Saturday, May 12, 2007

Horrible Beating Of 91 year-old WW2 Veteran caught on tape

91 year-old war veteran, Leonard Sims has seen a lot during his life. The fact that Sims survived a six-year world war, lived in high crime, Detroit and survived this attack by a savage carjacker is amazing.

Detroit police quickly got the video and photos out to the media and nabbed their suspect in short order. According to police, a young ex-convict and world-class coward, Deonte Edward Bradley, 22, targeted Sims for a carjacking.

The Face Of A World Class Coward

The disturbing video is really hard to watch as the elderly man is beaten senseless while onlookers simply observed this despicable act.

Anyone who could have stopped this carjacker by gutting him with a knife or shooting him in the head would have been a national hero. Heroes are few and far between these days.

Watch the video and read more here, here and also here.

Update: The major media organizations quickly swept this story under the rug
, and it’s easy to figure out why. Political correctness and Liberal failure are hallmarked by this brutal and disgusting crime.

If Deonte Edward Bradley were White, this would have brought the race card crowd, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton crawling out from under their rocks screaming and condemning the act along with the criminal. The problem is this is a Black on Black crime that is all too common in America. Violent Black criminals have always been a more significant threat to other Blacks than even the Ku Klux Klan.

Compare if you will the treatment by the media of three young White men accused by a disturbed, Black whore. They vilified these young men accusing them of rape and kidnapping despite there being strong evidence that the woman made phony allegations.

Deonte Edward Bradley is exactly what’s wrong with America along with those bystanders that chose to be with this vicious criminal rather than stopping him. The bystanders should be publicly identified for their obvious indifference that facilitated this incredibly horrid crime.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Piecemeal Verdicts Delivered In The Strange Case Of Howard Morgan

Howard Morgan is that former Chicago cop turned railroad cop who was involved in that beyond bizarre shooting story. I can’t guess from what I’ve seen and heard what led to this tale of horror. I don’t think the real truth will ever be known.

I’ve never taken sides other than to suggest reasonable doubt or proof beyond a reasonable doubt should rule here rather than emotions. It looks like things are going well for the defense. If Morgan is guilty and skates on all charges he paid a severe penalty by being horribly wounded, jailed, bankrupted and vilified. If Morgan is truly innocent he will never be made whole by any amount of money.

Partial or piecemeal verdicts are rare in that they usually stay sealed until the whole enchilada, is returned by the jury. I can only hope this verdict is fair and just for all.

read More here and here.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Spector Trial Bimbo Parade

The Lord only knows when some relevant evidence will be delivered to the jury that suggests that Phil Spector killed Lana Clarkson. So far only ancient and sensational conflicting claims from a peculiar assortment of former paramours of Spector have been made. Dorothy Melvin, Dianne Ogden, Stephanie Jennings, and convicted bank embezzler, Melissa Grosveror have completely derailed the trial.

None of these women had a problem sponging on Spector’s generosity or capitalizing on their new fame as heroic victims. Jennings had no problem selling her soul and salacious Spector gossip to the National Enquirer for $1000.00. One thing for sure their stories seem to get better for the prosecution with age.

These pathetic women have presented their inconsistent stories of alleged armed assault that were never ever worthy of criminal or even civil prosecution. The only thing consistent about these women is their selling out their former friend, employer or lover, Phil Spector. Trying each accusation before this jury today, long after memories have faded and the statue of limitations has expired decades ago is for one purpose only. To deny Spector a fair day in court on the matter for which he is on trial.

With all the garbage presented by prosecutor, Alan Jackson one fact remains none of the women suffered injury or death at the hands of Phil Spector. That alone makes the bimbo babbling of irrelevant and immaterial to this inquiry. The prejudicial effect of this hateful testimony may well be enormous. It does not shed any light on exactly what caused the death of Lana Clarkson.

