Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Why Do We Need Alien Felons Living In America?

Our immigration enforcement farce defies explanation. Mexico and many South American countries have exported their crime, poverty and ignorance straight to our soil. Traitors in our own government deliberately allowed this to happen as a means to create a huge economic crisis. This attack is as damaging as any rockets or bombs.

The vast majority of Americans and legal aliens want the immigration laws on the books enforced. Our government officials refuse to do their job despite our demands.

Among the millions of illegal aliens more than ten percent are convicted felons. What possible excuse could there be to not immediately round up and deport those identified criminals? I don’t think that’s asking too much of our beleaguered politicians and the bureaucrats they appoint to enforce our laws.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

More Musical Scenes from Cop Rock!

Yes I found more scenes from this fun but failed TV musical cop show created by Steven Bochco. Sit back and enjoy this blast from the past.
Baby Merchant

Beautiful Eyes

Garbage in garbage out

Good Life

Monday, August 21, 2006

The Ramsey Case and American Criminal Justice.

I’ve never suggested or offered anyone as a suspect for killing Jonbenet Ramsey. It’s routine in such cases to look close to the victim for a killer. The sad truth is too often we humans kill the ones we love much more often than strangers.

One or both of Jonbenet’s parents were or are the usual suspects absent evidence of a killer from outside the home. There’s just no probable cause to implicate anyone. The fact is people get away with despicable crimes everyday. Cops are not clairvoyant and too often make mistakes that lead to false convictions and or simply miss clues.

The latest Ramsey blunder is just too bizarre for my better senses. This gadfly pedophile John Karr is getting his 15 minutes he thinks will help sell his Jonbenet book as he manipulates the criminal justice system with his sick hoax.

I could easily visit L.A Superior Court in the morning and get TV news pool video for my blog. This court proceeding will shed no light on anything and is a waste of time for the media to cover.

I could also cover the press conference that is sure to be held by Karr’s unpaid former lawyers from his kiddieporn case seeking self-promotion, but they won’t be offering anything more than to proclaim Karr’s innocence. Extradition to Colorado is going to happen as this circus soon travels to Boulder.

Forgive me but rather than to fight L.A.’s legendary rush hour traffic, I’m going to sleep in tomorrow rather than face the crush of reporters reminiscent of O.J. Simpson’s first appearance in Court. Trust me I told you what tomorrow’s news was today.

Do You Want To Be The Next President Of The United States?

It’s easier than you think! First you must we well known and reasonably popular. Second you need a platform of solid rock. You can easily win if you run on a single issue, illegal immigration.

Simply take the hard line to seal the borders, locate and deport the illegal aliens with a priority on beginning with those with criminal records. Getting rid of even Green Card holding felons would be very popular and give our crime rate a break too.

Maintain this platform and you will win the largest landslide in history.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Restraint Tools For Prisoners On Airlines.

Airlines prohibit police from transporting prisoners handcuffed. To keep prisoners under control they use a leg brace on the prisoner underneath his or her pants. They can also use a locking shock belt under the prisoner’s shirt remotely controlled by officers escorting the prisoner.

It’s highly unlikely that one or both of these devices were not used on John Mark Karr for the trip from Bangkok to Los Angeles.

Leg Brace Link

Shock Belt Link

Pedophile Gets VIP treatment?

Only in America can a pedophile prisoner dine on champagne and King prawns in business class for a 15-hour trip to Los Angeles. This is unbelievable.

Read about it!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mary Lacy’s Waterloo

Boulder County, Colorado District Attorney coyly confessed that “exigent circumstances” necessitated the arrest before they investigated their case. The fear of their confessed suspect’s international flight must have been paramount in the decision to cause the arrest with the minimal probable cause based on John Mark Karr’s confession.

There are a lot of places an American fugitive can go in Asia where extradition is unlikely. Thailand has an excellent history of returning our criminals.

This is a hot news story that will soon freeze over once D.A. Lacy’s sleuths investigate the plausibility of Karr’s murderous claims. I expect this new lead to dry up as Ms. Lacy’s foes at the Boulder Police Department enjoy the failure of these efforts.

Lacy will be remembered for her failure here than anything she’s ever done in her career.

Lacy's Statement:
Aug. 17, 2006 News Conference
Statement from Mary Lacy

Good morning.

