Chicago—Not since the day the late, former Alabama Governor, George Wallace personally blocked the doors of the University of Alabama has an elected official so outrageously violated people’s civil rights. Wallace used his own body to prevent two young African-American students, Vivian Malone and James Hood from enrolling in that tax supported school. Today Mayor Richard M. Daley has placed himself above the law of the land in his continued effort to support the genocide going on in the Windy City.
Chicago’s little mayor has vowed to ignore the ruling of the nation’s highest court and continue causing the arrest of law-abiding Chicagoans who lawfully possess handguns in their homes for needed self-defense.
In order to fight this Mayor Daley will award millions of dollars of taxpayer money to outside lawyers to fight off the litigation that began yesterday. We all know the law firms receiving the cash know how to generate giant kickbacks in the form of campaign contribution to keep the ethically challenged mayor in office.
Call Mayor Daley at 312- 744-3300 and tell him not to waste your hard earned tax money on a fight he cannot win. Tell Daley that he is violating his oath of office and the civil rights of the people of Chicago. Tell Mayor Daley to stop the genocide in Chicago’s ghettos by allowing the law-abiding African-Americans the human and now well-defined civil right to self-defense.
Watch the outlaw mayor rant and rave right here.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Time is Right For Nationwide Concealed Carry
Gun rights advocates like me have long taken the position that any law regulating, registering or the carrying of firearms is unconstitutional. We were waiting many decades for an answer from the Supreme Court.
We got an answer today. In a narrow 5-4 spread we got an almost absolute right to keep common guns in our homes. Today we have a right to keep, but not bear arms. We wanted better, but could have gotten the status quo or something much worse. I don’t expect another gun ruling from the Supreme Court in my lifetime.
Our only avenue for improvement is a political one. We can let out politicians know where we stand and demand even more freedom and protection from criminals. In 1994 after Congress passed the now expired assault weapons ban we taught many of them a lesson they will not soon forget. We were able to turn out many long career gun-rights hating politicians.
With this ruling and a new attitude we can end many registrations schemes that all convicted felons have been exempted by two earlier Supreme Court opinions. We can get nationwide concealed carry with just a little more effort.
The Liberal dream of sending cops into homes confiscating firearms is dead but for a government overthrow or successful invasion from another nation or group of nations.
African –Americans are complaining about Genocide that’s going on in Darfur while they ignore the same slaughter in their own neighborhood. In Chicago’s ghetto roving bands of heavily armed thugs, rob rape, extort and murder unarmed peaceable people. The story is the same in both places. The unarmed die and the armed have a fighting chance to live.
American gun control is as racist today as it was when the Supreme Court went the wrong way with Dread Scott because they were afraid newly freed slaves would have gun rights under the Second Amendment.
Many of us are safe in our homes but we are no so safe on public streets. Americans need to bear arms not just keep them.
Join the NRA and or your state rifle organization. The Second Amendment Foundation and the Jews for the Preservation for Firearms Ownership also do good work for us. For Gay gun owners there’s even the Pink Pistols.
Belong to one of these outfits and press on for the right of every law-abiding American to have nationwide access to concealed carry.
We got an answer today. In a narrow 5-4 spread we got an almost absolute right to keep common guns in our homes. Today we have a right to keep, but not bear arms. We wanted better, but could have gotten the status quo or something much worse. I don’t expect another gun ruling from the Supreme Court in my lifetime.
Our only avenue for improvement is a political one. We can let out politicians know where we stand and demand even more freedom and protection from criminals. In 1994 after Congress passed the now expired assault weapons ban we taught many of them a lesson they will not soon forget. We were able to turn out many long career gun-rights hating politicians.
With this ruling and a new attitude we can end many registrations schemes that all convicted felons have been exempted by two earlier Supreme Court opinions. We can get nationwide concealed carry with just a little more effort.
The Liberal dream of sending cops into homes confiscating firearms is dead but for a government overthrow or successful invasion from another nation or group of nations.
African –Americans are complaining about Genocide that’s going on in Darfur while they ignore the same slaughter in their own neighborhood. In Chicago’s ghetto roving bands of heavily armed thugs, rob rape, extort and murder unarmed peaceable people. The story is the same in both places. The unarmed die and the armed have a fighting chance to live.
