Monday, May 12, 2008

Caught Bringing Guns Into Airports…

Los Angeles--According to what one LAX Police official told the L.A. Times the vast majority of them are off duty cops and such.

Cops carry guns everyday of their lives and don’t dwell on that fact. They are comfortable in knowing they are supposed to do so. Cops are absent minded too.

An example is when a cop is getting on a plane to attend the funeral of a family member or dear friend. Grief and devastating news can consume any normal person who is allowed by law to carry weapons. Remembering that the gun in a bag you drive around with by automobile every day is suddenly contraband on the airplane escapes many. The same goes for retired cops, security people such as bodyguards and private eyes.

The sad news is that many of our law enforcement officers caught up in the TSA dragnet have their careers and in some cases lives shattered by these monumental and embarrassing events.

For safety of all passengers it’s better that trained, vetted cops and retired cops carry their firearms without questions, beyond their official credentials.

It’s mindboggling when you know that two of the four doomed planes on 9/11 had disarmed cops on board who could have stopped the hijackings but for an insane and stupid FAA policy backed by a dumb federal law.

Personally I believe the Second Amendment does not end at a TSA passenger screening checkpoint and neither does the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizure.

Accordingly, I don’t think it’s too much to ask our government to leave the cops and all American citizens alone if investigation reveals that there was no intent to do harm.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

LAX Cops And TSA Bust Former Burglary Dick Turned Actor Dennis Farina

Los Angeles--It seems that Dennis Farina forgot he had a little .22 pistol in his briefcase as he went through an airport checkpoint at LAX this morning. The TSA weenies saved us from yet another hijacking!

Farina honorably served as a Chicago cop spending most of his career as an Area Six burglary detective until he and and a former robbery sergeant, Chuck Adamson were discovered by legendary film director and Chicago native Michael Mann. Soon Farina took his leave of absence and early retirement to portray a cop in scores of projects on the small and large screen.

Farina has returned for many funerals of fellow officers and never missed a chance to help one of his own.

The TSA called LAX Police who booked Farina at the LAPD Pacific Division on a felony charge. Farina’s gun was allegedly not registered in California. California gives their residents a 60 day grace period in which to register firearms imported from other states. Farina told police he had recently brought the gun in from his home in Scottsdale.

Farina owns and lives in properties in Michigan, Illinois, and Arizona that I know about. Farina spends the least amount of time in Los Angeles and should not be considered a resident subject to local gun registration laws. Federal law lets retired officers carry firearms and another federal law protects non-residents from state and local registration laws where simple possession is involved. Police chose to charge Farina with a felony. Bail was set at $35,000.00, I never knew Farina was such a flight risk or so dangerous to the public.

Normally I avoid harsh language on my blog but this arrest is beyond CHICKENSHIT. What the Hell is going on in America?

The United States Supreme Court will be ruling on whether Americans have a right to keep and bear arms any Monday in D.C. vs Heller before the summer recess.

As I have always said, gun laws only impact the law-abiding. Will Farina get punished for being absent minded? I hope not. For now he is being punished with bad publicity, the Hollywood Perpwalk, court appearances and wasted time and money dealing with lawyers.

Through his publicist, Lori De Waal, Farina said "I apologize to anyone and everyone that I have caused any embarrassment or inconvenience to. It is my own stupidity to find myself in this embarrassing situation. I don't put the blame on anyone else but myself. I want to apologize to my friends, family and business associates who I'll explain to privately later. I'll be spending the next few days kicking my own ass. No one is more embarrassed than myself."

Here’s where Farina and I disagree. Obviously Farina did not intend to bring the gun onto the plane or hurt anyone. The police investigation should have uncovered that and they could have used discretion by releasing rather than booking the actor.

Farina obviously showed real class despite being subjected to an unnecessary trip through the criminal justice system as a defendant.

Farina’s latest movie, “What Happens in Vegas...” just had a premier at the Mann Village in Westwood, Los Angeles. Maybe the LAX Police are “helping” sell tickets?

LASD Sheriff’s Booking Record.

An Update:
Farina was released on bail after 12 hours in custody from the Van Nuys jail. I can just imagine fumbling around for cash on a Sunday when all the banks were closed for a bail bond from a jail cell must have been quite a challenge. Here is KTLA-TV's top story at 10:00 PM

A Small Mother’s Day Present For Fugitive Soccer Mom

Aside from more major newspaper editorial support for Marie Walsh’s freedom, she arrived somewhat early from her 2000 mile prison bus trip last night.

