You’re a proud protector of the public and you just snagged a traffic violator you’re going to impress with your devotion to duty with an expensive citation. You get out of your car and approach the violator with your best Adam 12, Reed & Molloy impersonation when…
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Ann Jillian, Bob Hope And Countless Stars Entertained Our Troops
As a veteran I know first and the loneliness of being away from home and being trapped at a duty assignment where entertainment is very rare. A wonderful volunteer organization came into existence to fill this void, The USO.
Through the years the A list stars conspired to get out to combat zones and such to bring love, support and fun to our protectors of freedom. That needed attention seems to falter when our politicians send our kids to fight politically unpopular wars and that’s both sad and un-American.
Then there was the late, great Bob Hope and his troops that never wavered in bringing joy and first class entertainment where it was needed most. Along with Bob Hope was my dear friend, singer, dancer and Golden Globe winning actress, Ann Jillian. Ann is married to my pal, retired Chicago police Sergeant Andy Murcia.
Ann Jillian has a website that can be found here.
Please sit back and watch this rare clip of Bob Hope and Ann Jillian as they brought sheer joy to the boys and girls sent to fight Desert Storm.
Through the years the A list stars conspired to get out to combat zones and such to bring love, support and fun to our protectors of freedom. That needed attention seems to falter when our politicians send our kids to fight politically unpopular wars and that’s both sad and un-American.
Then there was the late, great Bob Hope and his troops that never wavered in bringing joy and first class entertainment where it was needed most. Along with Bob Hope was my dear friend, singer, dancer and Golden Globe winning actress, Ann Jillian. Ann is married to my pal, retired Chicago police Sergeant Andy Murcia.
Ann Jillian has a website that can be found here.
Please sit back and watch this rare clip of Bob Hope and Ann Jillian as they brought sheer joy to the boys and girls sent to fight Desert Storm.
History Would Suggest It’s Time For Another U.S. President To Be Assassinated

But for John Wilks Booth, the assassins were disenfranchised angry loners, some suffering from mental disorders.
John Wilks Booth was a patriot who took out perhaps the most toxic president we’ve ever had. The winners of the Civil War wrote the history books and made a hero and martyr out of a considerable enemy of freedom and liberty. I’ve never been a fan of Abe Lincoln. A split nation was far better than the huge loss of life and suffering that our Civil War brought Americans on both sides.
It only takes marginal intelligence and a created opportunity to kill a president. Improvised explosives, incendiary devices, firearms all can be command fired from great distances. Sophisticated killers can watch live television feeds broadcast in real time to determine when to press the button taking out the world’s greatest leader.
The Secret Service can never hope to eliminate the constant threats, attempts and actual assassinations. They will happen just because they will.
I would be surprised and amazed if we got through another presidential term with hot button, toxic people that are now likely to end up being inaugurated in January 2009.
My bet is the country will go on like it always does with a Constitutional successor. Someone will be offended or angry enough to do what they could not accomplish at the ballot box.
The chances of any president being killed are a little greater than 10% based on history. Get ready for the rider less horse in a funeral parade. Perhaps the next one will have a side-saddle.
The Rush Is On To Loot Britney Spears’ Estate

Anyone feeding Spears alcohol or drugs is suspect since that would weaken Spear’s resistance and ability to protect her assets. Spear’s parents remind me of so many parents of Hollywood’s child stars. The feel entitled to steal their child’s earnings and do so with no limits. Spear’s parents are fighting desperately to gain absolute control of their daughter’s earnings.
Next we have a huge boatload of lawyers, medical experts, accountants, and the court itself all grabbing their “share” of The Britney Spears estate. Let’s not forget that ex-husband who’d be living in a beat up car had he not caught Britney’s eye one day.
I can’t predict how the court will “protect” Britney Spears or her money but you can count on millions going to the greedy as a result of the court's intervention. In the mean time Britney can’t write a check, or use her own credit cards. I don’t see anyone on the side of this young woman.
Arizona’s, John Shadegg won’t seek re-election to an eighth term in Congress.

