Friday, February 29, 2008

What Happens When There Are Too Many Guns?

What if 30, 000 or even 60,000 armed ordinary Americans traveled to an American city? Riots, bloodshed, skyrocketing crime may result you say? These events happen at least twice a year when the NRA Convention and the Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade Show holds their events in various larger cities. Criminal acts by the event attendees have never happened.

Perhaps there would be an increase in gun accidents or other mayhem? To the chagrin of the avowed pacifists, gun-haters and Left Wing political types incidents during these week long events just don’t happen.

On a smaller scale the same could be said about gun shows and America’s gun ranges. Whoever heard of a mugging, rape or murder involving and gathering of gun owners to buy, sell, trade or practice with their firearms? Those kinds of things seem to be reserved for Gun Fee Zones.

The NRA plans to bring at least 30,000 members to the 2008 Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Louisville Kentucky, May 16 - 20, 2008. Kentucky is a Right to Carry State and you can count a high percentage of the visitors to packing heat.

The carjackers, muggers and other violent criminals of Louisville should beware; there are consequences for criminal conduct. I suspect the miscreants will be on their best behavior.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Murders Turned Into Entertainment And Trial By News Harpies

Television broadcasters are in trouble. Every day more viewers vanish off the TV radar never to return. Television news as we knew it has changed from simple reporting of facts as they exist to parlor speculation or armchair investigator’s theories.

Fanning the flames of wild theories are the new journalists who are in reality former lawyers. They put gossip and witnesses forward as television evidence and the question of guilt or innocence is put forth before the boob tube viewers instead of juries. The result is a terminally tainted jury pool.

Juries are supposed to be made up from people that have not been influenced by various media outlets. Potential jurors are screened to exclude those who have been twisted by news reports. The problem is prospective jurors lie. Too many people enjoy changing lives as jurors with that unique power that they never have in their ordinary dull lives.

Phil Spector, Drew Peterson, Scott Peterson, and countless others are and were entitled to fair trials. The problems are these suspects are tried by the news harpies and their viewers long before the case goes to trial. Fairness goes right out the window as the verdicts of popular opinion are redundantly announced by the news authorities.

The fundamental fairness of our judicial system has been tampered with beyond repair by a new media our founding fathers could have never envisioned.

The vast majority of people residing in the United States of American have no clue about their Due Process rights, the Bill of Rights and the reasons why they are necessary to insure Liberty and Freedom. The sad truth is they don’t care either, that is until they find themselves or a loved one accused of a crime.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lucky Homicide Detectives Escaped Death After Failing To Search A Prisoner

This is a notorious video that hit the Internet shortly after this December 19, 2003 incident was caught on tape by an interrogation room camera. The person who let this clip out will face serious professional and legal problems if he or she is found.

Ricardo Alfonso Cerna was suspected of shooting a policeman twice in the abdomen. He was subsequently arrested and brought into the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department for interrogation.

Every single cop involved with the arrest and transportation of Cerna failed to search him and by the grace of God he did not open fire on the unarmed detectives before he shot himself in the head with a .45 1911. This illegal alien became a good alien in an instant.

This is a real suicide by a gun, VIEWER DESCRETION IS ADVISED!

McCain’s Presidential Hopes May Be Doomed!

It seems that the New York Times has revealed our good Senator from Arizona was born in the Panama Canal Zone! Our Constitution requires that in order to become our President you must be born in the United States. It makes no difference that he was born to an American citizen and was automatically a citizen. It would take a Constitutional Amendment to allow this Left leaning, pretend Republican. It his age McCain will never live to see that happen. Perhaps it’s back to the drawing board for Republicans for a viable candidate.

The not quite so clear qualifications are listed here. There are certain requirements for his parents to have met.

Concept Weapon Made As A Glock Pistol Accessory

I somehow missed this booth at the 2008 Shot Show in Las Vegas. This is yet another reason for muggers, rapists and killers to behave themselves. Somehow Darwin’s Law always rules!

Dorothy Stratten’s Memorial Epitaph Needs To Go…

Click on tombstone picture to enlarge

This horrible epitapath is a famous quote from Ernest Hemingway's, "A Farewell to Arms".

Canadian actress and Playboy Magazine centerfold Dorothy Stratten was merely 20 years-old when she was murdered in Los Angeles by her estranged husband, Paul Snider, 29 with a .12 gauge shotgun.

Snider was portrayed as a control freak who wanted to own Stratton. People have a tendency to exaggerate the bad or evil characteristics of those who commit despicable acts like Snider.

Stratten was about to hit the Hollywood “A” list and did not miss an opportunity to cavort with a man who could place her there, Director Peter Bogdonavich. Stratten quickly took up with Bogdonavich shacking up with him at his Bel Air castle while still married to Snider.