Walsh will be held in a quarantine setting for a while as she is processed into the general population at the Robert Scott Correctional Facility in Plymouth, Michigan.

Soon Walsh will have an approved list of people she can call by telephone assuming she has money in her personal prison account. It takes time for the bureaucracy to handle these things.

All of Walsh’s visitors including family members will have to undergo background investigations by prison officials before any visits can take place.

My hopes are that a defense lawyer can get the original Saginaw County Court to accept a motion for re-sentencing. Should the court take jurisdiction they may well set bail and release her pending a pre-sentence investigation and further court appearances.

Walsh’s former prosecutor publically said if he was the prosecutor today he’d join in Walsh’s motion to set her free. Walsh has been punished enough. Hopefully the current prosecutor may have a similar attitude. Of course the court will have to accept jurisdiction over this matter befor any movement here.

Should that effort fail a commutation application must be initiated and put into the Pardon Board’s overflowing caseload for consideration. A hearing would result and and recommendation made to the Governor. I know that Governor Granholm is well aware of this case but only she knows what she will do.

Let’s hope that this 33 year-old nightmare ends for Marie Walsh and is put behind her.

Read today’s Detroit Free Press editorial here.

Why murders and violent crimes are a big city phenomenon.

It’s actually very simple; Blacks and Hispanics live in these cities.

It’s really about the culture embraced by these minority groups and not the color of their skin.

The apologists can talk all they want about the root causes being poverty, ignorance and despair. Murder epidemics are just not present where these same issues plague White Americans.

I’m not suggesting that White people don’t murder or commit other violence; they just do it far less frequently.

Here is something that proves my point. Take your own Meghan’s Law sex offender web sites in large cities and examine them. Search for offenders by zip code and you will find very few offenders in predominately White zip codes. Do the same for sex offenders in the Black or Hispanic zip codes and see frightening numbers of rapists and child molesters.

In our large cities the jails are as high as 90% minority occupied. You can argue poor people have no money to post for bail but it’s also true for non-bondable offenses like murder.

To suggest that discrimination and racial profiling by police result in these crimes is a bogus argument. How these factors impact out-of-control minority related rape and child molesting crimes? They don’t because it’s a lawless culture problem.

There is no cure short of banishing minorities out of our cities to some other continent or even genocide. Those are not the practices of a civilized nation so another way must be found.

The Drug War has done nothing but provide opportunities for huge wealth in America. That has given the minorities reasons to kill each other. Disputes tied to territory, snitching, stealing and grudges have turned minority neighborhoods into war zones.

The Drug war bringing vastly inflated prices/profits for drugs that a significant percentage of Americans consume has brought us much more blight and crime than the drugs themselves.

The ugliest part of our Immigration mess is Mexico’s export of drugs, crime and poverty into the United States. If the drugs were legal the out-of-control violence would end. The flow of criminals bearing drugs, death and deatruction would also end.

Let’s spend the Drug War money on treatment for the drug dependent. As for those young, neighborhood drug dealers, perhaps their new unemployment may lead them into job training programs.

America is a great country that generates new millionaires every day. Perhaps a culture of violence can somehow change into a culture of productivity.

Here is an interesting L.A. Times statistical break down of murders by race in the Los Angeles Area.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

O.J Simpson’s Gift Keeps On Giving

The larger than life O.J. Simpson was made for all manner of journalists. Sex, murder, rumors, lawyers, profiteers and Fred Goldman follow Simpson wherever he goes.

We can only speculate who murdered Nicolle Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The public made their guess and jury verdicts notwithstanding, Simpson is standing alone as the killer.

The ongoing Las Vegas Palace Station robbery case is nothing but garbage. This sordid mess is not worthy of the tax dollars it will burn trying to sort out which group of thieves, thugs and liars robbed the other. Another fortune will be made by writers and pundits who cover the saga.

Simpson has made many careers and millions of dollars for so many writers and television personalities already. They include disgraced, former LAPD Detective and convicted felon, Mark Fuhrman.

Now comes yet another profiteer who is putting a new book up for sale, "How I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret and Remorse".

Had not the Statute of Limitations expired on felony Obstruction of Justice crimes the confession by the book’s author would bring him some well deserved prison time.

Who better to tell us about that book but the incomparable Associated Press correspondent, Linda Deutsch. Deutsch has been covering Simpson for the AP for a substantial period of her career.

