Sunday, March 05, 2006

Pay Per View Ghettocams Coming Soon?

Why aren’t Chicago's Ghettocam images broadcast on the Internet for all to see? Many people in Chicago’s crappy neighborhoods could watch their own homes, cars and business from anywhere. Knowing that Chicago’s politicians never met a tax they didn’t like, you'd think they’d be smart enough to charge a fee for access.

There’s an interesting story in today’s Chicago Sun Times: "I don't even sell drugs. I got a job ... I just like hanging out," said a construction worker from South Shore who asked to be identified only as Chris. The young black man standing near 71st and Paxton said he fears police retaliation. "They're watching us right now.... The cameras make you miserable, man."

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Support Your Local Blogger!

The established American media with its agenda distorted most anything involving politics. The big three networks and major newspapers somehow led Americans to believe that they somehow spoke for everyone when they did not. The most obvious sign was the identical messages from the major media players and their charismatic personalities as they pushed ever further to the Liberal Utopia. Seeing a Conservative political candidate get an editorial endorsement from any major news organization was an incredibly rare event.

Talk radio made the first serious dent in the media corporation’s armor and then came the Internet. Today an army of Internet bloggers has arrived with unrelenting questions as they cut through the Bolshevik propaganda. No longer can the media giants control the information made available to the public.

When the media giants did a story it nearly always went unchallenged. It was impossible to fight anyone who bought ink by the barrel. Those days are thankfully over as anyone can now quickly query information with an Internet search engine. Bloggers are posting their words, pictures, audio and video with ease as the media giants lose their audience and readers. The competition between bloogers is a free-market driven, American dream.

Friday, March 03, 2006

More Airline-TSA Silliness This Time In Las Vegas…

Dateline: Las Vegas March 2, 2006

Singer, dancer and American Idol celebrity, Paula Abdul, found herself mobbed by a group of fans at McCarran International Airport. Ms. Abdul was apparently late while trying to catch a flight to Burbank. A Southwest Airline official helped Abdul through a backdoor and bypassed TSA security along the way.

The panic by these low-wattage TSA morons quickly kicked in as they developed a plan to save us all from Paula Abdul. Once the plane arrived in Burbank the passengers were detained, arrested or kidnapped by TSA officials until they conducted a retroactive screening of the entire planeload of passengers. My God! Are we that screwed up that we allow for this kind of foolishness by government?

Will we now see the threatening and dangerous Paula Abdul’s name on the Terrorist No Fly List over this frightening security breech?

Perhaps It’s Time To “Off” An Alderwomen?

The incredibly stupid and racist Madeline Haithcock told the the Chicago Sun Times that the favorite slogan by her murdering Black Panther heroes, “Off the pigs” was only a figure of speech.

Perhaps sending the message that it’s a great time to off Madeline Haithcock will help make clear the kind of hate she is generating with her effort to name a street after the late, convicted robber and accused kidnapper, Fred Hampton.

Read the article...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yet More On That Crazy Malibu Ferrari Crash! Another Fantastic Update!

In the wreckage police found a loaded magazine for a .40 caliber Glock, semi-automatic pistol. I’d suspect that would be a huge problem if it turned out to be the property of the Swedish ex-convict, Stefan Eriksson, the car’s owner. His immigration status would also come into play if he were found in possession of firearms.

Now there is an investigation into evidence that The San Gabriel Valley Transit Authority may have established a law enforcement agency with the ability to appoint people as peace officers and bestow the power to carry guns and make arrests.

This would be highly unusual for a small transit company that move handicapped people around town. My guess is it’s a phony law enforcement agency created to give away badges and guns to police pretenders. It’s raised lots of questions that will be answered in short order.

Creating phony police agencies is most common in states like California, Illinois and New York where permits to carry firearms are nearly impossible to obtain. Criminals such as armed robbers never to go to such extremes to invent police agencies to facilitate their crimes. Of course felons and aliens are never granted the right to carry firearms.

The rub here is that Eriksson allegedly identified himself to Sheriff’s officers as a Commissioner with the agency. It just so happens that Eriksson's civil attorney, Ashley Posner, is listed as the chairman of the San Gabriel Valley Transit Authority.

