Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politicians. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Posters Cause Liberals to Panic In West Hollywood

West Hollywood, CA--This Morning inhabits of this predominately Gay city woke up this morning seeing these Shoot Back posters everywhere.  The send a strong and solid message of resistance to the horror show we now call, The Pulse Nightclub Massacre.

Reaction of panicked local politicians was quick as they ordered city workers to immediately remove them.  The politicians told the media that the posters were way out of character for their residents and sent the “wrong” message.  Wow!  I must ask if they are they really that candyassed? 
I know a lot of Gays, and yes they tend to be Liberal, but on the issue of self-defense they are divided.  There is a large pro-gunfights organization, The Pink Pistols that supports, protects and defends the simple words of the Second Amendment.  They have not lost their sense of self-preservation. 

What I’m horrified about is these same gunrights hating Gays demand that first responders place their lives on the line protecting them from harm!  I ask, why bother when these fools are so unwilling to protect themselves or each other! 

How brainwashed are these people that they have lost all instinct for simple survival. Gays have been the target of countless hate crimes and murders.  They are vulnerable and deserve protection but everyone has a responsibility to resist criminals, bullies and terrorists!  

My Gay friends are just that, my friends. I want then safe and free from harm.  That has to begin with their own sense of survival and desire to live.  

The police don’t have the manpower to begin to protect Americans from attacks by terrorists.  They will respond in time to clean up the mess. I implore my Gay friends to get firearms and the necessary training because their lives may depend upon that.  

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Goodbye Sandra Hutchens, You Never Belonged here

Orange County, CA—After the last Sheriff, Mike Carona was felled by corruption charges, the County Board found a replacement. The recently retired lawwoman, Sandra Hutchens seemed perfect so they appointed her.

Perfect? She spoke well and looked fine but she was and is a gun control zealot and came with the identical Liberal culture of every current Los Angeles politician.

Unlike her predecessors she refused to issue new concealed weapons permits and revoked many that were already issued. Crime had not taken a vacation on her watch so why hold down law-abiding citizens so criminals can victimize them?

Getting a concealed weapon permit requires completing a 21 page uniform California application. The CCW application form is twice as long and invasive for personal information than the employment applications required of the cops we hire. The Sheriffs have arbitrary power to deny the permits or grant them. Of course, all felony and most misdemeanor convictions are a bar to granting the permits. Demonstrated firearms and use of force training is required of all CCW permit applicants.

Carona handed out several special deputy stars to his pals. That’s never a good idea but it’s something Sheriffs have done for ages. Hutchens rounded the stars up and revoked them. Nearly every incoming Sheriff routinely does that.

Carona did a lot of things wrong except subjecting Orange County’s citizens to the Liberalism of La La Land.

Orange County does not subscribe to the extreme Liberal ways of L.A. When they hired Hutchens they were asleep at the wheel and let this woman with foreign ideology take the helm. Hutchens took the department in the wrong direction.

Hutchens spent money feathering command staff positions that showed she does things exactly like they do in Los Angeles. Spending money they don’t have is the way of life for that Socialist run city. Today there are plenty of qualified candidates that deserve consideration for the position. This time there will be an election by voters.

Hutchens has done her damage, and now it’s time for her to say goodbye.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pink Slips Set To Rain On Phoenix Police And Firefighters

Phoenix, AZ—Decades of wasteful spending has caught up with that tax and spend mayor and city council. Taj Mahal building projects along with an ambitious and unneeded light rail system put this city in bankruptcy. Of course the local politicians never wanted for campaign contributions from those profiting from out-of-control pork spending.

The Phoenix Police Department had 400 vacancies as it was and now they are firing an additional 350 sworn officers. The department is reading to collect badges, guns and other equipment from the officers they’ve spent millions to train.

This will be the first time in the city’s history that sworn officers are being laid off.

As this is happening releasing prisoners is on the negotiation table. Thankfully people in Arizona can carry concealed weapons and have seen self-defense laws beefed up in recent times.

