Monday, January 08, 2007

Crimefile To Visit Shot Show In Orlando

I will be on assignment at the largest gun show in the world. It’s the 2007 SHOT SHOW. You may just find me around the Eagle Grips Booth. I don’t expect to be posting until the following Monday. Stay safe!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Oprah Tapes

Yes, I’ve heard the rumors for years. My Chicago copper friends have told me about responding to The Oprah floor of her North Michigan Avenue highrise where Oprah had some over the top quarrels with her live in boyfriend, Steadman.

Oprah is an unquestioned success at business and leading legions of Oprah Zombies through her TV show/ministry. Some have told me that Oprah runs her, Harpo Productions, Inc. like a cult and does not mirror the persona she portrays on television.

Now the cat’s out of the bag on the “Oprah Tapes” after a Georgia man was arrested last month by the FBI in connection with an elaborate extortion conspiracy. Apparently not every Harpo employee fell under Oprah’s spell or this would not have happened.

Now Oprah can count on the dark side of her life getting full exposure. It’s going to be interesting to see if Oprah’s Zombies will still be around after the revelations.

Here is the latest information from the AP.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Brady Campaign Has It Backwards

Some seriously mixed up folks run the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. This outfit has been screaming for “sensible gun laws” since the day they were spawned. Sensible gun laws is Brady code for a total gun ban. They only want to ban guns that are too small, too big, and too powerful or shoot ammunition.

Their propaganda somehow suggests that their ideal laws will somehow make people safer from violence and bloodshed. To support their efforts they have graded every state and the District of Columbia in their report card they publish on their website. The states with the highest rate of violence always lead with the highest marks for Brady choice gun control. Somehow the Brady fools think their favored gun laws reduce violence.

Why is it that the states geeting failing grades from Brady are the safest most crime free states and the ones getting the top marks have out-of-control rates for crime and violence? The restrictive gun laws in the most violent states have been there for decades.

No, I did not make this stuff up. You can check their website yourself.

The states getting high marks from Brady:
Illinois: A-
New York: B+
California: A-
District of Columbia: B
New Jersey: A-

The states that received failing grades from Brady:
Vermont: D-
Utah: D-
Wyoming: F
North Dakota: D
New Mexico: F
New Hampshire: D-
Idaho: F+
Alaska: F+
Maine: D-
Montana: F

I simply ask anyone concerned with their family being exposed to violence and the dangers of crime, what states do you think are safer places to live?

Even a broken clock gives the right time twice a day. The Brady people are never right.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A video To Show You What’s New In TV News

It’s not very pretty, but it’s cheap. At the level of your local TV news we are in the new age of the Backpack Journalist, Video Journalist or the One Man Band. The news organization sends one person to do the work of four. He or she also must edit the video for broadcast.

A full news crew for a properly done story is made four professionals. A reporter, photographer, soundman and a field producer are the minimum most network news shows send to cover a story. Details and perfection are the constant goal of these well-paid journalists that bring news stories into your living room.

With the information explosion of the Internet and cable news the TV news audience and revenue has been reduced. Along with that the well-paid and glamorous TV news jobs are not so slowly vanishing. Reporters are being invited to do the job of four people for the same or even less money then they were making before this crisis.

The VJ or OMB has to learn all four jobs and do them all and the results have not been very impressive. They are sent out with much cheaper hi-end consumer camcorders that only cost a fraction of the professional industry standard. In fairness these cameras do remarkably well in the right hands.

Who are the best-qualified candidates to fill these new jobs? They are all posting right now on Youtube and Myspace. Today they are filming themselves setting fire to their farts and bringing us those Mentos and Diet Coke offerings.

The goal is to get more VJs out to cover more stories. Here is a video made by some less than enthusiastic news folks who will show you how this new program really works.

Musicians Threaten Air Travel Safety

The dopes that run our TSA are at it again! If you are not smart enough to work in the fast food industry the TSA will hire you for a management position.