American gun control is as racist today as it was when the Supreme Court went the wrong way with Dread Scott because they were afraid newly freed slaves would have gun rights under the Second Amendment.
Many of us are safe in our homes but we are no so safe on public streets. Americans need to bear arms not just keep them.
Join the NRA and or your state rifle organization. The Second Amendment Foundation and the Jews for the Preservation for Firearms Ownership also do good work for us. For Gay gun owners there’s even the Pink Pistols.
Belong to one of these outfits and press on for the right of every law-abiding American to have nationwide access to concealed carry.
Dealing With A Gun Ban In Your Own City In Light Of The Heller Case.
Mayor Richard M. Daley has declared himself above the law of the land. He now insists in violating the oath he took to support, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States. Daley has become an outlaw.
In order to protect your rights should you be in possession of a banned handgun. Go at once with a witness to your local city hall (don’t bring your gun!) Ask and demand that they allow you to keep and register your gun or guns. Follow up with a registered and receipted letter demanding the same.
Should you be arrested after that for possession or failure to register you have proof that you tried to comply with registration laws but were refused.
No court will be able to convict anyone of mere possession of a handgun ever again. The practice that Chicago has of confiscation and destruction of your gun even if you’re found not guilty is also illegal.
Thanks to the kind folks at Galco Leather for the use of their Lady Liberty Image!
Watch Mayor Daley rant, rave and whine right here!
In order to protect your rights should you be in possession of a banned handgun. Go at once with a witness to your local city hall (don’t bring your gun!) Ask and demand that they allow you to keep and register your gun or guns. Follow up with a registered and receipted letter demanding the same.
Should you be arrested after that for possession or failure to register you have proof that you tried to comply with registration laws but were refused.
No court will be able to convict anyone of mere possession of a handgun ever again. The practice that Chicago has of confiscation and destruction of your gun even if you’re found not guilty is also illegal.
Thanks to the kind folks at Galco Leather for the use of their Lady Liberty Image!
Watch Mayor Daley rant, rave and whine right here!
Now That We Have Heller Will Daley Do The Right Thing?
The D.C. gun ban was the victim of a Supreme Court smackdown today. Will Mayor Daley do the right thing and quickly amend the gun prohibitions heading off millions of wasted dollars inviting unnecessary and expensive litigation?
The Court has spoken and D.C. vs. Heller is now the law of the land. Call Mayor Daley and ask him to not waste your money by trying to enforce laws that violate the civil rights of citizens.
Since the court held out gun ownership as a right charging a tax for that right is as invalid as a poll tax and those were outlawed decades ago.
As for Alderman Richard Mell who forgot to register his guns, he needs to know that the NRA needs Plaintiffs to sue Chicago for violating their civil rights to gun possession. He too has the right to keep his toys.
Daley vows to waste your moneny and you can read about that right here.
The Court has spoken and D.C. vs. Heller is now the law of the land. Call Mayor Daley and ask him to not waste your money by trying to enforce laws that violate the civil rights of citizens.
Since the court held out gun ownership as a right charging a tax for that right is as invalid as a poll tax and those were outlawed decades ago.
As for Alderman Richard Mell who forgot to register his guns, he needs to know that the NRA needs Plaintiffs to sue Chicago for violating their civil rights to gun possession. He too has the right to keep his toys.
Daley vows to waste your moneny and you can read about that right here.
Breaking News!--The U.S. Supreme Court’s Parting Shot In The Heller Case Was A Bull’s Eye!
Breaking News!--The U.S. Supreme Court’s Parting Shot In The Heller Case Was A Bull’s Eye!
Washington D.C. -- With a historic ruling this morning, the nation’s highest court shot down the 30 year-old District of Columbia handgun ban. Justice Scalia wrote the opinion. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg.
The decision is still being studied at this hour by legal scholars but it’s generally accepted that similar bans on guns in Illinois, New York, and possibly a few other jurisdictions have been voided by this morning’s high court’s ruling in District of Columbia vs. Heller.
The questions are does this new ruling affect other bans on so-called assault weapons? Can government charge fees for permits and registrations and require proficiency tests as a condition of keeping firearms.
