Friday, October 26, 2007
An Update On The Washington D.C. Handgun Ban Cases

Thursday, October 25, 2007
How America’s Bolsheviks wrecked home ownership.

Americans began to borrow money in creative ways that tied personal, credit card and even car loans to their mortgages. The downside risk with these loans is the real possibility of forced foreclosure on borrower’s homes. Credit card debt and car loans were never tied to mortgages until the Bolsheviks made this change. Now debtors lose their homes when they default on the loans that really have nothing to do with their mortgages.
Losing a job, catastrophic illness or simple bad money management not only brings an end to home ownership, but also eliminates any future tax advantages conveyed to homeowners. This way the poor get poorer and we all know that the poor vote for Democrats!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Firearm Marketing And Gun Haters

Modern times have brought slightly improved ergonomics and cosmetic changes. Ammunition has been repackaged with names like Black Talon, Silver Tip and sold with lots of “magic bullet” hype. Today there are laser sights, night sights and various optical sights and none have allowed an poorly trained or undisciplined shooter to be more dangerous. Quality optical sights are also a century old.

The Politics of California’s Firestorm

Wildfires are a natural occurrence. Add humans to this mix and soon the non-natural act of arson is an absolute. Developers and their owned politicians also brought in the arsonists. Splash in a dash the latest real estate crisis where lenders loaned billions to those who were unable to repay. Arson is a convenient way to get out from under a mortgage as long as the arsonist evades discovery. Dry conditions, high winds, hard financial times and arsonists will always produce the conditions for the perfect firestorm.
If there is a moral to this story avoid building or buying your home where there are fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados and earthquakes. If you don’t mind the risk of building or buying in these areas please don’t hold your hand out for money from the rest of us. Please avoid spreading that kind of insurance risk with the folks who live in places where these kinds of disasters are very rare.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Home-Schooling Teacher Accused Of Having A Boy Toy

The "victim" is alleged to be an un-named, very lucky 14 year-old boy who claims to have been tutored in more than just the three-R’s by a delightful looking woman.
I have a serious problem with any 14 year-old boy who feels the need to cooperate with police and prosecutors in going after this woman even if she did the acts for which she is charged. My natural inclination is to disbelieve such an allegation because any normal red-blooded American boy would be proud to get those kinds of lessons and keep his mouth shut.
This story has a serious odor to it. I hope they never find a jury that will convict this woman of anything. This is just another big waste of money. If Vincent did what she’s accused of, so what? There is no victim other then hard working California taxpayers forced to pay for this silly prosecution.
Today Ms. Vincent if free pending trial on more than a half-million dollar bail bond. She faces decades behind bars should she be convicted.
For the record I’d be more than happy to take on this lady’s criminal defense investigation.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Newspaper Publishers Arrested For Story About Grand Jury Subpoenas

At the heart of this arrest is a decade old Arizona law that makes it a crime to publish the home address of a peace officer or certain other public officials on the Internet. The law has never been challenged and may well be in conflict with the First Amendment to our Constitution. That same protection applies to nobody else and may in itself violate the 14th Amendment with respect to equal protection. Because home addresses are often public records they can be found on the Internet and certainly in the files of many government agencies.
The Phoenix New Times published copies of the secret Grand Jury Subpoenas served upon them and informed their readers that the subpoenas invaded their privacy by demanding information that would reveal other sites they visit before and after the New Times.
The self-proclaimed, “America’s Toughest Sheriff”, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is at the heart of this case because of a large number of articles critical of his administration. The New Times also published Arpaio’s home address. That’s the same address listed on public nominating petitions he’s required to make public each time he runs for office. Of course the address is in plain view of the thousands of voters that must sign the petitions.
Both Lacy and Larkin were released from the Maricopa County Jail after posting bail on the misdemeanor counts. A throng pf reporters greeted the two newspaper men as they left America’s Toughest Jail.
You are about to see a giant litigation slugfest unfold. The Players are two lightening rods of Arizona law enforcement, County Prosecutor, Andrew Thomas and Sheriff Arpaio along with two Arizona newspaper publishers. Stand by while we soon learn if the First Amendment still exists in Arizona! My money is on Freedom of The Press.
UPDATE: Today a red-faced County Attorney, Andrew Thomas announced an end to the investigation and prosecution of the New Times, Lacy and Larkin. Thomas cited numerous mistakes as his reason to drop all charges in this matter. Phoenix lawyer, Dennis Wilenchik of Wilenchik & Bartness PC has been acting as a special prosecutor on behalf of Thomas’ office. As of today that relationship has been terminated along with the Grand Jury investigation that was instigated.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Award Winning TV Reporter Suspended Over Story

I’m clearly on the side of Mr. Walton who I’m so glad to see alive after two encounters with dangerous criminals. However I can’t find wrongdoing on Aguilar’s part.
The best part of this story is that two young criminals will no longer be out victimizing anyone ever again. I can only hope this story sends a clear message to other criminals that they should ply their trade in places like Washington, D.C., L.A., Chicago or New York where criminals are protected by gun bans that keep law-abiding folks defenseless and totally vulnerable.
This is a great story the public needs to know about. I’ve known Aguilar for years from her days in Phoenix at KPNX-TV. The suspension is an over-reaction. The real truth here is that without government interference even senior citizens can refuse victimization by thugs. Give that man a medal!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Clark County DA Wasting Tax Dollars On O.J. Simpson Prosecution.

