Showing posts with label riot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label riot. Show all posts

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Unintended Consequences of Meryl Streep’s Emotional Golden Globes Rant

Hollywood, CA—Tinseltown was once ruled by some over-emotional Conservatives.  There was a group of Communist artists here that included Lucille Ball that were considered by others as both dangerous and un-American. 
The result of that misguided political activism was a purge that destroyed promising careers in the form of Blacklisting. Today the shoe is on the other foot and the seeming majority Hollywood’s elite are Socialists. They pour millions into Leftist political campaign coffers.  

Today’s Hollywood power structure has little tolerance for Conservative artists.  The industry’s accepted screenwriters bend over backwards making films that display African-American heroism and legitimize the Gay lifestyle. I guess it might be called, Affirmative Action Filmmaking.  

I don’t want criticize anyone’s artistic products no matter their message.  Saying that, I’m a solid and unyielding believer in Freedom of Speech and Thought. 

Free Speech is messy by nature because someone will take offense to the opinions of others.  In recent years America has become a Nation of Crybabies that can’t deal with unfiltered speech. 

Politics has caused untold millions of intolerant people to unfriend people on Facebook. We should be discussing our differences and find common ground. Making friends is a better idea. 

On to the subject of the superb and gifted actress, Meryl Streep.  At the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony Streep delivered an angry and somewhat hateful rant insulting President Trump. She did this within the safety of a venue filled with like-minded artists and legions of bodyguards.

Sports and Art is a sacred common ground that should be free of propaganda and political acrimony.  These are great things that bridge people together. Streep’s emotional Golden Globe Ceremony display divided rather than united America. 

Streep made her millions from audiences that did not give a rat’s ass about her politics.  It’s fair to say however,  when she outs herself politically her entertainment products will suffer a boycott from intolerant people that take exception to her opinion.  Streep doesn’t care because she knows she will not live long enough to spend the riches she already earned.      

However, now all of Streep’s films will suffer somewhat at the box office, iTunes, Netflix and DVD sales.  In the mix of her innocent victims will be fellow, lesser known actors, the film’s investors and that long list of names appearing in the credits.  

Artists have a right to Free Speech and many of them wisely don’t express themselves politically because they don’t want to lose half of their fans that may be offended. Streep and the other Artists/Political Operatives are damaging their industry’s workers and should control themselves. 

Streep owes all those that made her films possible an apology along with repaying their predictable financial damages. 

The past election saw inexcusable violence from the Left and Hillary Clinton’s loss has brought out bad behavior that is usually seen only in Banana Republics. We’d be a laughing stock of the world but too many nations are holding their breath to see how our mess shakes out. 

We Americans all have a duty to block government tyranny, at the ballot box.  America has done that now it’s time to dictate to our elected officials, not the other way around. 

We need to become self-reliant and united Americans once again. We must learn to let each other cling to our earnings, guns and religions. We must learn how to be kind.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson, a Lesson In Sensational Race Baiting and Hatred