One thing for sure this ruling is a severe setback to the gun control zealots of the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center. Their lawyers will be looking for new avenues to ban firearms. Only an overthrow of the government or a Constitutional Amendment will return gun bans to America. Go ahead all you gun- hating Bolsheviks, “Make my day!”
Heller is here!
Washington D.C. -- With a historic ruling this morning, the nation’s highest court shot down the 30 year-old District of Columbia handgun ban. Justice Scalia wrote the opinion. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg.
The decision is still being studied at this hour by legal scholars but it’s generally accepted that similar bans on guns in Illinois, New York, and possibly a few other jurisdictions have been voided by this morning’s high court’s ruling in District of Columbia vs. Heller.
The questions are does this new ruling affect other bans on so-called assault weapons? Can government charge fees for permits and registrations and require proficiency tests as a condition of keeping firearms.
One thing for sure this ruling is a severe setback to the gun control zealots of the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center. Their lawyers will be looking for new avenues to ban firearms. Only an overthrow of the government or a Constitutional Amendment will return gun bans to America. Go ahead all you gun- hating Bolsheviks, “Make my day!”
Heller is here!
Read this document on Scribd: 07Heller
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Second City Cop site disabled. --open post
I'm sorry to tell you that the SCC site has been disabled for as long as four days. Feel free to post information here as an open post at least until the site is operational.
I’m not sure just what’s going on but I won’t rule out sabotage by Daley and J-Fed. I’m sure they don’t want the daily body count information along with the failings of the department getting publicized. SCC is needed to keep the heat on in order to keep them honest.
Keep the comments clean please.
Update Second City Cop is back in good order.
Presidential Endorsement or Kiss of Political Death?
John McCain received the official endorsement by none other than, Tran Trong Duyet the warden of the Hanoi Hilton who called McCain his friend today. The Left Leaning Senator seems to have more in common with Communists than the political direction of America’s founding fathers.
Read more about this here.
Read more about this here.
Psychic Heller Gun Case Hotline
I must admit the snakes are having a party inside my head as I try to anticipate what we will get from the Supreme Court tomorrow. I predicted on this blog a while back that the Court would wait until the last possible day to lay this egg. I predicted a 7-2 vote in favor of a D.C. Gun Ban Smackdown. The latter came from my legal sources that read their own tea leaves and not mine.
In less than 24 hours we will be able to read the opinion and only then can we begin to speculate what it will mean for America’s gun owners. We can only hope the Justices don’t deliver some convoluted mess that nobody can figure out or one that will require decades of litigation and clarification.
Those usually in the know say Justice Antonin Scalia will be authoring the opinion. It’s well known that Justice Scalia is a hunter who is familiar with firearms.
Sleeping tonight will be more difficult than for children trying to sleep the night before Christmas. Will we get the present we want or a stocking filled with coal?
In less than 24 hours we will be able to read the opinion and only then can we begin to speculate what it will mean for America’s gun owners. We can only hope the Justices don’t deliver some convoluted mess that nobody can figure out or one that will require decades of litigation and clarification.
Those usually in the know say Justice Antonin Scalia will be authoring the opinion. It’s well known that Justice Scalia is a hunter who is familiar with firearms.
Sleeping tonight will be more difficult than for children trying to sleep the night before Christmas. Will we get the present we want or a stocking filled with coal?
Death Penalty For Child Rape Struck Down By The Supreme Court Today.
The Supreme Court struck down the death penalty as punishment for child rapists.
Louisiana’s, Patrick Kennedy may be a vile baby rapist who deserved to die for his crime against an innocent child.
That’s what one court and jury thought so he was sent to death Row. I’m not second guessing those proceedings or result. That won’t happen because of today’s ruling by the Supreme Court.
TV pundits like Marc Klass, the father of murder victim Polly Klass were quick to condemn the Supreme Court’s action. Many Americans are really angry about the abolition of death sentences for child rape.
We have, and should a strong emotional attachment to our children who are both innocent and trusting. Children deserve and need our constant and vigilant protection.
Children are too easily manipulated by either malicious or incompetent adults. Too often child rape accusations begin in bad marriages where one spouse accuses the other of this infamous crime. Today’s Supreme Court ruling in Kennedy vs. LA was the right ruling
I only have two more words about this, McMartin Pre-school.