One thing for sure, Stefan Eriksson’s answering questions for police has ended. That won’t however end the ongoing investigation.

There’s more here in the L.A. Times, and at KNBC-TV.

Were The Soviets Behind 1981 Shooting Of Pope John Paul, II?

According to a Reuter’s report, that’s the word from an Italian parliamentary investigative commission. It’s no secret that the collapse of the Eastern European Communist control had a lot of encouragement from the saintly leader of the Roman Catholic Church. The new report makes sense since the motive behind the assassination attempt is abundantly clear.

Pope John Paul II was a very real threat to the lifestyles of many Communist leaders facing forced early retirement, exile or worse. Nowhere was this more evident than in the Pope’s home country, Poland. Poland became the epicenter for the destruction of the failed Communist system of government.

I’ve grown very fond of Pope John Paul, II over the years. I’ve had some really bizarre brushes with this Pope and I’ve met India’s, late Mother Theresa another saintly icon of the Catholic Church. Mother Theresa once placed a gift of a medal bearing her likeness into my hand. I will save these two stories for another day.

By another coincidence I’ve become close friends with two women who until recently never new each other. Both women sang for Pope John Paul, II on October 17, 1987 at the Dodger’s Stadium on Los Angeles. One is the gifted actress, singer and dancer, Ann Jillian, the wife of former Chicago police sergeant, Andy Murcia and the other is, Sue Ann Pinner an opera singer and college professor.

I will say that I’m involved in the background of an ongoing secret project that will honor Pope John Paul, II in the near future.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A New War On Chicago Cops Is In Progress.

This story won't go away. Fred Hampton was every bit an urban terrorist when he openly advocated killing cops. Black Panther inspired murders of police officers created a very real war in Chicago. Beyond the officers that were murdered there were scores that were disabled for life as a result of Black Panther violence.

That December, 1969 raid was at a point in time where officer safety (at least to the cops) was more important than the lives of those such as Fred Hampton who were on record calling for the murder of cops.

There were two versions of that raid the cops and the murderous survivors. Both versions of events still exist. I suggest that if the cops were bent on a search and destroy that no Panthers from that Monroe Street flat would have lived to tell lies. If you chose to believe the surviving Black Panthers, you also have to accept the fact that Hampton was a criminal terrorist at war with his country and the police.

I have two really simple questions. Is there such a shortage of accomplished African-American role models in Chicago that they can’t find someone deserving of the honor? Why would any Chicago Alderman want to reopen this old wound and rekindle the hate that the Black Panthers represented?

If naming a street after Hampton is a good idea because he was a revolutionary, perhaps the next federal courthose should be named after Timothy McVeigh.

WMAQ-TV's Dick Kay weighed in on this issue with his report that includes old newsfilm of Frad Hampton and the raid scene on Monroe Street.

An update: The mood in the comments section of this story at Second City Cop is not good, There are suggestions of a job action to halt writing moving violation and parking citations should the city dare use tax money to honor the dead terrorist. Those officers have my full support to do whatever it takes to end the glorification of killing cops. If this fight really comes to City Hall I may just fly in to Chicago for this one.

Mayor Richard J. Daley would have used his own body to prevent this kind of insult. His son, the current mayor is not half the man his father was and can't be counted on to take a leadership role with Phil Cline his appointed Superintendent of Police.

As this is going on in Chicago, justice caught up with this Chicago Panther who murdered a cop 36 years ago.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

2 ½ Months of Blogging has produced…

98 posts, software headaches, hardware grief and as much fun as you can have with your pants on.

Comments don’t always come from sane or sober people. I never expected everyone would agree with me or I would have been able to run unopposed for President. If I haven’t pissed each of you off at least once I’d feel I haven’t done my job.

I know I’ve gathered some loyal readers all over the USA, the UK, Australia and I even have a regular visitor in Hong Kong. Someone at the Sergeant of Arms at the US Senate (I’m assuming he or she works in a protective position) stops by daily. I’ve got a mix from the law enforcement community, gun rights activists, many news media folks and some entertainment professionals. I want to thank you folks for navigating your web browsers my way.

I’m going to include video that I produce myself whenever I can. I’m always up for story ideas from my readers. The problem I have is that I’m a one-man band right now and can’t do everything I want. This has all been made possible by the Good folks at Google who have not charged me a dime to store all these pages and host most of my video.