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown lived and died as a bully and thug.  However even bully’s and thugs deserve due process and a measured response to their unacceptable conduct.
Many cops have criticized me for my intolerance for police misconduct in various cases.  Generally I vigorously support police but, they are human and fail miserably sometimes.  As always cover-ups are more troubling then the conduct. 
When Brown was shot dead by Officer Darren Wilson, local troublemakers, all African-American offered up phony stories claiming Brown had his hands raised and was shot in the back.  Others claimed that Wilson stood over a prone Michael Brown firing shots into his lifeless body.
The physical evidence quickly exposed the false versions of these so-called eyewitnesses.  
Police and prosecutors went out of their way to hide the evidence and Officer Wilson’s version of events.  This was both necessary and wise.  That allowed the phony eyewitnesses to spread their lies far and wide.  That insured that their deceptive stories were locked in tightly.
The irrefutable forensic evidence horribly impeached the fake eyewitnesses.  Wilson’s version matched the evidence. 
With only the fabricated side of this story being widely told, broadcast and published and as always it quickly became the "truth".
That brought on massive nationwide handwringing, hate and race baiting.  Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and former Trayvon Martin family lawyer Benjamin Crump came into town spreading their unsubstantiated lies and hate.  They wasted no time exploiting the media for their moneymaking opportunity.
The media, as always reported the sensational but invented truth to the masses.  Everyone formed an opinion established by the extraordinary claims of cold-blooded and race based murder by a cop.
In an unprecedented move following the secret Grand Jury presentation prosecutors quickly released photos, reports and the actual testimony by Officer Wilson.  This amazing transparency shows that the case was presented in an impartial way. 
The killing of Michael Brown was clearly a justifiable homicide and not a crime.
The chain of events following this tragic story showcases a much larger problem.  The hate and distrust between African-Americans and the rest of America’s population. That along with the larger problem of massive media and political exploitation.
I asked all of my liberal friends to wait for the real evidence to surface rather than believe the hate fueled gossip.  That was an impossible mission.  Minds were already made up and set in concrete.  Of course they quickly labeled me as a racist.
The media along with the political and professional race baiters should be ashamed of themselves.  They are the ones that exploited this event falsely turning the fatal error in judgment and death of Michael Brown into a hate crime.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thoughts on Ferguson, Charles Darwin Actually Took Michael Brown’s Life

Ferguson, MO—Michael Brown was an accomplished thug.  He was a large and cruel monster that a just moment before he died was captured on tape terrorizing a shop owner while committing a vicious strong-armed robbery.
Contrary to fanciful thoughts we are not all equal.  Some are smarter, taller and stronger.  Charles Darwin said it best we were not all meant to live and that only the strongest survive.
Michael Brown was born with a birth defect that made him vulnerable despite his superior strength and size.  He was incredibly stupid and at the same time extraordinarily mean. 
Young Brown somehow though that he could engage in a physical confrontation with a police officer and somehow win.    That was an extraordinarily foolish act and it cost him his life.  Frankly the world is a better and safer place without this savage creep. 
Now there are plenty of ignorant supporters of Michael Brown and his evil ways.  They are amassing in Ferguson and are egger for enough misinformation and hatred to spark violence.  The plan is to loot, shoot, bomb, rape and murder their fellow citizens using their inflated claims of racial injustice as an excuse.
Yes, this is all about racism but just who are the racists here?  This is about some African-American’s hatred of White people and their desire to dominate and conquer them.   They have pipe dreams of capturing and taking home the spoils of war along the way.
The problem for these troublemakers is they, like Brown are too intellectually disadvantaged to live.   They somehow think that they can succeed in street warfare simply because they are cruel enough.
What they are not taking into account is that aside from the cops and National Guard they have to overcome thousands of able military veterans in the local population that are well trained and well-armed and only too willing to protect themselves and families. 
If these African-American agitators attempt a dangerous insurrection, their oversight will get their remains placed into lots of body bags.  These are simply the inferior human specimens that Darwin warned us about. 
Often humans work to protect the unfortunate and disadvantaged to survive despite obvious handicaps.  Here they are warning the ignorant, thoughtless and very stupid people to abandon their pipe dreams and to stay home.  Let’s hope that they come to their senses.
If these troublemakers won’t follow that sound advice Darwin just like he did with Michael Brown will quickly take them home.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Technology and the American Summer Insurrection of 2013