Shadegg is a real Conservative who served for 14 years with distinction and grace as he fought runaway spending, out of control government and its constant corruption. At the same time Shadegg fought hard to protect our ever shrinking freedoms and liberty. I had hoped to see his name on a Presidential ballot instead of the names we’ve got. I don’t count Shadegg out as a strong American political leader or future Presidential candidate. I just hope to see that happen.
Update! 138 House Republicans have signed a letter asking Shadegg to reconsider and now he's considering a reversal of his plans!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Barack Obama The Drug Abusing Felon

Okay, this is in his past and should not count. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of police applicants rejected and blackballed for the very same behavior in their past lives. Use of cocaine is a felony under every state and federal laws. That makes Obama a felon.
The broad support for Obamma’s candidacy along with the huge amount of unchecked drug abuse in this country is a clear sign that the numbers of Americans that don’t break drug laws are in the minority.
Can anyone please help me make sense of these facts?
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A Special Report On Homeland Security
Knob Creek Kentucky is one of the most crime free places to visit on our earth. Every year they have a special event that draws thousands of people having lots of good clean American fun. Come watch video journalist Kaj Larsen as he visits Knob Creek, KY and shows us what real HOMELAND SECURITY looks like.
R. Lee Ermey "Gunny's" comments on Knob Creek.
R. Lee Ermey "Gunny's" comments on Knob Creek.
Friday, February 08, 2008
It’s time For All Cops To Reject Most Gun Laws

The argument that the courts should decide the Constitutionality of gun laws not street cops is just not working. Take the City of Chicago as an example. Alderman Ed Burke controls all judicial appointments and lawyers placed in judgeships. In Chicago nobody would ever be appointed or slated if he or she dismissed gun cases because of something like the Bill of Rights. As a result the Cook County judicial system is a sham. Cops have been ordered to break laws to enforce laws and that’s both wrong and un-American.
If the citizen you stopped is not involved with any offense beyond ignoring a ban or prohibition that infringes on the right to possess or carry firearms let him or her pass in peace. We must protect the rights of our citizens even if politicians write laws that violate our freedoms. Remember these rights are the freedoms of cops, their families and friends too.
I don’t suggest for a second that armed felons, drug addicts or people engaged in other criminal activity get anything less than free food and shelter in your local jail. Cops need to protect citizens and their rights.
Supreme Court Being Influenced By Congress’ Amici Curiae Brief on Heller Gun Case!

