Break out the popcorn and watch this movie! The AA-12 combat shotgun is perfect for any stubborn criminal that can’t or won't take a hint to get lost…
Friday, March 21, 2008
Blogger Wanted!
I’m looking for a blogger who has a prosecution slant on newsworthy real life murder mysteries and trials. If you’ve established or will establish a blog right now that will take an opposite view of mine you may be the right person. This is about really good money!
1. Must be able to write.
2. Must use your own name on your writings.
3. Must have good knowledge of criminal legal system.
4. Must be able to appear on national television and Internet video to express your position.
If you think you’d like to try this leave a comment with your name, e-mail address and telephone number. Simply click on my profile and send me an e-mail.
1. Must be able to write.
2. Must use your own name on your writings.
3. Must have good knowledge of criminal legal system.
4. Must be able to appear on national television and Internet video to express your position.
If you think you’d like to try this leave a comment with your name, e-mail address and telephone number. Simply click on my profile and send me an e-mail.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Victimless Crime’s Punishment Victimizes Dying Little Girl
After making nearly 1000 drug arrests as a cop I learned the only folks that benefit from tough drug laws are the people involved with every aspect and side of the business of drug trafficking.
Let’s face it too many Americans are using or are just plain hooked on drugs. I have zero sympathy for anyone with a drug habit they themselves created. Today I say the time is long overdue to end the Drug War and put them all out of business in a single day.
Now we have the tragic and heart breaking case of a convicted drug trafficker who’s 10 year-old daughter, Jayci Yaeger is dying from brain cancer. Her father is serving the last year of a five year federal prison rap. Jason Charles Yaeger can’t get a furlough to see his child fulfilling her last wish on this earth.
This is not about mercy for a drug dealer but mercy for his innocent little girl. The Federal Bureau of Prisons has simply denied the request. The court of last resort is President George W. Bush. I say a Commutation is in order for the most compassionate of reasons, a dying child needs her daddy.
You can let President Bush know how you feel by sending an e-mail here:
Put “Please help Jayci” as the subject.
Let’s face it too many Americans are using or are just plain hooked on drugs. I have zero sympathy for anyone with a drug habit they themselves created. Today I say the time is long overdue to end the Drug War and put them all out of business in a single day.
Now we have the tragic and heart breaking case of a convicted drug trafficker who’s 10 year-old daughter, Jayci Yaeger is dying from brain cancer. Her father is serving the last year of a five year federal prison rap. Jason Charles Yaeger can’t get a furlough to see his child fulfilling her last wish on this earth.
This is not about mercy for a drug dealer but mercy for his innocent little girl. The Federal Bureau of Prisons has simply denied the request. The court of last resort is President George W. Bush. I say a Commutation is in order for the most compassionate of reasons, a dying child needs her daddy.
You can let President Bush know how you feel by sending an e-mail here:
Put “Please help Jayci” as the subject.
Emergency Self-Help Saves Lives, 911 Is A Killer
Americans have become dangerously dependant on calling 911 for protection against violent criminals. Rather than recognizing their own responsibilities to protect themselves and families they expect the impossible from their government.
In many large cities it could take several minutes before you can even get connected to a 911 operator. Once that happens your emergency has to be digested and transmitted to a dispatcher who in turn must relay the information to patrol officers on the street. Patrol officers must next commute to your location which may be hampered by mistakes and misinformation within the chain of no less than four people.
Assuming the police can get to your home or business within ten minutes from the time you picked up the telephone a violent criminal could end a lot of lives and be long gone. That’s exactly what happened recently at the Tinley Park, IL, Lane Bryant store where five women were murdered and one more was critically wounded by an armed robber.
Yesterday morning In West Covina, CA Hsia Hsu, 45 called 911 about a burglar in her home. The burglar shot several times and killed her while she was on the telephone trying to summon aid. Needless to say all police could do once they got to her home is clean up the mess.
We’ve allowed ourselves to become dangerously dependant on others to do what we must for ourselves. We’ve have equated self-help with vigilantism or a wrongful act of taking the law into our own hands. Self-defense is neither! Defense of family and self is first and foremost, our duty!
Americans need the tools and training for self-preservation. Last on the list of emergency essentials is that telephone. Is it too simple to remember that all you get once the police arrive at your door is a good guy with a gun and some training? Once the police arrive they must determine who is who and they are not clairvoyant. Deadly mistakes have been made by police once they have arrived.