To make this work I’m going to have to boost my readership and somehow get sponsored. I have gotten as many as 2000 visits per day and as few as 300. I guess it grows from here. Again, thank you all for stopping by.

Naming a Chicago Street after Black Panther “Martyr”

The year was 1969. It was one of those years that Chicago hit the record books for the most cops murdered in the line of duty during any 12 month period. Cowardly sniper attacks were being committed all over the country against police officers.

It was no coincidence that the Black Panther Party was trying to promote an armed revolution to overthrow the country. The Party leaders were Clamoring for the killing of cops that they were calling pigs. Everyone had a clear understanding that cops attempting to arrest these terrorists were marked for death and that shooting first and shooting straight was important for officer’s very survival.

That cold December 1969, pre-dawn infamous raid resulted in the arrests of several Panthers, the recovery of their weapons and the deaths of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. Hampton and Clark died the way they lived, by the sword. They were criminals and morally responsible for the deaths of all the cops through their advocating of the killings.

Unbelievably, there’s an ongoing effort at City Hall by some aldermen to honor one of these thugs, Fred Hampton. Is Fred Hampton somehow a role model for the children of Chicago? Perhaps a role model for some racist, anti-American hoodlums, but not our children. There’s something very troubling going on at City Hall when alderman are promoting hate and violence against police officers with this move.

I think it’s time for police officers to find their way down to City Hall and shame the hate mongers.

That Intriguing Ferrari Story Won’t Go Away…

L.A. County Sheriff’s officers have found themselves in an international investigation examining whether the Ferrari’s owner Stefan Eriksson possessed another exotic sports car, a Mercedes SLR that was reported stolen to Scotland Yard.

Eriksson reportedly has an extensive car collection that includes cars like that destroyed Ferrari Enzo that were not, “street legal”.
Read the latest here.

There's more here.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The dark side of Law Enforcement

There are times when politicians and bureaucrats that appoint cops order them to take action that’s in direct conflict with the United States Constitution. All cops are required to take an oath to defend and protect that Constitution.

Some cops will blindly follow orders as too many did in Germany during Hitler’s Third Reich. The Nuremberg War Crimes Trial set the standard that following orders is no excuse to escape punishment.

Hurricane Katrina was blight on America not just for a weather related disaster but also for a greater disaster, the destruction of basic American Freedom, Liberty and human dignity. Notwithstanding the relentless and unending bureaucratic blunders aggravating the human misery, some government agents began a crime wave of their own.

The former Chief of the New Orleans Police Department conspired with others to commit home invasions and armed robberies against New Orleans homeowners. Officers from the NOPD and agencies as far away as the California Highway Patrol along with National Guard troops forced their way into homes, assaulted the residents, and robbed them of any firearms they could find. I can’t bear to think what may have happened if a victim of these acts fought back killing some cop. That’s just one more reason why I don’t support the death penalty.

The lawsuits against the officers and conspirators will go on for years, Perhaps more years than this victim in the first video, Patricia Konie has left on this earth.

My friend Bob Woodruff reports on video number two.

These outrages should never be allowed to happen again.

An Update 3/1/06


Sunday, February 26, 2006

Why Are We Such Candyasses?

Strange white powder appears in some college dorm. Panic sets in as thousands of tax dollars are spent on a major terrorist investigation that’s waged by local, state and federal authorities. It seems some bonehead claimed the powder was the deadly poison called Ricin. The news media quickly brought out an army of terrorism expert-pundits to frighten everyone. They need to outlaw those damned doughnut sprinkles!

Some harried and late traveler passes by an airport security gate where the low-wattage TSA monkeys are dozing off. The apes wake up and quickly initiate an airport lockdown and a national news story.

Some seventh grade school kid brings his father’s antique handgun to school for a show and tell program. Yep, even though nothing has happened the kid makes the nightly news. This lad whoever he is should quickly run out and get an agent for a book and movie deal while he’s still hot news.

A tourist poses in front of a tourist attraction for a photo being taken by yet another tourist. Officials over-react and then try to justify their silliness with exaggerated claims that the picture taking by the tourists was not normal. It’s not normal to take pictures of tourist attractions? Maybe our experts that claim to know what normal is need to visit the Internet. They should navigate to Google Images and then try to find any portion of any such landmark that not been photographed to death.

