Monday, October 23, 2006

Why Be A PI In LA LA Land?

If you think being a PI in Hollywood is glamorous, think again! It’s not, The same people are always wanting you to do the same crap they do everywhere. Here’s a better idea!

Our Federal Law Enforcement Officers At Work

Reading this story you’d think it could have only come from the files of the Gestapo or KGB. It all began with the murder of Assistant U.S. Attorney Thomas Wales, a leader of the gun ban movement in Seattle, October 11, 2001.

Wales was shot in the basement of his home in Seattle's Queen Anne Hill neighborhood on Oct. 11, 2001. Allegedly, ballistics tests revealed the murder weapon was to be a Makarov pistol outfitted with an after-market replacement barrel. The FBI went on a quest looking for every one of owners of the known 3,500 barrels ever made.

That quest brought the FBI to Belleview, WA gun collector Albert Kwan’s home. The bureau agents wanted to borrow and test fire Kwan’s Makarov pistol they believed was outfitted with an after-market replacement barrel. Kwan refused the request because the gun was new and unfired. Kwan’s reasoning was that this would destroy the value of his property.

The bureau agents really fixed Kwan for his refusal. They obtained a search warrant, kicked his door down and seized every firearm in his home. Kwan legally owned 100 machine guns along with some run of the mill semi-automatic firearms. The Agents took one of Kwan's rifles, a Springfield, semi-automatic M-14 copy, remanufactured the receiver, and installed new parts turning it to a machine gun! Since that Springfield was not registered as a machine gun the agents charged Kwan for the federal felony under the National Firearms Act of 1934. Now that's what you call, being creative!

What the agents really wanted was to “create” a witness to testify against another suspect they're trying to implicate in the Wales murder. Since they have no other evidence, the FBI set out to destroy Kwan’s life.

Read more about the story here in this KOMOTV posting

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The City Of Scottsdale Has Rejoined America!

SCOTTSDALE, AZ-Citizens doing business in Scottsdale’s City Hall will no longer have to submit to being frisked like criminals should they enter the property. In 2004, his city followed the lead of too many other cities throwing away Liberty and Privacy for a false sense of security.

Woeful Mayor Mary Manross said she is, "Too afraid to allow citizens free access for anyone or everyone just being able to walk into the building." Perhaps Ms. Manross should try and remember just who owns that City Hall property. I wonder what this lady thinks of all the grocery stores, fast food restaurants and shopping malls that, allow citizens free access for anyone or everyone just being able to walk into those places. If it’s so risky perhaps this Mayor should never leave her home.

The City council debated and then by a 5-2 vote ended the un-American frisking practice. The council then opted to hire three armed security officers replacing the unarmed metal detector guards. The two candy asses that voted to continue the warrant less frisking were Mayor Manross and Councilman Wayne Ecton.

The majority of the City Council members chose to vote for Liberty and Democracy. Crime is always a risk in a free society. Our founding father’s recognized that fact as they crafted the protections of the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution.

I guess Manross and Ecton have forgotten the millions of American Servicemen and women that fought, were wounded or died defending the freedom that these two politicians want to discard like garbage.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Another very cool Music Video

Boz Scaggs wrote and performed one of my favorite songs, WE’RE ALL ALONE several years ago. Nobody doe it better. Enjoy!

A Special Guy From New Jersey Has Left The Stage

There was only one Frank Sinatra and thankfully he left lots of recordings and videos. Sinatra came to a Chicago Police Recognition Ceremony at McCormic Place. We all loved this guy.

Long ago he sang this sondheim hit, Send In The Clowns. Enjoy.

New Technology Crime Fighting Tools In Chicago

There are more new tools than just Ghettocams. Of course all this stuff has to be operational as advertised. George Orwell’s clock was just running a little fast when he wrote, 1984.

The first video can be found right here

The second video can is below:

Why I Don't Miss Being A Cop In Chicago…

I was looking for videos on You Tube and I found a heartwarming one featuring little neighborhood filmmakers expressing themselves!

Where Did The Telephone Booth Go?

They used to be everywhere, but not anymore. Today people with cell phones rudely share their conversations with anyone within earshot. If we brought back the phone booth, I bet people would like them and use them.

