Sunday, November 12, 2006

Concealed Weapon Bans And Necessity For Self Defense

I’ve talked about the necessity defense before as a way around laws that prohibit carrying weapons for reasonable self-defense. Necessity is a rarely used legal defense employed when people accused of crimes claim to have been forced to break a law for simple survival.

Examples of this would be a person who is in danger of starving, dehydration or threatened by weather conditions breaking into a building to get whatever is needed for survival.

The same principal would apply someone who is threatened by crime and poor or slow police response to calls for help where he must live or work.

Recently that was found to be the case in a Maryland prison where a judge allowed the defense where a convict armed himself with a prison made knife and killed another inmate. Self-defense is the law of the land even in prisons. The Circuit Court Judge, Pamela North instructed a jury that a person may arm himself "in reasonable anticipation of an attack." Yes, even a prison convict has a right to self-defense and the necessity defense.

The meaning of this is that Americans have the right to carry a gun or other weapon despite gun bans in places that don’t freely or reasonably allow for the issuance concealed weapons permits such as California, Illinois, Wisconsin and New York.

Of course there are many Americans that are pacifists and believe that running from attack is the only way people should be allowed to survive. Thankfully they are the minority and have not yet been able impose their will on all of us.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

They Are Accusing Me Of Becoming Liberal In My Old Age

Many of my copper pals are telling me I’m growing liberal in my old age. Some have said, but for my strong stand on gun rights they know I’m a closet Barbara Streisand fan. Of course I deny listening to the Bolshevik broad’s music. Okay, I lied a little; there is one song she did that’s beyond cool. It’s that duet with Barry Gibb from a while back. I found the video on YOUTUBE. Thank you Barbara and Barry, you rang my bell with this one.

Scottsdale’s Politicians Are Burning Money

How extravagant! It must be great that Scottsdale can burn taxpayer cash to make a political statement about guns. The self-proclaimed, West’s most Western town” is really just plain Left, not West. The west’s most Leftist town is planning the destruction of 700 recovered firearms from their evidence vault.

This town like so many others is under the control of gun-rights hating Liberals who think they’re somehow doing something to eradicate guns from the face of our earth by destroying them.

Trading the guns to licensed dealers in exchange for regulation departmental weapons has been rejected. Selling the guns at public auction under proper federal laws has been rejected. Letting public supported museums acquire desirable items for their own collections has been rejected.

The politicians from this town should be forced to pay the market value of the firearms to their taxpayers for allowing this wanton, willful waste.

No gun dealers or gun manufacturers have complaints about these wasteful programs since they fill the needs of the gun buying public with brand new firearms. These really dumb, do-good programs are good for their businesses!

Firearms don’t age nearly as fast as humans. 150 year-old firearms can easily work as well as they did the day they left the factory. New guns are cranked out even faster than Scottsdale can burn money.

Veteran’s Day Celebration

Have a safe Veteran’s Day…

Friday, November 10, 2006

Yet Another LAPD Taped Arrest Under Investigation

These two officers are under both FBI and a departmental investigation in connection with an arrest captured on a cell phone. I can’t tell you what led to the arrest or what kind of resistance they had to overcome before the short portion of this event you can see.

The suspect here is 24 year-old, William Cardenas, a known gang member who was being arrested in connection with possession of a stolen gun.

AP talked with the attorney that reps the arrestee and published this story.

An update! Chief William Bratton responds on the LAPD blog.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Frisking American Military Veterans Like Common Criminals

That may be happening again soon at the West Los Angeles VA hospital. Today I spoke with the Director of the Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System, Charles Dorman who told me that’s exactly what they intend to do.

Apparently Mr. Dorman feels that his workers are at risk because of a couple of scary incidents involving veteran patients. What Mr. Dorman forgot is things like crime happen in any free society. They also happen in secure prisons.

Mr. Dorman has not learned that even in America’s most secure prisons, weapons, even guns have been used to commit murders. Determined criminals or terrorists really can’t be stopped by frisking them or using metal detectors.

Then there is the sticky issue of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution. The intended searches do not come about with required Probable Cause or Warrants. The argument of consent searching is not valid since avoiding health care is not an option. Must we trade our privacy, freedom and dignity for our very lives at the VA Medical Center?

The kinds of governmets that insist on these types of security checkpoints are the police states that we so often go to war against.

