Friday, July 28, 2006

Great story but a really Lame interview

Last night KNBC-TV did an “exclusive” interview of an ex-wife of serial killer suspect Bill Bradford. That woman is Cindy Horton. Instead of reporter Ross Becker getting the real information he copied the style of Oprah or Jerry Springer. Becker went for the emotions of that failed marriage instead of asking Horton about Bardford’s habits, lifestyle and the other women in his life. The questions Becker could have but never bothered to ask:

Did Bradford ever tell you he killed anyone?

What places did you live together (with at least street intersections).

Did Bradford use drugs?

Did you ever see Bradford victimize anyone else?

Did he ever allow anyone else to victimize you?

Did he involve anyone else in crimes that you knew about?

Do you know any of the other women in the photographs?

There was a telling portion of Horton’s interview when she volunteered to Becker that she was asked by the cops to pretend to be on Bradford’s side and try and get him to incriminate himself. If true, that act by police was absolutely unlawful. Bradford was in custody and as a police agent; Horton had the duty to again inform him of his right to remain silent. If Bradford had a lawyer at the time this would have had an impact on the case itself. Any statements by Bradford to Horton would have been kept from any trial jury. My question to Bill Bardford's appeal lawyer, Darlene Ricker is, would this new information from ex-wife Cindy Horton become yet another appeal issue?

Here’s the KNBC-TV reports and video.

Crimefile News' other Bradford stories are all here.

Taking a baby hostage is not a good idea.

I don’t know where this happened but it looks like Europe judging by the Beretta machinegun and the police uniforms. This guy was holding a nasty looking knife on a small child. I think this was a little too risky but it looks like a good result. Warning this video is not suitable for all viewers.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

L.A County Sheriff’s Press Conference regarding 54 Photos Of Potential Victims

Here is the unedited and entire 35-minute news conference with questions and answers held on July 25, 2006 at the LASD Homicide office in Commerce, California. This is where the now famous collection 54 photos of women found in convicted killer Bill Bradford’s possession, more than two decades ago were unveiled.

Is Bill Bradford an incredibly prolific, serial killer who stalked his victims in the West Side L.A. meat markets from 1975 through 1984? As of today at least half of the women depicted in Bradford’s photo collection are now purported to be alive and well.

Why am I somehow convinced that some of these women in the photographs are even on Bill Bradford’s visiting and pen pal lists at San Quentin? Stay tuned…

The women’s photos are here
Previous Crimefile News article 3
Previous Crimefile News article 2
Previous Crimefile News article 1

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Basic Transportation from Honda

Okay, I confess that I have a connection to the Man of LaMancha and the Impossible Dream. I have had that dream unrealized for far too long. This video is definitely for a dreamer.

This Cop is really in the doghouse!

I’m talking about the four-legged cop. Somehow I suspect that pup knows something about that cop he’s biting that we don’t. Over the years I’ve learned to trust the judgment of our K-9 friends.

When A Prosecution Expert Witness Lies Under Oath To A Jury…

A life without parole sentence stemming from a guilty verdict against Andrea Yates for drowning her own five sons was overturned because a government expert witness lied under oath. The request for new trial could have gone either way but for a fair-minded ruling that gave this case to a new and untainted Houston, Texas jury.

The second verdict speaks for itself. I can’t imagine anybody thinking what Andrea Yates did was not a clear and solid sign of total madness. The poor woman was bonkers and being punished for what she had no control over. Justice was done today. Get well Andrea.

As for the perjuring expert witness, when will his perjury prosecution begin?

Who Is In Prison Today For This Man’s Crimes?

I can’t help but believe that languishing in some prison death row cell an innocent boyfriend, husband or admirer of a woman murdered by handyman and photographer Bill Bradford. Bradford toured the country in his Pace Arrow motor home killing women along the way. Bradford reportedly told the jury during the penalty hearing portion of his last trial, “Think how many you don’t even know about.”

Here is the very latest!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Meet the L.A. Meat Market Killer.

An unassuming young man toured California, Oregon, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Kansas, Michigan, Louisiana and all points in between. Our boy traveled in a Pace Arrow motor home and rode on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. His local California fashionable haunts were alive with pretty women dancing to disco music. The Pink Elephant and Burning Tree-Chestnut Room bars in Santa Monica were loaded with women seeking their dream of an entertainment career. What some of the ladies found made Mr. Goodbar seem in hindsight like Mr. Right.