The entire 65 page slip opinion in Kennedy vs. LA of the court is right here for your review and comments.
Louisiana’s, Patrick Kennedy may be a vile baby rapist who deserved to die for his crime against an innocent child.
That’s what one court and jury thought so he was sent to death Row. I’m not second guessing those proceedings or result. That won’t happen because of today’s ruling by the Supreme Court.
TV pundits like Marc Klass, the father of murder victim Polly Klass were quick to condemn the Supreme Court’s action. Many Americans are really angry about the abolition of death sentences for child rape.
We have, and should a strong emotional attachment to our children who are both innocent and trusting. Children deserve and need our constant and vigilant protection.
Children are too easily manipulated by either malicious or incompetent adults. Too often child rape accusations begin in bad marriages where one spouse accuses the other of this infamous crime. Today’s Supreme Court ruling in Kennedy vs. LA was the right ruling
I only have two more words about this, McMartin Pre-school.
The entire 65 page slip opinion in Kennedy vs. LA of the court is right here for your review and comments.
Read this document on Scribd: Child rape slip opinion of SCOTUS
Supreme Court Wednesday Heller Hotline.
Sorry folks, not today.
You should know that the death penalty for child rape that does not result in death was ruled to be a violation of the Eight Amendment. That came down in the case of Kennedy vs. Louisiana
Three more cases are yet to be decided by the court including Heller. Those are now expected to be released tomorrow.
Here is a tip from my supreme Court source,Jason Harrow, "while it appears that Justice Scalia has the principle opinion in the Guns case, it is not necessarily a majority opinion. It could be a plurality opinion."
You should know that the death penalty for child rape that does not result in death was ruled to be a violation of the Eight Amendment. That came down in the case of Kennedy vs. Louisiana
Three more cases are yet to be decided by the court including Heller. Those are now expected to be released tomorrow.
Here is a tip from my supreme Court source,Jason Harrow, "while it appears that Justice Scalia has the principle opinion in the Guns case, it is not necessarily a majority opinion. It could be a plurality opinion."
The Supreme Court Heller Case Exposed The Brady Bunch’s True Agenda.
The people of the Brady Campaign and Violence Policy Center have harped incessantly that they only seek “reasonable” regulation of firearms. That as they put all of their political might helping the gun-rights hating politicians of the District of Columbia, that want to keep at all cost, the ban on every handgun and any self-defense use of rifles and shotguns. Those weapons must be unloaded, disassembled and trigger locked at all times.
The stated Brady mission was to only ask for reasonable regulation in an effort to conceal their real mission of ending all civilian ownership of firearms and any right to self-defense.
The Brady Bunch has lamented the decision by the Supreme Court long before it has been revealed. It looks like the Brady Bunch will now have to settle for regulation over the conduct of people misusing firearms rather than the firearms themselves. The days of 100,000 women calling themselves the Million Mom March are over.
The Brady Bunch wants this decision to draw an emotional and generous response, filling the gun-hating group’s coffers enough to provide their staffers golden parachutes for their senior years.
The stated Brady mission was to only ask for reasonable regulation in an effort to conceal their real mission of ending all civilian ownership of firearms and any right to self-defense.
The Brady Bunch has lamented the decision by the Supreme Court long before it has been revealed. It looks like the Brady Bunch will now have to settle for regulation over the conduct of people misusing firearms rather than the firearms themselves. The days of 100,000 women calling themselves the Million Mom March are over.
The Brady Bunch wants this decision to draw an emotional and generous response, filling the gun-hating group’s coffers enough to provide their staffers golden parachutes for their senior years.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Chicago Was Not Always So Miserable To Gun Owners.
While I was growing up in Chicago guns were not contraband, and gun registration was neither mandatory nor taxed. The city had many gun stores and sporting goods stores that sold guns.
Concealed carry was something the ward organizations doled out, not by a simple permit but with a star and the full police powers of a Cook County Deputy Sheriff.
In high school I had my own .22 rifle I carried on a CTA bus on days of ROTC rifle practice. Today that behavior would make any high school kid a national and infamous celebrity.
I can remember when you could buy handguns at high end places like Marshall Field’s, and Abercrombie & Fitch subject to the coveted, permit to purchase.
