone’s prognostication but the best guess is they will put the identifiers into the giant criminal DNA database called CODIS.

We can only guess what privacy invasion mischief the department will engage in with this information. The officers will have to just accept the plan on blind faith. I, on the other hand subscribe to the saying, “In God we trust, all others we verify.”

Somehow I can see some goofy, merit selected, Chicago police bosses bringing in bed sheets or soiled underwear to crime labs in order to determine who their significant others were sleeping with.

If the Chicago Police Department is allowed to pull this off in America this won’t be a good place for anyone to live. This is worse than even George Orwell envisioned.

Will The Godfinger Murder Suspect Be Released On Bail?

Los Angeles, CA—James Michael Fayed, 45 is still in the Metropolitan Detention Center being held on a single low grade felony charge for operating his gold trading company without a license. In most cases like Fayed’s, a relatively low bond would or a simple promise to appear in future court proceedings would bring about a defendant’s release.

Fayed’s case is anything but ordinary. Fayed’s estranged wife, Pamela Fayed, 44 was hacked, slashed and stabbed to death in a Century City Parking structure late last July. The killer used a getaway vehicle rented with James Fayed’s credit card.

It became clear that the Fayeds were involved in a high stakes, nasty divorce and that Pamela had agreed to join forces with the Justice Department in an investigation into James Fayed’s business practices.

Federal prosecutors successfully argued that because of the LAPD’s ongoing murder case that Fayed is a flight risk with access to substantial funds to finance his potential getaway.

The problem is the LAPD murder investigation has stalled, a person of interest, Anthony Fayed, 52 who was already a fugitive has been out of reach to the homicide investigators.

Statistically this murder investigation is unlikely to result in and Indictment with each passing day. However as long as Fayed is behind bars there is no rush to seek an Indictment for murder charges.

Without murder charges somewhere on the horizon Fayed must be allowed to obtain release on bail. This wrangling over the pre-trial release will certainly end over the next 45 or 60 days. Right now it’s anyone’s guess just how this will play out.

There is of course a likely “wild card” and that would be a second federal Indictment brought for other crimes now under investigation. Crimes such as fraud, racketeering and money laundering could result in charges that would justify a much steeper bail amount, but bail none the less.

I have reviewed the very latest documents filed in this case and have seen nothing new worth posting. The next shoe to fall will either be a new federal Indictment, a state murder Indictment or the release of James Fayed on bail.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Author Faces Prison On Bogus Gun Possession Charges

Plymouth, MA—67 year-old prolific author, Peter Manso is under a felony indictment in Massachusetts. This all happened while Manso was away and police responding to a burglar alarm call discovered he had a banned rifle and some “large capacity” ammunition magazines.

Manso was also charged because his gun owner’s card that was issued for life expired under a new state law. There are some side issues involving the legality of the search of Manso’s home by police.

One thing is clear, Manso is no criminal nor is he a threat to anyone. This boils down to a simple question. Was Manso simply engaging in his Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms?

With the recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on Heller vs. D.C. the answer is clear on its face. These state laws are in serious conflict with the Second Amendment according to Heller. Prosecutors on the other hand want to ignore Heller and simply violate Manso’s civil rights.

My first thoughts are that Manso should seek an emergency injunction from the United States District Court against this obvious civil rights matter. Of course that’s one for Manso’s lawyers to decide.

Perhaps someday soon we will enjoy an America where gun laws only apply to violent criminals rather than model senior citizens. Manso now faces up to ten years in the Gulag for these so-called “transgressions”.

Read more about this outrage here.

The Inside Scoop Of McCain’s VP Choice

I know you’re all wondering how it came about. I have the “exclusive" video of just how this went down!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Why The McCain-Palin Ticket will Win

I was going to sit out this election because I could not hold my nose long enough to vote for the too Liberal John McCain. That all changed with the addition of Sarah Palin to the ticket for me and millions of conservatives. For the record, real conservatives have never been fond of either president named Bush.

Obama’s Problems:

1. American Jews rightfully don’t trust or like Obama.
2. Too many Hillary Clinton supporters have bailed from Obama’s campaign.
3. For a change, real conservatives will find their way to the polling places this election with zeal.
4. Obama can never win without those Americans he hates because they, as he says, “cling to their religion and guns.”
5. Michele Obama presented herself as an anti-American racist.
6. People are learning more everyday about Obama’s personal corruption inside Illinois Democratic politics.
7. Americans want real change, not lip service and empty promises.
8. Simple anti-Black bigotry will bring usually agnostic Democratic voters to the polls to vote against Obama.
9. The pro-Left media giants have lost their propaganda powers to the free speech on the Internet just like their audience and readers.
10. Barack Obama is uniquely unqualified to be President.