William “Bill” Bradford was a freelance photographer and handyman with a special talent to meet, photograph pretty women and get them to shed their clothes. They’d pose in sexual positions sometimes with other strange men as Bradford snapped the pictures. Soon the unfortunate women would be found raped and strangled or simply disappear.

This was all going on before DNA profiles and the data advances of computers to sort information. 1975 through 1984 brought on a spree by what may now be the record holding serial killer.

Today Bradford is 60-years old and safely behind bars for nearly a quarter century on Death Row in San Quentin for the murders of Shari Miller, 21 and Tracy Campbell, 15. One body was dumped in an L.A. parking lot and the other in a Northern county desert area. There’s no rush to bring Bradford to Justice since he’s more likely to die of old age than a lethal injection in the California criminal justice system.

To date L.A. County Sheriff’s detectives claim to have three solid new cases and are soon to solve more. Detective Dickie Adams retired only to find himself brought back to work on cold cases. Adams soon discovered all the photographs and loose ends in the Bradford file. Noting advances in data collection and DNA he dusted off boxes of evidence and spent nearly a month to bring us to today’s revelations.

The other jurisdictions where Bradford spent time have yet to be notified this early in the current investigation. There’s certainly no rush to do more than figure out who these women are and where the bones are buried. Bringing closure to victim’s families seems to be the only real mission now.

Since Bradford is going to die of old age and the new cases have not even begun it would make more sense to make a deal with Bradford getting him off of Death Row in exchange for cooperation from the man who told the members of his jury that they had no idea how many more victims are out there.

In each and every case considered solved the victim’s end began in a trendy hot meat market.

Photos from Bill Bradford’s collection can be found here

I have the unedited half hour news conference given by Sheriff’s Homicide Division Captain Ray Peavy loading up for placement on this blog. No filters, no spin, just the whole enchilada for you to chew on. Stay tuned!

More from The L.A. Times: The L.A. Times

More from The Daily Breeze.

More from The Los Angeles Daily News.

Here is the very latest!

54 Women Murdered On The West Side Of L.A. And Nobody Noticed?

Breaking News

The women disappeared from 1975 and 1984 from Santa Monica, Culver City,West Los Angeles and Venice.

Right now L.A. County Sheriff’s detectives are being tight lipped about the crimes other than to say the investigation got a kick start tip pointing to convicted killer of two women and Death Row inmate William Richard Bradford, 60. Apparently Bradford kept a photo collection of his victims that’s been located.

Bradford must have been very creative in disposing of the remains of his victims. Polce believe he disposed of them in Northern Los Angeles County. Look for a press conference today at 3:30 PM where more details will be released. The information is being released because police hope to learn more information from the public to identify and locate the women in Bradford's photographs.

If these women were in fact murdered by a single killer he’d hold the record for any serial murderer in the United States.

Here is information and photographs of the victims...

Here is the latest AP story...

Here is the very latest!

Technical Virgin Fired from PBS Kid's Series

Young Kid’s TV show host Melanie Martinez was fired in a New York second after telling her employer of two-spoof videos she had done as the virgin.

The show she hosted for PBS is called, "The Good Night Show" designed to get toddlers ready for bedtime.

"PBS Kids Sprout has determined that the dialogue in this video is inappropriate for her role as a preschool program host and may undermine her character's credibility with our audience," said Sandy Wax, network president.

You never know what can destroy a career. Sit back and relax as you watch both of these exciting video shorts that was a really bad idea.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Ass Kissing Award of the Week

Washington DC-- On July 10 police commander Andy Solberg spoke to residents who had gathered to express concern about the slaying of Alan Senitt.
That sounds simple enough right? It was until Solberg spoke frankly about yet another horrible murder in the Murder Capital of The United States.

A White campaign worker Alan Senitt, 27, for former Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner was robbed and had his throat slashed as he and a female companion returned from a movie. Police said the attackers then attempted to rape Senitt’s companion in the upscale Georgetown area.

