Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Unintended Consequences of Meryl Streep’s Emotional Golden Globes Rant

Hollywood, CA—Tinseltown was once ruled by some over-emotional Conservatives.  There was a group of Communist artists here that included Lucille Ball that were considered by others as both dangerous and un-American. 
The result of that misguided political activism was a purge that destroyed promising careers in the form of Blacklisting. Today the shoe is on the other foot and the seeming majority Hollywood’s elite are Socialists. They pour millions into Leftist political campaign coffers.  

Today’s Hollywood power structure has little tolerance for Conservative artists.  The industry’s accepted screenwriters bend over backwards making films that display African-American heroism and legitimize the Gay lifestyle. I guess it might be called, Affirmative Action Filmmaking.  

I don’t want criticize anyone’s artistic products no matter their message.  Saying that, I’m a solid and unyielding believer in Freedom of Speech and Thought. 

Free Speech is messy by nature because someone will take offense to the opinions of others.  In recent years America has become a Nation of Crybabies that can’t deal with unfiltered speech. 

Politics has caused untold millions of intolerant people to unfriend people on Facebook. We should be discussing our differences and find common ground. Making friends is a better idea. 

On to the subject of the superb and gifted actress, Meryl Streep.  At the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony Streep delivered an angry and somewhat hateful rant insulting President Trump. She did this within the safety of a venue filled with like-minded artists and legions of bodyguards.

Sports and Art is a sacred common ground that should be free of propaganda and political acrimony.  These are great things that bridge people together. Streep’s emotional Golden Globe Ceremony display divided rather than united America. 

Streep made her millions from audiences that did not give a rat’s ass about her politics.  It’s fair to say however,  when she outs herself politically her entertainment products will suffer a boycott from intolerant people that take exception to her opinion.  Streep doesn’t care because she knows she will not live long enough to spend the riches she already earned.      

However, now all of Streep’s films will suffer somewhat at the box office, iTunes, Netflix and DVD sales.  In the mix of her innocent victims will be fellow, lesser known actors, the film’s investors and that long list of names appearing in the credits.  

Artists have a right to Free Speech and many of them wisely don’t express themselves politically because they don’t want to lose half of their fans that may be offended. Streep and the other Artists/Political Operatives are damaging their industry’s workers and should control themselves. 

Streep owes all those that made her films possible an apology along with repaying their predictable financial damages. 

The past election saw inexcusable violence from the Left and Hillary Clinton’s loss has brought out bad behavior that is usually seen only in Banana Republics. We’d be a laughing stock of the world but too many nations are holding their breath to see how our mess shakes out. 

We Americans all have a duty to block government tyranny, at the ballot box.  America has done that now it’s time to dictate to our elected officials, not the other way around. 

We need to become self-reliant and united Americans once again. We must learn to let each other cling to our earnings, guns and religions. We must learn how to be kind.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It’s Obama’s Failed Leadership, Not a Bad Movie Trailer Behind the Latest Mideast Violence.

These two are the problem, not a solution... 

Los Angeles, CA—The Internet is loaded with vitriol, blasphemous, and hateful text, images and video that is offensive towards Islam.  That crappy, low budget film trailer is only a drop in the bucket in the scheme of things.
For many practitioners of Islam, wife beating, child molestation, bigamy along with mass murder is acceptable.  
I’m no expert on Islam or what its teachings inspire.  I am however like all of us an observer of the absolute horror, death and destruction has been brought to the world in the name of Islam.  
It only makes sense that the irrational and monstrous acts of some Muslims offend civilized people everywhere.   Their simple and expected reaction is to reject Islam and Muslims. 
Along the way there will be satire, disrespect and hatred expressed in reaction to murder, bombing and evil unleashed by these Muslims.  That insignificant film trailer is only a microcosm of the anti-Muslim hate and generated by their never-ending so-called jihads.
In recent decades rather than develop our own energy resources we have unleashed a tidal wave of money on Muslim savages living in the 13th Century.   They have since become a massive threat to the entire world.  We don’t seem to learn from any of our past redundant mistakes.
We need to withdraw all of our interests from these nations that hate us.  We need to simply stop sending them money or our precious grain.  
Any nation that allows the use aggression against us or our allies simply needs to be bombed right back into the Stone Age.
Barack Obama has thrown American tax money at these criminals like water.  He has apologized and bowed to every Muslim tribal leader he could.  All we get is more Americans murdered in return.
These nasty, violent and oppressive nations see the USA as a nation ripe for extortion.  They threaten us and Obama simply hands them more money.  They have been laughing at Obama and his minions.  These Muslims don’t respect anything but superior firepower.  We need to drop bombs, not money on them.
Our Mideast wars have exceeded Viet Nam in longevity and cost.  Like in that conflict we failed to use our might and gained nothing for our efforts.  It’s time to withdraw forever from the Mideast adventures.
We need to drill for oil everywhere inside the United States and build new refineries.  We certainly need these jobs in our own bankrupt economy. 
Obama has not done a single thing beyond making millions more Americans dependent, needy and idle. 
It’s Obama and his minions that have made America the target of violence, not some clown running a “Z” list film studio in L.A.
We can blame Bush and Congress for getting us into this mess but Obama has not done a single thing to reverse the insanity.
This is not mere incompetence on Obama’s part.  It’s corruption and Treason.  Obama is out to Destroy America and must be stopped cold.  Obama is a dangerous enemy to all Americans.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breaking News! Has a Popular Chicago Blog been Shut Down?

Chicago, IL—Today, the popular Chicago police inspired blog, Detective ShavedLongcock has been taken down but for a somewhat convoluted report about alleged harassment by Chicago’s, Better Government Association
I’m not sure why the BGA would care about an alleged Chicago cop’s Internet publishing that happens to be more than a little critical of Chicago’s corrupt and rapidly collapsing government. 
Most of this blogger’s readers refer to him as “Shaved”.  Shaved writes biting messages that calls attention to the vastly disproportionate violence in Chicago committed by African-Americans. 
Various local Chicago media operations have denounced Shaved and his blog as racist.   I have to ask, it somehow racist to call attention to and report, that African-Americans commit nearly all of Chicago’s violence? 
One only has to go to the morning felony court call at 26th & California and look at the nearly exclusively African-American defendants answering up to the most violent and despicable crimes imaginable. 
Chicago’s media and politicians have been trying to cover up the reality for decades.  They refuse to face the fact that Chicago is totally under siege by an African-American culture of depravity, drugs and carnage.
Until the problem is acknowledged treatment and cures can never be found or applied.  Shaved has used satire and the stark reality to call attention to the problem
Shaved critics have threatened his life, complained to his advertisers and Google trying to silence him.  Until now Shaved has not wavered.
Now, the privately funded Better Government Association has apparently joined in the attack on Shaved and his right to think, write and publish.
I just put a call into the BGA for their side and concerns about shaved and perhaps other police bloggers like myself.  I’m sure they will get back to me as they promised sometime today.