In an emergency involving violence it’s you that needs the training and a gun! In the vast majority of cases if you are reasonably trained and properly armed the violence never happens. Cowardly criminals won’t risk taking on armed victims.
I don’t understand how Americans automatically think of these self-defense scenarios only happening in their homes. Generally homes are safe places. We have locks, bars, dogs and often multiple family members are present. The most dangerous places are those mean streets and parking lots. That means you need your training and defense tools more than ever when you’re away from the safety of your home.
In the violence prone larger cities run by the most Liberal politicians where law-abiding Americans really need guns. These are also the places where their rights to obtain them are obstructed the most. Waiting periods, permits, permissions, background investigations, outrageous fees, political and peer scorn are used to keep law abiding people from exercising their rights to keep and bear arms.
In many large cities it could take several minutes before you can even get connected to a 911 operator. Once that happens your emergency has to be digested and transmitted to a dispatcher who in turn must relay the information to patrol officers on the street. Patrol officers must next commute to your location which may be hampered by mistakes and misinformation within the chain of no less than four people.
Assuming the police can get to your home or business within ten minutes from the time you picked up the telephone a violent criminal could end a lot of lives and be long gone. That’s exactly what happened recently at the Tinley Park, IL, Lane Bryant store where five women were murdered and one more was critically wounded by an armed robber.
Yesterday morning In West Covina, CA Hsia Hsu, 45 called 911 about a burglar in her home. The burglar shot several times and killed her while she was on the telephone trying to summon aid. Needless to say all police could do once they got to her home is clean up the mess.
We’ve allowed ourselves to become dangerously dependant on others to do what we must for ourselves. We’ve have equated self-help with vigilantism or a wrongful act of taking the law into our own hands. Self-defense is neither! Defense of family and self is first and foremost, our duty!
Americans need the tools and training for self-preservation. Last on the list of emergency essentials is that telephone. Is it too simple to remember that all you get once the police arrive at your door is a good guy with a gun and some training? Once the police arrive they must determine who is who and they are not clairvoyant. Deadly mistakes have been made by police once they have arrived.
In an emergency involving violence it’s you that needs the training and a gun! In the vast majority of cases if you are reasonably trained and properly armed the violence never happens. Cowardly criminals won’t risk taking on armed victims.
I don’t understand how Americans automatically think of these self-defense scenarios only happening in their homes. Generally homes are safe places. We have locks, bars, dogs and often multiple family members are present. The most dangerous places are those mean streets and parking lots. That means you need your training and defense tools more than ever when you’re away from the safety of your home.
In the violence prone larger cities run by the most Liberal politicians where law-abiding Americans really need guns. These are also the places where their rights to obtain them are obstructed the most. Waiting periods, permits, permissions, background investigations, outrageous fees, political and peer scorn are used to keep law abiding people from exercising their rights to keep and bear arms.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A Special Treat For My gun Loving Friends
I’ve had a long association with Eagle Grips that began around 1971. In case you don’t know Eagle grips are the most fabulous, high end, after market custom gun grips around. I have the most fun with this company as I travel around the country to attend various shows and exhibitions.
Earlier this month Wild West Mercantile’s, Winter Range was held In Phoenix, Arizona. The Single Action Shooting Society holds cowboy matches at the Ben Avery gun ranges. There are the standard pedestrian shooters, and then there are the specially skilled mounted cowboys and girls that ride fast and hard as they shoot their six-guns from the saddle.
I was amazed to see the World’s Women Champion Mounted Shooter do her thing. She is well beyond her 14 years on this earth. Most of the socks in my dresser drawers are older than Melissa!
Sit back and watch the multi-talented mounted showgirl do her thing! Yes, those are real single action .45 Long Colt, Ruger Revolvers. Melissa Dagroo is one Cool Kid!
Earlier this month Wild West Mercantile’s, Winter Range was held In Phoenix, Arizona. The Single Action Shooting Society holds cowboy matches at the Ben Avery gun ranges. There are the standard pedestrian shooters, and then there are the specially skilled mounted cowboys and girls that ride fast and hard as they shoot their six-guns from the saddle.
I was amazed to see the World’s Women Champion Mounted Shooter do her thing. She is well beyond her 14 years on this earth. Most of the socks in my dresser drawers are older than Melissa!
Sit back and watch the multi-talented mounted showgirl do her thing! Yes, those are real single action .45 Long Colt, Ruger Revolvers. Melissa Dagroo is one Cool Kid!