Wasn’t our Freedom and Liberty the very reasons millions of men like me were drafted into the Army during the Viet Nam War? Are veterans not worthy to enjoy Constitutional rights?

With this type of intrusion in our liberty and freedom that’s been happening over that last three decades, we as a country are becoming what we used to loathe. This kind of policy must have limits of civility and that has been exceeded when we abuse the very defenders of our way of life.

Let me also say that this healthcare facility is world class and the staff there deserves protection. Trading Liberty for security was never a good idea according to Benjamin Franklin. We can have both without the offensive, and incredibly un-American frisking of veterans.

Today Mr. Dorman gave a very moving and eloquent Veteran’s Day speech about his country’s citizen soldiers. Were his words simply lip service or did they mean anything at all? For me the jury won’t come in until the metal detectors are shipped out of the hospital.

I hope that Mr. Dorman can click on the video play button below, watch and hear an excerpt from his speech today. I hope his very own words influence any decision to begin treating the men and women who served our country like foreign terrorists.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

George Bush Has Seriously Damaged The Republican Party

One has to understand fully why the Republicans lost control both houses of Congress. George Bush was always a lousy choice to be the standard bearer for the party. Bush is a typical Texas Liberal who pretends to be a Republican because it’s the only way he can win an election against other Liberals.

The single largest blow Bush dealt to the Republican Party was that failed Guest Worker Amnesty plan for the millions of illegal aliens that have squatted on our soil.

Mexico has exported crime, drugs and their uneducated to America unchecked for decades. Despite sufficient laws on the books to deal with the problem the immigrants were either exploited as a political force for the Democrats and as low paid workers for far too many of our corporations.

That inexcusable refusal of the Bush administration to enforce existing immigration laws did the most damage to our own working poor. The hardest hit are our own Black and Brown people who lost jobs to the invaders. This issue was never about race or national origin but about the destruction of our economy, schools and health case system.

This inaction and Guest Worker proposal has caused way too many Conservatives to turn their backs on the Republicans that are viewed as the problem and not the solution.

In the next year or so the Republican Party must find another candidate for the Presidential Ticket. I see another pretend Conservative being groomed for the ballot. That’s the very Liberal John McCain. McCain who is gifted to talk like a Conservative while he votes most often with the most Liberal Democrats in the Senate.

Actor Daniel Baldwin In Another Mess

Yes, it’s another fine mess for this Baldwin brother. broke the story of how Danny Baldwin, 46 got popped by Santa Monica cops in a hot SUV. The cops also reportedly found dangerous drugs and paraphernalia in Baldwin's motel room. The tip off came from the ON STAR service that located the stolen GMC Yukon, SUV at the motel where Baldwin was staying.

Baldwin spent nearly 24 hours in the Los Angeles county jail on the drug charges before being turned over to Orange County authorities which is where the vehicle was reported stolen. As of 5:30 pm, Baldwin was still in the receiving area of the Orange County Jail.

This arrest is the second this year in Santa Monica for the troubled actor. In the earlier case the cops also reportedly found dangerous drugs and paraphernalia in Baldwin's motel room. This first cocaine possession arrest from last April is still pending disposition in court.

This Baldwin brother has an enviable list of credits on the Internet Movie Database, proving once again drugs or alcohol ruins lives. Of course I take the position that there’s usually a woman involved with the downfall.

Update 11/9: Baldwin was released from custody overnight.

A video Message for politicians

It was during the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe that justice caught up with deposed Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena. On Christmas Day in 1989 this couple was given a trial of sorts, sent kicking and screaming to the hereafter, put in caskets and buried within record time.

For the arrogant politicians that suspend or otherwise take freedom, liberty or property from their fellow citizens--they need to see this couple getting their just deserts. This should happen a little more often.

Sit back and watch justice happen…

Laughable Brain Dead Brit’s Insane Anti-Knife Campaign

They already took the guns from law-abiding citizens of the United Kingdom and the crime rate has soared well into the stratosphere ever since. Now that nation’s do-gooders are after knives.

Along with a big ad campaign they’ve created collection points where Brits can do their part by turning in those awful knives before the government simply takes them away.

The United Kingdom abolished any and all rights to self-defense long ago. The government ties down the law-abiding citizens while allowing the criminals to rape, rob and murder without interruption. Of course you can always dial 999 and wait for the police to put your remains into a rubber body bag.

