Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Gun Control From Another Perspective, The Criminals

Here are two short films that talk about the evil s of the private possession and carrying of guns by ordinary people.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Gunman Opens Fire at UCLA Campus

Westwood Village, Los Angeles, CA—It was 11:30 PM Friday when a heavily armed homeless man pulled out a pistol and fired it at a traffic signal and concrete wall. This happened on a deserted corner of Le Conte and Broxton Avenues.

Gene Carlton Bush, 52, is a well know local guy who was recognized for his art-work. His friends call him “Dutch”. At least one local restaurant, The Habibi Cafe utilized his services to decorate the popular eatery. Bush was apparently living in his van with his gun collection. Bush has no known criminal record. Nobody can guess just what crisis prompted his behavior.

For whatever reason, Bush fired a few shots in what can only be described as a non-threatening manner to get police attention. Was Bush trying to commit, “Suicide By Cop?” Soon the UCLA police responded and using minimal force and a Taser they subdued him. Reportedly Bush has been making anti-government statements. I suspect he was only parroting words heard at the recent Democratic National Convention.

A subsequent search of Bush's White Ford van revealed 10,000 rounds of ammunition and writings police suggest is a manifesto of sorts called, “The Secret”. Okay he writes! Maybe he was trying to pull off a Hollywood publicity stunt to sell his writings.

Bush could have gone on a deadly rampage at one of the restaurants nearby or the always crowded Starbucks coffee house. Instead Bush used a quiet corner for this drama.

I spoke with Saad Fathi, the owner of The Habibi CafĂ© who has known Bush for several years. “Dutch was reliable, honest, friendly and has never shown anger or violence” said Fathi, "He was able to replicate the difficult Arabic script on Fathi's walls and he painted the catering trucks too."

I asked Fathi if he had enough faith in Bush to post his bail. “I’d bail him out in a minute if he asked me” Fathi responded.

In any event I suspect the local media will make a big deal out of this incident where nobody was hurt or really threatened. Bush needs little time out way from his guns, not a jail cell. We can only hope Bush gets whatever help he needs and deserves.

As for the UCLA cops I must commend them for professionalism because they were able to bring a peaceful end to Bush’s emotional crisis. Bravo, UCLA PD.

Undecided About Obama and His Platform?

The best part of video sharing power provided by YouTube and other sites allow you to reveal the words of double-talkers like Barak Obama/

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Politics of Hurricanes

New Orleans--It was three years ago when Katrina hit Hew Orleans. The Federal Government sent billions to local Democratic politicians and their chosen contractors who quick squandered or stole the money.

At first officials locked up their poor in the Superdome and convention center. The wanton vandalism to these structures by the inhabitants exceeded anything the hurricane could do.

New Orleans soon sent their refugees to cities like Houston where they were put up indefinitely in profitable and clean hotels on government funds. Before it was over these hotels were destroyed through intentional vandalism and theft.

The crime rates of those hosting cities went off the charts as a result of the Katrina refugee’s savage behavior and the bodies were stacked high from the murders.

Here we go again, thousands of Gustav refugees are arriving in the same cities as we speak.

The only advice I’d offer is for the host citiies population's it to keep their guns handy, they’ll certainly need them.

Mayor Ray Nagin gave a giant green light to his criminals when he had his police and those from other states disarm and leave law-abiding citizens defenseless.

If New Orleans is destroyed again I say let it stay that way. Nagin and his bunch don’t need another opportunity to raid the treasury.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin Brings Youth, Beauty and Excitement to this Dull Presidential Race

Dayton, OH--My expectations were not very high for McCain’s choice of a running mate. I fully expected a boring, pretend Republican, white-bread male to be named for the number two spot.

McCain got the message that his liberalism was a liability and looked for and found someone with the right stuff, Alska's govenor Sarah Palin.

Palin has a strong history of supporting gun rights, fiscal conservatism and the right to life. She sounds too over-qualified to be one of today’s Republicans.

Palin has never been corrupted inside the Congeressional cesspool and brings no baggage with her.

She clearly understands the challanges and needs of today's middle class American families.

Palin’s own son along with John McCain’s are in harm’s way defending and protecting in our nation’s military. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have zero investment in our armed forces.

The Republican ticket just got a giant shot of Geritol. For you younger folks, Geritol was a special medicinal tonic that promised our parents they could stay young and attractive. I don’t think that product really delivered but Sarah Palin seems to be the right medicine for this presidential ticket.