As you are now aware, John Mark Karr, 41 years old, was arrested for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey yesterday morning at approximately 6:00 am in Bangkok, Thailand. Mr. Karr was living in Bangkok. He began his employment as a second grade teacher in a Bangkok international school on Tuesday of this week.

Mr. Karr has traveled extensively since leaving the United States several years ago. The District Attorneys' Office in conjunction with many other law enforcement agencies have spent the past few months locating, identifying and yesterday, arresting Mr. Karr. Much work has been done in those efforts. There is much more work that needs to be done now that the suspect is in custody. Our preference would have been to complete that work out of the public eye. That is obviously not possible this morning.

You all have many questions that you are anxious to have answered. John Karr is presumed innocent. We are rightfully constrained by the code of professional conduct and the presumption of innocence from answering those questions today.

What I can tell you in a generic sense is that in all serious cases, we work hard with law enforcement not to make an arrest until the investigation is substantially complete. That optimal situation best protects the rights of the suspect. There are circumstances that may exist in any case which mandate an arrest before an investigation is complete. The primary reason is public safety. A secondary reason is fear of flight. In short, exigent circumstances can drive the timing of an arrest. I am not commenting on the particular nature of this investigation or arrest.

There is a great deal of speculation and a desire for quick answer. We should all heed the poignant advice John Ramsey gave yesterday. Do not jump to judgment. Do not speculate. Let the justice system take its course.

Let us continue to do our job thoroughly. The analysis of the evidence in this case continues on a day-by-day basis.

What I can and very much want to share with you is a deep appreciation for the hard work, total cooperation and dedication of many individuals and agencies across this country and in Thailand. You can surely imagine the logistical difficulty of conducting an international investigation of this nature, particularly when their day is our night and our night is their day.

Our role in the investigation of JonBenet Ramsey's murder has been to follow up on all legitimate leads that we have received from law enforcement and concerned citizens. There have been many, particularly around dates of interest such as anniversaries. John and Patsy Ramsey have cooperated fully with each and every request that we have forwarded to them.

I would like to briefly introduce to you my chief investigator Tom Bennett, who continues to lead our investigative efforts. Also my top assistants Peter Maguire and Bill Nagel who have worked closely with Tom and his unit. Each of them join me today in extending our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the many individuals and agencies that have assisted us, in particular,

The Royal Thailand Police, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Special Investigations, Bangkok, Thailand
Chief Edwin Williams and Sgt. Cameron Rowe of the Roswell, Georgia, Police Department
Steve Paganucci of the Atlanta FBI and the Atlanta field office of the FBI
The Atlanta Police Department
The Cobb County Sheriff's Department
Gary Phillips, SA assigned to the US Embassy with ICE under the EPT of Homeland Security
Ann Hurst, ICE
Taekuk Cho, ICE
Dan Kelly, Special Agent with the FBI in Bangkok
Jeff Copp, Special Agent in Charge, and Tony Rouco, SA, of ICE in Denver, CO
True Rowan with OIA in Washington D.C.
Chris Sonderby with OIA in Bangkok

At every level in Thailand, law enforcement joined forces to provide 24 hour assistance to our investigators here and in Bangkok seven days a week. We are overwhelmed by the selfless dedication and hard work of these individuals and agencies. We cannot adequately express our thanks.

I also wish to thank Chief Mark Beckner of the Boulder Police Department who has offered to provide any and all assistance that we may require as the investigation moves onto home ground. We are grateful for the professional and cooperative relationships that we enjoy with his department at every level and look forward to working together.

And finally, to our man on the ground in Bangkok who has worked tirelessly for us since leaving Denver International Airport for Thailand with little more than four hours notice a week ago Monday..........thank you to District Attorney Investigator Mark Spray, come on home. Tom can use your help here. We need to get you two back in the same time zone.

Please allow me to introduce special agent Jeff Copp with the Denver Office of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement under the Department of Homeland Security.

Prime Time Confessions

What’s this really about?

I’m convinced that John Mark Karr is a nut job and not a killer. Karr is apparently obsessed with children and their murders. I watched with amazement as Karr dryly tells the international media, “I was with Jonbenet when she died." and, "It was an accident.” That sound bite is beyond belief.

My prediction is that Karr will be behind bars for several months and never match the DNA sample or be implicated by any physical evidence.

Karr’s history as a second grade teacher, kiddieporn aficionado and Thailand sex tourist makes him a prime candidate.