The Supreme Court DC Gun Ban Arguments Were A lot Of Hot Air
The lawyers stepped up to make their arguments over One hour and 37 minutes. The Justices as always took the wind out of the lawyer’s sails by interrupting them with questions and stealing time from their arguments. We can only hope the justices are really reading the mountains of briefs filed in the case.
The pro-gun rights plaintiff’s lawyer arguments contained a message that the Second Amendment somehow meant the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be UNREASONABLY infringed. The pro-gun rights argument was far behind the tone of the published opinion of the DC Court of Appeals that upheld our Second Amendment rights.
As usual we really can’t draw conclusions as to the court’s direction based on today’s session. We have to rely on the usual benchmarks and hope we have a five to four split on the predictable political leanings of the justices themselves.
I can only see an opinion that says the Second Amendment is and individual right. I don’t see the court suggesting that the right is somehow limiting through 25,000 gun laws that are on our law books. Keeping and bearing of arms by the people is either a right or it is not.
Over the next three months we will hear the court speak.
Associated Press Investigating Their Inflammatory Fake Gun Photo And Caption
The AP has opened an investigation into this photo after they received numerous calls from my readers. How does the AP retract their inflammatory fake photo after it was splashed on the front pages of newspapers all over the globe? Did the phony photo and caption influence any members of our Supreme Court?
Original story is here.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Will The Supreme Court Protect Freedom and Liberty?
When the case for and against the District of Columbia gun ban is argued before our Supreme Court tomorrow, gun owners and gun hating zealots will be on pins and needles. It’s not so much about what the intent of our founding fathers may have been anymore.
The trend in America has long been to take rights from Americans rather than protecting and defending their liberty. The Drug War, terrorism fears and drunken driving enforcement have totally gutted the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizures.
Numerous recent changes to the way we hold criminal trials have terminally damaged American’s Fifth Amendment Due Process rights. America today incarcerates more of our own citizens than any other country including Red China.
But for abortion and pro-pornography rulings our courts at every level have destroyed any hope of returning to the days when there was respect for freedom, liberty and privacy. Roadblocks and checkpoints for frisking citizens was the kind of thing millions of Americans shed blood to prevent. Now this kind of "security" is here rather than only a part of the most horrible and repressive governments on earth. Repressive government aided by unlimited taxpayer funding and technology’s lightening speed expansion can only bring doom to the way of life we once had.
That Unabom, mad genius, Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski was so concerned about the government’s misuse of technology he conducted a futile decades long deadly bombing campaign in an effort to stop it. Was Kaczynski all that crazy or just really smart?
The narrowest possible Congressional vote brought us the now expired, so called Assault Weapons Ban. That and the Clinton/Reno Administration's Waco Massacre spawned the Oklahoma Bombing by Timothy McVeigh. Had there been no federal gun ban and the slaughter of so many innocent children by Bill Clinton and Janet Reno’s murderous orders, McVeigh would have never retaliated.
The Waco assault was nothing more than a gross violation of the Posse Comitatus Act when the Clinton Administration sent military troops, tanks and helicopters to attack the people inside the Mt. Carmel Church. These folks were murdered because they simply refused to leave their church building and surrender their rightfully possessed firearms to an out-of-control government.
If the United States Supreme Court Rules against American’s rights to keep and bear arms this country can’t last long. Freedom loving Americans will lose their love and allegiance to just another rogue government and loyalty to the American dream will end. All the soldiers we sent to fight and die over the last 230 years did it for naught.
The trend in America has long been to take rights from Americans rather than protecting and defending their liberty. The Drug War, terrorism fears and drunken driving enforcement have totally gutted the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable search and seizures.
Numerous recent changes to the way we hold criminal trials have terminally damaged American’s Fifth Amendment Due Process rights. America today incarcerates more of our own citizens than any other country including Red China.
But for abortion and pro-pornography rulings our courts at every level have destroyed any hope of returning to the days when there was respect for freedom, liberty and privacy. Roadblocks and checkpoints for frisking citizens was the kind of thing millions of Americans shed blood to prevent. Now this kind of "security" is here rather than only a part of the most horrible and repressive governments on earth. Repressive government aided by unlimited taxpayer funding and technology’s lightening speed expansion can only bring doom to the way of life we once had.
That Unabom, mad genius, Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski was so concerned about the government’s misuse of technology he conducted a futile decades long deadly bombing campaign in an effort to stop it. Was Kaczynski all that crazy or just really smart?