Read Linda Deutsch’s exclusive story here.

A Treat For Horse Lovers

I have a fondness for horses, but then what’s not to love about some of God’s masterpieces? This film will mystify and amaze you like it did me. Whatever you do, don’t try this at home!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Detroit News Editorial Asks That Fugitive Soccer Mom Be Set Free.

This extraordinary case needs to run through the Michigan Parole Board and Governor’s commutation program at a record speed. I hope that the parole board sees things the way I do and so many kind people that have stepped in to help Marie Walsh.

Read today’s editorial here.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

How Big Cities Protect High Profile Gun Free Zones

Los Angeles—KNBC-TV veteran anchor Paul Moyer told viewers about newly released information on a July 4, 2002 terrorist attack at The LAX, El Al Airline ticket counter by a suicide gunman who unleashed a bloodbath.

I strongly recommend that citizens with adequate training ignore politician’s gun bans because as this story demonstrates self-help is all you have to survive the unthinkable. Carry your guns so you and others may live through events like the one Moyer reports.

Read Moyer’s report and watch the compelling video here.

Governor Granholm Should Exercise Leadership On The Soccer Mom Fugitive Case

Susan Lefevre is on a prisoner bus traveling to a state that felt she needed 10 to 20 years imprisonment to turn her into a productive and law-abiding citizen. Michigan was dead wrong as today the stellar wife and mother, now know as Marie Walsh has become today serves as solid evidence of their misjudgment.

I’m asking along with the hundreds of the fugitive’s friends and supporters for Governor Jennifer Granholm to use her commutation power in an unprecedented way in this unparalleled case.

Governor has sole commutation power to set Lefevre free under Article 5 & 14 of the Michigan Constitution. That’s despite a bureaucracy that was set up to include all ten politically appointed members of the Michigan Parole Board.

Usually parole boards are expected to be clairvoyant and predict which offenders are worth the risk of parole or commutation. They investigate and take a long hard look at each case before them and they nearly always vote on the side of caution against disturbing sentences imposed by courts.

Despite clear powers to do so, Michigan governors have never bypassed the parole board process or given a commutation where the board has not recommended mercy. Nobody can recall a similar case like Marie Walsh’s either.

The governor can and should sidestep the parole board’s fortune tellers because she is empowered to do so. Granholm can begin her own investigation and act reasonably and prudently before any clemency application begins its journey.

This is not to slight the members of the parole board or their important work, this rare case does not need to waste their time and limited resources.

The governor can save a family, save taxpayers a small fortune and bring a fair resolution to this woman’s case by just being a courageous governor.

The cost to taxpayers of keeping Marie Walsh for five and a half years in prison is well over $172,000.00. I know there are more important uses for that money than protecting Michigan from a middle aged, reformed soccer mom who lives 2,000 miles away from the place where she offended so long ago.

Here is the contact information for Governor Granholm:
Governor Jennifer M. Granholm
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909
PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 - Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Defiant Mrs. Clinton

Throwing good money after bad to prop up her doomed campaign is fun to watch as long as it’s her money and not tax dollars.

The real truth is but for Rush Limbaugh’s "Chaos" campaign Clinton would have run out of gas long before now.

Aside from Clinton’s horrible history of deception and corruption I believe this woman is an un-American subversive. Clinton is bad for America.

Mrs. Clinton would rather watch the Democratic Party crash and burn before she’d do what’s right and withdraw.

Will Clinton play an extortion game on Obama? I expect Clinton will vow to haunt Obama by staying in the race until he agrees to let her be the Vice President candidate.

Obama has risen out of Chicago’s Burke/Daley corruption cesspool and shows promise to run the entire nation like the dying crime-ridden metropolis.

Obama may claim he’s not an un-American racist like his 20 year spiritual advisor but we all know that if you lay down with dogs you will wake up with fleas.

When Obama was not with Reverend Not-So-Wright he was lockstep with the worst of Chicago’s crooked politicians.

Aside from Obama’s lack of achievements he is a sad offering for any American political office.

What in Hell happened to the Democratic Party of America?

The Busing Of Marie Walsh To A Michigan Prison Cell

Susan Lefevre now known as Marie Walsh has just begun a lengthy bus trip from San Diego, California to Plymouth Michigan where she escaped over three decades ago.

Michigan contracts with a private prisoner transportation vendor that provides this service as authorized under a specific federal law.

The bus will be visiting jails and prisons everywhere along the way where they will load and unload their high risk passengers.