Its time for the restaurants, bars, hotels, and other businesses to bring these things back along with a little civilization and class.

We need to give Superman a break while we’re at it. Watch the below video...

Friday, October 20, 2006

Weller Guilty Verdict came from the paranormal

Let me first make no secret that I hate American juries. There are supposed to be comprised of our peers but they never are. The people ultimately seated are the factory and government workers who don’t have lives and don’t lose money for their duty. The others present are the fools who are just not smart enough to get out of serving. They don’t want to be there. The most frightening juror of all is the one that actually wants to be there. I call him or her the avenging angel that wants to help the cops and prosecutors put defendants away.

During the selection process it’s impossible to guess which jurors will be fair or at least leave their biases outside. One thing I’ve learned is that jurors too often lie under oath when answering the questions from the lawyers during the Voir dire.

Today the jury in the George Weller case convicted him for 10 counts of Vehicular Manslaughter With Gross Negligence. The 89 year-old man now is facing 18 years behind bars as a result of the conviction. Weller is in poor health and was not even required to face the inquisition beyond the opening statements.

The charges came as a result of that horrible accident killing ten and also maimed 63 others at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market three years ago. Experts agreed it was caused by, “Pedal Error”.

To find Gross Negligence, the jury would have had to been able to read George Weller’s mind. The prosecutor’s twisted Weller’s statements of remorse and sadness about the carnage into a confession. The jury bought the prosecutors’s theory and rejected their own common sense. Even when juries do the right thing it's almost always for the wrong reasons.

The jury was bombarded with the most ghoulish pictures and video the prosecutors could find. Yes, the results of the accident were as bad as it gets. The Guilty Verdict won’t bring the dead back or cure the poor bastards that were crippled.

It’s unlikely that Weller will live to see all of his appeals run or his conviction finalized. The jury has added some killer stress to Weller’s remaining time on this earth. The door is now open for the litigation parasites to loot Weller’s estate for every dime he has. They want to insure he gets a pauper’s funeral when that time comes.

Who ever said all men were created equal or that life is fair lied. My advice to everyone is to stay out of court.

October 21 update: The L.A. Times gave this story a lot of coverage and you can see it here.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Trunk Monkey Series Re-Dux

I have some repeated requests for the Trunk Monkey videos. Here they are!

A Pair Of Guns For Concealed Carry

Click on picture to enlarge.

Here are a couple of my favorites. On the left is a Sig-Sauer #P-245 .45 ACP. The pictured Sig has the short six shot magazine or you can used the extended eight shot version. This is a wonderful defensive handgun for your pocket or a suitable holster.

On the right is that little Smith & Wesson, Model #340 PD, five shot .357 Magnum with a great pair of Eagle Grips, genuine buffalo horn grips. This is light as a feather to carry. Don’t expect a lot of performance from the .357 round out of this tiny barrel. That little thing is so light it’s easy to forget your carrying a gun. That’s not so cool if you are about enter a TSA checkpoint at the airport!

All things being equal, I’d rather have the Sig in a tight spot any day. The Sig is equipped with fabulous night sights.

ABC Newsman Bob Woodruff Returning To News

I was getting very concerned that this ABC announcement would never come. But my friend Bob Woodruff is returning to reporting and will soon have a book out dealing with his life and injuries.

I wish Bob, Lee and their children the best as life gave a rare second chance to a talented lawyer turned gifted newsman.

NBC Universal Setting The Trend Of The Future

With 700 NBC Universal employees being paroled to the streets of America during the next year. Big changes are coming. The truth is that every established media company in America will be dumping employees at an equally fast and furious rate. The broadcasting world as we knew it is changing even more rapidly than anyone could have imagined.

I expect great Internet blogs, vlogs and video sites in Cyberspace. The quality of what we called mainstream news will be bottoming out soon. That, while the blogs and vlogs improve with more resources and talent. Operating a blog or vlog gives a journalist complete freedom to do whatever story’s desired. The days of pitching a story at morning or afternoon news meetings are over! The new bloggers will be independent business people responsible for promotion and selling advertising.