The narrowest possible Congressional vote brought us the now expired, so called Assault Weapons Ban. That and the Clinton/Reno Administration's Waco Massacre spawned the Oklahoma Bombing by Timothy McVeigh. Had there been no federal gun ban and the slaughter of so many innocent children by Bill Clinton and Janet Reno’s murderous orders, McVeigh would have never retaliated.
The Waco assault was nothing more than a gross violation of the Posse Comitatus Act when the Clinton Administration sent military troops, tanks and helicopters to attack the people inside the Mt. Carmel Church. These folks were murdered because they simply refused to leave their church building and surrender their rightfully possessed firearms to an out-of-control government.
If the United States Supreme Court Rules against American’s rights to keep and bear arms this country can’t last long. Freedom loving Americans will lose their love and allegiance to just another rogue government and loyalty to the American dream will end. All the soldiers we sent to fight and die over the last 230 years did it for naught.
Los Angeles Times Runs Fake Photo As A Pro-gun Ban Propaganda Machine
In today’s L.A. Times they ran this inflammatory photo with a story about the D.C vs Heller case being argued before the United States Supreme Court. The photograph is a fake! The “illegal handgun” is no more than a toy.
The picture was credited to Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press. The caption is as follows: “A 14-year old who asked not to be named had this illegal handgun on him in southeast Washington on Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Under a 31-year-old law in the nation's capital, ownership of handguns is barred for nearly everyone except law enforcement. The ban is up for review in the Supreme Court.”
The picture is of a German made RTS tear gas delivery device that uses a small amount of gunpowder to deliver CN powder to an attacker. The gun and several like it were manufactured in the early 1960’s in Germany. These guns were no longer made or sold when aerosol spray cans were found to be far superior tear gas delivery system to these tear gas pistols.
The RTS was never considered a firearm by ATF It was freely imported, unrestricted and sold by mail and available in American novelty shops. Needless to say nobody made or sold the ammunition for this obsolete gun in several decades.
The RTS was far less capable of converting to fire ammunition then a ball point pen.
The whole L.A. Times Story can be found here.
The picture was credited to Jacquelyn Martin / Associated Press. The caption is as follows: “A 14-year old who asked not to be named had this illegal handgun on him in southeast Washington on Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Under a 31-year-old law in the nation's capital, ownership of handguns is barred for nearly everyone except law enforcement. The ban is up for review in the Supreme Court.”
The picture is of a German made RTS tear gas delivery device that uses a small amount of gunpowder to deliver CN powder to an attacker. The gun and several like it were manufactured in the early 1960’s in Germany. These guns were no longer made or sold when aerosol spray cans were found to be far superior tear gas delivery system to these tear gas pistols.
The RTS was never considered a firearm by ATF It was freely imported, unrestricted and sold by mail and available in American novelty shops. Needless to say nobody made or sold the ammunition for this obsolete gun in several decades.
The RTS was far less capable of converting to fire ammunition then a ball point pen.
The whole L.A. Times Story can be found here.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Overdue End Of Osama-Bama
For a long time our young, inexperienced and smiling presidential candidate has been keeping a secret. Obama belongs to, supports and worships in a church that preaches hate and has aligned itself with America’s enemies in the Muslim world.
We’ve all seen the quotes caught on tape of Obama’s church leader, spiritual advisor and Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright spewing religious hate. Some of the gems quoted are, “African-Americans should not say "God Bless America," but rather "God damn America" for "killing innocent people"? Then there is that little zinger, “ 9/11 was a case of "America's chickens coming home to roost."
Wright’s anti-White and anti-Jewish hate was never a secret to any of his parishioners including our would be President Barack Obama. Barack Obama prays to a deviant false God of hate.
Of course ever since the information was exposed, our Commander in Chief contender wants to distance himself to the message of hate and that he was an important contributor. This was no different than former KKK Wizard David Duke telling America he became a moderate and should be our President.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Mayor Richard M. Daley Has A Plan For America…
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Elliot Spitzer Is A Typical Democratic Politician
Like all of them Spitzer wastes money as fast as it can be printed.
Spitzer could find a really hot $200.00 hooker almost anywhere in America but drops $5,000.00 instead. Why do I strongly believe that taxpayers funded Spitzer’s hooker escapades and the trips to visit them?
Democrats love to outlaw victimless crimes as part of their inability to enjoy life in keeping with their collective traditions.
Is this a vice or theft case? One thing for sure it’s a case of following the lead and style of the Clinton Administration he that he fit in so well.