I wonder just how long it will take for the prosecution to put on evidence that Phil Spector murdered Lana Clarkson? It really helps when you have a judge or ringmaster like Larry Paul Fidler who has no bounds when it comes to letting a prosecutor drag Phil Spector through prehistoric mud. For prosecutor, Alan Jackson, I guess the Bimbo Parade beats having no case at all.

Jackson can now count on people that know his witnesses contacting the defense attorneys and offering loads of damaging information about these bimbos.

Judge Fidler will come to regret the day he invited these bimbos in to take over his court. So will prosecutor, alan Jackson.

Read all of Crimefile's Spector stories here:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

DC Handgun Ban Decision Is “Bulletproof”

This morning the DC, US Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to grant an en-banc rehearing of their decision on the Parker gun-rights case that overturned the Washington, DC handgun ban as a violation of rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

This case may well be appealed to the United States Supreme Court and promises to have a major impact on over 20,000 laws that infringe American’s rights to keep and bear arms.

Senior Appeals Court Judge Laurence H. Silberman is the author of the solid and well-written court’s opinion that many of my lawyer friend’s have called bulletproof.

The gun rights haters claim that the Second Amendment is somehow only the right of States or only a collective right of the people. The Parker case makes it clear that the Second Amendment grants an individual right to all Americans.

The politicians in the states and cities that refused right to carry laws and banned firearms are in for some much needed changes. The law-abiding folks will have a level playing field as the Gun Free Killing Zones are eliminated as soft targets when dealing with armed criminals.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Why Fly The Not So Friendly Skies Anymore?

In the latest revelation of the evolution of our POLICE STATE, Carl Pershing was convicted of the federal felony crime of interfering with a flight crew. It seems he was kissing his girlfriend and failed to heed two warnings from some uptight Southwest flight attendant.

Between the TSA weenies and bimbo flight attendants there is little reason to withstand the torture of commercial air travel anymore. I hope for but don’t expect the judges on the appeals court to toss this conviction out like so much garbage.

You have to read this insanity to believe it.

Friday, May 04, 2007

She’s like the ACLU, you hate her until you need her…

That’s how a copper friend describes WBBM-TV investigative reporter Pam Zekman. Zekman cut her reporting teeth at the old City News Bureau and then worked her way through both of Chicago’s daily newspapers until she found a home at WBBM.

This diminutive lady can bite as hard as the biggest bulldog. In addition to her Pulitzer-prize Zekman has amassed two DuPont-Columbia Awards, two Peabody Awards and 18 local Emmy Awards. Zekman received the 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chicago chapter of American Women in Radio and Television and the City Club of Chicago’s 2004 John A. McDermott Award for Distinguished Social Leadership.

Okay, I’ve not been a fan of Zekman like I am of my old reporter Pal John Drummond. Zekman is sometimes way too caustic for me when she has taken Chicago cops to task on various allegations. That may well be because her wrath hits too close to home.

The up side of Pam Zekman is that she is a government watchdog on constant patrol. Keeping government honest in Chicago is an impossible task with few takers for that tough job. The quest for hard-hitting stories makes the Windy City fertile ground for a top-notch investigative newshound like Pam Zekman.

Ms. Hilton Won’t Be Staying At The Hilton

Paris Hilton is now set to be a guest of the L.A. County Jail for 45 days. Hilton got the mandatory invitation for a probation violation after she was bagged by police after driving while her license was suspended.

45 days in the calaboose for such an offense is the rule rather than the exception. There is some salvation for Hilton nobody has talked about yet. Some local police departments such as Culver City Police Department would come to Hilton’s aid by offering her accommodations at their cleaner, safer and more comfortable “celebrity dungeon”. Of course for most people there is the daily rate for the privilege of staying under nicer conditions. The judge has eliminated this option for the Party Princess. It’s too bad that the Mayberry Police can’t help this Simple Life star fatten up on some of Aunt Bea’s cooking during her retreat.