One thing I noticed and liked about Palin was she came out in a skirt instead of the usual Democratic dykewear pants suit.

Now I support the Republican Presidential ticket.

Robot Photo Traffic Foe Arrested In Arizona

Scottsdale, AZ—I hate this bogus enforcement that involves government contractors netting speeders and red light runner’s cash into government treasuries. The purpose of robot cameras is not accident reduction or public safety but to generate revenue.

If you protest too loud you may get the treatment that Jason Shelton, 35 received in Scottsdale. That came with a criminal record he will carry for the rest of his life even if he’s acquitted of charges.

It’s a crime to annoy government robot photo contractors as they fleece motorists on our streets. Check this video out of a robot camera protest in action.

Here is a site dedicated to bringing down robot cameras.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

One Day At A Time Star Busted At LAX BY The TSA

Los Angeles—Former child star Mackenzie Phillips of One Day at a Time was arrested today at the Los Angeles International Airport. This after the TSA weenies found balloons and baggies that contained suspected heroin and cocaine in her carryon baggage.

The TSA called the LAX police who made the arrest at Terminal 4 this morning. I’d argue that Phillips has the right not to be searched for more than weapons or explosives but today’s courts just don’t care about American's rights under the Fourth Amendment.

As for Phillips, She has been a drug addict for at least three decades and destroyed what may have been an otherwise great life. It’s her life to destroy and all the drug laws in the world did not prevent her from her self-imposed slow suicide.

Phillips stands as an example of our failed drug laws. There is absolutely no benefit to prosecuting her for society. Her use and possession of those drugs is nothing more than vile self-abuse that will continue until she dies.

How much money will we waste putting this wretch through the criminal justice system and how will this be a better world as a result?

How about simple treatment for those drug addicts that want it? Forced treatment almost never works.

Criminal Cases Being Dismissed Because Of Judge Shortage-- A sign of Things To Come?

Riverside, CA—Just this month 25 criminal cases were dismissed because of a shortage of judges. Constitutional rights to a speedy trial of these accused people prevented the cases from being continued until more judges were available. Last month 22 alleged criminals were freed.

The real problem is we have too many petty victimless laws on the books. We have more people per capita incarcerated in our country than any other nation on earth. We need to concentrate on crimes that are dangerous or thefts instead of sins like, gambling and prostitution crimes. California has many more confusing, highly technical and unneeded gun laws on the books than any other state in the union. Those laws do nothing for public safety and just clog the courts with hapless gun owners, hookers and gamblers rather than real criminals.

Riverside Court does not need more Judges, just less laws. Taxpayers deserve a break.

The Campaign Ad Obama Does Not want you to See.

Chicago, IL—Presidential candidate Barack Obama and his lawyers are desperately trying to block this campaign ad from any public showing. They are threatening advertisers and TV stations across the country that have run this spot. The problem is that the content is true. Obama's heroes are radical Leftists and racists.

Obama’s legal team can’t call the truth libel so they are seeking to call the ad and its dissemination a violation of campaign financing laws. That’s beyond weak. Obama should stand up and be proud of his core values and beliefs instead of hiding them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goldfinger Murder Suspect Seeks To Be Sprung From Custody.

Los Angeles—Friday, August 29, 2008 there will be a federal court status conference on the pending charge against James Michael Fayed for operating his business without a license.

Federal prosecutors said that Fayed was operating a Ponzi scheme and that the LAPD believes he orchestrated the horrible slashing and stabbing murder of his wife, Pamela Fayed in a Century City parking garage last month.

Fayed’s attorney Mark Werksman has filed notices of appeal to challenge the rulings made so far in the case. The primary issue now is the custody status of Fayed who is currently being held without bond.

Werksman has filed a new motion to get Fayed released on a bail amount similar to what’s expected for a low-grade federal felony. I can’t predict the outcome of the motion but I suspect that a new federal indictment is in the works for additional charges and of course there is that strong possibility that the currently stalled LAPD murder investigation may yet yield state charges against Fayed.

As long as Fayed is being held without bail there is no urgency for prosecutors to file any new charges.

Here’s a copy of Mark Werksman’s latest 51 page motion:
Read this document on Scribd: Fayed motion for release

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wyoming Hunter Arrested At A Denver Hotel Over Cased Rifle

Denver, CO--I don’t give a rat’s ass that Democratic Party politicians are in town for their convention. American’s lives and rights should take prescience over politics.

It’s not so in Denver when a Wyoming businessman and hunter checked into The Grand Hyatt hotel with two rifles and two handguns in luggage he brought to town for some gunsmith work for a hunting trip.