Spitzer could find a really hot $200.00 hooker almost anywhere in America but drops $5,000.00 instead. Why do I strongly believe that taxpayers funded Spitzer’s hooker escapades and the trips to visit them?
Democrats love to outlaw victimless crimes as part of their inability to enjoy life in keeping with their collective traditions.
Is this a vice or theft case? One thing for sure it’s a case of following the lead and style of the Clinton Administration he that he fit in so well.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
New York Girl Savagely Murdered
There was no Internet or Conservative talk-radio programing and the messages from the media were tightly controlled in 1964. America was still reeling from the organized destruction of a loyal American Senator by the same media. Back then television was so new and captivating to Americans they easily believed anything the news commentators said.
The good Senator from Wisconsin was deeply concerned about the Communist movement in America and its covert taking over our schools, media and government. He told us all but nobody would listen. We now have exactly what he feared, along with little freedom and a huge and unstopable monster of a government.
Life went on in the country and the change was so slow nobody really noticed. On March 13, 1964, Catherine Susan Genovese was just 28 years-old and was working as a manager at Eve's 11th Hour Sports Bar on Jamaica Avenue in Hollis, Queens. Like all single girls she had fears of muggings and worse on the mean streets of New York. Genovese lived with her young lover, Mary Ann Zielonko in an apartment building and left work for home after closing time at 2:00AM.
Winston Mosley was rapist and killer who also had a savage lust for necrophilia. He was a burglar and also a huge reason why Americans need to have meaningful self-defense tools and rights. Communists hate gun rights because arms would be used by counter-revolutionaries that would want to defeat their one world government dream. The Communists were and still are firmly in control of New York’s government. The Sullivan Gun Ban disarmed all but those like Winston Mosley.
Mosley was out on the prowl like any dangerous animal. That night Mosley selected his prey, and she was Catherine Susan “Kitty” Genovese.
New Yorkers know to mind their own business and hope they could somehow stay invisible to the empowered and well armed predators like Mosley.
When Mosley attacked, Kitty screamed for help. Many neighbors heard Kitty’s desperate cries for help but remained frozen with fear. Mosley’s stabbing, slashing and sexual assault lasted a full half-hour.
One neighbor yelled out to Mosley to leave the girl alone. Mosley knew that he owned the streets and continued his attack with confidence. Mosley knew any New Yorker who dared use any weapon to stop him would go to prison.
Thirty-eight fellow citizens witnessed some or all of the incredibly brutal crime and did nothing. Later the experts coined the new psychological phenomenon that became known as the "Genovese syndrome”. The phenomenon that created the climate of fear that killed Kitty Genovese already had a name and it was, The Sullivan Law.
The good Senator from Wisconsin was deeply concerned about the Communist movement in America and its covert taking over our schools, media and government. He told us all but nobody would listen. We now have exactly what he feared, along with little freedom and a huge and unstopable monster of a government.
Life went on in the country and the change was so slow nobody really noticed. On March 13, 1964, Catherine Susan Genovese was just 28 years-old and was working as a manager at Eve's 11th Hour Sports Bar on Jamaica Avenue in Hollis, Queens. Like all single girls she had fears of muggings and worse on the mean streets of New York. Genovese lived with her young lover, Mary Ann Zielonko in an apartment building and left work for home after closing time at 2:00AM.
Winston Mosley was rapist and killer who also had a savage lust for necrophilia. He was a burglar and also a huge reason why Americans need to have meaningful self-defense tools and rights. Communists hate gun rights because arms would be used by counter-revolutionaries that would want to defeat their one world government dream. The Communists were and still are firmly in control of New York’s government. The Sullivan Gun Ban disarmed all but those like Winston Mosley.
Mosley was out on the prowl like any dangerous animal. That night Mosley selected his prey, and she was Catherine Susan “Kitty” Genovese.
New Yorkers know to mind their own business and hope they could somehow stay invisible to the empowered and well armed predators like Mosley.
When Mosley attacked, Kitty screamed for help. Many neighbors heard Kitty’s desperate cries for help but remained frozen with fear. Mosley’s stabbing, slashing and sexual assault lasted a full half-hour.
One neighbor yelled out to Mosley to leave the girl alone. Mosley knew that he owned the streets and continued his attack with confidence. Mosley knew any New Yorker who dared use any weapon to stop him would go to prison.
Thirty-eight fellow citizens witnessed some or all of the incredibly brutal crime and did nothing. Later the experts coined the new psychological phenomenon that became known as the "Genovese syndrome”. The phenomenon that created the climate of fear that killed Kitty Genovese already had a name and it was, The Sullivan Law.
