Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mrs. Clinton or Barry Obama won't dare mention a word about this Hate Crime!

Charlotte, NC-- Rioting thugs beat, rob and strip naked an innocent white man in a parking garage.  When gun rights hating Liberals demand to know why Americans need large capacity magazines for their firearms this is exactly why.  It's unfortunate that some well armed citizen was not there to stop this cold. This was no protest but a racist insurrection by opportunistic and vile thugs. I see this as terrorism and a war crime.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Unarmed Security is Meaningless Because it Simply Facilitates Violence

Los Angeles, CA-
-As the final preparations are being made for Sunday's Oscar Awards Gala terrorism is a real possibility.  Terrorists love to create havoc during events that draw worldwide publicity.

Having untrained minimum-wage earning workers in pseudo police garb is beyond silly.  Thankfully the LAPD will be out in force with every possible resource to deal with these issues. 

I keep wondering when terrorists will employ mortars for assassination and terror within the USA? That may be old technology but teemed up with small computers those things would have amazing accuracy.  Air surveillance by helicopters or drones is  now more important than ever. 

Our large shopping malls are perfect soft targets because they phased out armed security over 40 years ago.  Before everyone had a cell phone there was an advantage to mall guards with radios.  They could notify their office to call police to deal with problems.  Now anyone can make the call so that became a game changer.  Now other than giving directions to confused shoppers or dealing with lost children they have no function.

The Gun Fee Zone concept works as long as criminals or terrorists are not involved.  Making a super-soft target of any public gathering site is pure insanity.  

Running, ducking and hiding does not save lives.  Armed resistance on the other hand is a proven lifesaver. 

Remember, when seconds count the cops are many minutes away. Once the cops arrive they can't tell the good guys from the bad ones. 

Trained and armed citizens or security people can react and end these unthinkable events on the spot.  

I must ask, why do the mall operators and politicians always  prefere solutions that they know don't work? 

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Where America Went Wrong With Muslims

Washington, DC—The reality is that Arab Muslims are by nature a reactionary and savage lot.  They carry their bankrupt 13th Century culture with them that cannot nor will not ever integrate into a modern civilized society.
Arab Muslims have historically roamed the deserts almost exclusively making war on one another until all the foreign commerce barons and trade profiteers began to exploit them. 
In the last 80 plus years we learned that the Arab Muslims were sitting on huge oil reserves we needed for our planes, trains and automobiles.  We began to pay them for their oil instead of developing the oil we already had.
The Arab Muslims also are the worlds leading Opiate suppliers.  They make a fortune satisfying all of the Western drug addicts.
The Arab Muslims hate the Western world despite that fact that they continue to do business with us.  These days bribes, favors and every possible form of corruption is what motivates and guides our politicians.  When it comes to our Muslim policy only dirty money rules.
Muslims may hate Westerners but the truth is they all hate each other more.  Today all internal Arab Muslim conflicts are all waged with American military blood, sweat and tears. We support our favored Muslim tribe and government’s battles over others.  
George H.W. Bush took us to an oil war benefiting his pal’s own interests against Iraq.  Of course that angered at least half of all Arab Muslims.  Eventually that brought devastating terror attacks to American soil.
In effect, we interfered with and policed Muslims so they could not make war on each other.  Had we stayed out of Muslim Arab affairs there would be many millions fewer Arab Muslims to worry about.  
Nothing would have been better for civilization than a massive war between Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.  We could have simply came in after, cleaned up and gotten the cheapest oil ever.   
Frankly our CIA could have easily been able to inflame each side against the other and there would be little Arab Muslim interest in fighting with the West.  It would be far better if these Arab Muslims were weak, broke and totally dependent of the rest of the world.
Arab Muslims now hate us more than ever.  They have never been so united and we can thank our corrupt Congress, Presidents, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama for anti-Western terror, TSA tyranny and the massive cost of their corrupt mess.
Arab Muslims will eventually use all of the deadly war weapons we brought to them against us.  In the end we let our own government become our biggest enemy. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

PEGIDA Goals and Aggressive Muslim Deportation Must Succeed for Europe’s Survival.