It’s clear that America has reduced their attention span to watching mindless, three-minute, really lame videos on You Tube rather than read books, newspapers or watch TV news.

Look for a new group of Internet personalities and celebrities to emerge thorough the age of You Tube. Here is a sad example of what you can expect:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Brush With Crime

This morning, the good Mayor’s driver was beaten and carjacked by a pair of fine New Jersey citizens. They dumped the Mayor’s car in New Jersey where it was recovered.

Perhaps after the Billionaire Mayor gets a first hand account of personal violence from his own driver he may rethink his stand to strip law-abiding citizens of their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Does Bloomberg really want the law-abiding people defenseless?

It’s time for right to carry concealed weapons permits in New York too.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Official Crimefile Review of, FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS

When I saw, Saving Private Ryan, I thought no World War II picture could top that. I was wrong. The biggest difference in this film was waiting for those familiar handsome major stars to show up but they never arrived. What I got were well established but lesser known actors who were probably cast in the best roles so far in their careers. Ordinary faces were cast to play ordinary young men

This is not so much a story about heroes but about American politician’s use and abuse of symbols and showmanship to lead the country in their desired direction. Such was the case for three of six ordinary young men who had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That place of course was Iwo Jima and their deed was being in Joe Rosenthal’s famous flag raising photograph taken Feb. 23, 1945. Rosenthal was an Associated Press photographer who took that Pulitzer Prize-winning picture. The three surviving boys' reward was being recruited help sell war bonds through an elaborate dog and pony show during the darkest time of the war.

These boys were revered as heroes not for their sacrifice and suffering but for raising the flag. The following outstanding young actors played the flag raising heroes:
Ryan Phillippeas, John "Doc" Bradley
Jesse Bradford as Rene Gagnon
Adam Beach as Ira Hayes

The most complex character of the film is the alcoholic and troubled, American Indian, Ira Hayes. I fully expect an Academy Award nomination for Adam Beach’s effort here.

I have to say that the period costumes and props were a realistic work of art. No expense was spared bringing the audience to Iwo Jima's ring-side seats.

The screenplay was first rate and the story perfectly told by those master film makers Clint Eastwood and Steven Spielberg.

Of course I fully expect too many of the politically correct mainstream reviewers, who hate war films to color their reviews with their personal baggage.

Yes, I recommend this film as one of the better offerings Hollywood has produced in the last several years.

You can find the trailer and additional information here

Acquitted Taxi Driver Alexander Terminassian Will Never See Justice

52 year-old taxi driver, Alexander Terminassian just woke up at the end of a year-long nightmare. This all began when a drunken illegal alien assaulted Terminassian nearly a year ago in Hollywood. Terminassian fearing for his life used a Kahr 9MM to end the vicious assault, shooting his attacker in the abdomen. The attacker survived and Terminassian was jailed despite strong evidence that he was the victim of the crime.

The case finally worked its way through the system and after a week long trial a jury acquitted Terminassian of all charges this past Friday. Is this the end of this story? Not by a long shot. Terminassian spent a horrible amount of time in the L.A. County jail where he was held because he was unable to post the ridiculously outrageous bail that was demanded.

Before his arrest, Terminassian had to drive a taxi and worked two additional jobs in order to support his family. The ability for Terminassian’s wife to pay the rent, medical costs and other expenses ended while her husband was suffering in jail for using lawful self-defense.

Will Terminassian be able to collect his damages from anyone? I don’t see how. He could sue and get a whopping judgment against the criminal alien that attacked him but collecting that judgment will never happen.

Terminassian was clearly victimized twice, once by a criminal and once more by a flawed criminal justice system.

Here is my original story on this case.

Let’s try an experiment on gun laws

We got by in this country with virtually no gun laws for nearly two hundred years. I say that gun laws don’t make any difference in violence or crime.

Let’s take a one-month period of time where we suspend every gun law. I’m convinced that there would be no abnormal rise in violent crime because gun laws only impact the law abiding.

Does that sound absurd to anyone? If you think I’m wrong just look at the State of Vermont where there are no state or local gun laws. If gun laws really impact anyone or anything Vermont would be the most violent state in America. They have a low crime rate despite no laws controlling firearms. Think about it!