Joseph Calanchini was arrested and the hotel was evacuated by candy-assded Denver police.

Calanchini told police he was in Denver on business and that he brought the guns to be repaired at a local gun shop for an upcoming hunting safari trip in Limpopo Basin, South Africa on August 28.

He told police that he had just picked up his rifles from the Sportsman's Warehouse and had them in a locked gun case when he checked in at the Grand Hyatt. The clerk checking him in noticed the rifle case and called security.

Calanchini, who sells drilling tools across Colorado and Wyoming, says he is a frequent guest at the Grand Hyatt.

This seems on its face to be a clear and direct violation of Calanchini’s civil rights. I hope that the City of Denver pays for their outrageous action in a federal civil court soon.

Calanchini is being held on $10,000.00 bail for a court appearance for carrying a concealed weapon.

Perhaps too many of America’s politicians are not afraid enough of the population or outrages like this would not happen.

On another note:

Imagine the panic that this legal .50 cal equiped Hummer owned by Machinegun Tours of Denver would bring to those cowardly gun-hating Liberals if it came anywhere near the DNC.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It’s Time For Some Entertainment On Crimefile!

I’ve been a fan of Crystal Gayle for 30 years. I first saw her in person at a front table in Dale Niedermaier’s, Park West Theater in Chicago in early October of 1979. (Thanks Dale!)

She was as good as it could get for me. Then one Saturday morning I met this great lady in the Phoenix, Arizona, KTVK-TV newsroom in early 1998. I spent about 20 minutes chatting with her trying to keep my composure. I’m sure this old investigator came off sounding like a nervous Porky Pig. I told her my very favorite song she ever sang was Someday Soon.

When Crysral left I held the car door for her and her sister, Peggy. I watched her as she took her really long hair and carefully wrapped it around her hand so it would not get caught on anything as she got in the car.

The songbird also gave me two tickets to see her at the ASU Sundome in Sun City. The second song in her show that night was Someday Soon. She rocked. I saw her afterwards and got to thank her and got a hug. What a gal!

Here is a clip of her from 1979 singing Someday Soon.!

Our Technology Deprived Courts Are Wasting Billions

Los Angeles, CA.-- Have you hired a lawyer recently? Do have a divorce, civil or criminal matter pending in the courts? How much is your lawyer charging you an hour? Did you know a serious portion of your legal fees are to pay your lawyer for simply sitting in big city traffic gridlock?

Judges and bureaucrats gave us “neighborhood” courts claiming it’s for the convenience of the community. Most Americans manage to stay out of the courts and just don’t need that kind of convenience. The truth is this was more about judges and bureaucrats who don’t like to commute and politically corrupt land deals than convenience.

Sound city planning would dictate that land is bought where it’s the cheapest and courthouse and jail structures be built there in one location. Offices for prosecutors, public defenders and all the additional court support can all do their job in a large super-courthouse. Lots of parking is needed so cheap land is necessary. As new buildings are needed, the parking lots can be moved for new court structures for growing cities.

You don’t want your local sheriff transporting dangerous prisoners throughout your city but neighborhood courts mandates that risk. That’s exactly what we have and that cost every large city untold wasted millions of tax dollars.

Neighborhood courts can easily double you legal fees. I don’t think your lawyer pays his or her own hefty fees to park his or her car in prime real estate for your legal matters either.

Every day in America our courts hold thousands of hearings without witness testimony or a jury. Motions are argued and for the most part law requires thas be done in open court where the public can observe.

Technology is cheap and easy enough to keep the lawyers out of their cars saving millions of barrels of oil. The courts and lawyers have to be forced into Internet teleconferencing for every action where witnesses are not giving testimony or juries are not present. As for public observation that can be done in the courtrooms and Internet.

I know lawyers in Los Angeles and Chicago that spend up to seven hours a day going from court to court. That includes the tax funded ones we pay to staff the offices of Attorney General, District Attorney and Public Defender.

In time as connections and quality improves we could perhaps move on to virtual courtrooms where witnesses can testify from anywhere.

I’m sure that taxpayers and litigants would forgo their own inconvenience difficulties anyday in order to save thousands of dollars on their lawyer's transportation needs.

We have to get stated somewhere and we can’t do this soon enough.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

What Else Does Mike Kurdenok know about Stacy Peterson?