Dresden, GermanyPatriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes or in its English translation, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) is exploding in Europe.
Huge demonstrations in Germany have sent some controversial shockwaves throughout Europe that has stood by failing to react to the deadly Muslim threat. 
Is this a hate based movement or terrorized people coming together for simple survival? That depends upon whose opinion you’re examining.
There can be no argument that Muslim extremism follows this group wherever they go.  Beheadings, bombings and extreme senseless violence directed by hateful Muslims against non-Muslims is the rule rather than the exception everywhere.
The Muslims have been invited guests in civilized Western nations for longer then most of us have been alive.  Generally it’s been without major problem until the last 20-30 years. 
Civilization demands that when you’re an invited guest in someone’s nation or home that you behave like one or leave.  Those that don’t behave must be tossed out to preserve the peace.  Many Muslims feel they are somehow exempt from customs, laws and simple decency. 
What about the moderate or seemingly peaceful Muslims?  They and their clerics bear a huge responsibility for the savage acts of the militants. They remain silent and by doing so they are no small part of this pseudo-religious, cult based conspiracy of terror.
Muslim culture currently demands they reproduce like rabbits.  In their home nations medical care was non-existent and children died at an alarming rate because of common childhood illnesses that were eliminated in the West.
One thing for sure, Muslim’s demand far too much of their nations they have decided to inhabit.  They instead see themselves on a dangerous global colonization effort.  Muslims simply don’t belong in a civilized nation. 
The PEGIDA movement would not exist but as a direct response to innocent lives lost in senseless acts of hateful violence.
German Chancellor Angelia Merkel along with other politicians condemned PEGIDA to preserve their politically correct image. 
We are 70 years out of a German period of disgrace, shame and national guilt for Nazi Party atrocities.  Any ethnic conflict is a grim reminder for the German people.
The neo-Nazi’s anti-Semitism has a common bond with Jew hating Muslims.  Neo-Nazis do exist in Germany but have curiously joined with the PEGIDA movement.  Joining with neo-Nazis to combat the Muslim threat is distasteful to most Europeans because of their history of hate.
The neo-Nazi endorsement of PEGIDA tarnishes the image of this organization.  That was not helped by the antics of it’s founder, advertising executive, Lutz Bachmann, when he actually costumed and posed as Adolph Hitler for cameras.
Bachmann quickly resigned from PEGIDA after that huge blunder.
PEGIDA now has a platform to deal with Muslims.  Are these enough to stem the problem?  Frankly I doubt it, in that this is all too little and much too late. 
PEGIDA Mandates:
1.  Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
2.  Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
3.  Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
4.  Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
5.  Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
6.  Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
7.  Demands an increase in funding for the police.
8.  Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
9.  Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
10.  States that Pegida opposes a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.
11.  Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
12.  Pegida demonstration on 12 January 2015
States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children").
13.  Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian coined culture.
14.  Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
Muslim terror and crime is a grim reality in Europe. I favor a policy where all able-bodied law-abiding European citizens take a role in national defense.
That is to train and carry concealed firearms to deal with the Muslim threat.  It is unfair and unwise to keep Europeans disarmed and helpless from the savage armed Muslims that are relentlessly killing innocents.

Friday, March 07, 2014

The TSA is Still Not Serious About Halting Terrorism but They Sure Love Wasting Money