ID’s Not Required To Buy Guns Or Vote!

Court after court has ruled against legislative attempts to make sure only citizens who are actually qualified to vote, vote. Today such a ruling was made by the, The Missouri Supreme Court who’s 6-1 ruling struck down the state's new voter identification law Monday that would have required voters to show a photo ID at the polls.

Long ago the courts also ruled that poll taxes were un-Constitutional. Okay I accept those decisions by those courts. If the logic of these courts is correct that the government can’t make you qualify for or pay for any Constitutional rights.

If the courts are correct about nullification of ID laws to vote, why am I forced to qualify to keep and bear arms? Why must I show ID and wait for a background check before I can possesses a firearm? Why am I forced to pay a fee for my permits?

LAPD Officer’s New Home Is A New Beginning

When LAPD hero Kristina Ripatti chased down that desperate armed robber, 52 year-old James Fenton McNeal she took a bullet for all of us. This brave woman is in recovery and therapy these days so she can rebuild and keep her life meaningful. Ripatti has the kind of spirit that won’t let this roadblock stand in her way. Kristina Ripatti is a natural winner.

It was the politicians and judges under the Left Coast’s Liberal influence allowed that dangerous predatory criminal with a 33-page rap sheet loose to threaten, injure or kill. They were also the all too willing accomplices to the shooting of Officer Ripatti.

Ripatti’s story got the attention of the producers of the reality TV show, "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition". Ripatti became their new project as they are in a race against time to build her a new home that would accommodate her wheel chair and other needs. It’s being built by a combination of fellow cops and many gracious volunteers from the community. Of course we will all be able to see the result on our TV’s soon. We all hope that this will boost Ripatti’s spirit and speed her healing. Just as important it will help this young mom raise her children.

I’m watching with excitement what new professional opportunities will exist for Kristina Ripatti. Of course I want to see her continue as a sworn officer perhaps in another capacity other than patrol. She’s pretty and well spoken. Perhaps the LAPD can create a special public relations position for her. The LAPD needs all of the good PR it can get these days.

Perhaps some enterprising TV producer can pitch a new network TV show hosted by our lovely hero? Whatever Ripatti chooses to do I know it won’t disappoint anyone. Of course I’m hopping for a medical solution allowing her to walk and run again soon.

Side note:
This new home is being built on the site of Kristine Ripatti and her husband, Tim Pearce’s existing home that they already owned and are paying a monthly mortgage to keep. The home had to be destroyed and rebuilt to make it wheelchair friendly. Their mortgage obligations have not changed.

In the mean time here is the information where donations can be made to help our hero and her family:
Officer Kristina Ripatti
C/O Los Angeles Police Department
Southwest Police Station
1546 West Martin Luther King Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90062

Police Officer Kristina Ripatti Trustee Donation Account
C/O Los Angeles Police Federal Credit Union
16150 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91410

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Oprah Zombies—Who Are These Women?

The house that Oprah built came at a time of social change in America. Affirmative action and political correctness were coming into vogue. The limited programming of early 1970s television created a captive but massive audience that had very little to choose from on their television dials.

Somewhere around 1972, I met a pudgy young Oprah Winfrey who was standing with a cute girl I was trying to pick up in the lobby area of Marina City Apartments, where I used to live in Chicago. They were both going to a Women In Broadcasting meeting for wannabe broadcasters. Looking at her I would never have envisioned Oprah’s success in a million years.

Oprah had some kind of incredible business sense that enabled her to own her TV projects where her talk show peers merely punched a clock as workers. Who could guess what massive empire would result. Oprah really learned how to use her race as a weapon.

I’ve never figured out how such a lame talk show, built on political correctness could captivate the hearts and minds of millions of American women. Oprah’s fans seem to double every time Oprah started a new diet. The world’s dictators must be envious of Oprah’s hold on people. If Oprah commanded her legions to drink poisoned Kool Aid there would be millions found dead the next morning.

I’ve talked to these Oprah Zombies and tried to understand the Oprah phenomenon. If I could understand it perhaps that kind of massive wealth could come my way. I’m sorry. I just don’t get it.