Will A Dead “Witness” Haunt Phil Spector At A Second Trial?
Dianne Ogden-Halder, once dated and worked for Phil Spector. Things went sour and decades later Ogden-Halder vilified Phil Spector in court claiming he twice pulled a gun on her and tried to rape her. There was no follow-up police action, prosecution or corroboration to the alleged events.
Ogden-Halder died in her sleep at her Park City, Utah home on December 29, 2007 at the age of 61.
Despite credibility issues, a lack of substantiating evidence and the passage of time Ogden-Halder was allowed to testify in the totally unrelated Phil Spector murder trial. That testimony was recorded by a court reporter and video was captured by Court TV. Since Ogden-Halder was cross-examined by Spector’s Defense counsel I believe the next jury will hear and perhaps see Ogden-Halder testify from the grave.
I can’t imagine a more prejudicial event than to feed a second jury the words of the now dead witness. Ogden-Halder will never be able to change her story or undergo additional cross-examination. Any jury would be overly sympathetic and even possibly consider the dead woman as some kind of saint. Our society seems to treat the dead with much more respect than the living.
In Spector’s first trial Judge Larry Fiddler allowed Ogden-Halder to testify. California’s voters recently approved changes to court rules allowing for ancient allegations of a similar nature into criminal trials. I call the changes, unfair, outrageous and nothing more than a helping hand for lazy prosecutors.
In minimal fairness, Ogden-Halder should not have been allowed to testify at the first trial but bringing her into a second trial is beyond ghoulish.
Phil Spector is due to be in court for a pre-trial hearing on March 28, 2008. I expect to see a boat load of new Motions to have been filed in this case by the defense. Among the expected motions is the one already filed seeking to have Judge Fiddler remove himself because of his continual biased behavior against Phil Spector.
Ogden-Halder died in her sleep at her Park City, Utah home on December 29, 2007 at the age of 61.
Despite credibility issues, a lack of substantiating evidence and the passage of time Ogden-Halder was allowed to testify in the totally unrelated Phil Spector murder trial. That testimony was recorded by a court reporter and video was captured by Court TV. Since Ogden-Halder was cross-examined by Spector’s Defense counsel I believe the next jury will hear and perhaps see Ogden-Halder testify from the grave.
I can’t imagine a more prejudicial event than to feed a second jury the words of the now dead witness. Ogden-Halder will never be able to change her story or undergo additional cross-examination. Any jury would be overly sympathetic and even possibly consider the dead woman as some kind of saint. Our society seems to treat the dead with much more respect than the living.
In Spector’s first trial Judge Larry Fiddler allowed Ogden-Halder to testify. California’s voters recently approved changes to court rules allowing for ancient allegations of a similar nature into criminal trials. I call the changes, unfair, outrageous and nothing more than a helping hand for lazy prosecutors.
In minimal fairness, Ogden-Halder should not have been allowed to testify at the first trial but bringing her into a second trial is beyond ghoulish.
Phil Spector is due to be in court for a pre-trial hearing on March 28, 2008. I expect to see a boat load of new Motions to have been filed in this case by the defense. Among the expected motions is the one already filed seeking to have Judge Fiddler remove himself because of his continual biased behavior against Phil Spector.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Do We Really Have A Right To Keep And Bear Arms?
We are about to find out when the United States Supreme Court rules on D.C. vs. Heller before the court's summer recess in June 2008. That of course is the case involving the 32 year-old handgun ban in the District of Columbia.
I really can’t see the court deciding that we have partial or restricted right to keep and bear arms. I see an all or nothing answer. You really can’t regulate or tax a right like you can with drivers and their automobiles. Driving and owning vehicles is not a right but a privilege.
Take free speech. There are no word bans or prior restraint on the use of words. Things like threats, extortion, libel and slander are all actionable once words are misused and people are victimized. Simple common sense dictates that the keeping and bearing of arms is the same. The misuse of firearms is what is and should be regulated and made actionable through law not the possession or carrying of them.