Snider could not cope with the loss of his wife to Bogdonavich. Snider used a divorce settlement pretext to lure Stratton to their former apartment in Los Angeles where Snider killed her then later himself. Bogdonavich went on to marry Stratten’s little sister.

Stratten’s ashes are buried in Los Angeles’ most exclusive celebrity cemetery, Westwood Memorial Park in view of Marilyn Monroe’s crypt and the future resting place of Playboy founder, Hugh Heffner.

For nearly three decades Stratten’s Grave pictured here has had this God awful epitaph placed in obvious anger. That nasty tombstone should be replaced with something gentle that has the kind of style and grace that Stratten should be remembered for. Stratten was victimized twice.

Watch Johnny Carson interview Dorothy Stratten:

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mayor Daley, why don’t Chicago cops deserve to live?

Chicago Police are just not prepared for a serious shooting or any event involving criminals with heavier weapons.

The politicians in Los Angeles were horrified to learn their officers had to borrow suitable firearms from local gun stores before they could cope with the decade old, and infamous North Hollywood Shootout.

Since every gun shop was run out of Chicago their patrol officers are truly on their own unless and until the department delivers weapons to the first responders. This is no different than requiring Chicago cops to call 911 and wait for the real police.

Even the gun hating, Left Wing Los Angeles politicians conceded street cops need reasonable access to rifles and shotguns and made that happen. Virtually every patrol car in California has and M-16 and a .12 gauge shotgun in a vehicle mount.

The City of Chicago is killing their own cops by not providing more that a one per year, 30 round in-service firearm qualification for their officers. It’s obvious that police officers don’t deserve to live as far as Chicago’s Mayor and City Council is concerned.

From a website devoted to the North Hollywood Shootout story:

“An event that took place in February 28th 1997. A series of bank robberies culminated in quite possibly the most violent shootout in modern American police history. The lives of 36 patrons and 12 employees were endangered when two heavily armed men wearing body armor decided to rob the Bank of America in North Hollywood. Seen entering the bank by Los Angeles police officers, the two men intimidated employees and patrons by firing shots inside while not realizing that Los Angeles police officers were surrounding the building. As they left the bank, the robbers became aware of their predicament and began shooting at police and civilians.

Three civilians and nine officers were shot within the first five minutes of the shootout, and a total of 350 officers were called to the scene. As police bullets bounced off the suspects, it became evident that the two men were wearing body armor and had out-gunned the police with their armor piercing bullets and semiautomatic weapons. A total of seven civilians and eleven LAPD officers were injured. Despite the overwhelming odds, many heroic officers, while in grave danger, initiated officer and citizen rescues as the suspects continued to exchange shots with other officers. The suspects fired more than 1,100 rounds from their semiautomatic assault rifles. Eventually, one suspect committed suicide and members of the LAPD SWAT team shot and killed the other.”

Friday, February 22, 2008

Secret Service Shut Down Weapon Frisking At Barack Obama's Campaign Rally

Dallas--In a refreshing departure from treating American’s like criminals, the Secret Service ordered metal detectors shut down allowing visitors to enter the Dallas Convention Center without submitting to the unlawful indignity. The crowd was friendly and obviously Senator Obama was not the worse for wear.

Dallas police officials were shocked at the action calling the action a security lapse. Of course 44 years ago President John F. Kennedy was shot dead as he rode in an open limousine on a Dallas street.

The Secret Service struck a giant blow for freedom and Liberty. The pernicious practice of searching Americans everywhere they go anymore is contrary to our Bill of Rights.

No American should ever be searched to do business with his own government, travel or attend sporting and entertainment venues.

As a security expert I find little benefit for the frisking that does nothing but give some people a really false sense of security. The efforts of police and security officials are better used on the behavior profiling or their attendees and observation.

I would support any politician that would seek to return the Fourth Amendment to Americans. I guess we forgot about the Freedoms and Liberty that so many millions of Americans fought or died protecting in all of our wars.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Help Save The Tap Root Pub!

Chicago IL--In the great city I once knew there was a fun place to have dinner and socialize. It was the Tap Root Pub that was located at 1762 Larrabee on the Near North Side. I will never be able to tell you if the place was clean or not because it was so dark with only mood setting candlelight and the fireplace.

The food was wonderful and the hippie chicks that served it were entertaining. There were cats in the place that begged for food from your table but I would take the health hazard of cats anytime instead of the rats that plagued the more expensive places. My girlfriends always enjoyed a night out at at this place.

