Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberty. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Excessive FAA Drone Regulation Will Lead to Near Total Civil Disobedience

Los Angeles, CA—There are many thousands of camera-armed drones out on the American marketplace.  Today they far exceed the numbers of conventional helicopters.
Unlike conventional aircraft the little drones have a perfect safety record.  So far no reported deaths or serious injuries have occurred.  Injuries so far have my minor requiring little more than Band-Aids.  When accidents happen it’s because the drone’s owner put his fingers to close to the propellers.
Now the Obama Administration's FAA wants to create civilian drone regulation and greatly expand their manpower, budget and agency size.   It’s really just an unjustified power grab.
The little drones are not recognizable on radar screens.  Putting ID numbers on them is silly because even with the best binoculars nobody could read them anyway. 
They are simply not a threat to public safety or our airspace. 
The laws covering criminal endangerment, assault, stalking and privacy invasion are more than adequate to deal with that kind of behavior by drone operators.
The real issues are related to flying them in urban areas.  The reality is that's exactly where the drone operators are located. 
Realistically safety concerns are relative to the size of these drones.  The consumer type drones range from a few ounces to a few pounds.
The ones likely to be used by filmmakers, Drone journalists and surveyors must be larger to accommodate more sophisticated equipment.  More skill is needed to fly these very expensive machines.
I don’t care how any of us feel about the drones they are here to stay.  Their good use far outweighs the contrived and unrealized fear of the drone detractors. 
Many officials have yet to learn that the First Amendment like any typewriter, paintbrush or other camera protects the camera drones.
The issue of flying over crowds needs some attention.  Simply said, you can photograph a bunch of protestors better from an angle rather than directly overhead.  Flying near rather than directly over their heads is both safer and will provide better images.
In urban areas or for that matter anywhere I find that flying early in the morning provides better lighting and far fewer people are out on the streets. 
Night flight provides much better view of the drones for the operators.  I find that flying them from large empty parking lots with ample lighting is the perfect place to pilot the drones for night flight.
If the FAA over-regulates these things policing them would be incredibly expensive and difficult.  Frankly the FAA would simply be ignored.
Learning how to fly these things inconspicuously is not difficult.  You simply find a place to deploy and land your drone.  You bring your drone into the target area, get your video and get out.  If you do this right you could do it completely unnoticed. 
If you’re doing it right, by the time authorities could be informed about your scofflaw drone it would already have completed its mission!

Should there be over-regulation, count on me being a drone scofflaw.

You also need to know that unless you lie to officials or confess it may be nearly impossible to prove who was operating the drone.  If you become a target of an investigation connected to drone use say nothing!  Tell them four simple words, “I want a lawyer.”
In most cases they can’t even use a YouTube video against you in court without violating hearsay evidence rules.
If the Obama's FAA thinks they can police every youngster with little drones they really need to stop smoking crack. 
This Christmas there will be many thousands of these things given to good boys and girls.  The FAA needs to leave them alone.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How Our Sacred Bill of Rights has all but Vanished

Washington, DC—The basic Human Rights Protections given to us through the blood of patriots and tyrants in the Bill of Rights are all but dead.
Should you try and obtain a copy of the simple and plain English version by an Internet search it will be quite a challenge.  Instead you will get paraphrased versions with lots of “explanations” by so-called legal scholars.
The actual text is far too dangerous to publish.  People would certainly be “misled” into believing our government has become lawless and tyrannical.
Essentially the Far Left Wing of our academia all want us to believe that the words don’t mean what they say.  They want us to accept that only intellectually superior people like them can understand simple words.
The authors of our Bill of Right deliberately made tampering with this important human rights document very difficult.   A simple majority vote cannot change our Constitution. 
The Left Wing hates our Constitution and Bill of Rights simply because it is a solid bar to Socialism and Communism.
The United States Supreme Court is made of men and women who are appointed by presidents for life.  They are appointed more for partisan reasons rather than their sound legal abilities.  The Court is politically divided much like our population.
As for the Bill of Rights, the task of our courts is to use it to protect us from government tyranny.   They too often fail in that important mission.  Instead they constantly attempt to redefine the text allowing for tyranny. 
Our courts have allowed for the abolition of free speech, gun rights and have decimated our rights against unreasonable search and seizure. 
After a decade or seven the Supreme Court may review a lower court finding and reestablish a right like they did with the McDonald and Heller gun cases.   In effect a lower court can suspend our rights and if we are lucky some time before we die our rights may be returned by our Supreme Court.
In one strange case Roe v Wade the Supreme Court somehow wrote us a new right, the Right to Privacy.  Apparently this new right only applies to women and their physicians on obtaining abortions.
Without taking a position on abortion rights or the warm and fuzzy PC term, the Right to Choose I can’t imagine how the court could do this in an intellectually honest way.  The Court in effect took a lawless short cut to amend the Constitution.
I can’t tell you how many legal professors, politicians or self-described legal experts have made speeches extolling the virtues of the Bill of Rights and then unceremoniously attacked them.
The Left Wing has invented rhetoric that may sound legally plausible but is pure hogwash.  They tell us the Constitution is a “living document” that evolves with popular notions of today’s politics.  They also tell us our rights “Must be balanced against the collective security needs of the masses.”  Collectivism is what Communism and Socialism is all about. 
I love it when I hear cops, prosecutors and judges say that times have changed, or that in a “Post 9/11 World” we must do things differently. 
I guess that they forgot that the Bill of Rights was the direct result of The Revolutionary War.  They forgot that we have had a Civil War and two World Wars and that compared, 9/11 is an insignificant event!  We never once found the need to amend the Bill of Rights the proper way!
The serious threat of sabotage during our wars never before led to a group of uniformed lawless government thugs like our TSA.
Our Bill of Rights is dead because people have simply accepted the constant watering down of their human rights.  They never get it until they are victimized personally when its way too late to do anything.  