Obama can’t overcome these issues that will only be more evident as the election draws near. This race won’t even be close.

Congressional Incest and Inbreeding Makes For Horrible Presidential Candidates!

The Congress of the United States has its lowest approval rating ever. If you mention the simple word Congress it makes any American frown. We really hate this group of collective whores.

Becoming a congressman was never intended to be a career. It was for Americans who live and work in our economy to spend a few years serving their fellow Americans and return their district and the economy they were sent to protect. That has all changed for the worse.

Being a member of Congress is a dull job of staffing committees and hearing endless testimony from people supporting or working against various laws and handouts to special interest groups. Most of our politicians don’t arrive in Washington D.C as millionaires but nearly all of them leave very wealthy.

Sitting in congressional committee hearings does not prepare anyone for being Commander and Chief of our armed forces or President. The position does expose these legislative types to foreign aid and issues of international relations but you can get this experience in many other ways including universities. Being a member of congress brings members every level and kind of corruption and evil influence possible. Lobbyists from every kind of business and foreign governments are there to grease palms and sway loyalties away from an American ideal.

Congress is the last place we should go looking for Presidential Candidates. The constant inbreeding brings the worst of the political genes to our political conventions. This is the reason why our presidents can barely scrape a tiny majority of the relatively few Americans that bother to vote anymore.

Governor Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh Alaska air in comparison to what we’ve installed in our Whitehouse in many decades. The lobbyists don’t own her or her family. Palin’s agenda seems to support what and why America exists. I have all the faith in her should she have to take over filling her Vice-Presidential role that she is smart enough and honest enough for the job.

Palin knows how to delegate responsibilities and rely on others for special experience. I don’t think this lady will simply wait for a crisis before Palin has hands on knowledge and skills for the ultimate role as the most powerful world’s leader.

Gun Control From Another Perspective, The Criminals

Here are two short films that talk about the evil s of the private possession and carrying of guns by ordinary people.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Gunman Opens Fire at UCLA Campus

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—It was 11:30 PM Friday when a heavily armed homeless man pulled out a pistol and fired it at a traffic signal and concrete wall. This happened on a deserted corner of Le Conte and Broxton Avenues.

Gene Carlton Bush, 52, is a well know local guy who was recognized for his art-work. His friends call him “Dutch”. At least one local restaurant, The Habibi Cafe utilized his services to decorate the popular eatery. Bush was apparently living in his van with his gun collection. Bush has no known criminal record. Nobody can guess just what crisis prompted his behavior.

For whatever reason, Bush fired a few shots in what can only be described as a non-threatening manner to get police attention. Was Bush trying to commit, “Suicide By Cop?” Soon the UCLA police responded and using minimal force and a Taser they subdued him. Reportedly Bush has been making anti-government statements. I suspect he was only parroting words heard at the recent Democratic National Convention.

A subsequent search of Bush's White Ford van revealed 10,000 rounds of ammunition and writings police suggest is a manifesto of sorts called, “The Secret”. Okay he writes! Maybe he was trying to pull off a Hollywood publicity stunt to sell his writings.

Bush could have gone on a deadly rampage at one of the restaurants nearby or the always crowded Starbucks coffee house. Instead Bush used a quiet corner for this drama.

I spoke with Saad Fathi, the owner of The Habibi Café who has known Bush for several years. “Dutch was reliable, honest, friendly and has never shown anger or violence” said Fathi, "He was able to replicate the difficult Arabic script on Fathi's walls and he painted the catering trucks too."

I asked Fathi if he had enough faith in Bush to post his bail. “I’d bail him out in a minute if he asked me” Fathi responded.

In any event I suspect the local media will make a big deal out of this incident where nobody was hurt or really threatened. Bush needs little time out way from his guns, not a jail cell. We can only hope Bush gets whatever help he needs and deserves.

As for the UCLA cops I must commend them for professionalism because they were able to bring a peaceful end to Bush’s emotional crisis. Bravo, UCLA PD.

Undecided About Obama and His Platform?

The best part of video sharing power provided by YouTube and other sites allow you to reveal the words of double-talkers like Barak Obama/

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Politics of Hurricanes

New Orleans--It was three years ago when Katrina hit Hew Orleans. The Federal Government sent billions to local Democratic politicians and their chosen contractors who quick squandered or stole the money.

At first officials locked up their poor in the Superdome and convention center. The wanton vandalism to these structures by the inhabitants exceeded anything the hurricane could do.

New Orleans soon sent their refugees to cities like Houston where they were put up indefinitely in profitable and clean hotels on government funds. Before it was over these hotels were destroyed through intentional vandalism and theft.