Other places selling handguns were Sports Incorporated, on North Broadway and H.H. Harris Gun Shop (Herbie Harris’ place) with a gun range just a few doors South of 1121 S. State St. (the former headquarters for Chicago Police).
In early n1968, the gun control movement plastered big posters all over the CTA buses and trains telling Chicagoians that the large bullet in the picture had their name on it. Without gun control we will all die.
Mayor Richard J. Daley and Springfield brought in the Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card required of every gun owner and free but mandatory Chicago gun registration. The promise Daley made is it would always be free and the city and state would be so much safer.
It was with great fanfare that Mayor Daley appointed Illinois National Guard General Francis P. Kane to the position of Chicago’s Gun Czar. Gen. Kane administrated the program in a typical Chicago style. He began a side business disposing of guns confiscated by police to local street gangs.
The opponents of registration prophetically predicted that registration would only become a tool for later confiscation. Today we know just how right they were.
Next came a never ending stack of new gun prohibitions and with each new law criminals became better armed, more violent and brazen.
With the advent of a kinder and gentler recognition of Americans being delivered by the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller case we may yet see a return of gun stores in Chicago.
Concealed carry was something the ward organizations doled out, not by a simple permit but with a star and the full police powers of a Cook County Deputy Sheriff.
In high school I had my own .22 rifle I carried on a CTA bus on days of ROTC rifle practice. Today that behavior would make any high school kid a national and infamous celebrity.
I can remember when you could buy handguns at high end places like Marshall Field’s, and Abercrombie & Fitch subject to the coveted, permit to purchase.
Other places selling handguns were Sports Incorporated, on North Broadway and H.H. Harris Gun Shop (Herbie Harris’ place) with a gun range just a few doors South of 1121 S. State St. (the former headquarters for Chicago Police).
In early n1968, the gun control movement plastered big posters all over the CTA buses and trains telling Chicagoians that the large bullet in the picture had their name on it. Without gun control we will all die.
Mayor Richard J. Daley and Springfield brought in the Illinois Firearm Owners Identification Card required of every gun owner and free but mandatory Chicago gun registration. The promise Daley made is it would always be free and the city and state would be so much safer.
It was with great fanfare that Mayor Daley appointed Illinois National Guard General Francis P. Kane to the position of Chicago’s Gun Czar. Gen. Kane administrated the program in a typical Chicago style. He began a side business disposing of guns confiscated by police to local street gangs.
The opponents of registration prophetically predicted that registration would only become a tool for later confiscation. Today we know just how right they were.
Next came a never ending stack of new gun prohibitions and with each new law criminals became better armed, more violent and brazen.
With the advent of a kinder and gentler recognition of Americans being delivered by the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller case we may yet see a return of gun stores in Chicago.
Brinks Home (False Sense of) Security
The commercials are little more than a joke. A couple is at home and in the bedroom when they hear an intruder. Instead of the able-bodied male figure grabbing a gun he slams the flimsy bedroom door cowering behind it.
An alert looking call center employee calls and asks if everything is alright. When the male homeowner informs the call center of the intruder the call center fellow says, “Help is on the way!” Everyone is seen smiling. The story ends and everyone lives happily ever after.
The reality is the call center has to actually get through to the police and then the police must dispatch officers to the scene. The whole process could take somewhere between ten minutes and an hour. We can only hope the cops will arrive while the bodies of the homeowners are still warm.
I’m sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but other than providing an audible alarm the service is worthless.
This video is humorous but will show you how to improve your odds of survival. This lady has an audible alarm of her own. When the cops come she will be alive and well as long as the government does not violate her civil rights claiming she violated some unconstitutional gun law.
An alert looking call center employee calls and asks if everything is alright. When the male homeowner informs the call center of the intruder the call center fellow says, “Help is on the way!” Everyone is seen smiling. The story ends and everyone lives happily ever after.
The reality is the call center has to actually get through to the police and then the police must dispatch officers to the scene. The whole process could take somewhere between ten minutes and an hour. We can only hope the cops will arrive while the bodies of the homeowners are still warm.
I’m sorry to burst anyone’s bubble, but other than providing an audible alarm the service is worthless.
This video is humorous but will show you how to improve your odds of survival. This lady has an audible alarm of her own. When the cops come she will be alive and well as long as the government does not violate her civil rights claiming she violated some unconstitutional gun law.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Some Gun Owners Seek Open Carry In Texas.