Our Supreme Court received a new amici curiae brief in opposition to the DC handgun ban from 250 members of the House, 55 senators along VP Dick Cheney. My esteemed firearms legal expert believes the Supreme Court will pay attention to a co-equal branch of government.
Here is what the NRA released yesterday about its own amicus brief. The last paragraph predicted the Congressional brief that was filed today.
NRA Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court, D.C. v. Heller ()Thursday, February 07, 2008
Fairfax, Va. - The National Rifle Association (NRA) and the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund today submitted an amicus curiae brief to the United States Supreme Court in the case of District of Columbia (D.C.) and Mayor Adrian Fenty v. Dick Anthony Heller. This brief supports a lower federal appeals court decision holding that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, and asserts that the D.C. bans on handguns, on carrying firearms within the home and on possession of loaded or operable firearms for self-defense violate that fundamental right.
“We want to return hope and we want to return freedom to our nation’s capital. After this ban was enacted, D.C.’s murder rate tripled, and the city was labeled ‘murder capital of the United States’,” said NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. “The irony of this gun ban is that it has resulted in criminals having guns while denying law-abiding citizens their basic right to self defense in their own homes.”
In March, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that “[T]he phrase ‘the right of the people,’ when read intratextually and in light of Supreme Court precedent, leads us to conclude that the right in question is individual.” The D.C. Circuit also rejected the claim that the Second Amendment does not apply to the District of Columbia because D.C. is not a state. This case marks the first time a Second Amendment challenge to a firearm law has reached the Supreme Court since 1939.
“It is beyond unreasonable to prevent law-abiding residents from using a firearm to protect themselves and their loved ones in their own homes, and that is clearly not what our founding fathers intended in crafting the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” added Chris W. Cox, NRA’s chief lobbyist. “The American people - whether democrat or republican, urban or rural - know that the Second Amendment was not written to give a right to the government, but rather to guarantee the fundamental right of individual citizens.”
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), along with bi-partisan majorities of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives - in fact, the largest number of co-signers of a congressional amicus brief in American history - will also be filing a strong brief in support of the individual rights view. Several other pro-Second Amendment individuals and organizations, including an overwhelming majority of state attorneys general, will be filing briefs in favor of affirming the D.C. Circuit’s decision as well.
The NRA is widely recognized as America’s foremost defender of Americans’ civil rights as guaranteed by the Second Amendment, as well as being the nation’s leading provider of firearms safety and marksmanship training. The NRA has a vital interest in this case, as the District of Columbia’s arguments, if accepted, would abrogate the fundamental right to keep and bear arms enjoyed by the NRA’s members and other Americans.
As stated in the NRA brief:
“In adopting the Second Amendment, the Framers guaranteed an individual right to keep and bear arms for private purposes, not a collective right to keep and bear arms only in connection with state militia service.”
By its terms, the Amendment protects the right ‘of the people’ to keep and bear arms. The holder of the right is unambiguous: it is not the States, it is ‘the people’ themselves.”
“Americans’ personal right to possess . . . firearms for hunting or self-defense was part of the essence of the Framers’ view of themselves as a free and democratic people. Had Americans in 1787 been told that the federal government could ban the frontiersman in his log cabin, or the city merchant living above his store, from keeping firearms to provide for and protect himself and his family, it is hard to imagine that the Constitution would have been ratified.”
My Favorite Shot Show Gun Offerings for 2008

I brought out three guns for my readers that I thought were remarkable and desirable. They are purely defensible handguns suitable for cops and civilians alike. Let me say that I don’t like small caliber handguns like 9MM or .38 special since they’re more suitable for mouse hunting than the serious business of self-defense.
Glock brought their new short frame (SF) models in both the full size 13+1 shot .45 ACP #21 SF and the sub-compact, 10+1 shot .45 ACP #30 SF. I like the larger #21 the way it is but I love the way the #30 fits my medium size hand.
There is some bad news here for the Left-handed shooter because of the Bolshevik Republic of California’s insanely complicated gun laws. The laws actually prevented Glock from utilizing the ambidextrous magazine release on the Short Frame models.
I must caution novice Glock carriers to exercise extreme caution with these pistols because the trigger system is different and may prove hyper to shooters that only used revolvers or double-action semi-automatics.
Smith & Wesson brought a large frame (N) six shot revolver in .45 ACP with a reincarnated three inch barrel. This configuration utilizes full-moon or half-moon clips of yesteryear. Does that turn you off? It shouldn’t because the full-moon clips are really great speed-loaders loading all six rounds at once. This is an incredibly reliable revolver offering a real punch knocking out any criminal. This is being offered in the old classic style or in a new lightweight issue with night sights.
When you take delivery of this S&W go over to and pick up a pair of Secret Service grips to make this the best revolver you ever owned or fired.
Sig-Saur brought some new plastic Glock style semi-automatics and none of these rang my bell. I’m really partial to the P-239 two-tone model. I’m no fan of the .40 S&W round that’s most popular with politically correct police agencies trying to make their side arms female friendly. I’d rather take my chances with the .357 Sig jhp round. The .239 only needs a barrel and magazine change to morph one way or the other.
I’d avoid the DAO or DAK trigger option demanded by agencies such as the Chicago Police Department that trade the safety of their officers for that of criminal suspects.
The Sig-Saur #239 in .357 Sig is one of the best guns I’ve ever fired. It’s the only choice for me other than carrying a pistol chambered for the .45 ACP.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Mail Call At The Las Vegas Shot Show!