Sanford, FL—Okay I said it.  I just don’t see this any other way.  I really hope I’m somehow wrong.  Unfortunately, history supports all of my fears.  What’s past is prologue, always.  
Our nation has never been so racially divided or hypersensitive.  The George Zimmerman prosecution has not been able to deliver to the jury the venom and hype the media and the Whitehouse promised.  The allegations of a race based stalking style murder of an innocent lad have been exposed in court as pure baloney.
That Martin/Zimmerman case was a simple instance of justifiable homicide resulting from the use of very necessary deadly force to stop an attack by an athletic young thug. 
It is now more than clear that Trayvon Martin used a sidewalk as a deadly weapon in his effort to murder George Zimmerman by bashing out his brains.    Zimmerman will be finally cleared shortly.  The ignorant masses are not watching the trial, just the verdict.
That case is really as much or more incendiary than even the Rodney King case.  The big difference is today’s Information Age.  Barack Obama convinced and inflamed millions of African-Americans that Zimmerman was guilty.  The Internet has spread this vile poison far and wide.
Accordingly Florida brought a seriously flawed criminal case forward that they knew would never survive in court.  It happened because of raw and malicious political pressure.  That has put millions of African-Americans on edge.   If the many thousands of tweets and other Social Media threats are any indication, America’s big cities are going to see a major bloodbath.
The police will quickly lose any hope of control because they have lost their edge.  It past riots and insurrections police has always had exclusive use of portable communications devices.  They could easily coordinate tactical peacekeeping efforts via two-way radios. 
The police have virtually no experience dealing with rioters with absolute communications parity.  The thought of this is really frightening.  I know that police academies have not really found a way to teach cops how to tactically or otherwise effectively  deal with hostile groups armed with relatively new communications empowerment. 
The game has been changed by millions of cheap, smart phones and the Internet.  Those taking part in violence will quickly outnumber police and coordinate ambushes with gasoline and paint thinner bombs that will defeat even the best police body armor.  Even young children will be texting the positions of police, their numbers and their vehicles.
Police will have little choice but to quickly retreat and it will be civilians fighting for their lives and property without significant law-enforcement resources.  
If you live in or near a large city it would be best to make plans to vacation or otherwise stay away from home as the Zimmerman trial winds down in the coming week or ten days.  At least try and remove your children to safer areas if you can.
If you must stay in the city you will need plenty water, food, fuel, batteries, fire suppression equipment along with firearms and ammunition.  A set of cheap family services radios, will come in handy for when the cell phones are cut off.   You can expect to see the utilities shut down almost immediately. 
I know there will be those people that suggest my advice is crazy and that this will never happen.   I say that recurring insurrections and wars come with the human territory.  We eternally have periods of peace and that of war. 
We cannot forget the massive holocausts that have plagued this earth as long as humans have.   Don’t think for a second that we have evolved. 
It is abundantly obvious we are heading directly into the perfect storm of a despotic police state that will be popular with promises of security at the expense of freedom.
I gave you some guidance but you and your, families, neighbors and friends better quickly have some kind of emergency plans in place.  God help us all.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Chicago Riot Control Has Always Been Ineffective and Costly.

Take the fight out of Chicago's rioters with some plain water
Chicago, IL—Today I watched some interesting video that I suspect has or will lead to excessive Injury On Duty Injury reports for Windy City’s finest.  I also expect a rush to medical providers and civil lawyers by those who made the mistake of assaulting Chicago cops.
When I was living in Germany 1968-1970, I watched the, Frankfurt Stadt Polizei deal with their hippies and troublemakers.  The cops in Frankfurt always made short work of crowd control with minimal injuries to all.   Was it magic?  Brutality? No!  It was just plain water.
All over Europe they use vehicle mounted, water cannons to quell disturbances.  They soak the troublemakers, who soon get very uncomfortable and very cold.  Police can identify the problem people because they are all wet and shivering.   They only want to go home after a good soaking.  For many of them this is the only time they bathe.
The water cannon can be a little overpowering but those who do not follow lawful orders to disperse can simply be hosed down on the gentle cycle.  Who wants to fight when they are all wet?  A side benefit is that the water will short out electronic detonators and wreck ignition sources for Molotov cocktails for the really evil ones.  Perhaps a few ruined cell phones will make communication more difficult for those riot organizers.
I noticed that Chicago's troublemakers were carrying cameras of all kinds.  The water cannons would really make such photography a meaningful challenge.
The water cannon will also spare cops from unwarranted discipline hearings and indictments bases on bogus allegations.  The Medical rolls will have fewer personnel to deal with and the city’s liability would be greatly reduced.
I hope this post inspires Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats to find a more effective and humane way for cops to protect themselves than wooden batons and stun guns alone.  Imagine how a water soaked troublemaker would dance after being hit with a Tazer Stun gun?