Most states allow the open carrying of firearms. Texas does not. There is a movement to allow for this questionable practice. I don’t support any government restrictions on law –abiding gun owners in connection to the possession or carrying of firearms.
Open carry is fine for hunters, cowboy sports shooters and such. As for open carry in malls, or on public streets I believe it’s dangerous and may invite a breach of the peace. Why give criminals the advantage of knowing you’re armed? In the case of women and strength challenged men you may be inviting a strong armed robbery of your gun.
Cops are trained and paid to travel around looking for trouble. Barring an insurrection or law enforcement breakdown citizens should avoid conflict whenever possible. Open carry will bring conflict.
Carrying an exposed gun will draw comments and provocation from troublemakers, drunks and mentally disturbed people. This practice should be avoided. If Texas legalizes open carry and they should, gun owners would do best to continue carrying concealed.
Open carry should not be a serious priority when there are more pressing gun-rights battles to fight.
Open carry is fine for hunters, cowboy sports shooters and such. As for open carry in malls, or on public streets I believe it’s dangerous and may invite a breach of the peace. Why give criminals the advantage of knowing you’re armed? In the case of women and strength challenged men you may be inviting a strong armed robbery of your gun.
Cops are trained and paid to travel around looking for trouble. Barring an insurrection or law enforcement breakdown citizens should avoid conflict whenever possible. Open carry will bring conflict.
Carrying an exposed gun will draw comments and provocation from troublemakers, drunks and mentally disturbed people. This practice should be avoided. If Texas legalizes open carry and they should, gun owners would do best to continue carrying concealed.
Open carry should not be a serious priority when there are more pressing gun-rights battles to fight.
The Internet and America’s Democracy Will Stand or Fall Together
He who controls the information controls the world. That old saying has been proven so many times in history. Today in the USA it’s the literate people with computers and Internet access that control most of the information.
For most of the last five decades a few TV networks, radio stations and a daily newspaper told Americans what to think and how to vote. The human condition causes people to follow others who become either self-installed or elected leaders.
Free speech is the enemy of dictatorships and bad government. The Internet is the ultimate place to learn and exchange information about those things like the government that control or lives.
The Internet has done wonder to inform Americans that they have an absolute right to own and carry concealed weapons for self-defense. There can be no question that we have, “Right to Carry” in all but a handful of states because of Internet Activism.
Former Presidential candidate John Kerry lost an election to what he says was the Swiftboat veterans. The reality was the Swiftboat information was unleashed by the Internet under control of someone other than the organized single-minded major Liberal media. That election was so close it’s obvious that Kerry’s not so flattering past kept him out of the Whitehouse.
When CBS’ Dan Rather and 60 Minutes tried to smear George Bush it was bloggers using the Internet that exposed the forgery and the truth about the origin of the bogus information.
I was told today by a long time friend and insider to Chicago’s Democratic Party that at least in the Windy City, they are trying to figure out ways of shutting down the Internet. They want to shut down the Internet 60 or 90 days before the November election in an attempt to control the information. These City Hall insiders want to somehow extend the McCain-Finegold Campaign Finance Reform Law to the Internet thereby shutting up bloggers.
They have discussed technical ways to do this by forcing Internet providers to use the same software China uses to block political criticism for periods before our own elections. They are angry with what they’re calling hate speech and smears against would be President Barack Obama.
“Let’s just call it all hate speech and ban it!” “That should work!” “The public should be willing to refrain from seeing political sites and messages for the good of our country!” I guess this Internet freedom was just too good to last folks.
For most of the last five decades a few TV networks, radio stations and a daily newspaper told Americans what to think and how to vote. The human condition causes people to follow others who become either self-installed or elected leaders.
Free speech is the enemy of dictatorships and bad government. The Internet is the ultimate place to learn and exchange information about those things like the government that control or lives.
The Internet has done wonder to inform Americans that they have an absolute right to own and carry concealed weapons for self-defense. There can be no question that we have, “Right to Carry” in all but a handful of states because of Internet Activism.