Things are not any better in Europe when it comes to common sense or real security for airliners since they follow our lead as in monkey see, monkey do.

These days musicians are refusing to travel because too often their prized instruments are no longer allowed as carryon baggage. Many of the instruments are priceless and irreplaceable. The result we will be fewer artists touring here and our musicians will not be playing in Europe.

I can’t accept that these goofballs running airline security can’t just leave these fine folks and their valuable instruments alone.

What will it take to get the American public to reign in and cut funding for this out-of-control government agency? This is not an issue of public safety but one of petty power and government insanity.

Why is a musical instrument somehow safer in checked baggage? Are the airliner cargo holds somehow bomb proof? You can read much more about this issue here.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

They strung him up now what?

A bunch of bloodthirsty Muslims tried and now have hanged their vicious fellow Muslim, Saddam Hussein. So what was the advantage? How is anyone better off?

When Hussein was in charge people died in acts of revenge and downright wanton murder. Hussein was in the jug for the last three years and now has been tied up and hanged while bloodthirsty Muslims never stopped killing each other at the same or a greater rate.

We wanted Hussein dead because of Crimes Against Humanity. Since when have Muslims been humane to anyone, let alone each other? If that’s the reason to Hang Hussein there is not enough rope to hang all the other Muslims that deserve the same fate.

Talk about an impossible mission, pacifying Muslims is truly unattainable. Why are we trying to deal with this wild bunch of cutthroats? They are only doing what’s natural for them.

I don’t support the Bolshevik politicians that hate George Bush but I don’t want one more American kid killed or maimed in Iraq. I say bring them home so the natural population control there can resume. The fewer Muslims on this earth make things safer for everyone else.

I only have one question. Had we not invaded Iraq would Iraq have gotten into another war with Iran and caused elimination of many more violent Muslims? I think that would have been a much better solution to have several million fewer Muslims.

Oprah Opens $40 million School In South Africa

Oprah has the right to do what she pleases with her considerable wealth created here in America. Oprah’s choice to donate a King’s ransom is half a world as children suffer just a few miles away from her Harpo Studios in Chicago is mind-boggling.

Too many of Chicago’s African-American kids are being raised by drug abusing, shiftless trashy parents who would steal anything and everything donated to their kids. How about a fully staffed 24-7 safe house where children could go to eat free meals, sleep, shower, get clean clothes, play, watch TV, use computers and study in a safe environment where adults are not allowed other than staff members.

I don’t want to suggest South Africa’s poorest children don’t deserve a break but what about the kids in Oprah’s back yard? Since Oprah made her money here taking it to South Africa is un-American to say the least.

Perhaps protecting some of our own kids could translate into success stories where our own disadvantaged children could escape the cycle of bad influence, drugs, and violence. I can’t help but believe that many children may just grow up with a chance to break the welfare dependant mold of their parents.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Come Friday Was Thirty-Four Years Ago

It was exactly 34 years ago when 25 year-old recruit Chicago policewoman Ann Leybourne came home from a New Years party to find herself kidnapped by a serial rapist. The rapist made a deadly error in his victim selection because this time he picked a pretty young woman who had been just days earlier required to carry her service revolver at all times. You can read this story right here.

The stories most viewed by Crimefile’s Visitors in 2006

I know my visitors are cops, news reporters and gun rights activists for the most part. What’s most significant is the interest here in Hollywood’s wildlife making news. The importance of a shot of Britney Spears' beaver cannot be understated!

1. Youporn
2. The Hanging of Hussein
3. Britney's Beaver
4. LAPD hero officer
5. Meeting Dead Celebrities in L.A.
6. Mel Gibson
7. ABC News tell the truth about gun control
8. Maria Bello gets naked with me in a movie
9. Cynthia McKinney's Follies
10. Paris Hilton can't afford a cab

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Something Very Sweet But Sad To End The Year!