It will all boil down to which thugs will the jury believe. So far two snitches have emerged telling prosecutors what they want to hear in exchange for sweetheart plea deals. This is truly a case of making deals with the devil in an effort to knight one prosecutor as the one who got O.J. Simpson.
This won’t be a trial but an unprecedented circus. Trying this case will make a total mockery of our criminal justice system.
Perhaps they can put all of these clowns in a gala gladiator battle until only one thug is left standing. Don King could promote this with worldwide pay-per-view! Hundreds of thousands would converge on Sin City dropping lots of cash into the coffers of the brothels, cab companies and even the shoeshine boys. The record-breaking profits from the sports books would be nothing short of staggering.
Our Drug War Is Nothing More Than Foreign Aid And An American Jobs Program

We could instantly punish everyone involved in the drug trade simply by legalization of the poisons that can be just as deadly as the liquids we store under or kitchen sinks. Legalization would instantly reduce the cost of these intoxicants to the price of tea and sugar. The addicts will continue to put this garbage into their bodies and new addicts are born every day. This behavior can’t be stopped or even slowed down.
Is the real reason for the Drug War a hidden form of Foreign Aid? We’ve made a huge industry on both sides of the Drug War that would leave millions of America’s residents unemployed or underemployed by legalization. The benefit of the Drug War is pure profit to all but the taxpayers.
The American Drug War is nothing more than a huge fraud victimizing the very ignorant American public.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Another Musical Retro-Journey
When you reach my age the reality is that there are more good days behind you than in front of you. The year I want to visit is 1969 when I had a month to spend in Chicago on my Army furlough from Germany. I was old enough to go to that upscale Chicago singles bar, Butch McGuire’s on Division Street. The girls were beyond heavenly and the music rocked.
On the jukebox was some great music from that year I will share with you. Yes, I’m in a time warp trying so desperately to recapture my youth. You will recognize this great Laura Nyro song sung by Marilyn McCoo and the 5th Dimention!
On the jukebox was some great music from that year I will share with you. Yes, I’m in a time warp trying so desperately to recapture my youth. You will recognize this great Laura Nyro song sung by Marilyn McCoo and the 5th Dimention!
What’s Next For A Fugitive Recaptured After 35 Years?

Fate had another plan for Darby when she jumped at an opportunity for freedom by
scaling a barbed-wire fence at the Indiana Women's Prison in Indianapolis in March 1972. The manhunt for the fugitive came up empty handed for no less then 35 years.
New computer technology was put to use as the Indiana Department of Corrections began a new Fugitive Apprehension Unit provided the resources to find Darby quietly living a law-abiding life under the name, Linda Joe McElroy in Tennessee.
Darby spent more than half of her life looking over her shoulder while reliving the event that suddenly changed her life forever.
As for the crime of killing a spouse we all know there is nobody on earth more capable of evoking emotion or pushing our buttons more than a spouse.
Darby was convicted in a Lake County, Indiana court of shooting her husband in their Hammond home. Additionally a kerosene fire was started. Darby has steadfastly said she was innocent. We all know that the state of forensic examination was anything but terrific in the early 1970’s when a jury convicted her.
You can say she beat the system to be living free all these years. I don’t think living the life of the fictional character Jean Valjean was not a huge price to pay for this crime.
Long time neighbors and local cops were shocked to learn of Darby’s status as a fugitive and convicted murderer.
Okay, I’ve grown soft in my old age and would love to see this woman’s sentence commuted if for no other reason then her serving nearly three years behind bars and her obvious rehabilitation.
Here are some “facts” about Linda Darby’s murder conviction:
1. Linda and Charles Darby were estranged at the time of the killing.
2. Charles was hit with a shotgun blast, wrapped in garment bags and set on fire.
3. On the night of the killing Linda Darby stayed in a Valparasio motel where police found a similar shotgun hidden behind a nearby soda machine.
4. Gas station attendant claimed to have sold Linda Darby Gasoline that night.
5. Darby’s 9 year-old daughter, Terri Dixon claimed that her mother warned her about talking with police.
6. The couple had financial problems that led to the break-up.
7. There was no surveillance video, DNA evidence or witnesses to the killing.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A truly fine Act By An American Military Veteran In The Land Of Sen. Harry Reid
Here is a story I would have overlooked but for my friend at Rue St. Michael. Sometimes Americans must take the law into their own hands. This hero braved possible arrest on charges of Criminal Damage To Property and Theft in order to send a strong message. I salute this hero for his loyalty to the United States of America.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Meet The The Dean Of Arizona's Death Row