This goofy land will be safe from any dollars I have to spend on vacations.

A website to help Brits along with the program.

Here Come The Bolsheviks!

Ignorant voters for in two countries have re-installed Bolsheviks to power. These Communists used successful political campaigns that sold the unworkable program of confiscation and redistribution wealth to members of the population that just didn’t know they were being fooled.

Bush can be blamed for putting us into a Vietnam War like quagmire in Iraq. Without making promises or even promoting a real exit plan, the Leftist American politicians are looked to by a significant portion of the population as a vehicle to end that war. A Congress led by a San Francisco Communist will only follow the road to even wilder taxation and waste of that money taken away from American households. They won't even bother to get us out of Iraq in the process.

As for Nicaragua, that poor Central American country has taken a giant step backward too by electing another Communist, Daniel Ortega.

The slow destruction of this our own once great country is back on track. The land of freedom and liberty will quickly fall under the fist of the Iron Maiden from the land of Saddam and Gomorrah.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Film Premiers in Westwood Village

In Westwood Village they have lots of film premiers. They’re covered by all manner of news media types. The production companies spend millions on advertising and will accept all they can get.

Two motion pictures, Babel and Harsh Times both had competing premiers in Westwood Sunday night. I had an invitation for Hasrh Times but had to crash Babel’s media gauntlet since it was too late to get media passes for that one.

Unfortunately because of bad timing I could not get good video of Brad Pitt or Cate Blanchett.

What happens is streets are shut down, lights and red carpeting are placed along with lots of posters hyping the films. The stars are always accessible during these things. Brad Pitt had to fly back from India so he could attend this one.

Here’s what I got…

Babel Official Site

Harsh Times Trailer

Comic Rapper Katt Williams Is Getting Laughs In The L A County Jail Tonight

Wait a minute this story sound really fishy to me. The heroes of the TSA prevented this comic star of rap from boarding the plane with several guns. Katt Williams allegedly had one gun in carryon luggage and three additional guns in his checked baggage.

When the LAX cops came and investigated they found the gun in his carryon bag to have been reported stolen. The beef is so bad Williams is being held with out bail under his real name Micah Williams. The arrest was made at 4:30 pm.

Can this guy really be that stupid? Okay I don’t think he’s a genius but is he really that dumb? Somehow I believe Williams must have been the victim of a malicious prank that’s just too easy to pull on an unsuspecting traveler these days. Was Williams set up by someone? I think it’s very possible.

I remember a case in Phoenix where a man tried to have someone help him place cocaine in the metal tubing around an infant carrier being transported on an airplane by his estranged wife. This was a conspiracy to win child custody in his nasty divorce. The plot never was hatched and the mastermind was arrested and sent to prison for unrelated crimes.

These zero tolerance policies on airplanes invite this kind of behavior. Of course if the target of this kind of prank is a convicted felon not much can be done to keep him out of prison.

Right now I just holding my nose on this one until more facts are in.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Winning Elections Through Fraud Chicago Style

Poll watchers, law enforcement and best intentions can never stop fraud in Chicago’s or other big city African-American precincts.

Here’s how it works:

Democratic Precinct Captains run the precinct polling places. They live in the precinct and know everyone. They register everyone to vote regardless of felony convictions, age or mental ability. Often the voter does not even know he or she’s registered. The rolls of voters also include people who never even existed!

To insure fair elections the law requires judges to be appointed in every precinct. In Chicago’s African-American precincts there are few Republicans to appoint. Democrats are recruited to switch parties and take these paid positions. The most ignorant, inebriated or slower people are asked to become judges in these precincts. The Democratic Precinct Captains control these appointments through their existing Democratic judges.

The voters really do vote early and often and as many as 25% of the actual votes cast are done by the Democratic Precinct Captain himslef. It’s a fine way to help the absent (as in jail), dead and non-existent voters partake in the democratic process. The turnout of voters is always really huge in these precincts because of corruption rather than public spiritedness.

Poll watchers are easy to derail especially when they are White folks. Their cars are damaged where they are parked. Gang members are recruited to cause thee poll watchers to believe they will be raped, robbed or murdered. The poll watcher quickly leave the area never to return.