Okay, we’ve had enough hate, violence and misery in 2006. As the year is almost over I’m hopeful that 2007 will bring us all some joy. Here is Kathy Mattea singing a a wonderful but somewhat sad song from several years ago that I hope my visitors will enjoy.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Video of The Hanging Of Saddam Hussein

The major TV network suits all know that whoever shows the actual hanging of Saddam Hussein will get huge ratings. Of course they will pretend they don’t want to show this historical event while the news directors eat their hearts out as the hanging winds up all over cyberspace and the airwaves of many countries. The fact is that anyone who wants to see this will be able to do so. I only wish I could charge on a pay per view basis!

After Hussein refuses the hood I find it interesting that one of the masked hangmen offer him a wrap for his neck so he can avoid unsightly rope burns. As better video surfaces you will see it right here!

Here is another view from a cell phone video taken.

Jackass Mike Nifiong Now Facing State Bar Discipline

The North Carolina State Bar filed an ethics complaint against the pandering Durham County Prosecutor, Mike Nifong. This is a rare move against a prosecutor during a pending prosecution anywhere in America.
Crimefile’s predictions:

1. Nifong now has one more serious conflict of interest and cannot be allowed to continue as the prosecutor for the so called, Duke Rape Case. Nifong will soon be replaced on the Duke Rape prosecution by a special prosecutor appointed by the trial court.
2. No lawsuits will ever prevail against Mike Nifong simply because prosecutors and judges have near total immunity from lawsuits even when they are caught red-handed obstructing justice.
3. The defendants in the Duke Rape Case will be cleared at some point short of trial.
4. The taxpayers on Durham County North Carolina will pay millions for the mistake of electing Mike Nifong to that office because of his conduct in this case. Of course the same taxpayers will be forced to pick up Nifong’s legal tab for his defense against the State Bar’s actions.
5. Nifong will get little more than a slap on the wrist despite his misconduct as a prosecutor.

Giving blanket immunity to judges and prosecutors was always a bad idea. It’s time for Americans to rethink and change that policy to prevent serious abuse and corruption by these public officials.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Actor Ray Dannis Has Died

It’s with a heavy heart I must report that Ray Dannis passed away yesterday. Dannis was an actor, humanitarian, World War Two veteran and lifetime resident of Venice, CA.

Dannis starred in several 1960’s horror films, TV shows such as Perry Mason, Gunsmoke, My Three Sons and a very long list of stage plays and commercials.

Dannis was a 40-year energetic contributor to Theater Palisades and was a member of the Board of Directors.

Update: Ray Dannis' funeral will be held on Sunday, January 14th at 10:00 AM at
Hillside Cemetery in Westchester. The address is 6001 South Centinela,
Westchester, CA 90045. There will be a reception afterwards at Ray's nephew's home.

The videos below from the summer of 2006, Ray Dannis is discussing his starring role in the 1960s horror film, The Undertaker And His Pals and the comedy farce FAROUK U with me at his Venice home. This film is out on DVD and can be bought at Dannis died after a short illness on December 28, 2006.

Ray Dannis on his film FAROUK U

Dannis was a dear friend, mentor and a personal hero. I will update this with more information soon.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Long Beach Cop Shooter Found And Killed

Breaking News! Santa Anna, CA-Officers here were involved in a shooting with a man who is believed to be 36-year-old Oscar Gabriel Gallegos. Gallegos is now dead. He was the assailant who shot and critically wounded two Long Beach, CA officers, 37-year-old Abe Yap, and 39-year-old Roy Wade, Jr. on December 22. The Medical Examiner is on the way to the scene and formal identification is pending. Sometimes justice just happens…

Free Speech Gone Wild

Imagine you have a hot bedmate that chronicles every kinky or embarrassing detail of your encounters on a blog. Add to that the fact that you have a high profile job and your coworkers have read that blog and now you’re the hot topic at the water-cooler. Should your bedmate’s journalistic exercise be protected as free speech under the First Amendment?