Superior Court judge Michael Sauer ordered Hilton to surrender on June 5th to begin serving her sentence. Don’t look for that to happen as her high priced lawyers earn their fees by obtaining a stay of execution until a higher court has an opportunity to intervene. It may be many months before Hilton is forced to do anything at all.

There will be jokes about this that will go on forever. It’s not very funny at all. Perhaps now someone else may avoid a DUI rap, injury or even death by not driving drunk.

Paris Hilton should keep a detailed diary of her experience in her own handwriting. When she gets out she should then put it up for sale on E-Bay and give the proceeds to a worthwhile charity. The publishing rights should also be assigned to the owner of the memoir.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

There Are Eight Million Reasons For Gun Rights

Meet Jack Rhodes, 44. New York police say he’s the man who was caught on tape beating and robbing a 101 year-old woman, Rose Morat.

People who commit atrocities like Rhodes now stands accused of deserve to be stopped cold in the act of committing their crimes.

Quoting from that old TV series about the NYPD. “There are eight million stories in the Naked City and this is one of them.”

Read about his arrest here

Information on that great TV series, Naked City.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Utah Allows Guns On College Campuses

The lovers of the Gun Free Zone concept must really hate Utah. The gun-rights haters will scream that gun carrying students and faculty members will leave a trail of dead bodies wherever they go.

Allowing the law-abiding sane and sober folks to be armed on campuses will promote safety rather then be a threat. More armed good people can and will overwhelm the evil ones.

Read about Utah here.

Spector Trial Has The Day Off

The Phil Spector trial won’t resume until Monday.

I though I’d share this new photo of “Phil Spector” that popped up in Cyberspace courtesy of someone who does not share my take on this case. This was too good not to share with my readers. Somebody has too much time on their hands...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Spector Lawyer Guts the Prosecutor

Left to right Roger Jay Rosen, Phil Spector and Linda Kinney-Baden

Spector’s lead lawyer, Bruce Cuttler has his brash style but leading the charge in the defense opening statement is Linda Kenney-Baden. Kenney-Baden specializes in forensic evidence matters that will make or break this case. Kenney-Baden shot the prosecutions theory full of holes and promised to deliver a who’s who list of forensic experts that will make it clear to the jury that Lana Clarkson died by her own hand.

Linda Kenney-Baden is an gifted lawyer, author and happenes to be the wife of leading forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden. So far this attorney has made an impressive splash into Spector’s legal nightmare. Kenney-Baben has the right stuff to satisfy any CSI influenced jury members. She has a knack for explaining complicated scientific evidence with short sentences and simple words.

Today the tables turned in the Spector trial circus. Folks you heard it from me Phil Spector is going to get his life back.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spector Trial Is Theater Of The Absurd

Prosecutor Alan Jackson’s opening statement was a redundant litany of Spector’s 67 years of failed relationships with women. Ancient accusations of gunplay were hammered over, over and over again to taint the jury. Are these incidents even relevant? Perhaps if these claims were more recent than decades ago and they resulted in successful prosecutions that would be admissible evidence. The fact is these events did not rise to the level of prosecution when they happened, if they happened. Judge Larry Paul Fidler is way off base by allowing this garbage to pollute the fact-finding process.

Perhaps more relevant to this inquiry are accounts of the alcohol Spector may have consumed. That’s really the only offering of tangible information about the event made by Jackson. Jackson claimed the excited remark attributed to Spector by limo driver Adriano DeSouza. DeSouza has less that a sufficient command of the English language placing anything he claims to have heard in serious doubt.

Spector seems so alone, nervous and frightened as he listens to the prosecutor's fifth-hand accounts of these stories. You could clearly see Spector wince and shake his head no as Jackson droned on trashing his reputation. Spector knows full well that he is on the wrong end of Fiddler’s flawed ruling. This as the prosecutor administers the poison to the jury which is intended to deprive Spector of his right to a fair trial. My first impression is that this is going to be trial of celebrity gossip.