At 6:00 pm the polls close and the vote counting begins. The Democratic Precinct Captain is prohibited by law to handle the election material. The problem is that the captain is usually the only one in the place that understands how the votes are counted and material filed. Of Course the Captain has is closest pal appointed as a judge to help here. Soon the captain is asked by all the exhausted judges to help with the counting.

Here’s where the fun begins. Punch cards are deliberately spoiled merely by punching out another chad should the voter have voted for a Republican. Since voting twice is unacceptable the ballot is spoiled this way. The paper ballots such as in judicial races are handled the same way. Placing a second “X” on the paper spoils that ballot.

All of this tomfoolery takes time and that’s why the election returns come in from the ghetto last.

There is supposed to be a policeman in the polling place but that’s been kind of a joke since he or she only acts on complaints from the election judges anyway and they never complain.

This is exactly how John F. Kennedy was elected as President.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mccain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Law Neutered By Bloggers

You don’t hear much about that outrageous Mccain-Feingold Campaign Finance Law violating free speech anymore. The law barred things like disclosing incumbent’s voting records within 60 days of an election. What’s with that bogus provision?

Thanks to the likes of millions of YouTube posters, and of course bloggers the Internet has castrated that trash legislation for good. Good and bad information about our politicians has been like a tidal wave. The incumbent protection built into that law has evaporated thanks to technology.

All Executions Should Be A Public Event

I’m not a fan of governments having the ability to execute people. The truth is that killing by governments has probably done more than enough in the area of necessary population control in the world. Governments have easily killed 100 million people in the last 100 years.

Saddam Hussein and two of his henchmen will soon climb some stairs to their gallows and make the big drop. Their necks will snap and they will die. These will be perhaps the most photographed and filmed executions in the world to date. Video of these killings will be all over the Internet.

What can we expect of our own American broadcast television outlets? They will be there, watch and record the entire event. Every news gathering employee will watch the entire hangings in video editing bays all over the world. They will edit news packages for public consumption where the act itself in excised out. The networks will make a pretended attempt to demonstrate they are dignified protectors of the public in an act of true insincerity.

The fact is we all need to see what governments are doing to our fellow human beings. As for television viewers they can decide for themselves if they’d rather watch an episode of American Idol or a live hanging on their TV sets. The power of our remote controls is really awesome.

I only wish I had exclusive control over the pay-per-view and DVD distribution rights to this historic event. The guy who pulled off that feat with his sex romp with Paris Hilton was able to by a $6 million dollar home with his proceeds. I can’t imagine what kind of palace I’d be able to buy from the revenue proceeds of these hangings. I’m sure I’d have even more paying viewers and could charge more if they did not use those hoods over the heads of the condemned.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Hanging Saddam Hussein

They’ve put on a show in Iraq with a total circus they are calling a trial. They are surely going to hang that old tyrant in a symbolic gesture. Knowing the bloodthirsty Arabs in that part of the world it will be a nationwide primetime television event. After the hanging you can count on those folks doing what they do best, killing everyone they can.

You can complain about Hussein all you want but even with his executioners and their killing machines they haven’t come close to matching what’s been going on since he was removed from power.

That takes me to my position on Iraq and Iran. Why are we in Iraq watching our kids in uniform die? I understood the necessity to take action against a rogue nation. Then there’s Iran, another outlaw country that is under the control of another mad dictator. The populations of both countries hate America.

Rather than risk our troops this was a simple job for one or two nuclear missiles. No quagmire, no American caskets and a lot less expense to the American taxpayers.

We need to get out of that part of the world now! If they can’t behave over there then it’s time to reduce all those miserable, Muslim cutthroats into little toasted cinders.

AN UPDATE! Saddam Hussein along with his half-brother, Barzan al Tikriti, head of the feared Mukhabarat intelligence and Awad Hamed al Bander, former chief judge in the Revolutionary Court, has been sentenced to hang.

An appeal of the verdict and sentence won’t be going to our 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco any time soon. These guys will be dancing at the bottom of their ropes in short order.

Black Panther Terrorist May Finally Be Extradited

Time is apparently running out for a Black Panther terrorist and fugitive who shot Chicago police officer, Terrence Knox and partially paralyzed him for life. Parnell may yet be returned to face justice in a Cook County Criminal courtroom.

The fugitive, Joseph Parnell was also a wanted deserter from the Army when he shot Officer Knox during a routine street stop in 1969. After his arrest Pannell posted bail and fled to Canada where he stayed underground until his arrest in 2004.