Who could guess the race of the killers? Deadly senseless violence in Washington DC is nearly the exclusive province of African Americans.

I can’t and won’t apologize for that sad truth. We can argue about the social issues but that’s not going to change the fact that African Americans are behind nearly all the bloodshed and mayhem in our nations capitol. Of course the African Americans thugs don’t let their own neighborhood boundaries stop them from better pickings in nearby fashionable Georgetown.

The good police commander had a lapse of the reality of overly sensitive residents of The Murder City. He let this quote pass his lips: "I would think that at 2 o'clock in the morning on the streets of Georgetown, a group of three people one of whom is 15 years old, one of whom is a bald chunky fat guy are going to stand out. They were black. This is not a racial thing to say that black people are unusual in Georgetown. This is a fact of life."

Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey reassigned but today reinstated Solberg after taking "corrective action.". That corrective action included the offending police commander’s big smooch on the asses of the overly sensitive African-Americans.

So now we have yet another quote from the hapless commander, "I was wrong, the remarks were insensitive, and I have learned a lot in the past few weeks," he said Monday. "Anything like this should certainly give rise to some serious self-examination ... and I'm doing that."

He learned all right! Solberg learned how to kiss overly sensitive African-American asses really well.

Condi Rice Is No Gort

I’m trying to figure out just how Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice can be of help in the quest of ending the current Middle East crisis. The ball is in the court of the Hizbullah and they arn't moving. Of course Israel can turn it’s back on the three kidnapped young soldiers and stop fighting but that's just not realistic.

Can some African-American woman influence the Hizbullah? These guys are Muslim religious fanatics that believe all women are mere beasts of burden or baby makers.

Condi is no Gort and any accomplishment at all I’d recognize as a total miracle. The only thing Condi can really do is pay ransom or bribes with American tax funds. I hope that does not happen but that’s what we do best since Truman dropped the BOMB.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Story About A Gun You Didn’t Hear!

When a killer with a gun go on rampages the Liberal mainstream media exploits the details and runs to the gun-rights haters for their knee-jerk reactions. The gun gets demonized every time. They almost never talk about the suspect’s prior convictions and how our justice system fails to keep these predators behind bars. The blame goes to all law-abiding American's rights to keep and bear arms.

Perhaps in passing you heard of a horrible incident in Memphis, Tennessee last week where a 21-year old nut case stabbed five co-workers with a knife.

What you didn’t hear was how the offender was stopped. The knife wielding psycho’s reign of terror was ended not by the police but by the manager of a financial services office in the same small shopping center who retrieved a 9 MM handgun from his car.

The violence was ended without firing a single shot. The hero manager is a fellow by the name of Chris Cope. Perhaps you’ve not ever heard or read his name before now because he demonstrated what gun owners know. Guns very often save lives without ever firing a shot. I guess Cope’s success and heroism was not newsworthy.

Here is the only news report I could find.

Perhaps Our Courts Will End Frisking And Fondling By Security Goons

At least one football fan has stood up to being searched like a criminal for merely going to a football game. A 60-year old high school civics teacher Gordon Johnston, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ season ticket holder has charged that the searches violate state and U.S. Constitutional protections against illegal searches.

His October 2005 lawsuit was filed in a state court. The judge ruled in Johnston’s favor ordering an end to the searches. Next an appeal was filed and the Florida Court of Appeals, which agreed with the lower court ruling. Then the Tampa Sports Authority was able to remove the case to the federal court where a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge James D. Wittemore is soon to be published and appealed by whoever loses.

In the past three decades warrantless and random searching of Americans have become popular with an endless list of government officials citing terrorism as the excuse to suspend the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The paradox here is that terrorism is what facilitated the very existence of the USA.

We quickly created a Bill of Rights to protect American’s Freedom and Liberty. Our founding fathers were well aware of the death and destruction that terrorism brings when they crafted the right to Keep and Bear Arms and the protections from unreasonable searches.

We like to say that we fight wars to protect our Freedom and Liberty. While we fight cowardly little bureaucrats and politicians dilute and destroy the same Freedom and Liberty so many heroic young American men fought and died to preserve.