I guess we have forgotten the days when nobody was ever searched boarding an airplane in this country. The chances of that passenger whizzing by the security checkpoint being a real terrorist are even less than me winning that Powerball Lottery with that single ticket I bought last week.

I’m becoming ashamed of being an American. That’s because everyone else in the world will assume I’m a candyass.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Okay, I confess to loving that failed Bochco TV series COP ROCK.

Having been a cop and working in the criminal justice field for years, cop TV shows attracted my viewing. There were the good series like Joe Wambaugh’s Police Story, and that less believable but nonetheless entertaining offering from Michael Mann, Miami Vice. There were also the shows I absolutely hated such as The Rookies, Policewoman, SWAT and Starsky & Hutch.

The year was 1990 when people still regularly watched prime time TV. COP ROCK came from Steven Bochco, who was still fresh with the success of his show, Hill Street Blues. COP ROCK is still considered one of television's most notorious flops of all time.

COP ROCK took the viewers on a magic carpet ride from the simulated reality of police adventures to Broadway musicale fare. Gone was the reality that I never missed since TV and films seldom capture the real world of cops and robbers.

At nearly $2 million per episode, ABC pulled out all the stops utilizing the award winning musical talents of Mike Post, Randy Newman along with some really talented actors, singers and dancers. The show was well promoted and even enjoyed some nice reviews from the critics. The show won a couple of Emmy Awards after it was sent away for burial.

I guess what I liked best was the idea of lifting the grit and smell of everyday police work to a higher plane of entertainment. There’s no question as a true fan of the show I was in the minority. The ratings took a dive as the sponsors and ABC quickly dropped COP ROCK like a bad habit.

Perhaps my love for COP ROCK is simply because I like musicals such as Les Miserables, Miss Saigon and Evita. Perhaps I’ve been in enough real tangles with criminal suspects and the dysfunctional humanity in need of police attention that I don’t care to watch Law and Order or CSI. I’m not sure just what it was I just enjoyed the show.

I asked writer John Romano, a member of the COP ROCK creative team a while back, where are the DVDs? I’ll buy them! Just get them into production and market the product! Romano’s response to me was, “I’m for that.” The DVD’s never happened. I think the real travesty here is denying the actors and writers a chance to derive a little more income from their fine work.

Thanks to one of my fine friends at NYPD RANT, I have a link to some video clips from COP ROCK!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Video and the latest on that 87 million dollar UK stickup.

As I've expected the police have been busy recovering money and rounding up suspects. The odds of breaking a case where a gang of criminals is involved increases by the number of participants. This gang was too large to avoid quick discovery and capture.

Read more and watch the video here...

Still more progress 2/25/06.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thousands of New Orleans criminals get out of jail free!

I knew this powder keg was going to explode soon. It’s not been a secret, just something nobody wanted to talk about. Hurricane Katrina destroyed massive amounts of paperwork, evidence, laboratory work needed for thousands of pending criminal cases. Additionally, thousands of displaced crime victims and witnesses won't be returning to New Orleans to testify in court.

Another huge problem is that a large percentage of the members the New Orleans legal community suffered the total loss of their offices, homes and most important, paying clientele. Many of these lawyers had to retire, change careers or move elsewhere.

If all that was not enough, the bankrupt local government simply does not have the funds to provide defendants needed lawyers handle the cases including those that came after the Hurricane.

The result of this mess is thousands of dangerous criminals must be released from custody as speedy trial and right to counsel issues force the courts to dismiss the cases. Shortly as many as 4000 prisoners including, killers, rapists, robbers, burglars and child molsters will be let out to roam the streets.

This could not come at a worse time since only a few months ago New Orleans police aided by out-of-state officers such as the California Highway Patrol went house to house and unlawfully confiscated thousands of law-abiding resident's firearms at gunpoint. Despite court orders few if any of the guns were found or returned to their owners. Now the victimized people of New Orleans will have to deal with the worst predators without their firearms.

87 million dollar UK stickup soon to be a big budget feature film

Even before this case is solved, and I predict that it will, agents and filmmakers are already scrambling to fill the various roles.

