Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nowhere To Hide, Guerrilla Filmmaking At Its Best.

Los Angeles, CA—Ever since my TV news photographer pal, Gilbert Zermeno AKA “Z” turned me on to the Flip HD Camera the possibilities are seemingly unlimited.

As a private investigator and investigative news producer surreptitious photography has been a necessity. Equipment, its quality or lack thereof along with cost has always been obstacles to being able to document the evidence or show what’s going on.

If only legendary film making pioneer D.W. Griffith could have had a Flip HD camera, and a laptop he would have been able to do so much more when he made his movie magic so long ago.

The Flip is being relentlessly copied by other respected corporations and the competition is at fever pitch.

Having expensive quality equipment can be like a boat anchor around your neck. Everywhere you go commercial property managers and government buildings use trespass laws to preclude access and filming. They assume that your video will somehow become a PR liability for them. Of course they could be wrong.

The very same folks precluding you from using your camera are using the latest, greatest high tech surveillance video cameras to document your every move on their property. I guess they want a one way street.

The cell phone camera was born and with its lousy images and quality was only a baby step. Small video cameras have gotten better, a lot better!

Right now use of a small camera like the Flip gets little or no attention. You can shoot whatever you want nearly anywhere and escape discovery before they figure out what you’re doing. In addition the Flip gives you a great image.

I went on a shopping trip with my delightful and dear friend Andrea, visiting from Berlin. I was able to film her so she, her family and all their friends could see her American shopping experience. I quietly stood by with my Flip HD and caught this pretty lady in the act of enjoyable shopping at the Nordstrom Rack. I would like to believe that Nordstrom will only benefit by this international exposure.

Another film maker and talented songwriter made a video of his own shopping experience at Trader Joe’s. He used his Palm Treo cell phone camera. Although the image is of the Palm not as clear as the Flip HD, he made up for it with cleverness. I can’t see how his subject, Trader Joe would be hurt by this fellow’s frank exposé of the store and its shortcomings.

Remember folks to always smile, you’re on candid camera. There is nowhere to hide!

Hey Liberals, What About That Patriot Act?

Washington, DC—It was called The USA Patroit Act. That gave government special powers to snoop into our private affairs to sniff out terrorism. The Liberals rightly decried this raw government power as way too Orwellian. The erosion under this abomination to our Fourth Amendment is mind numbing.

Now the Liberals are totally in charge and they’ve not lifted a finger to reverse this horror. In fact they've given Homeland Security a blank check to obtain whatever resources they want to take advantage of this nefarious power.

The Patriot Act supporters claimed it was needed for the investigation of foreign suspects operating within our borders. The Act’s detractors said it would be abused to go after Americans. The reality is that government as always will misuse any power they’re given.

The Patriot Act was just one of many un-American things done by George W. Bush who was wrongfully associated with Conservatives. We can’t forget that Bush started the TARP crap that rewarded the failing corporations and their crooked CEO’s. Bush was a lot of things but Conservative was not one of them.

Now that the Liberals have nearly absolute power they are silent about the Patriot Act. I guess it’s really all about who’s got control. Since when were Liberals ever really concerned about American’s privacy anyway? I guess Liberals only complain when their opposition has the power. Perhaps the Liberals are not so Liberal after all.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Phoenix’s Monkey Man Is An Extortion Fighting Superhero

Phoenix, AZ—He is the bane of the government officials trying to keep up the spending for things Arizona taxpayer’s don’t need. He is the arch-foe of big government tyranny and extortion. He’s been caught on Arizona's revenue generating speed cameras more than 90 times.

The Department of Public safety's process servers stalking him have served 37 citations on a man they claim has a secret identity, Monkey Man.

The culprit is believed by some officials to be the registered owner of the car they claim Monkey Man drives. A DPS surveillance operation allegedly photographed Dave VonTesmar in the act of donning his highway disguise.

Learn more about that genuine patriot and super hero, Monkey Man in the video below.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Never Say, Never Again! Socialism You Can Believe In!

Auschwitz, Poland—The term, “Never Again!” was born after Nazi concentration, death camps were liberated at the end of World War Two.

The claim of six-million people being exterminated has been accepted as the results of the National Socialist’s vile agenda. The economically depressed German people were led by Adolph Hitler’s new political brand of Hope and Change.

Some of Hitler’s ideas and governmantal plans were not put up for public consumption or debate as he courted the German citizens for their approval. The so-called, Final Solution to the Jewish Problem was delegated to special appointees for its implementation. Hitler also had Czars for special tasks.

For a few decades the Jewish Holocaust survivors have angrily chanted, “Never Again!” as they’re battle cry against those who’d try to inflict this horror in the future. It’s now a hollow chant and after 70 years has fallen on deaf ears.