Coal City, IL—Just before Stacy Peterson disappeared according to what Mike Kurdenok, 38 told police is that he had drinks with Stacy Peterson one night after school. He claimed that Stacy wanted to slip away before her husband; Drew Peterson woke up in the morning. It seems that’s precisely what she may have done.

The fact that Kurdenok was out socializing with a married woman is not so unusual until the married woman disappears. Then it paints a very troubling picture. Kurdenok also told police that he gave Stacy advice so she could avoid being found. Coincidences like that make wonderful circumstantial evidence for criminal trials.

Another part of Kurdenok's story that troubles me is that there was never once a mention of Stacy's children. I would hope any woman planning to run away from her husband would show some concern for her own small children.

Any police investigator worth his salt would have asked Kurdenok for permission to search his cars along with that Bayliner boat that he owns. Looking for blood and other trace evidence would have answered lots of important questions.

I’d certainly have visited the neighbors at Kurdenok’s house located at 410 4th Ave in Coal City IL and asked them if they ever saw Stacy Peterson before or after she was reported missing.

Either Kurdenok is telling the truth or not. The way to find out is to begin by asking him to take a polygraph examination. If Kurdenok is telling the truth Stacy Peterson made it clear she was going to run away and hide. If Kurdenok is lying he just became a suspect in a very big way.

Another disturbing fact is that Kurdenok claims that Stacy Peterson never mentions her children in her run away plans. I find that beyond incredible.

I have said it before and I will repeat this now, Peterson like most cops was a lousy husband. But there is no evidence of crime or violence in his history. Peterson has taken the job and responsibility of protecting the town he lived in for three decades and that must have earned him some trust along the way.

I Called Kurdenok myself at his home telephone number. I told him I was a private investigator working on this case and he quickly slammed the phone on me.

Why were Kurdenok and his story not worth minimal investigative efforts by the Illinois State Police?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BREAKING NEWS Drew Peterson Search Warrant Shows New Evidence That Stacy Peterson Planned to hide out!

***Exclusive***Bolingbrook, IL--Within a few days of the disappearance of Stacy Peterson police located a male subject who claimed that Stacy Peterson told him on October 27, 2007 that she planned to hide From her husband Drew Peterson.

The search warrant was turned over just today to Peterson’s lawyer Joel Brodsky in discovery material. The name was redacted by Joel Brodsky until such time as he can interview this witness. This excerpt was found on page 10 of the 12 page affidavit.

The big question I have is why was this kept secret for nearly a year? This seems to suggest that Stacy Peterson may well be alive somewhere.

There are two ways to look at this statement that was made long before this became a high profile story. The story must be true and Stacy wanted to disappear. Or the witness made this up and then we have to determine a motive for telling such a lie to police. Is this witness a new suspect? There are many more questions than answers here.

The excerpt of the search warrant is right here:

Read this document on Scribd: Exerpt Search Warrant[1]

Goldfinger Murder Suspect Demands Return of Some Seized Assets From The Government

Los Angeles--The government seized considerable assets from murder suspect, James Fayed in connection with his Indictment for operating without a license. Those assets are considered by prosecutors as ill-gotten gains and also evidence of the crime for which Fayed is charged.

As always, defense lawyers in similar cases try to get either a portion or all of the assets returned to their client. Often those assets contain the defense attorney’s only hope of being paid to defend their clients.

So what may be a very protracted fight has begun with a motion to regain money claimed to be needed for the defense to protect potential defense evidence.

Additionally there is a list of subpoena witnesses and a proposed court order to release funds that has yet to be signed.

Prosecutors will have to respond and undertake a serious fight to keep all assets locked up. I fully expect the prosecutor’s argue that the money belongs to investors who were hoodwinked into Fayed’s unlicensed and illegal Ponzi scheme.

For investors of Fayed’s companies it’s important that those assets are protected so they can be returned to these innocent victims at some point.
Prosecutors will be responding to the motion in short order. That response is expected to shed more light on Fayed’s business practices.

In the meantime the LAPD investigation into the stabbing and slashing to death of Pamela Fayed still appears to be stalled. Police have been still unable to locate Anthony Fayed who is wanted on unrelated felony arrest warrants.

Here are the latest documents filed
Read this document on Scribd: Mayed money motion

Updated! Click here for the very latest information on this investigation

Monday, August 18, 2008

Suspect Arrested In Savage Murder of Chicago Cop And Friend

Chicago--It was a reprehensible crime committed against off duty Bomb & Arson detective Robert Soto and his friend Kathryn Romberg, a supervisor for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. They were sitting in Soto’s SUV when they were selected by a thug for a robbery, double murder.