This is about that kidnapping of a security manager and his family to facilitate the UK’s largest ever heist, in Tonbridge, Kent, which is located some 20 miles southeast of London. The hold-up was pulled off this week by a ruthless, armed gang in a country where the laws have made sure only criminals can have guns.

Sweden's Securitas AB, the world's biggest security firm has suffered a disastrous public relations nightmare over their failure to prevent the loss of this fortune from their facility.

Visions from Chicago’s, St. Valentine’s Day Massacre surround this story as in that case the perpetrators donned police uniforms and used a phoney police vehicle in the looting of the depot. The robbers are said to have worked with military precession as they engaged in heavy lifting, moving the cash bundles for over an hour.

If only there was a role for a middle aged, ex-Chicago cop turned, turned private eye, actor just like me in this soon to be made big dollar production…

An uptate and you're going to ask me, how'd I know? Yep the long arm of the law grabbed someone already and soon they'll all be in the bag!

Read the latest as of Feb 24.

Paramount, Grammnet

Malibu’s crashed Ferrari owner is a wild and crazy guy...

This morning, the L.A. Times provided in inside view of the business affairs of Stefan Erikssen, of Bel-Air, the 44 year-old Swedish ex-convict who walked away from the million-dollar wreck of that Ferrari Enzo. Many of us wonder where someone acquires the kind of money it takes to be able to ride down Pacific Coast Highway in that kind of style.

Tales of a counterfeiting conviction, the development and marketing of a must have, hand held, gamer’s gizmo and the failure of a business promoting the thing.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Do you want to see some of latest and greatest police equipment?

The four-day Las Vegas SHOT SHOW is over but my readers can take a coveted look at some if the really great products designed to keep both cops and law-abiding civilians safe. I was privileged to fondle, examine and photograph all the hardware I covered in a special blog just for this show. Click here and take a look!

Sensational buzz phrases that make good cops look stupid.

The victim was shot execution style. What does that phrase mean?

To me it sounds like they took the victim blindfolded to a stake in the ground, first offered him a cigarette then a squad of Riflemen shot him dead. Too often what it really means is that the person who uses that phrase while describing a homicide exaggerates and can't be believed.

He was shot at point blank range. Go ahead define that term if you dare!

I remember watching a defense lawyer destroy a cop’s testimony on a murder case. Tell us officer, what’s the definition of the term, point blank range that you just used?

I watched the homicide detective react like a deer caught in the headlights. He stuttered, coughed, babbled and finally confessed he was just not sure what that meant. I watched as members of the jury laughed out loud. That came back to haunt the detective again in the defense lawyer’s closing argument to the jury. The jury acquitted the defendant who later sued the police department and received a settlement.

Taser Stun Guns And Other Demons

I’m all for cops having the right tools for the job. I’m not so sure the Taser stun gun is right for anybody.

I’m not worried about the deaths blamed on this device or cops using them for eliciting confessions from suspects.

I’m concerned this one shot gizmo with a 15-foot range has been over-ratted by an aggressive marketing campaign.

The right clothing will stop this thing cold and the user does not get a second chance. Of course there is always the possibility the thing will fail altogether.

I was really dismayed when United Airlines wasted lots of money getting these Tasers as a anti-hijacking weapon for their pilots. Every airline pilot should be trained and armed with a handgun. Those refusing to do so should be invited to leave and go flip burgers somewhere.

As a firearms trainer the only use I can see for the Taser is to deal with an unarmed person who refuses to submit to an arrest. Of course an officer with proper backup can accomplish a difficult arrest without injury to himself or the suspect under most conditions.

I don’t want to outlaw these devices but I don’t want cops forced to carry them either. Such is the case in Houston, Texas where allegations surfaced that Chief Harold Hurtt and his wife had a financial interest in the Taser company.

I hate the thought of civilians watching a controlled demonstration of the device and then believing the Taser will keep them safe from violent criminals. The Taser is not an alternative to a firearm.

For a alternative to a firearm, I’d suggest a good knife such as the full sized Gerber Applegate-Fairbairn, combat folding knife. A knife will always work, never run out of ammunition and is far more effective a close range than any handgun.

Here's a strange Taser story from Feb 23.