I suspect that this trip is the most miserable way to travel and may take as long as two weeks. Walsh will be wearing chains on her wrists and ankles during every moment she is in the bus.

For Marie Walsh this may be the loneliest and most frightening trip she’s ever taken in her life.

The good news for the Walsh family is that the legal machinery will begin considering requests for a sentence reduction or commutation as that bus arrives.

When Marie Walsh steps off that bus she can hold her head up high and smile because the last three decades brought her a fine family that’s very proud of her.

We will find out if justice is tempered with mercy in Michigan as this story unfolds.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Predictably Primary Election Has Been Reduced To Race.

I did not expect American Blacks to vote for any candidates of a different skin color in a million years. Obama’s pastor did a really fine job of dividing the races.

I see the usual Black precincts of Lake County Indiana are last to be counted. Of course I’m convinced they’re busy as usual stuffing those ballot boxes for their favorite color of candidate.

Hillary vowed to work herself to death helping Obama should he become the party’s standard bearer. We can only hope Clinton was telling the truth! Really I’m hoping that that these contenders hate each other enough not be on the same slate ever.

Now I’d like to help the Democrats and suggest that the Democratic VP choice be Al Sharpton!

The Democratic Primary race is somewhat like watching the infamous and extreme Bumfights video of several years ago.

As for November it will be just another lackluster General Election between politicians uniquely unfit and unqualified to run this country.

Javert 2, Escapes, O. As yet another Long Time Michigan Escaped Convict Is Captured In California

Santa Barbara--Javert of course, is the fictional policeman from that great Victor Hugo Novel, Les Misérables. Javert chased the escapee, Jean Valjean across France catching him nearly a lifetime after he had reformed and became a beloved town mayor.

This is an example of lightning striking twice within a couple of months. In February, a long time, trusted and well liked University of California Santa Barbara employee, Jason Von Straussenburg, a Developmental Technician in the Biological Sciences Department was nabbed after an anonymous tipster told authorities he was really a Michigan escaped convict. The tipster was correct in fingering Roger Crona who broke out of another Michigan prison in 1972.

Carona was twice sent to prison for auto theft related offenses.

Decades have gone by and Crona found the good life in this beautiful coastal town. He put his larcenous ways behind him and at 61 years of age he could soon reasonably expect retirement and a nice pension.

Now Crona is waiting for the extradition train back to Michigan. So far he has refused to waive extradition. If the requesting state wants him it’s almost a sure thing to happen.

Extradition laws involve governors of both involved states to agree to allow a prisoner to be surrendered and moved. The requesting state has to pick up the prisoner and pay for transportation. Often states elect not to bother if the crime is not considered important enough. Crona may well have gotten closer to getting this thing behind him if Michigan decides to give their taxpayers a break.

I see no purpose in wasting money to incarcerate obviously reformed middle aged folks. I say let Mr. Crona who retired from his short auto theft career also retire from his university job far from taxpayer’s wallets.

However it happened Michigan authorities will now have to grapple with two somewhat similar ancient cases. Of course Susan Leferve now known as Marie Walsh was captured little more than a week ago.

Michigan Department of Corrections Information here.

How should Escaped Convict Susan Lefevre Be Handled?

Marie Walsh with her husband and three children. Click on picture to enlarge.

Susan Lefevre is the San Diego woman recaptured after her escape in 1976 from a Michigan prison where she was serving a 10 to 20 year term. Lefevre is now known as Marie Walsh.

I call Marie Walsh the modern day female, Jean Valjean from the great Victor Hugo Novel, Les Misérables.

There is little precedent for this highly unusual case of sin, punishment, escape and redemption in our criminal justice system. This case involves the following facts:
1. Walsh was a 19 year-old first time offender.
2. Walsh received an unusually harsh sentence for her drug conviction.
3. Walsh escaped and was at large for over 32 years.
4. Walsh has never reoffended in over three decades.
5. Walsh has led the rest of her admirable life with her husband and three children.
6. Walsh was never involved in theft of violence.
7. Walsh is obviously no threat to public safety.
8. Walsh suffered over a year in prison and many years living in fear of capture.
9. Walsh’s family needs their wife and mother.
10. Walsh defied the odds of an over 90% failure rate of ex convicts.

The ultimate goal of the Michigan Department Corrections was reached with respect to Walsh.