144 Phoenix firefighters will also find themselves out of work. It may be a good time to invest in fire extinguishers and examine insurance policies.

Somehow I don’t see criminals taking over the city any time soon. In the last couple of days Phoenix homeowners have sent a couple of home invaders off to meet their makers.

As neighbors learn to protect neighbors the bad guys may find themselves on the endangered species list. Perhaps we will need more body bags and fewer prison cells.

Credit should go right where it is due, to Mayor Phil Gordon and his cohorts.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Where Are We Headed?

Anarchy is an ugly word but it may come to pass here in America. Imagine another four or five weeks of continued stock market sliding and a 50% plus unemployment rate.

Government would be at a standstill with most operations shut down. Welfare checks would be suspended. Section Eight landlords would lose their properties. People would be hungry. Millions of drug addicts could no longer afford drugs to satisfy their habits.

Banks and cash run businesses have gotten by with no armed security and only cameras to deal with robbers. They'd be unable to cope with what's ahead for them. The proliferation of takeover armed robberies would make our 1929 Great Depression spawned gangster robberies seem like child’s play.

Our cell phone and Internet services would be interrupted in a huge way.

Police resources could not handle the reactionary breakdown of law and order. The crime wave would be staggering and prisoners everywhere would be released. The bloodletting in our streets would top that of Baghdad at its worst.

We could expect unparalleled property damage, overflowing morgues that would be unable to cope with the post mortem examinations would end follow-up police investigations. Our criminal justice system would be suspended. Our medical care facilities would be only able to deal with trauma cases. Millions of people would die for lack of treatment for cancer or high blood pressure related illnesses. Darwin's law would be the only law in our streets.

We are a much different America today with people who have been made totally dependent on government for support. A huge percentage of our population have been led to believe that government entitlements are an absolute right.

The lucky folks in the rural areas of our country will have much better access to food and be able to keep order with the heavy percentage of civilian gun ownership. They also are much more self-reliant than our inner city folks.

The political fight would be to install full blown Communism in America. That never worked anywhere else and it won’t work here either.

I have no faith in our politicians to be able to deal with that kind of a mess. We may be in for a really rough ride folks.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Now California Wants a Federal Bailout too!

Sacramento, CA—California taxes its own working population into poverty. California’s officials allow an illicit, underground, cash, economy just for the illegal aliens they shield.

California gladly imports all the poverty, crime and illegal drugs they can from Mexico and every other corrupt banana republic. California educates and provides free medical care for the border jumpers they invite to invade America. The state treasury is broke for obvious reasons.

Citing a $7 billion shortfall, California wants Middle America to pay for their foolishness and political extremism. Instead of going to Washington, D.C., California’s politicians should ask the Communist countries they prefer politically for financial aid.

California is rife with corruption. California shields government accountability through keeping public records away from the prying eyes of the press and the public. There is no transparency of government operations in California.

California protects their government employed thieves and extortionists by maintaining a law that makes recording any conversation a felony. Public officials engaged in extortion and bribery will never have to contend with such recordings being used against them in the media broadcasts or courtrooms.

California is a country and government to itself. Let California wallow in their anti-American sentiment and corruption.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

L.A. Government Is The Ultimate Nanny

Los Angeles--The L.A. City Council has stepped in to control the diet and nutritional choices for residents of certain poor neighborhoods. The council was concerned about obesity and all those diseases that are enabled through poor nutrition. Yesterday, they banned new fast food restaurants in or near poor neighborhoods.

I’m trying to figure out why only folks in the poor neighborhoods are worthy of having the food police? Perhaps the concerned folks on the City Council could bring more laws that would mandate good table manners and brushing teeth after every meal while they’re at it.

What makes politicians believe they must interfere with absolutely every aspect of our lives? Where in the Constitution did they suggest America’s free enterprise needed to be strangled by red tape, regulations and outright bans?

With the unlimited lawmaking ability of city councils, county, state and state federal government we will soon have killed every tree in America to make enough law books. Is this really what our founding fathers wanted?