The outcome of this case could very well end the frisking at thousands of government buildings, airports and sports venues. Before you panic about the falling sky try to remember that we all survived and got along for the first 200 years of our existence by limiting government frisking to suspected and convicted criminals.

My hat goes off to Gordon Johnston for being a real example to his students by protecting our Constitutional rights, Freedom and Liberty. There’s hope yet to keep government out of our personal possessions and papers.

Update: July 28, 2006 U.S. District Court Judge James D. Wittemore ruled against the searches! Now the case coes to the U.S. Court of Appeals... Let Freedom Ring!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Meet Two Pals Of Mine!

No they don’t belong to me. They are just new little pals of mine. Webster and Buddy and are both less than 10 weeks old. They are so cute…

Having Fun In Las Vegas Video

Imagine you’re in a Las Vegas and it’s a nice day out as you cruise down the strip in your brand new PT Cruiser. Suddenly you meet a fellow who is trying to impress someone with a video camera. I know scores of Liberal politicians that need to meet this guy in a dark alley where I’d think he’d even be more colorful. (Strong language advisory)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Desperate Young Marine Wants A Broken Leg Graphic Video

I found this video on Google. It purports to be the effort of some Marine trying to avoid going to Afghanistan. His “pal” is breaking his leg with a dumbbell weight. I’m not in any way t vouching for the truth to that story

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A Multi-Million Dollar Mayor Daley Whitewash

Not even a day’s worth of dust has settled on the Burge Torture Report and things are abundantly clear. A couple of politically connected cowboy lawyers were paid a king’s ransom a to undertake a prosecution that they knew well in advance could never happen.

The rule is that you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. In this case it’s Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley who was the Cook County State’s Attorney when all these cases went down. We all know who runs the Cook County Courts and it’s not the judges.

With Chicagoan’s tax money flowing into their bank accounts like a raging river these cowboy lawyers turned special prosecutors danced with everyone and anyone they could find. The longer the cowboys could drag out the investigation the more tax hikes and bond issues would be required to fund this dog and pony show.

The whipping boy was easy to find. None other than former police superintendent Richard Brzeczek who clearly notified Daley in writing of the seriousness of the allegations. Only then Cook County State's Attorney Richard M. Daley had the power and duty to call for a Grand Jury investigation and it was Daley that blew that responsibilty off. The multi-million dollar cowboy whitewashers somehow shifted the blame to Brzeczek anyway!

The biggest gag of this report and its cost is the simplest of legal issues. Felony charges must be brought within three years or there is nobody to prosecute. It’s called the Statute Of Limitations. What really went into this report was nothing more than a shameless act of public masturbation by the cowboy special procecutors with their noses in the public’s multi-million dollar trough.

Why bother allowing this monumental waste of time and money you ask? Who needs the image polishing here? Who needs the support of the Black community in order to be re-elected? Why none other than the former Cook County State’s Attorney who dropped the ball, Richard M. Daley.

$7.2 million to protect Daley's image is nice work if you can get it!

The Chicago Police-Jon Burge Torture Report Is Right Here

I’m not going to rehash this nearly 300-page report. I’m sure it’s filled with lies of every description. We don’t really know what happened because these encounters were not videotaped.

Don’t get me wrong, Chicago police officers are known for their rude handling of violent criminals. Does that rise to the level of torture? I don’t think so. If the suspects acted up while in custody they quickly learned to behave.

In any event we can only guess what happened in the cases that were involved with the report made public today. The cops will side with the cops and the criminals will side with the criminals. The hand-wringing Liberals will side with the criminals too.

I’ve become a fan of video recording of each suspect’s every movement while in custody. I believe that would save countless law enforcement careers and millions of dollars if you can eliminate the guesswork.

I know one thing for sure. The suspects will still confess or incriminate themselves through lies at the same rate they always do.

Former Police Superintendent Richard Brzeczek was trashed in this report. I simply refuse to accept that he would ever knowingly allow a cover-up on his watch.

Because the statute of limitations has expired long ago, thankfully we won’t see criminal or civil juries guessing what happened.

Read the report here and make up your own mind…

It’s Time For Your Suggestions

If you have story ideas, suggestions to make Crime Guns And Video Tape fill your needs or any ideas no matter who wild simply click on my picture and send me an e-mail. You can also make a comment.