The crime rates of those hosting cities went off the charts as a result of the Katrina refugee’s savage behavior and the bodies were stacked high from the murders.

Here we go again, thousands of Gustav refugees are arriving in the same cities as we speak.

The only advice I’d offer is for the host citiies population's it to keep their guns handy, they’ll certainly need them.

Mayor Ray Nagin gave a giant green light to his criminals when he had his police and those from other states disarm and leave law-abiding citizens defenseless.

If New Orleans is destroyed again I say let it stay that way. Nagin and his bunch don’t need another opportunity to raid the treasury.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Brings Youth, Beauty and Excitement to this Dull Presidential Race

Dayton, OH--My expectations were not very high for McCain’s choice of a running mate. I fully expected a boring, pretend Republican, white-bread male to be named for the number two spot.

McCain got the message that his liberalism was a liability and looked for and found someone with the right stuff, Alska's govenor Sarah Palin.

Palin has a strong history of supporting gun rights, fiscal conservatism and the right to life. She sounds too over-qualified to be one of today’s Republicans.

Palin has never been corrupted inside the Congeressional cesspool and brings no baggage with her.

She clearly understands the challanges and needs of today's middle class American families.

Palin’s own son along with John McCain’s are in harm’s way defending and protecting in our nation’s military. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have zero investment in our armed forces.

The Republican ticket just got a giant shot of Geritol. For you younger folks, Geritol was a special medicinal tonic that promised our parents they could stay young and attractive. I don’t think that product really delivered but Sarah Palin seems to be the right medicine for this presidential ticket.

One thing I noticed and liked about Palin was she came out in a skirt instead of the usual Democratic dykewear pants suit.

Now I support the Republican Presidential ticket.

Robot Photo Traffic Foe Arrested In Arizona

Scottsdale, AZ—I hate this bogus enforcement that involves government contractors netting speeders and red light runner’s cash into government treasuries. The purpose of robot cameras is not accident reduction or public safety but to generate revenue.

If you protest too loud you may get the treatment that Jason Shelton, 35 received in Scottsdale. That came with a criminal record he will carry for the rest of his life even if he’s acquitted of charges.

It’s a crime to annoy government robot photo contractors as they fleece motorists on our streets. Check this video out of a robot camera protest in action.

Here is a site dedicated to bringing down robot cameras.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Day At A Time Star Busted At LAX BY The TSA

Los Angeles—Former child star Mackenzie Phillips of One Day at a Time was arrested today at the Los Angeles International Airport. This after the TSA weenies found balloons and baggies that contained suspected heroin and cocaine in her carryon baggage.

The TSA called the LAX police who made the arrest at Terminal 4 this morning. I’d argue that Phillips has the right not to be searched for more than weapons or explosives but today’s courts just don’t care about American's rights under the Fourth Amendment.

As for Phillips, She has been a drug addict for at least three decades and destroyed what may have been an otherwise great life. It’s her life to destroy and all the drug laws in the world did not prevent her from her self-imposed slow suicide.

Phillips stands as an example of our failed drug laws. There is absolutely no benefit to prosecuting her for society. Her use and possession of those drugs is nothing more than vile self-abuse that will continue until she dies.

How much money will we waste putting this wretch through the criminal justice system and how will this be a better world as a result?

How about simple treatment for those drug addicts that want it? Forced treatment almost never works.

Criminal Cases Being Dismissed Because Of Judge Shortage-- A sign of Things To Come?

Riverside, CA—Just this month 25 criminal cases were dismissed because of a shortage of judges. Constitutional rights to a speedy trial of these accused people prevented the cases from being continued until more judges were available. Last month 22 alleged criminals were freed.

The real problem is we have too many petty victimless laws on the books. We have more people per capita incarcerated in our country than any other nation on earth. We need to concentrate on crimes that are dangerous or thefts instead of sins like, gambling and prostitution crimes. California has many more confusing, highly technical and unneeded gun laws on the books than any other state in the union. Those laws do nothing for public safety and just clog the courts with hapless gun owners, hookers and gamblers rather than real criminals.

Riverside Court does not need more Judges, just less laws. Taxpayers deserve a break.

The Campaign Ad Obama Does Not want you to See.

Chicago, IL—Presidential candidate Barack Obama and his lawyers are desperately trying to block this campaign ad from any public showing. They are threatening advertisers and TV stations across the country that have run this spot. The problem is that the content is true. Obama's heroes are radical Leftists and racists.

Obama’s legal team can’t call the truth libel so they are seeking to call the ad and its dissemination a violation of campaign financing laws. That’s beyond weak. Obama should stand up and be proud of his core values and beliefs instead of hiding them.