Is this any different then that paramour of Paris Hilton taping their romp and selling DVDs? That fellow was able to purchase a $6-million dollar home with the proceeds of his artistic efforts to the chagrin of that famous Hollywood bad girl.

Now Robert Steinbuch and his blogging-bedmate Jessica Cutler are in a federal court learning answers to those questions. I somehow suspect the legal remedy Steinbuch is seeking here will only bring him fame and lots of additional attention. I just can’t imagine the logic of his lawsuit. Perhaps as Steinbuch’s profile is raised we will figure out why he filed this action. Here is an Associated Press report on the case.

Justifiable LAPD Shooting Caught On Tape

A vehicle pursuit ended in the justifiable shooting death of an unarmed man in Van Nuys, CA by LAPD officers. Watch the dead mans actions just before he’s gunned down and you will see why the cops reasonably felt they were in fear of their lives. Perhaps the man now identified as Joseph Scott Spidell, 45, was intentionally committing, “suicide by cop”. Officers later discovered Spidell had been holding a socket used to remove spark plugs.

Now imagine the same scenario with a lone officer and no video. Video courtesy of KNBC-TV

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

He Served His Country

Gerald R. Ford has passed away. This man answered the call of his country with dignity and grace. Rest in peace Mr. President.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

I could not top this Christmas story from so long ago when I was a young cop. I am republishing this because it’s really special to me and I hope everyone else that reads it.

I remember working every Christmas of my life when I was a cop. I never really minded that because it was always an easy day.

One such Christmas, We received a disturbance call and responded to a rat hole apartment building on Chicago's Roosevelt Road. We came in expecting trouble but found no disturbance. The problem was that the mom and dad of the house could not operate their brand new Polaroid camera.

The apartment was modest, but clean and tidy with fresh cake and cookies on the table. Our mom and dad were both unable to read the camera instruction book. There were five kids with their presents that needed to get their pictures taken next to their Christmas tree. That was a quick fix. Before we left we took pictures of the whole family all smiling and happy.

One thing more, there was a cross and the wall with a picture of Jesus Christ. In the middle of poverty there were some lucky children being raised by two parents that had some dignity and pride. That made my Christmas a little more enjoyable.

Crime, Guns and Video Tape wishes all our visitors a wonderful Holiday Season!

A Montage For A Young Fallen Police Hero

Young Michael Gordon became a cop as did his father and other members of his family. Michael's law enforcement career included service as an Army MP, spending two years as a cop in suburban Riverside where his father served as an assistant chief and two years as a Chicago cop. That was until a drunken driver and illegal alien snuffed out Michael’s life while he was on routine patrol in 2004.

Michael’s brother, John Gordon sent me this bittersweet video montage tribute to a young role model and fallen officer. I’m honored to post it for my visitors.

You can learn more about Michael Gordon here.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Long Beach PD Identifies Cop Shooter Suspect

Two Long Beach police officers were critically wounded after making a routine traffic stop yesterday. Tonight the officers, identified by Chief Anthony Batts as 37-year-old Abe Yap, a nine-year veteran and 39-year-old Roy Wade, Jr.. They both are still both fighting for their lives at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center.

Wade, sustained the worst injuries, he was shot multiple times in the chest and throat. The rookie police officer is described by Batts as a gentle giant who wanted to become a professional basketball player. Wade was only three weeks out of the police academy.

Police officials say the officers were shot Friday afternoon when they pulled over a White Nissan, SUV when the driver, now identified as 36-year-old Oscar Manuel Gallegos got out and opened fire on the officers

Gallegos was described as a local thug by Batts who disclosed his extensive criminal record that includes Assault With A Deadly Weapon, Terrorist Threats and drug charges. Batts also revealed that the suspect is an illegal alien who has been deported several times in the past.

Mexico and many other Latin American countries have exported their poverty, crime and violent criminals here unchecked for far too long. This while our government has elected to not enforce the laws enacted through our representatives. That begs the big question, How Many victims must there be before we seal the borders and deport the criminal aliens?