There are three potential directions for resolving this case:
1. Forcing Walsh to complete her sentence.
2. The court that sentenced Walsh may be able to conduct a new pre-sentence investigation and re-sentence her to a lesser term.
3. Commutation proceedings by the Michigan Parole Board and Governor Jennifer Granholm could finish by ending Walsh and her family’s worst nightmare.

Whatever happens will take many thousands of tax dollars in order to turn the slow wheels of government bureaucracy.

Walsh paid a huge price for her youthful indiscretion already and has demonstrated stellar conduct ever since her escape. Yes, she broke out of prison but more importantly she broke away from the drugs, bad influences and conduct that brought her there.

This is a case where good truly triumphed over evil. We as a society have a duty to make sure Marie Walsh and her family is reunited without further delay.

Illinois Gov. Blagojevich Has Yet Another Taxpayer Joyride Plan

Springfield IL—Governor Rod Blagojevich announced plans to end inner-city violence by throwing $159 million at it.

That reminds me of the time Chicago politicians gave a mere, one million dollars to Jeff Fort, head of the Blackstone Rangers aka The P Stone Nation and finally the El Rukins. Needless to say the politicians only funded the largest gang bloodbath in Chicago’s history. Just imagine what $159 million could do?

Highlights of what Blagojevich wants:
$20 Million for summer meaningless make-work jobs for idle youth, after school hip-hop, basketball and vocational training programs are the plan. Of course they left out any Bill Cosby style programs to change the basic ghetto culture of gangs, drugs and killing.

$50 Million will be given away to fix up or acquire real estate in certain communities. The good news here is Blagojevich can only hand out $50 million to his cronies. That should bring in plenty of kick-backs for those expensive political campaigns.

$40 million in grants to establish a loan program for job-producing small businesses or community organizations. I guess the gangs need their share too!

$10 Million will be used to buy needed equipment. I never knew body bags were so expensive!

The only hope for Black Inner-city kids is to drag them into the White man’s world of the American dream. Medicine, commerce, art, entertainment, and manufacturing make many more millionaires than the ghetto methods.

Blagojevich wants to raid the pockets of hard working taxpayers who have already been bled dry. More productive small business that employs people will disappear because they will be unable to survive the increased tax burdens.

The inner-city Black culture needs to be snuffed out, not perpetuated with so much good money after bad.

Monday, May 05, 2008

I’m A War Hero And Have The National Defense Medal to Prove it!

How can that be when I served as an Army draftee in Germany and not Viet Nam? Yes, it’s true that the only combat I saw was those pillow fights with the local women, and they always won. Perhaps it was despite being out-numbered, I still fought them all gallantly above and beyond the call of duty? Okay I will confess to surrendering and doing what the nice ladies told me to do.

The pictured Nation Defense Medal was the one I earned for simply showing up for duty. Really I’m proud of my service as a medical corpsman as though I won the Congressional Medal of Honor. I earned that medal along with an Honorable Discharge after two years required of active duty.

The feds are prosecuting a despicable politician, Xavier Alvarez, 50, of Pomona, CA. Alvarez ran and was elected for office on his pretend military record platform and the Congressional Medal of Honor he claimed to have earned.

Alvarez pled guilty to violating the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 which is federal misdemeanor and awaits sentencing on July 21.

Jail, probation, fines or parole doesn’t fit this crime. A simple severe beating followed by being tarred, feathered and run out of town should be the price to pay for this jerk.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Fugitive Soccer Mom’s Incredible Demeanor

Undated photo of Marie Walsh and her husband, Alan Walsh with their two daughters.

After leading a law-abiding and productive life 32 years since her escape from a Michigan prison, Susan Lefevre now known as Marie Walsh is still quick to flash a bright smile.

At first I could not understand how anyone could withstand being ripped from their home and loving family and not sink into a sewer of despair at the thought of resuming a 10 to 20 year prison stretch.

Imagine how a wife of 23 years could handle being forced by jailers to remove her wedding ring before they apply the foul delousing spray jails commonly use on all new inmates? Walsh has been captured, put in irons and prison garb and still has an air of amazing style. She seems to be able to turn a handcuff on her wrist into an elegant, diamond tennis bracelet.

For Walsh, her running is finally over. Walsh is also obviously proud of the life she made for herself, her family and friends. Above all Walsh beat the odds for prison convicts by getting completely away from the things that led her astray as a teenager in 1975.

Walsh seems to have real confidence in herself to overcome her troubles and land on her feet with all of her dignity intact.