Las Vegas-- The Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade Show opened in Las Vegas, NV today. At the Glock Firearms Booth their spokesman is our favorite super Marine, R.Lee Ermey aka "Gunny". You've seen him in many fine films and History Channel's Mail Call.
Stop by and meet Gunny and get his autograph today thru Sunday!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
It’s SHOT SHOW Time In Las Vegas!

The dollar has taken a severe beating abroad which will make it easier for foreign dealers to buy lots of goods made by our American workers.
I plan to show some highlights from this event right here at crimefile News.
More information on the SHOT SHOW can be found here.
Britney Spears Is A Lot Closer To Marilyn Monroe this Morning

Spears was removed from her home and hospitalized under a 72 hour hold arranged by her own psychiatrist. The scene was and is beyond chaotic as nearly 100 people comprised of cops, firemen, paparazzi photographers escorted her to the hospital.
I won’t speculate on a diagnosis of Spears’ medical condition but her life is far from normal as Spears has been subject to constant privacy invasion and surveillance by the sleaziest tabloid operations. You can properly argue that Spears is a co-conspirator to the exposure of every intimate detail of her life. it’s now time for the tabloid vultures circling over Spears to take the high road and end their coverage of this troubled young woman at least and until she can heal.
With Spears’ enormous financial holdings her helpers, family and friends seem to be motivated by greed rather than any desire to help Spears.
Sadly, the Britney Spears death watch well is underway. I don’t think this woman can ever last longer that the 36 years Marilyn Monroe graced this earth. Spears will be strangled to death by her fans, the morbidly curious, government bureaucrats, opportunists looking to loot her estate and the managers of our sleazy media organizations.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wesley Snipes Criminal Tax Evasion Trial Nears Its End

Crooked Politicians and their contractors have bled Americans for far too long. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves because confiscatory taxation is exactly why we revolted against England. We are plundered far more today by our own government than King George ever dreamed possible.
We have a tax code that even the experts can’t understand and ordinary folks are expected to simply shut up and send money off to be squandered at every level of government. There has to be a better, simpler and more equitable to handle taxes. We must find way to kill or at least slow down the greedy tax monster.
We taxed ourselves to death and at the same time we’ve allowed illegal aliens to bankrupt our schools, destroy our health care, insurance systems and overload our courts and prisons beyond the breaking point.

At the beginning of the American experiment our founding fathers allowed only land owners or taxpayers the right to vote. We’ve given every freeloader and deadbeat the right to vote and now they make up the majority as they demand the Nanny system of government.
I hope to see Wesley Snipes and his co-defendants win this round with the government. Perhaps government can be forced into a simplified total redesign of the tax system. We can count on the bottom feeding politicians, contractors, and CPA’s to fight hard to keep things just the way they are as they take even more from us.
The truth is that the most common tax dissenter’s legal arguments against the IRS are far easier to understand and accept than our tax code.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Meeting New Law Enforcement Friends In L.A.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the policewomen wearing uniform skirts instead of patrolman pants. Oh, to return to the days when men were men and women were women.
These fine officers are enjoying quite an adventure during their visit. I think Crimefile News has gained some new readers!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Dreaming About Gloria Loring…

I regret I still never met Gloria or got to make a complete fool out of myself trying to date her. I would have stuttered like Porky Pig if I ever got to look into her gorgeous eyes.
I have a dear contemporary actress friend living in Sherman Oaks whose known Gloria for many years. I hope that I may yet get the opportunity to impress this babe/actress/songbird with my unintentional Porky Pig impersonation.
Yes, she's currently married to Rene Lagler and her son Robin Thicke is a huge star now.
I must confess to borrowing Gloria's picture from her website. You can visit Gloria's site, see many more pictures and buy her great music at the Official Gloria Loring Site.
Sit back and watch Gloria sing her hit, Friends and Lovers.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Is Richard M. Daley Ed Burke’s Puppet?