Sexually assaulting and killing Jonbenet Ramsey would give a twisted pedophile the highest status among the other freaks of similar ilk. Is Karr bragging to claim the status to impress other pedophiles? If John Mark Karr was starving for attention he’s in store for a lot more than his 15 minutes of fame.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Arrest Made in The Jonbenet Ramsey Murder Case

The small Boulder, Colorado Police Department was just not up to the task of this tragic murder investigation. The December 26, 1996 killing has remained unsolved and gone cold. Aside from the murder three additional people were destroyed too. Jonbenet’s parents and brother suffered untold abuse, scorn, hatred and humiliation.

Patsy Ramsey died this year from cancer, but my guess is a broken heart was the real malady that took her life. A Ramsey family spokesperson has told of an arrest in this case. So far Boulder police have remained mum on this story.

One thing for sure putting together a credible and sucessful murder prosecution now will be a real challange.

Update: The Boulder County District Attorney’s office has confirmed that a suspect that has implicated himself was found in Thailand and their investigators have traveled there to interview him. So far they’ve declined to name the suspect who is in custody on unrelated sex charges. Extradition procedures must be made and you can bet that photographers will be waiting to snap his picture in connection with his court appearances.

Suspect information: John Mark Karr, 41 of Georgia. Karr is reportedly a second grade school teacher. The Boulder DA is holding a press conference for 10:00 AM Thursday, August 17, 2006.

Additional information: I could find no history of Karr living in Colorado, however there is a time when Jonbenet lived near Atlanta at the same time Karr did. Karr has a Wife listed as Lara M. Karr who resided with him in Alabama and Petaluma, CA. Karr is not listed as a “registered” sex offender in any public list within any state of the United States.

I'm starting to have serious doubts that John Karr is really involved with the murder of John Benet Ramsey. I think I'd confess to setting the Chicago Fire if I thought that would get me out of some Thai jail.

This is what CNN is reporting...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My War and Miss Saigon

Mine was the Viet Nam War. One day in May of 1968, I received a letter from the President of the United States. It seems Lyndon Johnson ordered me into the armed forces with only a 30-day notice. I reported for duty at the induction center in Chicago and found myself beginning basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. I had a job to do for my country in order to earn my Freedom and Liberty.

From Fort Leonard Wood, I was sent to Light Weapons Infantry training at the beautiful Fort Ord in Northern California. Soon as I finished that training I got my orders for Viet Nam. My heart pounded as I read the orders but I was not surprised and was resigned to my fate. Somehow at the last minute I cheated the odds and was the only lad from my company to be rerouted to Germany with new set of orders. Soon I had the good fortune to wind up as a medical corpsman in a busy dispensary.

I hate how we as a country reneged on our promise to the people of South Viet Nam to free them from the yoke and brutality of Communism. The Bolsheviks in our own Congress fought for the Communist victory as other Bolsheviks were killing my fellow soldiers in Viet Nam. I hate the direction these same Bolshevik bastards have taken this once great country ever since.

The final insult came as Siagon was falling and the last lucky Vietnamese people were evacuated from the roof of the American Embassy by helicopter. It was so painful for me to watch the deaths of 58,000 brave young American men to have lost its purpose. The enemies of our own country and way of life had infiltrated our own Congress and Government.

Viet Nam was a sad tale with only a heartbreaking ending. In some ways I’ve felt guilty for having escaped combat duty in that horrible war. Then there is that bittersweet reminder in opera form. The Madame Butterfly of my war, the incredible musical, Miss Saigon. If you’ve not seen this you’ve missed something special. I’ve seen it three times and that’s just not enough for me. It’s always an emotional experience for me to see. I found three wonderful promotional clips that I have put up for your enjoyment or perhaps just for mine. I’m not sure.

Adventures in TV News Live Shots

You never konw quite what to expext...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ready For Prime Time?

I am in this short scene with fellow Chicagoan, Joe Mantegna in an episode of Joan of Arcadia. Don’t blink your eyes and miss my mug as I take an order and serve the Chief some lemonade. This Chief does not drink on duty.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Calm Down Folks!

Three young Arab men were “caught” with 1000 cellular telephones, and jailed on really high bail. Their “crime” is alleged to be money laundering? Okay, just try to get a conviction on that one.

Officials have admitted they don’t really know what’s going on with the cell phone purchases but think something’s, just not right. Terrorists have been known to set off bombs with cell phones! Without the bombs this is really weak suggestion.