Former Presidential candidate John Kerry lost an election to what he says was the Swiftboat veterans. The reality was the Swiftboat information was unleashed by the Internet under control of someone other than the organized single-minded major Liberal media. That election was so close it’s obvious that Kerry’s not so flattering past kept him out of the Whitehouse.
When CBS’ Dan Rather and 60 Minutes tried to smear George Bush it was bloggers using the Internet that exposed the forgery and the truth about the origin of the bogus information.
I was told today by a long time friend and insider to Chicago’s Democratic Party that at least in the Windy City, they are trying to figure out ways of shutting down the Internet. They want to shut down the Internet 60 or 90 days before the November election in an attempt to control the information. These City Hall insiders want to somehow extend the McCain-Finegold Campaign Finance Reform Law to the Internet thereby shutting up bloggers.
They have discussed technical ways to do this by forcing Internet providers to use the same software China uses to block political criticism for periods before our own elections. They are angry with what they’re calling hate speech and smears against would be President Barack Obama.
“Let’s just call it all hate speech and ban it!” “That should work!” “The public should be willing to refrain from seeing political sites and messages for the good of our country!” I guess this Internet freedom was just too good to last folks.
Sensational Crime and 100 Years of the FBI
As the Federal Bureau of Investigation is ready to celebrate 100 years of existence they put up their top 100 cases for history hungry crime buffs. They did leave out their daring Martha Stewart pinch, and that’s a good thing.
I think J.Edgar Hoover has rolled over in his grave a few times since his death. That as the face of the FBI has changed from actor Jimmy Stewarts’s image to today’s metrosexual, minority and women of the new bureau who are now in charge. Along with those changes the bureau has been handed additional jurisdiction over common street crimes.
Whatever your opinion of the bureau may be their top 100 cases were definitely made for the silver screen.
Read about them here!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Obama’s Reported Poll Lead Over McCain Is Misleading
The Republican Party got hijacked by its Liberal wing and their Presidential contenders turned out to be a sorry bunch. They all had serious Liberal baggage. Rising to the top of that heap of Liberal deadwood was Senator John McCain who consistently gave Conservatives all the wrong answers.
McCain was an easy sell to any Conservative that did not know him. His time in the Hanoi Hilton Hellhole qualified McCain as an anti-Communist and Conservative in nearly anyone’s eyes. Those perceptions were very misleading. The problem is that McCain has embraced the Socialist ways of his captors. His Senate votes were never all that different than either Clinton’s or Obama’s.
McCain’s answers on Immigration, Gun Control and Campaign Financing are in line with anything but Conservatives. McCain is a tough pill for any real Republican to swallow. I know of no Conservatives that are happy with this aging pretend Republican. The polls I believe are reflecting voters, sans the unhappy Conservatives who won’t participate in polls.
One thing for sure if McCain plans to win he needs to at least learn how to lie to Conservatives and claim he’s changing his Left Wing ways. That worked well for George Herbert Walker Bush when he fibbed about, no new taxes or gun control. McCain can’t win with just those disappointed and angry Clinton supporters alone.
McCain was an easy sell to any Conservative that did not know him. His time in the Hanoi Hilton Hellhole qualified McCain as an anti-Communist and Conservative in nearly anyone’s eyes. Those perceptions were very misleading. The problem is that McCain has embraced the Socialist ways of his captors. His Senate votes were never all that different than either Clinton’s or Obama’s.
McCain’s answers on Immigration, Gun Control and Campaign Financing are in line with anything but Conservatives. McCain is a tough pill for any real Republican to swallow. I know of no Conservatives that are happy with this aging pretend Republican. The polls I believe are reflecting voters, sans the unhappy Conservatives who won’t participate in polls.
One thing for sure if McCain plans to win he needs to at least learn how to lie to Conservatives and claim he’s changing his Left Wing ways. That worked well for George Herbert Walker Bush when he fibbed about, no new taxes or gun control. McCain can’t win with just those disappointed and angry Clinton supporters alone.
Looking Ahead For YouTube and Video Sharing
Los Angeles, Westwood Village—Film Independent’s Los Angeles Film Festival is here until June 29th. YouTube is here sharing tips and needed information with film makers.
To begin, YouTube owes its life to the pornographers that paved the Information Highway with gold for them. Had there not been a huge market waiting to pay in order to see cyber broadcast displays of affection the technology may have been behind a decade or even two.