Alderman Burke that is perhaps the only Alderman in America with a 1$ million dollar a year police bodyguard detail over a long forgotten decades old threat. Is Daley asleep at the wheel or just too afraid of Alderman Burke to end this kind unnecessary waste? What about the 49 other Aldermen and women?
How does Alderman Burke get to keep a $9 million dollar donated campaign war chest when he’s not been opposed in any election in memory? Generous contributor’s with lots of clout and huge wasteful city contracts paid Burke well for throwing tax money away.
The Shackman Decree may have ended patronage appointments but Burke and Daley have been able to outsource enough work. Work like that of the Hired Truck scandal to maintain any power lost because of Shackman.
Why do Chicago’s taxpayers have to pay millions of dollars to lawyers to protect Edward Burke whenever he’s been the target of federal investigations?
This Burke story is one that will keep on giving. Club Fed is waiting for their new residents.
You Know Your Country is In Deep Trouble When…

Making America’s hard working taxpayers pay for this outrage in beyond insane. This is nothing more than a very tired Marxist idea to redistribute wealth.
We don’t need a tax rebate. What we need is a leaner and more efficient government with fewer bureaucrats putting their greedy hands in our pants.
The freeloaders who are given $300.00 of their fellow American’s money will simply use it for illegal drugs, liquor or bail bonds.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Chicago May Be ready for Reform

There are some serious issues involving statutes of limitations that won’t affect State Bar and judicial conduct matters. There are plenty of matters recent enough to bring indictments.
Payoffs in the form of contracts awarded for Chicago’s legal work, Chicago Mob ties, new ghost pay-rolling allegations, along with fixing a court appeal to help the Emerald Gambling Casino regain their revoked license will all be under a new government microscope.
Alderman Burke was the son of a politically appointed Sheriff’s Deputy who rose through political ranks. Burke became a Chicago cop in 1965 and worked his way through DePaul Law School. When Burke’s father died in 1968 the younger Burke took a leave of absence from the police department to succeed his father’s position in the 14th Ward. Allegedly Ed Burke aligned himself with the Chicago Mob, got his inexperienced lawyer wife appointed to the Illinois Appellate Court and later the Supreme Court.
Many of these allegations are not new and were profiled in Robert Cooley’s book, WHEN CORRUPTION WAS KING that’s now being developed in Hollywood as a feature film.
Alderman Burke has a limousine, drivers and a large contingent of Chicago police bodyguards at his disposal because of an alleged threat made decades ago. I’ve been told taxpayers fund this at 1$ million a year. Along with his bodyguards Burke is also allowed by law to carry guns. No wonder Chicago is the land of constant tax increases.
If Chicago has a King and Queen they are the Burkes. They have the real power over the city’s government, at least for now. I’m told their lives are about to change.
Stay tuned! I expect to get some documents that are part of the investigation and will publish them here.
Hollywood Stars, Drug Addictions and Behavior Issues

The reality is that the Hollywood gate keepers are the established agents. Agents can make nearly any homeless man or woman an instant millionaire if they simply are able stand still and talk. Usually its relatives, bed-mates or close friends of Hollywood powerbrokers that are made into stars. Of course there are those very talented exceptions that can do things like sing, dance or act better than anyone who make it on their own merits.
If an agent drops an actor and he’s not picked up by another he will be waiting tables as soon as the money he or she already earned runs out. An agent-less actor is an unemployed actor. Producers and their casting directors rarely audition unrepresented actors.
When actors misbehave, use drugs or otherwise become dysfunctional they are a huge risk and liability to film investors. Too many young actors give way to non-therapeutic drugs and every other kind of stupidity as they bite the hands that feed them.
The Hollywood mentality of tolerance has gone way too far as bad behavior seems to be considered more for its free publicity. When actors undergo rehabilitation they return as heroes when they are nothing more than addicted souls waiting for their next relapse.
There are legions of great actors that never grab headlines other than for making box office hits like Jodi Foster, Hillary Swank and Clint Eastwood. The miscreant thespians need to be given the bums rush out the door and other actors deserve their chance at the good life.
I’ll weep more for the actor who came to Hollywood, never found and agent or a chance to live their dream than the likes of River Phoenix, Brad Renfro or Heath Ledger.
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