The only thing that makes sense here is the reselling of the phones for simple profit. If it’s obvious that the phones can be sold for more money than these guys paid for the phones then, what’s the beef? That’s commerce, and what our entire economy is all about!

Don’t get me wrong we need to watch for suspicious activities but I think watching whoever is buying fertilizer would make more sense.

I think that the Arabs living in or visiting this country are a much bigger threat than the Japanese folks were that we rounded up and put in camps during World War Two. Is that the next step here?

Liquid Bombs You And The TSA

Nearly the entire TSA airline security program in nothing more than smoke and mirrors designed more to provide passengers with a false sense of security. The American public has been fooled into believing that the level of inconvenience, aggravation and humiliation they’ve been required to withstand somehow guarantees their security. This is the dirty secret our government does not want anyone to know.

Liquid explosives are nothing new and were around long before airplanes were invented. The political hacks in charge of the FAA and TSA were told this and also know determined bombers cannot be stopped. There are loads of low tech ways to detonate bomb materials without cell phones, batteries and wires. The only way to control bombers is prevent all passengers, crews, baggage, and belongings from being loaded on the airplanes.

Although I’m not an explosives expert I learned a thing or two as a medical Corpsman attached to an Army Combat Engineer Battalion and also as a cop. I knew enough to know that the TSA’s bomb detection equipment could never even slow down someone that knew just what I know.

I figured several ways to defeat the TSA and bring down a commercial airplane. If I could do this certainly our enemies could too. Thankfully this also made another fact abundantly clear; that blowing up our airliners is just not that important to the terrorists.

Passenger screening and terror prevention begins and ends with real law enforcement profiling. Armed and trained law enforcement people can protect us much better than those TSA workers.

It’s also time to demand that every trained and screened cop in America be encouraged and allowed to fly with their firearms. Let’s end the TSA’s security shell game.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I’ve Become A Blogcaster

First there was the soapbox, then the printing press. Later came the radio followed by TV and the world of dialup Internet. Now with broadband there is no limit of our ability to send our message to the masses.

With Google Video, Digital Live and Youtube along with a growing list of free video hosts the computer has been the place to post or watch the blogcasts.

I began this as a blooger last December. Since then I’ve learned how to use and abuse print, photos and video all at once. Presto, I’ve become a blogcaster!

The most amazing thing about blogcasting is you can do whatever you want. Total free speech, well almost. The opposite side of this sword is that you risk offending friends, business peers and clients who will never agree with all that you put out in cyberspace.

I have instant ratings via the site counter to see what works or not. A story headline can do nothing or bring in the viewers.

Soon our television sets will all be large flat panel jobs will be primarily used only to watch sports or movies. News and most entertainment will be blogcasted and watched on laptops and desktop computers throughout the land.

What’s the bad news? I discovered putting up a really lame home video of Brittany Spears brings in a lot more viewers than a news story that affects our lives. I guess I’m in trouble when sitting in some dentist’s office, reading an issue of People Magazine and I don’t have a clue who most of the people are in all those pictures.

Friday, August 11, 2006

TSA’s War On Airline Passengers with video...

Have you had enough? If not, don’t worry you will very soon. The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) patronage hacks are dreaming up new torture just for you!

Nobody in their right mind would take a commercial flight anywhere today unless they had no other choice. Taking a commercial flight now has all the glamour of flying via Con-Air. Con-Air is the nickname for the government fleet that hauls prisoners around the country. There is also a private prison version of Con-Air.

There are loads of people too frightened to fly and many more people like me that hate the degradation of being treated like a prison inmate by people with fewer credentials then that of prison guards.

How can the commercial airlines survive? This latest blow came not from terrorists, but our government’s response to a terror plot in the UK that was never hatched. The damage done yesterday is beyond repair. Chalk up yet another victory for Arab terrorists and their allies, our very own TSA.

The only winner of TSA’s, War On Passengers, is General Aviation. That’s where the wealthy must now go for humane passenger treatment. When you start your trip at places like the Santa Monica Airport you won’t find yourself on the wrong side of the security line unless you’re not a paying customer. Nobody is going, prod you with their hand held metal detector, demand you take off your shoes or surrender your lip-gloss. What you will get is star treatment.

The TSA will only get worse.

How much? If you have to ask, you can’t afford it. No they won’t accept your debit card!
You have two options that perhaps this video will help you choose.

The Brittany Spears Meltdown Is Complete!