Genocidal holocausts are redundant throughout civilization and still happens today in other parts of the world. Armed government thugs dominate unarmed populations, murder their own residents and of course plunder their property. It’s all about absolute power.

An examination of every holocaust reveals how they are facilitated in identical fashion. A segment of the wealthy portion of the population is targeted with hate, along with demands they relinquish their property and possessions. Redistribution of the wealth becomes reality.

The targeted population is usually better educated and refined. They are also optimists that always expect their government has honorable intentions. They always refuse to believe anyone would kidnap rape, rob, torture or murder them.

When the armed government force appears, the targeted population always cooperates. They allow the thugs to march them around, put them on trains, take them to resettlement locations and eventually murder them.

Even when the victims know they will be murdered they will follow orders to take off their clothes, stand in straight lines in front of corpse filled ditches to facilitate the work of machinegun firing squads. They rarely resist and become willing accomplices to the crimes being committed against them.

Even worse, members of the targeted groups inform, and aid in the crimes against their own peers. Children have informed against their own parents.

The all too human concept of pacifism rather than resistance is the real killer. Today Americans are letting the Socialists plunder their wealth and possessions. Laws to regulate rights like speech and bearing of arms are enacted with little opposition because of “logic” that they really needed to keep order.

Our founding fathers gave Americans the tools to prevent a holocaust. The question I have is will we simply shut up and do what we’re told? Will there be any survivors left to shout, Never Again?

Sunday, September 06, 2009

It’s Time To Purge The Obama Shadow Czar Government

Washington, DC—Having assorted Communists, criminals and other unqualified people on the taxpayer’s payroll as Presidential Czars needs to end right now.

Their primary Czar qualification seems to be devotion to Barack Obama and Socialism. They nearly all came from the unemployed ranks of Left Wing political hacks. These unelected and un-vetted people have no place in policy making roles affecting American’s lives.

These people have not and could not pass a simple background investigation for a security clearance.

I see their role as more ominous and secretive. At what point, does our Commander and Chief delegate more responsibilities on these appointees that are not even sworn to an oath to defend and protect the Constitution? Are these Czars there for when regular cabinet members balk at Obama’s commands?

As for Van Jones, he claims to be a victim of a racist smear campaign. The problem with his allegation is the smears came from his very own media sound bites and that ridicules petition claiming Bush blew up the World Trade Center. Van Jones shows all the attributes of a Holocaust denier.

I somehow suspect that Van Jones considered himself as the future architect of the Obama Administration’s Final Solution to The Conservative Problem.

Good riddance Van Jones, please go slither back under the rock you came from.

Have a good laugh watching the NBC Obama Supporters addressing this event:

Van Jones Was Only A Small Symptom Of The Socialist Disease Visiting Us.

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News -

Obama 'Green Jobs' Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy - Political News -

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Friday, September 04, 2009

Obama’s Marxist Dream Is Crumbling Around Him

Washington, DC—Elected by people wanting to believe he was a tolerant, inclusive President that would bring refreshing transparency to government, Barack Obama has been a disappointment on every count.

Obama has brought racial hatred, a Marxist agenda and absolute slavery to Americans not even born yet. He has surrounded himself with an army of radical Czars as a shadow government.

Obama has two choices, be a lame duck or declare a national emergency over some crisis and complete his Marxist takeover by force if he dares.

Obama has been in hiding since his ratings went into freefall. There is no way to regroup and have the support he enjoyed just a few months ago.

The Obama policies were taken directly from Karl Marx’s playbook, Das Kapital. This has has awakened Americans that are willing to do whatever is necessary stop this tyrant.

In the coming year Congress is about to see sweeping changes as voters turn out incumbent Democrats and pretend Republicans in record numbers.

Obama’s only chance will be to force Americans into accepting Marxism by use of the parallel civilian security force and foreign Communist troops that Obama will invite here to keep order. We may be in for a very rough ride.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Beware Of Politicians That Use Emergencies To Grab Power

Washington, DC—In human history every nation where politicians have seized power for emergency population management there has been a holocaust.

The population is always told they must make sacrifices and freedom is curtailed. The population habitually takes on the characteristics of simple sheep and willingly march to their deaths.

Tyrants prey on human nature in that people are optimists and expect only humanity and government salvation. When in doubt humans can always be counted on to trust authority to their peril.

In America the Communists are now firmly in place both in our Congress and the Whitehouse. There is a shadow government also in place in the form of Czars for every kind of problem that could obstruct their revolution.