New York, NY—With the capping off of the symbolic tower that replaced the World Trade Center I thought I’d show you the latest TSA folly.  It’s in the picture above.
No matter how you analyze the September 11, 2001 terror attack on America it was the result of FAA’s fear of armed pilots and off duty cops.   Then there was the cultural weakness of Americans in general.
First I blame the new American Nanny Culture that seemed to dictate that American plane passengers must sit and wait for authorities to deal with crime instead of resorting to self-help for survival.  Many passengers actually thought they were really doing something helpful by calling 911 from their doomed aircraft.
Politicians honored the “heroic” actions of the brave young men on Flight 93.  Actually they too were brainwashed by the Nanny Culture because their actions only came after the cockpit was breached. They did nothing until after they took votes among themselves on whether to resist the hijackers.
When I gathered the driver’s license information on the 9/11 terrorists for the news media I found something unsettling.   They were all little men!  They’re average height and weight was 5’5” and 140 pounds!  They were no bigger than most American women! 
History should have made it clear to the passengers that no Muslim terrorist event ever ended peacefully.  For those doomed passengers it was either they fight for their life or die.   Sadly we know what their choice was. 
Aside from forfeiting their own lives by cowering in their seats they also sacrificed the lives of the people inside the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
The politicians and media simply never once uttered a word about the pre-programed mental conditioning or cowardice of those dead passengers. 
Since 9/11 we’ve spent hundreds of billions on Security Theater and the TSA.  As of today the only efforts at terrorism were not stopped by the TSA but by ordinary passengers.
Fast-forward to today and all that’s happened is the airlines have had to fight monumental battles avoiding bankruptcy, pilot shortages and TSA nonsense.
Our government created the Federal Flight Deck Officer’s program to arm a few pilots that specifically volunteered for the program.  That plan consisted of re-vetting the backgrounds and mental health of pilots deemed worthy of trust to handle a firearm. 
I guess a gun in the mind of brain-dead bureaucrats is somehow more dangerous than a passenger and fuel loaded commercial jet.
They trained the FFDO’s like every other armed federal officer.  However unlike cops or federal officers they FFDOs are not trusted or permitted to carry firearms outside of the locked cockpit of their airplane! 
Initially the clowns over at the TSA designed a holster with a padlock that rested directly and dangerously on the trigger of the FFDO’s gun.  At least one accidental discharge in a cockpit aboard a US Airways jet resulted from that faulty design.
Next that holster was retired and FFDO’s were forced to carry the gun in a heavy locked vault style box that was cumbersome and punishing.  Needless to say many FFDO’s quit the program.
The current joke is the container pictured at the top of this story.  It has a padlock but this time it is away from the trigger.  It makes the gun inaccessible and useless to the FFDO until he’s locked in the cockpit. 
However the new case is an improvement from the boxes but the FFDO's must purchase them with their own funds if they wish to discard the heavy boxes. 
The FFDO’s should be carrying firearms like cops and other federal officers.  Their intensive training should benefit passengers from the moment they enter airports until they leave them.
Every commercial pilot should be trained and armed or be forced to retire if they refuse that duty.
I want to add the sad truth that there were two off-duty trained and sworn cops on two of the four planes involved in the 9/11 attack.  They too perished.  No pilot was allowed to carry a firearm back then.
Our politicians have created a Constitutional mess by creating the lawless albatross called the TSA.  It serves little purpose but to allow otherwise unemployable people rob, molest and annoy passengers giving some of them a false sense of security.
I will leave you with two simple questions.  Had those 9/11 pilots and off duty cops been armed would 3,000 people still have perished?  Would we have suffered billions in property damage and business interruption?  I think the answer is obvious.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Was Kenya’s Westgate Mall Attack Just a Rehearsal for an American Mall Massacre!

Los Angeles, CA—I’ve said it was only a matter of time before Muslim extremists would exploit our grand shopping malls.  Ours are as soft of a target that any terrorist would beg for. 
American mall operators shunned armed or trained security personnel and frankly they think a visible police presence is bad for business.  They also go out of their way to post silly “Gun Free Zone” signs everywhere.
Our mall operators have really only placed a target on the butt of every man woman and child that can be found inside any large mall.
Kenya was better prepared to respond to mall attacks there.  They are used to urban terrorism unlike our nations police forces. 
Imagine L.A.’s magnificent Beverly Center Mall.  On any given day thousands of shoppers are strolling through without a care in the world.  Among them behind sunglasses and hats are A list celebrities.  Of course there are children, toddlers, and even infants everywhere. 
In the Westgate attack the thugs took hostages.  The victims were savagely raped, tortured and soon beheaded.  The orgy of violence was unimaginably horrific.   Imagine what they’d do to any of our more popular movie stars?
The death toll could easily exceed 2000 before a siege by just ten terrorists may end.  Terrorists could quietly enter as workmen pushing weapons, fuel and bombs on carts from their cars.   The mall floor plans are available to everyone including terrorists. 
Perhaps as hundreds of happy little Christian children are waiting to see Santa Claus some perverted Muslims may unleash the unthinkable.  
The LAPD would be minutes away and reluctant to enter the mall at all until they can amass with a large police presence and that may take an hour or more.   
I’m simply asking how would this style of attack be ended?  I remain convinced such an attack would face minimal resistance and melt Los Angeles to its core.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Obama’s Terrorism Hoax is Simply a Tool to justify his Continued Tyranny