If the court determines American have an individual gun-rights and not some collective right. Wait! A collective right is straight out of Karl Marx’s teachings! That collective right concept is un-America. No other rights in our Bill of rights is considered a collective right. If we have the right to keep and bear arms this is what would have to follow:
1. There could be no tax or fee for permits or registrations.
2. No person could be forced to take or pass a test in order to enjoy the right.
3. No waiting periods to obtain firearms could be enforced.
4. There could be no rationing programs like the one gun a month idea.
5. Any American other than felons or mental defectives could buy a firearm in any state.
6. The carrying of firearms outside of prisons could not be prevented.
7. Most or all of the 1934 National Firearms Act would be invalid.
Gun registration laws could still stand despite two Supreme Court opinions that made it clear that felons and others barred from owning firearms cannot be prosecuted for failure to register because registration in and of itself would force these people to incriminate themselves on the registration applications in violation of their Fifth Amendment rights. Gun registration bureaucracies have nothing to offer taxpayers except a huge tax burden for these programs that have no value.
Will our Supreme Court protect or destroy our Second Amendment? Whatever the court decides it will be final, but for amending the Constitution.
I really can’t see the court deciding that we have partial or restricted right to keep and bear arms. I see an all or nothing answer. You really can’t regulate or tax a right like you can with drivers and their automobiles. Driving and owning vehicles is not a right but a privilege.
Take free speech. There are no word bans or prior restraint on the use of words. Things like threats, extortion, libel and slander are all actionable once words are misused and people are victimized. Simple common sense dictates that the keeping and bearing of arms is the same. The misuse of firearms is what is and should be regulated and made actionable through law not the possession or carrying of them.
If the court determines American have an individual gun-rights and not some collective right. Wait! A collective right is straight out of Karl Marx’s teachings! That collective right concept is un-America. No other rights in our Bill of rights is considered a collective right. If we have the right to keep and bear arms this is what would have to follow:
1. There could be no tax or fee for permits or registrations.
2. No person could be forced to take or pass a test in order to enjoy the right.
3. No waiting periods to obtain firearms could be enforced.
4. There could be no rationing programs like the one gun a month idea.
5. Any American other than felons or mental defectives could buy a firearm in any state.
6. The carrying of firearms outside of prisons could not be prevented.
7. Most or all of the 1934 National Firearms Act would be invalid.
Gun registration laws could still stand despite two Supreme Court opinions that made it clear that felons and others barred from owning firearms cannot be prosecuted for failure to register because registration in and of itself would force these people to incriminate themselves on the registration applications in violation of their Fifth Amendment rights. Gun registration bureaucracies have nothing to offer taxpayers except a huge tax burden for these programs that have no value.
Will our Supreme Court protect or destroy our Second Amendment? Whatever the court decides it will be final, but for amending the Constitution.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Historic Gun Rights Case Argument Is Set For March 18th
Our Supreme Court has scheduled arguments in the historic case D.C. v. Heller for March 18.
The current Bush Administration recently did a pathetic flip-flop by first supporting the Second Amendment then more recently withdrawing support. They’ve been granted additional time to argue their new position. This is a lot like when former President George H.W. Bush claimed to voters that he’d support no new gun laws then reneged when he soon administratively banned certain firearms from importation.
In any event the case for Heller and gun-rights supporters seems bullet-proof and destined to end gun bans in the handful of Bolshevik states that have continually violated their citizen’s rights to keep and bear arms. The Supreme Court’s decision is due to land in June before the summer recess. Let's hope for the best.
The current Bush Administration recently did a pathetic flip-flop by first supporting the Second Amendment then more recently withdrawing support. They’ve been granted additional time to argue their new position. This is a lot like when former President George H.W. Bush claimed to voters that he’d support no new gun laws then reneged when he soon administratively banned certain firearms from importation.
In any event the case for Heller and gun-rights supporters seems bullet-proof and destined to end gun bans in the handful of Bolshevik states that have continually violated their citizen’s rights to keep and bear arms. The Supreme Court’s decision is due to land in June before the summer recess. Let's hope for the best.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Dorothy "The Hat" Tillman Booked For Trespassing
MONTGOMERY, Ala.--Former Chicago gun-slinging alderman Dorothy “The Hat” Tillman was arrested and charged Sunday with trespassing in her native Montgomery.
Tillman pushed her weight around at a hospital where her aunt was being treated. After she created a disturbance she was asked to leave. When she refused police hauled her off in chains. She was soon bailed out by a local reverend and now faces a court date of March 31, 2008.
Tiltman protested being placed in handcuffs and leg shackles by the cops but I bet she was a real fashion plate. Tillman's booking photo is not up to her standards...
The Perfect Shooting Suspect Police Mug Shot.
This is 29 year-old Erin Holmes. She was booked for aggravated Assault by Tempe, Arizona police for shooting her boyfriend a local tow truck driver. Her jail booking photo will be used by the media during the one to three years it will take to bring her to trial. Her booking photo does not look like a typical police muug shot of a criminal. Holmes jury' or public opinions won’t be swayed in any sort of negative way by seeing this pleasant picture.