Walsh has shown by example that her original sentence was far too harsh and that she is no danger to the public. She got caught up in the Drug War dragnet and has ever since paid a very heavy price. Most importantly Walsh learned from her misdeed.

Another price we cannot ignore is the total loss of privacy for Walsh and her family. Marie Walsh’s husband and children really have little choice but to step forward and submit to interrogation by the inquiring minds of the national news media.

I see a great opportunity for every government representative involved in Walsh’s future to show compassion in this very extraordinary and historical case. I only hope they will be able live up to Walsh’s example.

Facts about Commutations in Michigan:

The power to grant commutation rests solely with the Governor. Const. 1963 art. 5 & 14. In Michigan, the Parole Board receives clemency applications, conducts public hearings, and makes formal recommendations to the Governor. The Governor has the power to grant a commutation for any sentence except treason.

Grants of commutation have been rare indeed in Michigan in the last decade. While in the mid-1960s, Governor Romney commuted the sentences of 107 inmates. Twenty years later, Governor Blanchard granted only six commutations -- all but one just before he left office. Governor Engler has granted just five commutations since 1990.

Business, Mall And Employer Rules On Concealed Weapons

Gun violence and fears of armed confrontations inside businesses, malls and restaurants have caused massive private property gun bans in America.

At first blush this seems an issue of private property rights but it’s more about simple fear and a poorly thought out solutions.

Workplace violence was never a problem until our industries disarmed their security people. 45 years ago nearly every security guard in America was armed and crime was insignificant compared to today.

Many say that times have changed and they’re right. Changes were made in the way we deal with crime and gun rights.

As anti-gun rights hysteria spread in America the guards were slowly disarmed. Workplace violence became a new phenomena facilitated by that disarmament.

Las Vegas hotels and Casinos only had armed security until the corporations gained control from those so-called Mob owners in the early 1980s. Take-over robberies never happened and crime in these places was low.

Once the corporate bosses disarmed their security, tourists were being killed during brazen daylight take-over robberies. Casino crime in general was on a huge increase with unarmed security.

In recent years Las Vegas hotels and casinos have quietly rearmed their security staffs by significant percentages and the tourists are much safer.

We’ve learned that laws don’t disarm criminals and neither do the house rules of businesses, malls and restaurants. The house gun prohibitions do disarm the most respectful employees and law-abiding patrons.

Unarmed security officers easily become unarmed hostages and additional victims. Unarmed guards are of little or no value anywhere they are employed.

Among those respectful and law-abiding employees and patrons are well trained military veterans, former cops and experienced hunters and sports shooters.

Perhaps it’s time to change the odds in favor neutralizing deadly threats by ending the unenforceable and meaningless rules. Guns do save lives.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Fugitive Soccer Mom's Story Is Nothing Less Than A Victor Hugo Novel

This time the character Jean Valjean from Hugo’s great tear-jerker novel, Les Misérables, turns out to be a woman!

Susan Leferve now known as Marie Walsh is the escaped convict that fled in 1976 from a severe 10 to 20 year prison term. She has turned her life around and lived the American dream with her husband and three children as a lawful and productive member of society.

Javert the policeman, chased Valjean for his entire career all over France. The Michigan Department of Corrections has their own Javert aided by the US Marshall's service.

Unfortunately, a 1832 national insurrection pre-dating the French Revolution brought death to most of the compelling characters in Les Misérables.

If every offender in this country could follow Leferve’s lead by escaping and to never reoffend we’d be living in a true Utopia. We want our criminals to change their ways but it’s a very rare day when that happens.

Some say it’s a terrible example to wipe LeFerve’s slate clean just because the fugitive turned her life completely around. I say the opposite is true, LeFevere should serve as an example that good things can happen when criminals change their evil ways.

LeFerve already waived extradition and Michigan Governor, Jennifer Granholm has the power to commute LeFever’s sentence. The parole board will hear requests and take testimony from citizens before making recommendations to Governor Granholm.

Hear Detroit , WJR Radio host Frank Beckmann talk to Russ Marlan of Michigan Department of Corrections, about the Susan LeFevre case.

If you want to help LeFerve here is how you can do so.

Michigan Department Of Corrections Information.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Another Phoenix Simmer Is Almost Here...

Hell is Phoenix, Arizona in the summertime. It gets so hot you believe you’re in a blast furnace. But if you have a good imagination you can visualize this. Snow is so rare in Phoenix I had to stop and capture this video. Scott Drier will sing, Pure Imagination just for you!