Marriage and motherhood has taken its toll on Spears who will soon never have to complain about paparazzi cameras chasing here around anymore. Her young husband, Kevin Federline has insured her quick retirement from show business with this videotaped offering of their private moments.

Airline Security Insanity Must End.

Political correctness and ethnic sensitivities protects nobody from terrorists.

We are at war. The only threat comes from those we are at war with. Our enemies are Arab Muslims. To deal with this very real threat they sent in the clowns when we needed the cops.

We train the inflexible TSA clowns to disregard reality to make sure every airline passenger suffers the terrorist treatment not just the usual suspects. We allow the TSA clowns to waste time, effort and money as they treat Americans like the enemy terrorists. We just don’t have our eyes on the ball here.

The only effective security we can maintain is through profiling by professional, trained and equipped law enforcement officers. The non-law enforcement, TSA clowns we hired will never be up to the task.

Additionally we must allow trained and sworn police officers to travel with their firearms. We should encourage them with free flights or flights and greatly reduced fares.

We have never put in place an armed gauntlet of cops to deal with any group of armed terrorists that dare invade our airports. What we have in place could never stop a group of 12 well-trained and armed men on a suicide mission.

We are too busy frisking our fellow Americans to deal with the real threat from Arab Muslims.

We need help, but don’t send in the clowns… Send in the cops!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Official Crimefile Review of World Trade Center

Frankly, I could not imagine a two-hour feature film telling the story of 9/11. That was just not possible. Screenwriter, Andrea Berloff and director Oliver Stone told a compelling story. A difficult feat since the whole world knows what happened and how this ended. I expected the NYPD and NYFD folks to be skeptical of this project’s resemblance to reality.

New York is a magical place, with its great restaurants, fabulous non-stop entertainment and character. The Wall Street area where the WTC stood is like no other place on Earth. I’d been there before and since the destruction of the towers. The buildings were nothing short of majestic.

In one scene they used the unique fence around the historic St. Paul’s Chapel that still contains George Washington’s special pew. Alexander Hamilton is buried in the adjacent cemetery. During the rescue and recovery operation that was where the cops, firemen and other recovery workers ate and slept for many months. The walls inside were covered with cards and letters from, cops, firemen and children sent from all over the world. That fence was also where photos of lost loved ones and memorial material to the known dead were part of a heartbreaking display.

There are millions of stories that surround 9/11 and the thousands killed and maimed. Families were destroyed and the lives that were not snuffed out were changed forever. I’m sure that the stories of the other dead heroes were no less compelling for making a movie.

This film was about two New York Port Authority cops, John McLoughlin and William Jimeno along with their families. These folks lived the horror that most of us watched on continuous TV news coverage.

The film is a must see. The actors were wonderful with all of them carrying their weight. Maria Bello, Nicholas Cage, Michael Pena and Maggie Gyllenhaal gave Oscar caliber performances. They made this film all too real. Oliver Stone and his crew made the words on the paper script come alive. I expect that the nominations will be many here.

Yes, be sure to bring the Kleenex tissues when you go to see this one.

It was about a year ago on a Sunday afternoon that I went to Jerry’s Delicatessen in Marina Del Rey. There I met the beautiful Maria Belo, who plays John McLoughlin's wife, her boyfriend, Dan McDermott and their good friend actress, Camryn Manheim. I was minding my own business eating my pastrami sandwich when Maria and Dan’s little boy slung a spoon full of strained carrots that hit me in the head! Maria and Camryn all but gave me a shampoo and blow dry getting the mess out of my hair. We all had a good laugh. Sadly, I only recognized Camryn although Maria looked familiar. Soon I was able to chat with Maria and Camryn at a function of the Screen Actor’s Guild.

See the trailer here.

Buy A Private Jet While You Still Can.

This will be the only way you can get around the TSA silliness. Three and four hours added to each way to every flight along with unprecedented aggravations from the low wattage TSA folks who are now in siege mode. I don’t expect things to improve.

I anticipate and huge increase in corporate sales of jets and planes. There’s also a rosy picture for pilots and crewmembers needed to haul the wealthy around so they can avoid the perils of the unwashed flying the unfriendly skies.

In the meantime I will do my best to stay of airplanes. I am not afraid of the terrorists; I simply refuse to put up with the indignity and abuse the TSA will put me through.

CNN has reported American passengers crying during their commercial flights today and clapping once their flight landed safely. That's so pathetic and a sign of how cowardly we’ve become. I’m starting to be ashamed to be an American anymore.