The owner was a man named Harley Budd. Budd was a genuine friend to and fan of Chicago cops. In 1965 the City condemned his property to make way for the Lincoln Park Urban Renewal Project. That did not slow Budd down a bit. He continued on with a well publicized battle with the city. Eventually Budd relocated his pub to nearby 636 West Willow. I was Harley's loyal customer from 1967 through 1972.

Budd’s liquor license was lifted by the city and his customers brought in their own. It was the in thing to do at the time. Everyone I know signed a petition to save our neighborhood place. Chicago was never the same after Budd finally closed shop.

Budd drove an older black Cadillac instead a license plate he has a “Save The Tap Root Pub” bumper sticker. I’d see him out driving while out on patrol and we’d exchange friendly waives. He'd come in to the 12th District Southwater Market area to pick up food for his pub. Nobody would ever write Budd a citation over his lack of plates or city sticker.

Budd died of Pneumonia at Grant Hospital in 1990 at age 61. Budd was a class guy and I miss him and his wonderful attitude. Harley Budd was a Good Will Ambassador for my home town.

The destruction of the Tap Root Pub did nothing good for Chicago. The picture above was taken when city officials and police stormed the Tap Root Pub and arrested Harly Budd. Harley can be seen behind the front gate being forced open. This was a sad day indeed.

New Chicago Police Superintendent Insults Rank And File Officers

The respectful custom began with a very large man, Orlando W. Wilson, Chicago’s first civilian police superintendant. Before Wilson the title for Chicago’s top cop was Chief like every other police department. Wilson was very different and so was his management. Wilson was a cop long before he became a criminologist and professor. Wilson knew about going to domestic violence calls and closing down rowdy bars at 2:00 AM. Wilson never attended the Chicago Police Academy or patrolled Chicago’s streets. Wilson had enough respect to never wear that uniform and star he did not earn. Wilson always wore a suit.

Former FBI Special Agent Jody Weiss never patrolled any street in America or attended the Chicago Police Academy. Weiss never heard the slightest discouraging word from the lips of an angry traffic violator or Slid Row vagrant, but he quickly dressed himself in a uniform he never earned. I suspect that will be one of many steps that will alienate him from real street cops.

Chicago’s Finest nicknamed their new boss, J-Fed. I suspect that cops in Chicago are in for a very turbulent period until J-Fed at least until he gets his walking papers from the next mayor.

J-Fed, that uniform just does not fit you...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is This John McCain’s Waterloo?

The New York Times dropped a giant bomb on Arizona Senator John McCain's campaign to become our president.

McCain has tons of baggage from voting with the Democrats on the most divisive issues possible to his role with the Keating Five and the huge swindle involving Charles Keating.

McCain fooled thousands of ignorant voters who mistakenly believed that McCain’s military credentials made him a Conservative. McCain belongs in the Democratic Party.

McCain’s disgraceful role in the Incumbent Politician Protection Act also know as the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill that has destroyed the First Amendment won't be soon forgotten. That legislation is still the target of judicial rulings striking that law down.

Among the allegations are his closeness to an attractive 40 year-old lobbyist. This will never sit well with members of the Religious Right that dislike McCain anyway. Of course how can we forget McCain’s support for Mexico’s continued exportation of Crime,poverty and drugs through the Immigration Amnesty Bill.

The question is will this reshape the Republican ticket before the republican convention? Will a White Knight Conservative show up as a Third Party Candidate splitting the vote assuring the Democrats a Presidential victory in November?

Look for the Liberals to be McCain’s strongest supporters fighting these allegations.

Read the NY Times article HERE.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Amtrak joined The Third Reich TSA Metal Detector Generation

The TSA and Amtrak have taken a giant step backwards in what they are calling a new passenger safety measure. Our politicians fixed a problem that was not broken as they pile on loads of additional debt to our rail carriers. In the process they trashed American's Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches.

They’re being even more unreasonable than the commercial air carriers if that’s possible. They are beginning luggage screening and passenger frisking as they bring automatic weapons and dogs to our tax supported railroad monopoly. Transportation of any firearms even un-loaded firearms locked in baggage is prohibited.

Only active police officers are allowed to transport firearms or ammunition on Amtrak trains. Retired cops or law-abiding passengers will be denied passage if they have any firearms.

Will we be safer? Just ask one dead man's family and the 100 passengers who were injured in that deliberate derailment of the Sunset Limited train in Arizona on October 9th, 1995. Someone tampered with train tracks causing the disaster. Terrorist and mass murderers need not enter our trains to kill large amount of passengers. The TSA need to put their security weenies on train track surveillance where they can deter a known problem instead of treating paying passengers like dangerous criminals.

Another Gun Free Zone is no answer to crime or terrorism.