Detroit police quickly got the video and photos out to the media and nabbed their suspect in short order. According to police, a young ex-convict and world-class coward, Deonte Edward Bradley, 22, targeted Sims for a carjacking.

The disturbing video is really hard to watch as the elderly man is beaten senseless while onlookers simply observed this despicable act.
Anyone who could have stopped this carjacker by gutting him with a knife or shooting him in the head would have been a national hero. Heroes are few and far between these days.
Watch the video and read more here, here and also here.
Update: The major media organizations quickly swept this story under the rug, and it’s easy to figure out why. Political correctness and Liberal failure are hallmarked by this brutal and disgusting crime.
If Deonte Edward Bradley were White, this would have brought the race card crowd, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton crawling out from under their rocks screaming and condemning the act along with the criminal. The problem is this is a Black on Black crime that is all too common in America. Violent Black criminals have always been a more significant threat to other Blacks than even the Ku Klux Klan.
Compare if you will the treatment by the media of three young White men accused by a disturbed, Black whore. They vilified these young men accusing them of rape and kidnapping despite there being strong evidence that the woman made phony allegations.