YouTube managed to put themselves out front despite shortcomings and stiff competition. The possibilities for this 800-pound gorilla are endless and the next generation is just beginning.
They are unveiling a new higher resolution format to take us out of Data Compression Hell. The new images you’ll be seeing are not the kid stuff of Coke and Mentos fame.
They’ve added a remarkable tracking feature that allows you to see the demographics of your audience and the destination your viewers came from. Of all the videos I’ve uploaded mostly for this blog I was absolutely shocked to learn two of them have a 100% male audience. The obvious question is, what did I do piss the ladies off?
Getting your video featured by YouTube is like winning the lottery. A really entertaining video may never get the attention it deserves and some pathetic juvenile offering will get a gazillion hits. There are just too many videos for anyone to really look for the good stuff to feature at Youtube. The only answer here is using good TAG words to bring in people using search terms.
Copyright infringement if a giant buzz word right now and the subject of a mountain of litigation. The copyright holders are finally realizing that their protected products that have been pirated have actually generated new and unexpected revenue! It’s not YouTube but their users who brought new life to performances long forgotten and new money for the victims of the infringement.
I have talked to two performers who are somewhat retired today about this phenomena. Neither star owns the rights to what was posted on Youtube. They both told me they were really happy to see their fans had done this and has sparked new interest and sales of material they created decades before YouTube ever existed.
YouTube has opened the YouTube Screening Room to serious film makers. They will be showing four new films every week. Aside from sharing revenue I would not be surprised to see YouTube providing needed capital to their own proven box office winners.
To begin, YouTube owes its life to the pornographers that paved the Information Highway with gold for them. Had there not been a huge market waiting to pay in order to see cyber broadcast displays of affection the technology may have been behind a decade or even two.
YouTube managed to put themselves out front despite shortcomings and stiff competition. The possibilities for this 800-pound gorilla are endless and the next generation is just beginning.
They are unveiling a new higher resolution format to take us out of Data Compression Hell. The new images you’ll be seeing are not the kid stuff of Coke and Mentos fame.
They’ve added a remarkable tracking feature that allows you to see the demographics of your audience and the destination your viewers came from. Of all the videos I’ve uploaded mostly for this blog I was absolutely shocked to learn two of them have a 100% male audience. The obvious question is, what did I do piss the ladies off?
Getting your video featured by YouTube is like winning the lottery. A really entertaining video may never get the attention it deserves and some pathetic juvenile offering will get a gazillion hits. There are just too many videos for anyone to really look for the good stuff to feature at Youtube. The only answer here is using good TAG words to bring in people using search terms.
Copyright infringement if a giant buzz word right now and the subject of a mountain of litigation. The copyright holders are finally realizing that their protected products that have been pirated have actually generated new and unexpected revenue! It’s not YouTube but their users who brought new life to performances long forgotten and new money for the victims of the infringement.
I have talked to two performers who are somewhat retired today about this phenomena. Neither star owns the rights to what was posted on Youtube. They both told me they were really happy to see their fans had done this and has sparked new interest and sales of material they created decades before YouTube ever existed.
YouTube has opened the YouTube Screening Room to serious film makers. They will be showing four new films every week. Aside from sharing revenue I would not be surprised to see YouTube providing needed capital to their own proven box office winners.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Here’s a Great Target For The Bad Guys
This little tanker holds 9000 gallons of liquid gold. This is truly a hot commodity for any terrorists or armed robbers. This vehicle has a single and guaranteed by law to be unarmed driver. At least that’s the case in California, Illinois, New York, Wisconsin and New Jersey where concealed weapons are non-existent or simply just refused.
These drivers must risk their life as they avoid fires and accidents and now the skyrocketing price of fuel will make these drivers marked men.
Killers, robbers and terrorists need to know that so many American politicians are looking out for their welfare!
These drivers must risk their life as they avoid fires and accidents and now the skyrocketing price of fuel will make these drivers marked men.
Killers, robbers and terrorists need to know that so many American politicians are looking out for their welfare!
Friday, June 20, 2008
The L.A. Film Festival, Is Up and Running!
It’s time for Screenings, seminars, friends and lots of fun in Westwood Village. . It’s all here at least through June 26.
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