Alan Jackson pulled a slick maneuver to keep out the helpful tape recorded statements made by Spector to police. It remains to be seen if legal doors open to allow the tapes to be played.

Defense lawyer Burce Cutler was a real bull in the china shop as he had a way to let argument creep into his opening statement, which wont finish until tomorrow. I suspect Judge Fidler plans on taking Cutler to the woodshed first thing in the morning. I will be amazed if Cutler can avoid being held in contempt of court before this is over. I can only say RAH! RAH to Cutler!

Say what you will about Spector he’s never injured anyone let alone kill them.

Phil Spector Finally Gets His Day In Court

Finally four years after the tragic death of 40 year-old Lana Clarkson a jury will try and determine if this event was the result of a crime. The murder trial of Rock and Roll pioneer, Phil Spector begins in downtown L.A. with opening statements from the prosecution and defense.

Opening statements is where the lawyers for both sides make a contract to deliver evidence to the jury. Will these lawyers be able to deliver what they promise? Over the next month we will watch this madness unfold as Spector’s entire life is put on display.

The dead woman’s drug and alcohol abuse along with her mental state will be explored. This entire circus is being brought forward by the Los Angeles County DA. It’s not the defense that is causing the memory of Lana Clarkson to be exposed.

You can have a front row view unobstructed by TV personalities spinning the evidence. Watch the entire circus right here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Big Gun TV News Producer Seated On Spector Jury

As the jury selection is nearing completion the big buzz is about a person selected that lists his occupation as a high profile TV news producer. Apparently this journalist’s duties caused him to gather information about the Spector case. The defense has not run scared and allowed the journalist to stay and judge Spector. The defense is obviously totally convinced the facts and evidence will clear the legendary record producer of charges he murdered the beautiful Lana Clarkson.

Many legal experts say this is risky for the defense, kind of like seating a cop on the jury. I suggest that a journalist will be more inclined to deal with the facts and not guess his way to a verdict.

All along I’ve said the facts and evidence are on Spector’s side. The same cannot be said for thirty-year old allegations made by people who had failed relationships with Spector. Judge Larry Fidler has allowed ancient accusations that were not deemed worthy of a court intervention back then to be tried in his courtroom today in order to sway the jury on the current matter being examined.

In the end we will find that this prosecution was a giant waste of taxpayer’s money and that Spector was outrageously victimized by the system. My safe bet is that Spector will walk free and live out the remainder of his life, watching strangers pointing their fingers at him wherever he goes. Our world is far from a perfect one.

Watch complete trial coverage via live video right here.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Okay so I like cats... That video

When I see this cat pounding the ivories I think of my own little Willie. Willie likes the computer keyboard and surfs the Internet for Kittyporn. But now the little guy is old and feeble. If Willie wants a little pussy he needs a megadose of Viagra.

Yale Bans Realistic Sword Props For Theater Production

Understanding the Liberal mind has become a major challenge. As the UK began an insane program demanding that citizens turn in their knives our own Yale University administration is out to top that program.

In response to the Virginia Tech slaughter, Yale has banned the use of realistic prop swords in their theater productions. I have a serious question. Are Yale’s administrators suffering from acute paranoia or are they just abusing too many illegal substances?

I guess Shakespeare is way to violent for these gentle souls. When they do Romeo and Juliet, will Yale University rewrite the classic to have a kinder and gentler ending? Will the love struck duo do themselves in with a pair children’s colored plastic blunt tip scissors instead of a dagger?

No, I did not make this up. You can read about it right here!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Unbelievable Liberal Madness At Boston’s Emmanuel College

We all know there is a difference of opinion as to how gun control played out at VT and the horror there last week. We may be divided on the issue of how to stop these things but we all agree that the senseless violence that took the lives of the innocent victims was indeed beyond horrible. Boston’s Emmanuel College fired professor Nicholas Winset over this four-part video. So much for the free flow of ideas in a college that’s been turned into a Communist reeducation camp.