The crime happened outside Romberg’s apartment building located in the 3000 block of West Franklin Blvd.

Soto was able to use his cell phone to call for help and alert police to the crime and offenders before he died from his wounds.

Ex-convict, Jason Austin, 26, of the 500 block of North Le Claire has been charged with first-degree murder and armed robbery, Police Supt. Jody Weis announced at a news conference on Monday. Austin has five prior convictions, including drug possession and battery.

Here is a video report from CLTV:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Obama’s Plans For The Defense Of America As President…

With that Little Russian pig,Vladimir Putin terrorizing and murdering our allies in Georgia, here’s Barack Obama’s own words. Is this empty suit ready for Prime Time?

Goldfinger Murder Suspect To Be Arraigned In Federal Court On Monday

Los Angeles—James Fayed is suspected of having his own wife, Pamela Fayed murdered during an acrimonious divorce. Pamela Fayed was assisting the FBI who was investigating Fayed’s gold trading, Ponzi scheme businesses. That was until she was horrifically stabbed and slashed to death in a Century City parking structure.

Monday, Aug 18, Fayed is expected to enter a formal plea to the Indictment charging him with operating without a required license. This is also the time that a trial judge will be assigned and a schedule of discovery matters will start. A pre-trial court date will be given and an actual trial date will be projected.

Soon we can expect to see a flurry of defense motions designed to get the indictment tossed.

Since Fayed is in custody, I doubt that he will waive time under speedy trial rules and force the government to try him expeditiously. It’s too early to tell exactly what defenses may be raised. However, I have my own expectations.

I would not be surprised to see the defense claim that Fayed relied on his murdered wife to obtain the necessary licensing from the State of California and that he reasonably believed she got the license. Of course I suspect that will be followed with a claim that his wife did not get the license and then falsely informed the FBI that James Fayed had no intention of getting the license.

As for the LAPD murder investigation, it is still stalled because they have been unable to locate and interview Anthony Fayed, the older brother of James Fayed who is being sought on unrelated felony warrants.

Update 8/18: U.S. Magistrate Charles Eick ordered James Michael Fayed, 45, back to court on Sept. 15 for a status conference.

Updated! Click here for the very latest information on this investigation

Here are some more documents I have obtained from the District Court. Included is a Notice of appearance by another attorney for Fayed, Mark Hathaway.
Read this document on Scribd: Fayed documents1 aug 16

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The KTLA-TV News War On Aging Continues

Los Angeles—Every TV or print news organization in America is fighting for survival as the readers and audience has evaporated. The only viewers or readers left are those older folks who have steadfastly shunned computers and the Internet.

What’s interesting here is the once desired demographics of people between 18 and 35 have fled from TV news for good. These are the people that spend money to buy the products advertisers want to sell.

Today the demographics watching have shifted to the oldsters. Today’s advertisers have shifted too, selling prescription drugs, reverse mortgages, denture adhesives and of course Viagra.

Many older TV news viewers feel threatened as they watch the older trusted reporters and anchors disappearing from their positions. The push is on to hire youth in a desperate attempt to save money and lure younger viewers back to television. Along with the shift to youth they are short-staffing newsrooms everywhere. Soon they will lose the only viewers they had.

The quality of local and national news delivery has been dropping like a rock. The journeymen have been replaced by green news apprentices barely over their interning days. The blind are leading the blind and it’s a formula for suicide.

I can’t imagine a new positive direction for poorly paid and inexperienced reporters and producers try to fill the shoes of those they replaced

KTLA-TV is at the battlefront of the war on aging as new ownership and management has handed out pink slips to anyone deemed too mature. Last month they axed reporters Willa Sandmeyer, Walter Richards, Bill Smith and Janet Choi, along with news manager Gerry Ruben, long-time Executive Producer Joe Russin, Executive Editor of Planning, John Hensley, Morning News Executive Producer.

Today I learned Marta Waller’s contract won’t be renewed when it expires in October. Waller has given 24 great years to KTLA’s viewers. Waller is an attractive woman with a great broadcast voice and needed credibility. Waller has been an anchor, medical reporters and covered important criminal trials. Just what was Waller’s crime? Waller aged into the station’s current viewer demographics.

I guess KTLA’s new owner has no fear of age discrimination lawsuits. I suspect they’re about to suffer an avalanche of litigation as they have eliminated every producer or reporter they could over 45 years of age. Whatever KTLA will save on salaries will defiantly be paid out in legal fees defending against age bias claims.