As in nearly every shooting there is a reason, perhaps a good reason such as self-defense or the shooting was the result of an accident. Here a jury will probably decide since she’s been arrested. If Holmes was smart enough to say absolutely nothing to the police convicting her will be difficult.
As a defense investigator this is the kind of case I love to handle.
The message here is simple, always smile for every camera!
Here’s the story so far by Arizona’s News Channel, KTVK-TV.
As in nearly every shooting there is a reason, perhaps a good reason such as self-defense or the shooting was the result of an accident. Here a jury will probably decide since she’s been arrested. If Holmes was smart enough to say absolutely nothing to the police convicting her will be difficult.
As a defense investigator this is the kind of case I love to handle.
The message here is simple, always smile for every camera!
Here’s the story so far by Arizona’s News Channel, KTVK-TV.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
It’s Time For A penny Revolt!
They get caught in you vacuum cleaner. Pennies suck! They are nothing but an everyday nuisance that needs to go! They are worth more per pound as raw copper then they are as legal tender.
Pennies may be legal tender but try unloading them to anyone including your own bank. Nobody wants them. Since the politicians won’t get rid of them, it’s time to melt them down. Businesses simply need to round off sales to the nearest nickel. In the long run it will save on labor costs.
Pennies may be legal tender but try unloading them to anyone including your own bank. Nobody wants them. Since the politicians won’t get rid of them, it’s time to melt them down. Businesses simply need to round off sales to the nearest nickel. In the long run it will save on labor costs.
A Dozen Easy Ways To Fix California’s Budget Crisis
These simple actions would immediately help any state or local government get their financial affairs out of the red. Why pay good money after bad with yet another tax increase?
1. Require every school child to provide proof of legal residency in order to attend any public school.
2. Develop high quality and accredited online schools in the most common languages to assist and encourage home schooling at every educational level. Every correctional institution needs to make these courses available to inmates.
3. Make school textbooks available in digital form for the online students.
4. Develop online English classes for immigrants in most common languages so they can function in American society.
5. Require every uninsured and non-paying hospital patients to prove legal residency for medical treatments other than lifesaving emergencies.
6. Put prison convicts to work picking crops eliminating the need for illegal aliens.
7. Confiscate and sell at a public auction every automobile operated by illegal aliens.
8. Extend all drivers’ licenses for 15 years reducing the need for hundreds of thousands of hours of MVD employee time.
9. Reduce fees for citizens that renew vehicle registrations or drivers online.
10. Eliminate the requirement for a front license plate on motor vehicles.
11. Require every vehicle on the roads be equipped with a GPS navigation device to reduce the numbers of vehicles driving endlessly while clogging traffic. The result will be fewer accidents, hospitalizations and lost lives saving taxpayers millions.
12. Require the courts establish virtual online courts where the parties involved in civil or criminal cases can deal with pre-trial matters over the Internet via webcams. The goal here is reducing the need for millions of miles of commuting by public paid lawyers and other government workers attending these hearings and such.
1. Require every school child to provide proof of legal residency in order to attend any public school.
2. Develop high quality and accredited online schools in the most common languages to assist and encourage home schooling at every educational level. Every correctional institution needs to make these courses available to inmates.
3. Make school textbooks available in digital form for the online students.
4. Develop online English classes for immigrants in most common languages so they can function in American society.
5. Require every uninsured and non-paying hospital patients to prove legal residency for medical treatments other than lifesaving emergencies.
6. Put prison convicts to work picking crops eliminating the need for illegal aliens.
7. Confiscate and sell at a public auction every automobile operated by illegal aliens.
8. Extend all drivers’ licenses for 15 years reducing the need for hundreds of thousands of hours of MVD employee time.
9. Reduce fees for citizens that renew vehicle registrations or drivers online.
10. Eliminate the requirement for a front license plate on motor vehicles.
11. Require every vehicle on the roads be equipped with a GPS navigation device to reduce the numbers of vehicles driving endlessly while clogging traffic. The result will be fewer accidents, hospitalizations and lost lives saving taxpayers millions.
12. Require the courts establish virtual online courts where the parties involved in civil or criminal cases can deal with pre-trial matters over the Internet via webcams. The goal here is reducing the need for millions of miles of commuting by public paid lawyers and other government workers attending these hearings and such.
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