He's 92 years old! Convicted of murder and sent to a Utah prison he escaped and did it again at age 66. Viva L. Nash is exactly why the death penalty is so popular. This guy will die of old age before he will ever see the hot needle. I'm not fond of the death penalty but this case is not one I'd use to argue against it.
This guy was stopped by an armed law-abiding heroic Phoenix citizen.
I think we all wish we could make it to 92 and look that good! Many of my retired cop pals only in their 60s are in poor health and look older than Nash. I somehow don't think this was from clean living.
The following was taken from records of The Arizona Department of Corrections where this fellow is on Death Row:
While serving two consecutive life sentences for murder and robbery in Utah, Nash escaped. Three weeks later, on November 3, 1982, he entered a coin shop in north Phoenix, demanded money from an employee, Greggory West, and then shot Mr. West three times with a .357 Colt Trooper. Another employee, Susan McCullough, was in the line of fire but was not hit. As Nash fled, the proprietor of a nearby shop pointed a gun at him and told him to stop. Nash grabbed the weapon and the two men struggled over it. Police officers soon arrived and arrested Nash.
Presiding Judge:Hon. Rufus Coulter
Prosecutor:Gregg Thurston
Defense Counsel:Art Hazelton
Start of Trial:May 25, 1983 (submission)
Verdict:May 25, 1983
Sentencing:June 27, 1983
Aggravating Circumstances
Prior conviction involving violence
Grave risk of death to others
Pecuniary gain
State v. Nash, 143 Ariz. 392, 694 P.2d 222 (1985).
UPDATE: September 14, 2009 Arizona Republic Report:
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday sent the case of Arizona death-row inmate Viva Leroy Nash back to a lower court to determine whether he is mentally competent to assist in his appeals.
Nash, who turned 94 last week, has a criminal record that dates to the 1930s.
He spent 25 years in prison for shooting a Connecticut police officer in 1947, and he was sentenced to life in prison for shooting a man to death in Salt Lake City in 1977.
Nash escaped from a prison work crew in October 1982, and a month later, at age 67, he shot and killed a Phoenix coin-shop sales clerk named Greg West. Nash was sentenced to death for that murder.
Nash's attorneys argue that his diminishing competence hampers his ability to communicate on legal matters.
On Friday, a panel of judges at the 9th Circuit ruled that he was entitled to a competence hearing.
The case was remanded to the U.S. District Court in Phoenix
Update 14 Feb 10: The Arizona Department of Corrections reported that Nash died of natural causes today. Nash is no longer the Dean of Death Row. At 94 Nash outlived the hangman but having spent decades on Death Row was no bed of roses.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
TSA Is Keeping Americans At Risk Through Pretend Security
As I have said on this blog so may times. We must stop letting people fly on our planes carrying passports of countries that are at odds with the USA. We need to bring back the Fourth Amendment and stop searching Americans, What we really need are trained, armed professional cops profiling passengers from the point they enter any airport for behavior issues.
These poorly trained TSA workers are part of the problem rather than the solution
14 Year-Old Armed Mutant’s Killing Rampage In Another Gun Free Zone

Gun laws, and an all important gun fee zone again made mass murder all to easy for a twisted 14 year-old killer in Cleveland, OH yesterday. When will we learn that these gun prohibitions only affect law-abiding people and not those who rob, rape and murder? Soon we will know just how many feel-good gun laws were broken that enabled Asa Coon’s, two-gun rampage.
Did the school have armed security or police present? Not a chance in yet another city run by gun-rights hating politicians. Had a teacher or security guard been armed this catastrophe could have been prevented or considerably minimized.
Asa Coon wore a Marilyn Manson T-shirt and that was more than enough information that young Asa Coon was headed for trouble. Asa Coon wore dog collars, back trench coats and nail polish. Where were his parents? Have we learned to tolerate and accept any bizarre and anti-social appearance demonstrations by our children? This child was a walking billboard that spelled HELP ME!
Any parent or school that wants to allow kids to dress so outrageously is inviting the other kids to tease, assault and otherwise victimize them. At some point these kids will have a case of full blown, Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome from that abuse. Revenge and violence will surly result at some point.
America's schools have a very poor record when it comes to dealing with bully boys. Dealing with the school bully is a constant ugly part of going to school. School fights are always resolved by punishing all participants rather the the student who began an assult. That disposition clearly sends the wrong message to the entire student body.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Phil Spector Case Witnesses Wanted!

