Showing posts with label unrest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unrest. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2024

Guns, your family needs for self-defense.

Chicago, IL— I don’t care where you live in the world, sooner or later your town is going to experience war or a serious uprising.  Today, there’s no dispute that the police are simply unable to respond in time to stop any major crime in progress.

A gun or guns does not make you smarter, taller or braver.  Your weapons only give you a fighting chance to survive. There are no guarantees.  

Like it or not you are the first responder when violence visits you and your loved ones.  Unfortunately, most Americans are totally unprepared to face any significant threat.  

Every family member of suitable age and discretion should be trained in the use of various firearms.  Having plenty of guns but little ammunition is a losing proposition.  Professional training is by far the best.  When it comes to safety and conflict avoidance, everyone should become anal retentive.  You should avoid purchasing cheap guns unless you cannot afford anything else. 

Now, just what guns should a family own?   First of all, everyone should have a suitable handgun, preferably semi automatic.  They should very from 9 mm, .45 caliber and .40 caliber.  Because of ammunition availability issues mixing the handgun calibers simply makes sense.  A quality holster is a must.  

Shoulder fired weapons are definitely required.  Let me begin America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15 in 5.56 MM.  For the elderly and the handicapped this platform rifle is much easier to use than any handgun.  Secondly, I suggest a semi-automatic .12 gauge Law enforcement style shotgun that can accept 3 inch magnum shells.  The third weapon should be a decent .308 rifle with at least a four power scope.  The fourth weapon I recommend is a semi automatic 22 rifle such as the Ruger 1022.  .22 caliber ammunition is substantially less expensive.  

If these weapons are owned by a properly trained family of four They can put up a formidable defense for homes and small businesses.  

Today’s criminals run in packs unlike days of the past, when you would face only one or two criminals now you may face as many as a dozen.   

You must always be aware that if you shoot at attackers from your home you may find that they set your house on fire.  Always try to find a nearby position of cover or concealment to return fire.  

Aside from firearms, you need some solid trauma, first aid training.  You will need a trauma kit that contains tourniquets, combat style pressure dressings, hemostatic agents and plenty of gauze for packing wounds.   In times of war or unrest is going to be difficult or impossible to have an ambulance or paramedics respond to your injuries. 

Additionally, I hope that you are reasonably stocked with water and non-perishable food because those shortages always happen during the most difficult times.  

Please stay safe and prepared, and hopefully you can coordinate with trusted neighbors, friends, and relatives.  

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Is Civil War Returning to America?

Washington, DC—We are a divided nation like never before or at least since the North and South rained carnage on each other not that long ago. 

Donald Trump won the election promising an end to importing crime, drugs, poverty and terrorism through a castrated immigration control system.  The Leftists politicians (that includes both Bush Presidents) never had enough votes to repeal immigration laws so they simply obstructed justice and willfully refused to enforce it.
From Gun rights, free medical care demands and the Global Warming theory, the Left and Conservatives are at constant odds.  

We settled it with an election that Donald Trump won. However the Left can’t emotionally deal with losing and are taking to the streets in some cases like thugs.  It’s laughable as they are all shooting cell phone video of each other’s bad behavior. 

The political venom is getting worse everyday.  The Left is well known for using violence as a political tactic.  It’s only a matter of time before the Soros funded agitators begin arson, bombing and shooting.  The violence will be contained in the larger populated cities where rioters will burn their own homes along with the local businesses they need. 

The police with somehow deal with this with little support from their Leftist mayors and local politicians. It could become an epic mess.

As for the rest of the nation the well armed and trained civilians will backup the cops and National Guard easily crushing the undisciplined and untrained Leftist troublemakers should they try and leave the cities.  

As for a coup d’e tat it just ain’t gonna happen!  The military and police will never side with the Leftists.

In short, a Civil War would simply control the population of the political Left in a big and messy way.    

The real solution of for the Leftists to get back on their meds and calm down.  They need to work within the system and help make this country the greatest place on earth.  

We all must all strive to support each other making sure no innocents suffer.  We all want full employment, health insurance and peace for all. 

Conservatives like me just want our guns, religion and wallets left alone. Communism/Socialism does not work. 

The followers of the political Left should begin to study the ideas of our Founding Fathers.  History is the best teacher.  Join the Conservatives because they’re the ones working for peace and humanity.  Let’s move forward working together in a united and freedom loving nation. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Big Bend, TX--With the sudden death of Supreme Court Judge  Antonin Scalia we can count on Barack Obama to appoint a gun grabbing Communist to the court.  That would shift the court 180 degrees to the Left. 

It remains to be seen if foul play was involved in Scalia's death however at 79 he reached life expectancy for males he was however considered in good health.

My guess is we are a year away or less from a second Civil War as the Left will destroy our hard won freedom. We can try to wait and see but by then it will be too late.  Arguably any appointment could face delay by the Senate but should that happen the unrest will be severe.  

Obama has prepared his Homeland Security just as Hitler did with his SS.  They've been given huge resources and more than a billion rounds of ammunition to use against guess who? 

Internment camps are ready along with thousands of coffins for those that dare resist. I see absolute doom on the horizon.  

Can Obama's effort to appoint a Communist pal like Eric Holder to the court get derailed? Delayed perhaps but it's unlikely he can be stopped.  Martial Law can't be far behind. 

We fought for freedom before but will our young men and women even understand the importance of protecting our Bill of Rights enough to fight for them? 

Will any future election in America ever be trustworthy?  

Food, arms, medicines and ammunition will begin disappear from our shelves.  God help us all!