Make no mistake with millions of disenfranchised poor Blacks, illegal aliens, and incarcerated criminals seeking their turn at the wheel of fortune as loyal American taxpayers are outnumbered. Our Communist chairman can feed, mobilize and arm his new security force to exterminate his revolution’s opposition.

In turn the Communists can control food, water, fuel, power, and communications to starve taxpayers and feed their new security force. Of course, as always to the victor go the spoils.

Is this scenario familiar? Only to the educated and wise Americans that believe history.

We are beyond ripe for Armageddon in America and the right emergency such as flu pandemic any other event could trigger it. Our own apathy is to blame since we are the ones asleep while they took control. Tyrants, dictators and demogogs always seem to begin their kind of Hope and Change program with an adoring population.

Our carefree children with their Ipods and cell phones will be caught in the middle.

ObamaCare Cannibal Eats Anti-ObamaCare Demonstrator’s Finger!

Thousand Oaks, CA—At last night’s rally here things got ugly after a pro-ObanaCare supporter actually ate the finger of a counter-demonstrator.

The is a nasty group of Loony Left Wing agitators that worships Barack Obama. Apparently savages and cannibals are in their ranks so please use caution wherever they appear. Is’s next move going to involve head-hunting and head-shrinking?

The cannibal escaped with the help of his fellow cannibals. The unidentified victim was treated at a local hospital for rabies along with the closure of the amputation wound.

No Parole For Dying Manson Girl Susan Atkins

Chowchilla, CA—A parole hearing was held here for former Charles Manson follower Susan Atkins who was present on a hospital gurney. Terminally ill from cancer, Atkins has lost a leg and lays permanently paralyzed.

Atkins confessed to participating in a depraved orgy of stabbing, cutting, killing and horror of 40 years ago in what has been called the Tate-Labianca murders. Atkins has since rejected her former life and became a model prisoner.

Atkins has been incarcerated longer than any other woman after her death sentence was vacated by the US Supreme Court, in Furman vs Georgia, 408 U.S. 238 (1972).

I’m lost on the benefit of continued imprisonment of this pathetic and helpless killer. Atkins will never survive to see the parole board ever again.

The only question that remains is can Atkins find redemption and salvation after the monstrous acts of a crazy, drugged kid under the influence of a maniac?

Forgiveness has never surfaced for Atkins from the living that are related to the innocent victims of the Manson Family.

Atkins will soon find out her fate when her own life expires shortly. If there is any truth to the beliefs held by religious teachings that there is a life after death Atkins may yet find her freedom.

The Parole Board came down hard on Atkins with a unanimous decision to deny parole. The denial of parole for Atkins sends a clear message to the rest of the Manson Family members that they can count on dying behind bars too.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

There Ought To Be A Law!! Oh No! Not Again!

Phoenix, AZ—Television news can claim responsibility since news starved reporters and producers love to do those stories always showing us how we are at risk for illness, injury or death. They hype each and every hazard to death. It’s never about safety but TV ratings.

The latest campaign is texting while driving. Nitwits with cell phones crash because of inattention to their driving. Is this some new problem? Not hardly. Drivers have been preoccupied since the automobile first rolled off the assembly line a hundred years ago. Okay I will concede that texting is new, but so what?

Then there is that political creature at the Legislature that needs free publicity. They find some pathetic grieving mother who lost a child in a texting related accident and the stars all are placed into alignment.

The bill is crafted and named after the victim. The sweeps period, press conference is held complete with tears, and that gut wrenching story of horror. Suddenly the politician saves the day with a new law! Oh, that dead child is still very dead.

We all get to live now because of this new law!

In Arizona I met a very wise man 25 years ago, Alberto Gutier. He was and still is a lover of freedom and liberty. Today he’s Arizona’s Highway Safety Director. Gutier has drawn some criticism because has not immediately jumped on board the silly texting bill.

I know Gutier recognizes the danger of the texting practice and feels bad for the family of the laws intended poster child. I have not talked with him but I know what he’s thinking.

People behind the wheel of moving automobiles have engaged in every possible dangerous diversion. Women applying makeup, changing clothes or doing their nails have been overlooked. The same is true for people eating four course meals on wheels. What about those forgotten people have argued, physically fought and even engaged in sex acts while driving on our highways. In light of this the texting bill seems as silly as it is. How do our prosecutors prove in our courts that a defendant was texting rather than playing some game or watching some YouTube offering?

Can we all just take a deep breath here and not allow the political abuse of some dead child simply to further a politician’s career?

About Alberto Gutier:

Gutier has been in the U.S. since 1960 when, after fleeing Communist Cuba, he worked for the CIA against Fidel Castro. He became a naturalized citizen in 1966 and has lived in Arizona since 1968. Gutier is also a veteran law enforcement officer having served with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office

Thank you Alberto!