A conviction of Phil Spector would allow Lana Clarkson’s family to take all of Phil Spector’s assets in the pending civil case. How has that impacted the testimony of witnesses in this case?
I suspect that there are also issues within the ranks of the prosecutors, some cops and perhaps court officials to obstruct justice and manipulate evidence and witnesses.
Our system of justice requires that the truth be exposed to insure fair trials. The last trial of record producer Phil Spector was anything but fair.
If you or someone you know has information please forward that to me by clicking on my picture and sending me e-mail. You can also leave a comment that I will read but NOT publish. All replies will be kept confidential.
I will forward all information to the proper people to insure a fair trial for Phil Spector.
Thank you
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Last Man Standing For Phil Spector

The purpose of this mornings proceeding's was to sort out the retrial of the legendary record producer who still faces a murder charge in connection with the mysterious death of Lana Clarkson.
Even Christopher Plourd has no clue what role he will continue to play in this pending case.
The very petite lead prosecutor, Alan Jackson has not bothered to shave since the mistrial. Jackson was looking like he’s back from a week long bender with Jose Cuervo.
Even Judge Fidler recognized that Spector will have a difficult time finding a qualified lawyer with a calendar that is wide open and free for the next full year it will take handle a second trial.
Prosecutor Alan Jackson wants to pick the new jury next week. That’s just not going to happen.
Also in court this morning was Donna Clarkson, Lana Clarkson’s mother. She has been strung along by this dubious prosecution now for four long years. She is the real victim who’s been mislead by both cops and prosecutors about Spector’s involvement in her daughter’s death. I’d like to think she’s not motivated by greed to loot Spector’s estate. She seems ever so lonely but maintains a veil of dignity. I know she’d like to scream at Spector, his lawyers and those jurors that refused to convict. Mrs. Clarkson has demonstrated strong character by her very proper behavior. I wish she somehow could have intervened in her daughter’s suffering while she was still alive.
Donna Clarkson would probably hate me and my blog but I wish I could somehow take the hurt away from her. Donna Clarkson lost her precious and troubled daughter. Lana Clarkson was every bit of the star she wanted to be in her mother’s eyes. The most natural thing for this mother is to assign blame and seek justice for what she believed to be a murder. There is no cure for this grieving mother’s sorrow.
When this morning’s hearing was over both Rosen and Plourd tried to answer every reporter’s questions once they left the courtroom. I can’t imagine what emotional journeys these lawyers are going through right now. They given three or more years of their lives to this effort they won’t get back.
We will just have to wait and see just who will sign on to this case for the defense. The new trial will be very different and at this point totally unpredictable. Of course a second trial is never a sure thing since here are issues that may prevent that from happening. Again, if there is a second trial let’s hope it’s fair and brings a fair disposition.
Some fine lawyer choices for Phil Spector:
Roy Black (FL), Gerald Schwartzback (CA), Richard Kibby (FL), Richard Gierloff (AZ),
007 Girl Lois Maxwell Dead At 80

Of all the James Bond movies I’ve seen there are two bond girls that stand out in my mind as the most fun. There was the incredibly sexy Honor Blackman who played Pussy Galore in Goldfinger and then of course Lois Maxwell who rocked in 14 Bond films as the flirtatious secretary, Miss Moneypenny. Maxwell in her 40s and 50s could always hold her own as well as any sexy Bond babe half her age. Maxwell, a Canadian born actress has died of cancer on Sunday in London.
The shock I have to get over is that Maxwell was somehow already 80 years old! My thinking was that she was never a day older that she was in her last Bond film in 1985. I will never get used to death and dying because it seems so unfair. I guess we have to accept that we’re all in this together and none of us are getting out alive.
Here is Honor Blackman in 1964 and the present. She looks great for 80!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Phil Spector Needs Time To Obtain A New Lawyer.

The chances of one or more new lawyers filing a Notice Of Appearance in court Wednesday morning are zero. It’s only reasonable to assume the current legal team has made commitments to their other clients expecting the Spector case would have been over by now. Will Judge Fidler destroy Phil Spector’s right to legal counsel under the Sixth Amendment of our Constitution?
CA vs Spector is no case for an amateur criminal defense lawyer. This is a complex case that will make huge intellectual demands requiring the lawyer to be part scientist. Criminal law becomes more difficult for lawyers to practice every year with so many new ways to examine and evaluate physical evidence. Even the lawyers that want to take this case can't dump their other clients to handle this trial with out getting serious bar association complaints.
The prosecutors can whine about delays all they want but let’s remember it took a year before they could find a Grand Jury that would even indict Phil Spector for murder. You can’t blame Spector for that.
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