Showing posts with label taxpayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taxpayers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prisons and Jails Could Save Needed Millions with E-mail and Skype for Inmates.

Our prisons uniformly hate the idea of making any technology available to inmates.  Prisons and jails by necessity employ really low wattage folks that cannot grasp even the simplest of computer tasks.
Right now any mail to inmates must be opened, read and examined for cleverly concealed narcotics.  That costs a bundle and sometimes seriously delays the mail to the inmates.
They need not make computers available to inmates but they could create inmate e-mail accounts for purposes of simply receiving the mail.  Two things swill happen.  For one, the inmates will get more mail but the likelihood of smuggled narcotics is totally eliminated.  The second is that it will be a lot easier for staff members to save the communications for intelligence and investigative purposes.
If e-mail was instituted it could be a perk granted or withdrawn as inmate behavior dictates. 
I’m also a big fan of to replace maximum-security non-contact visitation.  Why waste resources searching and dealing with visitors when they need not even enter prison facilities?
Pass this idea on to prisons and governors everywhere.  Inmate families are usually poor and prisons are located far away from them. Why victimize families for what an inmate has done? 

Monday, February 06, 2012

Why it can’t be, Made in America

Washington, DC—America has a long and proud manufacturing tradition that has been banished from our shores.

I’m saying banished because the Socialists and Communists in our own Whitehouse, government and Congress are to blame. The manufacturers have all fled extortionate government taxation and excessive demands by labor unions.

I’ve always supported the concept of workers being paid fairly if for no other reasons it keeps them off the dole and we all benefit from what they/we consume.

The Socialist and Communist traitors also have intentionally regulated business to death. There has been an ongoing effort to destroy productivity and the American way of life. They’re out to replace our form of government with the failed Communist model.

Productivity must be rewarded in our system, and instead it’s punished. Instead we reward the ignorant and lazy by robbing those that produce.

Our nation cannot survive until every last Communist is purged from our government.

The Communists have made every effort to import crime, poverty, violence and drugs through obstruction of justice. They have simply ended the prosecution of our immigration laws. If the immigration laws are so unpopular they can be changed. Americans want their laws enforced or they’d have demanded the laws be repealed.

The reason for government obstruction of immigration laws is to dilute the Conservative vote. The ignorant and poor are totally dependent on the Communists and the handouts they provide.

If you support keeping manufacturing in America it’s more important that you keep government’s sticky fingers out of employer’s pockets. Until then there’s no reason to make anything in America. Until then, why should you pay more for a second rate product? When your government becomes punitive it's time for a revolution or flight anywhere you can find freedom and liberty.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Learning How To Stop Chicago’s Government Extortion Games

Chicago, IL—The city I was born and raised in has become tyrannical and oppressive. Crooked politicians have turned taxpayers into a human ATM machines enslaving them. The time for resistance is long overdue. The best form of resistance is for taxpayers to remove themselves from the city radar.

They can only own you if you let them so why would you allow that? In the coming weeks I will tell you how to force these crooks out of your pockets. You can make life miserable and impossible for your slave masters.

Let me begin by telling anyone charged with any city ordinance offense to demand a jury trial. Juries won’t convict you any faster than today’s judges but if everyone demanded a jury trial the courts would collapse in a single day. Chicago’s officials could not begin to handle that kind of overwhelming pressure.

You can vanish from the extortionists that are out looking for new ways to rob you through their raw power. Stay tuned right here and you will see your magical powers! Watch the short video below:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Big City Politicians Incite Fear and Loathing against their Own Cops

Chicago, IL—Former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s tyrannical rule of Chicago endangered the lives of cops. How so you may ask? Daley built an economic wall between citizens and cops thorough his extortionate traffic fines.

In the corrupt greed that financed as much as a $1billion in unneeded public works projects like endless miles of dangerous, traffic snarling concrete planter boxes generated campaign contributions from the contractors.

I don’t need to tell Chicagoans about taxpayer flight in avoidance of Tax Tyranny. The reality is depressing to say the least.

The shady parking meter fiasco along with those mercenary fines, have punished every working citizen of Chicago. Imagine trying feed a family during these difficult times. That as you collect parking tickets because the politicians are ever increasingly creative in their zeal to trap you into various violations. Soon your car gets booted, towed and you’re pushed well beyond the breaking point.

Everyone automatically associates this extortion program with the police. That’s even if its civilians not cops writing the tickets. The cops are the hammer the city always uses to victimize the public.

In the old days the local courts had a policy if dismissing virtually every ticket issued if the recipient bothered to show up and contest the citation. That was a PR program designed to protect those who could least afford these fines. That program was ended long ago and the somewhat friendly courts are places that citizens must fear today.

The most serious problems are in the African-American communities. They are the most impoverished and handing them a citation is just not the same as for wealthy folks that can easily pay for private parking at the rate of $35.00 per day.

Of course it’s the police that are required to be the ultimate extortion agents and their enforcement activities are viewed as racial profiling and hate. Of course the cops that don’t do as their commanders demanded face punishment for not citing everyone for absolutely everything possible.

The only way the City of Chicago can survive is to end the extortion. They have not figured out how to build a wall around the Windy City with guards to keep taxpayers from fleeing. The cancer of Tax Tyranny must be eradicated and taxpayers need to see Chicago as a place to prosper or Chicago’s magnificent buildings will soon be vacant.

Instead of being respected, cops are feared like any mob collection agent. Cops presently are not viewed as being there to protect the citizens but to rob them at every opportunity. I don’t think that kind of policy and perception improves the quality of life anywhere.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel can simply plod on making the same mistakes as his recent predecessors. On the other hand he could surprise us all as a great Mayor that returned Chicago to being a great place to live, work and raise children. Imagine all the room for free parking that could have been saved without the hated concrete planter boxes.

A great place to begin a good faith effort is by reducing fines, parking fees and taxes by half.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Scrapping Front Vehicle License Plates Saves Taxpayer’s Millions

Springfield, IL—Illinois is considering ending the requirement for the front plate on cars and trucks. This is a fiscally responsible move that’s long overdue.

The primary reason for front license plates has been the intense lobbying effort of the 3M Company, holder of the patent for the special reflective paint every state uses in their manufacturing process.

The rear plate is adequate for police plate reading software and the photo traffic extortion revenue programs.

In addition to their political lobbying and generous campaign contributions, the 3M Company exhibits at the Nations Sheriff’s and IACP conventions where they recruit police administrators to preserve the unnecessary and expensive front plates.

The States of California and Texas would reap the biggest cash bonanza by scrapping the front plate. Contact your legislature if you live in a state that requires two plates and help them curb the wasteful practice.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

$1 Billion In Free Money For California Taxpayers!

Taxpayers are in for $1 billion windfall just over the next five years. What’s the rub you ask? That’s what it will cost to deal with the appeals 682 inhabitants of Death Row.

If these convicts are simply resentenced to life without the possibility of parole taxpayers will save a bundle. We seem to forget that virtually every Death Row prisoner is indigent and we must pay for both the prosecution and defense legal fees.

Cash strapped Sacramento may find the death penalty is a luxury taxpayers can no longer afford. This is a quick fix that will send lawyers and defense investigators like me to the unemployment lines.