A news story about this college insanity is here

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Anatomy Of Mass Murder At Virginia Tech And Gun Free Killing Zones

This twisted kid, Cho Seung-Hui was beyond hope or help and needed a very long rest at the laughing academy. Nearly everyone at every level failed to do the difficult and intervene for the safety of all involved.

The well-intentioned gun haters prevailed in their quest to make VT a Gun Free Zone. That effort sent a loud clear message to all of the Cho Seung-Hui clones that VT’s policy was their best possible accomplice. The school and government disarmed and tied down the victims so Cho Seung-Hui could murder them without any resistance.

Cho Seung-Hui could have killed many more if he used common gasoline or propane gas as his murder weapon instead of a gun.

Many hundreds of million dollars later the Brady background checks have not improved anything. We know that the checks prevented the sale of firearms to Americans who somehow failed or forgot to pay a parking ticket. Criminals steal guns, buy guns from other criminals, simply lie on the Brady application or use phony identification to buy guns from licensed dealers.

This event has caused both sides of the gun control debate to put their helmets on and jump in their bunkers. This time the people who were agnostic about gun control have seen the all too real mistake of putting their personal safety in the hands of government instead of using much more reliable self help.

When deciding whether to surrender your personal safety to the campus cops, unarmed mall security and undermanned local police the lesson here is a harsh one. We can’t rely on anyone but ourselves for that task. This event above all others makes self-help the only dependable choice.

Shifting the blame from nut-jobs, criminals and terrorists to the gun has not nor will ever remedy the failure of government to remove the likes of Cho Seung-Hui from society.

As Liberals wring their hands and dream up more ways to turn our entire country into a Gun Free Killing Zone, this horrifying event has already made an impression on others just like Cho Seung-Hui who will now seek their own 15 minutes of fame. We now know that the Columbine killings influenced Cho Seung-Hui to murder 32 innocent people and maim many others.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

He Is Exactly Why Law Abiding Americans Need Guns And Gun Rights

This mutant slipped through some serious cracks in our system and was allowed to kill students and faculty member of Virginia Tech. This of course, in the softest possible target area, a GUN FREE ZONE where self-defense is a crime.

Mental Health Records Privacy Threat To Public Safety

We have all watched the horror show at Virginia Tech and its aftermath. The torment, heartbreak and litigation will go on for decades yet to come.

There are those that what to blame gun rights in America for this but much larger mass murders were committed with gasoline or fertilizer bombs. There is far more to preventing this kind of carnage than those futile efforts to control the sale of lethal materials that kill.

Cho Seung-Hui was a frightening fellow that raised the eyebrows of students, teachers and even his parents. Despite two separate stalking complaints, reports of odd behavior, a commitment by a judge and efforts by his own parents to get him treatment there was no serious intervention.

A few decades ago our mental hospitals were overflowing with troubled people but today’s society lets troubled people like Cho Seung-Hui wander the streets. New and “enlightened” thinking brought the change in how we deal with the mentally ill folks in our society.

We claim we want to keep guns out of the hands of maniacs but we refuse to provide the names of those people who threaten our safety to law enforcement. There is no way for gun sellers or anyone else can determine if a person has been diagnosed with mental disease. We rely on the buyer’s representations on a gun form. The fact is that Cho Seung-Hui lied on his gun application.

This really is not about gun or gun-rights but simple public safety. We must remove twisted souls like Cho Seung-Hui before they do these things. Law enforcement must react swiftly to behavior issues related to mental health.

Mental health professionals must be forced to report to law enforcement the names and data on people receiving treatment or those who need but refuse treatment.

Most importantly all Americans must be able to defend themselves from criminal, maniacs and anyone who threatens their safety. You can’t make those well intentioned and ineffective gun bans that hold down the law-abiding so that they can be victimized by the Mental Health Records Privacy Threat To Public Safety.