Washington, DC—I have access to intelligence material that’s been passed around to local and state cops as part of the recent terrorism warnings.  Frankly it’s all baloney designed to scare the public into thinking Barack Obama's suspension of our privacy, liberty and freedom is somehow necessary.
They have cited several prison breaks have occurred over the last five months in the Middle East and Indonesia.   A few of the 1,500 prisoners that escaped are supposed big boys in the terrorism business.  That’s really, business as usual since none of them ever did anything on our soil.
It is now the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan.   Ramadan began on July 9 and ends on August 8, 2013.  Islamic extremist groups have allegedly have “chatted” their desire to conduct attacks during the last days of Ramadan.  They make that same chatter each and every year at this time. 
There is absolutely nothing different except the shrill cries by our politicians seeking ways to relentlessly grow the TSA and their very real threat to our freedom.   At the same time the massive political corruption has permeated the private contractors involved in the mercenary, spook and spy business is gobbling up our hard earned money.  The criminals in our Whitehouse, government and their financial supporters are bankrupting America. 
When we turned over national security functions to private contractors we opened the door to the massive corruption we have today.  We allowed for an additional
shadow government monster like or federal reserve system that controls our currency.
Frankly we need to exit the Middle East and let those nations sort out their own problems while we use our own oil resources instead of paying extortion to the Arabs we’ve empowered and made obscenely wealthy.
As for the current terrorism political fear mongering, don’t fall for this scam.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Will Our Shopping Malls Now Face Terrorist Attacks?

Los Angeles, CA—There is no shortage of radical Muslims living in the City of Angels.  Planning a bombing and firearms attack here would be incredibly easy for those determined fanatics.
Instead of backpacks bombs and weapons could be brought in without notice using large shopping bags from popular retailers.
Imagine how the untrained and unarmed mall guards would be running for their lives rather than confront attackers.  Gun laws in Los Angeles insure that there will not be any armed resistance to any deadly attacks. 
There are lots of surveillance cameras and someone will make the necessary 911 call.   Will the response be similar to the stunning failure of the Jefferson County, CO Sheriff’s Department during the Columbine High School Massacre?
The question will be how many people with be shot, stabbed, burned with gasoline or blown up by bombs before any armed resistance begins?   The answer is to expect a major bloodbath. 
Have the malls done anything to deal with this very real kind of a threat?  The answer comes in the way of visibly unarmed guards wandering around for minimum wage or little more.  These people are just more hostages or victims.
The corporate suits that make decisions about security matter are not cops.  Worse, they are inclined to take horrible advice from big city police department officials that must stay in political lockstep behind gun-rights hating mayors.  
After a deadly attack they will all exclaim that they took every reasonable step to protect life and property.  That is as long as the steps were guaranteed to fail! 
Do shopping malls have plans in place to resist terrorism?  The answer is that mall patrons can count upon total abandonment.  The government and mall owners can’t and won’t protect mall patrons.  Perhaps customers need to simply ignore those unconstitutional gun carry bans.  If you think wearing a seatbelt is important when you drive so is having a meaningful way to defend your life at a busy mall. 
If you must, shoot straight, often and escape with your life.  Never make any statements to police or anyone outside the presence of a criminal defense lawyer representing you.  
No law to report a shooting exists in America anywhere.  In fact your absolute right to silence is solidly reinforced by our Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.   Shoot, scoot and stay mute!