Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

My Eulogy For The Death of Actress Jennifer Lawrence.

Hollywood, CA—27 year-old Jennifer Lawrence was gorgeous, seriously talented and her smile captivated millions just like me. What could possibly go wrong?  
Our nation became even more divided politically as well as emotionally since the 2016 election and Hollywood overwhelmingly chose the loosing side of the Left.  

Lawrence got caught up in the wild clammer and used her ample media face time to promote her raw hatred for our duly elected president and his supporters instead of promoting her work products.  Expressed hatred is never pretty. 

We all have a First Amendment right to say what we please.  However people selling products run huge financial risks of offending large percentages of their customers or in this case ticket buying fans. 

I was a diehard fan of Lawrence.  She captured my full attention when she appeared in, American Hustle. I meet her very briefly at a screening of that terrific film. I then watched her young career soar beyond all expectations. 

Suddenly her latest film, Mother tanked at the box office.  Was it a bad film?  I don’t intend to find out.  I’ve really lost all interest in Lawrence, her talent and would even take a pass at a second chance to meet her again today.

Lawrence has suddenly announced that she would take a break from acting.  The fact is she had nothing on her film calendar for the next two years anyway.  Her agent, Tracy Brennen at CAA will lose a bundle too!

A similar hard lesson was learned by The Dixie Chicks.  They became a Liberal political force that alienated their mostly Conservative, Country Western fan base.   Their rising careers ended right then and there. Their later attempt at a “comeback tour” was yet another disaster. 

Hollywood’s celebrities are quickly shedding huge portions of their fan base with their emotional and hateful political rants.  This Summer’s film box office take was at record lows. 

I don’t believe in boycotts especially of any form of art and entertainment.  I have however reached my saturation point when it comes to me being disappointed by so many entertainers I once admired, appreciated and patronized with my hard earned cash.  

A-List actress, Meryl Streep put herself directly in the political meat grinder during the last Oscar Awards ceremony.  However she was nearly at the end of her career and had nothing to lose compared to Lawrence. 

Jennifer, you didn’t have to die so young.  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Often My Friends Misunderstand My Personal Politics

Chicago, IL—I was raised in the Windy City under a politically conservative Democratic Administration.  The Party boss and Mayor was the late Richard J. Daley not to be confused with his pathetic son, Richard M. Daley.  
A single mother collecting welfare who avoided parenting at every opportunity raised me.  I was really supervised by various friends of my mother or nobody.   Saying my mother raised me is a misstatement
As a nine year-old I was taught to prepare my own meals, clean up after myself and to never answer the door should someone knock.  I’d not see my mother but for three or four times a week and she’d be quickly gone again.  I always got myself to school and never once did she offer to help me with my school homework.
My mother was destroyed by the Socialist welfare system that simply sent her money with no strings attached.  A little more than once per year we’d get evicted.   Our property would be carried out to the street in the snow.  As a result I had attend 13 different grammar schools.   
My childhood was an ugly experience that ended when I was 14, lied about my age and took up residence in a nearby apartment while working at a hotdog stand after school.  Like most children I just assumed what was going on in my life was perfectly normal and the same for everyone, or at least those without a father in the house.  
My mother was made totally dependent and was owned by the Liberal Wing of the Democratic Party.  All she cared about was the monthly checks and the crappy canned food she was given for me to eat by the state.  To my mother Republicans and Conservatives were evil.
I grew to hate Liberal idealism and embrace the idea of breaking free from any form of dependence upon government. 
I’m a Libertarian at the Conservative side of the political spectrum.  That does not make me uncaring or evil.
I want and demand limited government, taxes and intrusion in my life.  The best government is the one that’s not constantly making  news for new programs and new wars.
I want and demand prosperity and human rights for all.  I want maximum Liberty and Freedom.  I want equal opportunity for a superior education and jobs for every American. 
I absolutely despise seeing America’s children sent off to fight in foreign wars and returning home in body bags or otherwise disabled.  The Swiss have the right notion to stay neutral no matter what.
I simply believe all things happen better without government intervention.
I want to see the end of the deeply flawed death penalty and serious controls on government prosecutors that have lost sight of justice or fairness.
Are the things I want and demand really so radical?  Isn’t this what all politicians promise and then never deliver? 
I ask that my Leftist friends understand where I came from and tolerate my position.
The track record of Communists and Socialists everywhere has become a litany of government murder, tyranny and misery.   I can never understand how empty promises of the Far Left Wing politics can be so popular. 
I have to ask, are members of the Left Wing blind and deaf?  Can they not see the corruption and destruction to our culture and way of life?  

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

My Cat Nerak’s Reaction to yesterday’s Election

Los Angeles, CA—My cat Nerak asked me who won yesterday’s election. I had no clue she’d take it that hard. She’s been barfing all morning and I thought she had it under control.

I had to tell her that President-elect Barack Obama was set to get his first CIA briefing and how he was going to bring us much closer to what the United Nations wants as fast as he could. That must have set something off because she’s been in a commode hugging funk ever since.

Does anyone have any ideas how I could make Nerak feel better?

Proposition K Decriminalizing Prostitution Fails In San Francisco

San Francisco, CA-- The free-wheeling Gay capital of the entire world rejected a measure that would take local law enforcement out of the business of arresting and prosecuting adult hookers and their customers.

The ballot measure would have saved taxpayers untold millions in the costs to combat the world’s oldest profession. I’m sure if the proposition was re-written to only decriminalize Gay prostitution the measure would have passed by a landslide.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Nov 4 2008 Voting In Westwood Los Angeles Next To The UCLA Campus.

Los Angeles--No fistfights or emotion here just polite and friendly young Americans out to make democracy work. Being that this is a very Left Wing community I suspect in this precinct Obama has a landslide. That's too bad.

I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but troubled times are ahead for all Americans. The Bolsheviks will be minding the store for a while…