Pannel has been in a Canadian jail fighting his return to Chicago and a well earned stretch in an Illinois penitentiary.

Many readers here know that I’m somewhat benevolent about people located and arrested decades after their crimes. What makes this case different is that the Black Panthers were created and dedicated for the mission of killing White cops.

I can’t wait to see his old Black Panther pal, now Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush working for Pannel’s freedom.

Read about it in the Chicago Sun Times

Friday, November 03, 2006

Why Cops should Stop Making Gun Violation Arrests

Okay that’s a really broad statement. Let me suggest what I really mean here. We have 22,000 gun laws that really only impact law-abiding folks that need and deserve protection.

For most criminals violating gun laws, the charges are generally just add-ons that are always plea-bargained away. Criminals lose little or nothing at all when they violate gun laws.

The typical law-abiding gun offender simply gives the protection of himself and family greater respect and status then the politicians who pass and promote un-Constitutional gun laws. Should a law-abiding person be convicted of a simple gun possession or carry violation it will have great impact on gainful employment and many business licenses.

Our Judges are charged with protecting our Second Amendment rights but they are always appointed by the very same Liberal, gun-banning politicians that favor create and maintain draconian firearms laws. The Judges feel they have to punish these gun law violators or their benefactor politicians will replace them.

I won’t suggest for a second that people with rap-sheets or those engaged in criminal activity other than simple gun possession or carrying not be quickly arrested and prosecuted.

The most amazing thing that many cops don’t realize is that laws that require the registration of firearms and firearms owners don’t apply to convicted felons! The United States Supreme Court has ruled at least twice that such requirements violate the rights of the felons against self-incrimination.

If you work in a jurisdiction where firearm carry permits are either difficult or impossible to obtain I ask that you take no action whatsoever. On the rare day you find a citizen with a concealed weapon and he or she is not involved in some criminal mischief has no criminal history simply let them go in peace with their guns.

The justification is simple Americans have the right to keep and bear arms and the courts have also ruled that rights can’t be taxed (Poll Tax cases). Every police officer in the United States takes an oath upholding the Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rapper Snoop Doggie Dog Is Getting A Bum Rap

To begin I’m no fan of rap or this character. The stereotype he projects has made me laugh at him rather then with him. It’s a great country when a guy like the Snoop Dog can make an honest living at whatever it is that he does.

The Orange County District Attorney has filed charges against the rapper who’s true name is Calvin Broadus. That led to the issuance of a felony warrant for possession of a deadly weapon. The violation carries a three-year prison term.

It was September 27th when a TSA worker found a 21” collapsible baton in Snoop’s laptop computer case. The TSA has the power to levy a monetary civil penalty up to $10,000.00, which I’m sure they have already done for having the baton in the TSA’s frisk and fondle checkpoint of the airport. People often forget that they’ve packed prohibited items in their carryon items. It’s no big deal.

Is this baton really a deadly weapon? Perhaps by the California penal code it may be, but in reality it’s far less deadly than a common pipe wrench. That baton is a mild defense weapon that could be employed by Snoop to ward off the likes of a stalker attack.

I say that Snoop Dog has a legitimate need to carry something for self-defense. Since Snoop is a convicted felon that can’t be a gun. The little baton is very reasonable under the circumstances. Had Snoop been my client I would have suggested he carry the wrench, which would have been far more effective and not led to his troubles today. Felon or not Snoop or anyone else has a right to defend himself or herself in America.

This prosecution of Snoop Doggie Dog is pure baloney and should be stopped now.

The Dog has other pending criminal troubles that include an afternoon arrest last week at the Burbank, Bob Hope Airport. It seems that during a traffic stop, Burbank police found the Dog in possession of narcotic drugs and a handgun. By early evening the Dog was on his way after posting thirty-five grand for bail.

It certainly appears as if this dog will be spending some time in the spookhouse unless he finds his way to a country that won’t extradite him.

Update November 5, 2006: Snoop Dog came in for booking at the Orange County Sheriff's office and quickly posted bail and was released. He's going to take his chances at the roulette wheel of criminal justice.

Gun and weapons laws were created after Post-Civil War reconstruction to keep Blacks from owning or carrying weapons. Perhaps someday the courts will see the folly of un-Constitutional arms prohibitions.