Monday, June 24, 2013

Women Are a New Force in Gun Rights and Ownership

To my male visitors, stand back and meet Natalie Foster!  She has a message about women and guns.   They are here with their hard earned cash and votes.  Watch and listen to what Natalie has to say:

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

The Fourth of July Meaning is lost on the American IPhone Generation

Most young Americans don’t really understand the significance of the Fourth of July beyond fireworks and a holiday.  They don’t seem to understand or care that this was the day a brave and emerging nation said no to extortionate taxation, big government and tyranny.
As long as this generation have their IPhones, IPads and filled Starbucks cup life is beautiful.  They are far more concerned with manufactured, no talent celebrities of today’s mindless reality television shows than the heroes that made their comforts possible.
They more than willingly line up at every airport like frightened sheep for the government goons hired by TSA.  The IPhone generation, just don’t see the staggering loss of Liberty anymore than Germany’s population did in1933.  They certainly don’t understand what drove the brave American heroes of 1776 to stand up against tyranny instead of simply cooperating with their government.
The Drug War and the War on Liberty have destroyed our hard won freedom over the last five decades.  We are being taxed at a rate that would be absolutely unimaginable to the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 
In the last 236 years, ambitious lawmakers have manufactured every possible kind of exception to our precious Bill of Rights.  Today they are viewed as counter-productive to public safety and security or some relic of history that’s no longer needed. 
Politicians have brainwashed the IPhone Generation into believing that government can make all of their most important personal decisions for them. 
Frankly the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that a complacent population would someday allow liberty and freedom slip away.  They gave us the right to keep and bear arms and free speech.  Our politicians have curbed these rights as dangerous.  Today speech against government is considered Hate Speech.
The second Amendment was intended to be especially dangerous to despotic politicians.   Our founding fathers absolutely intended for the population to replace ballots with bullets whenever liberty was threatened.  
Our founding fathers made sure that every public official would be required take an oath to support, defend and protect the Constitution before they could hold office.   The IPhone Generation simply turns their eyes away when our politicians tamper with liberty.
The IPhone Generation must not care much about their children. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers!

Chicago, IL—Over the last seven years blogging has become popular with many Americans including Windy City cops. Blogs have broken news that media organizations simply wont report.

Having spent the last 24 years as a freelance TV news producer I learned the primary reason that important stories go untold and published. Journalists all think they need cooperation from politicians, bureaucrats and government in order to report news. In fact journalists beg for exclusive tips on government activities like police crackdowns, raids and important crime stories. The payoff for the tips comes in important exposure and glad-handing for certain self-serving accomplishments real or imagined. That, along with killing any unflattering stories.

Reporters can’t seem to develop independent information sources and wrongly think without government official’s help they would be unable to report on government at all. Very few reporters have the courage to become persona non-gratia with any government agency. The unwritten rule is to never make the government Gods angry. If you make them angry you must be able to destroy them or they will punish you for eternity.

Bloggers have little to lose especially ones run by anonymous writers. They can say nearly anything they like without interference or repercussions. Mainstream media types can only dream about having such freedom to report whatever they chose.

Chicago’s politicians and bureaucrats have suffered many embarrassments at the hands of cop bloggers. A WBBM-TV reporter caught the public cowardice of former Superintendent Jody Weis on tape by accident. The cop bloggers and others commenting on these sites were unmerciful and unforgiving as they exploited this story.

Second City Cop had already named Weis, J-Fed because of his past employment with the FBI. After the incident he was quickly renamed J-Fled for his lack of valor. How embarrassing is that? The real problem was that SCC get’s well over 10,000 hits per day but that includes nearly every cop, crime reporter and the others involved in any form of public safety.

Detective Shaved Longcock is another wildly popular cop blogger here that has been absolutely fearless in his open discussions of the out-of-control Black on White crime. He like SCC has ridiculed department brass for their ineffectiveness and incompetence.

The identities of these two bloggers have not been publically established and if they were unmasked they would quickly be made to disappear by their victims.

Personally I share the disdain for the criminal mob running Chicago’s government. I’ve long ago parted ways with the Chicago Police Department and am totally free to blog under may own identity. Any current department members would be crazy to reveal themselves. They would be framed, fired and destroyed at a minimum.

The Chicago Police Department just promulgated a new General Order to its membership regarding blogging or posting on Social Media. It effectively outlaws posting anything not officially approved by the department. The penalty for disobedience is termination from employment. I guess the First Amendment has passed away in my hometown.

This action against the bloggers is the greatest compliment because had they been insignificant and ineffective they’d not have been outlawed.

I’d like to hope that the First Amendment would prevail and the slime running the city would behave themselves a little better. They have targeted the bloggers for total elimination with the new anti-blogging edict.

I’m here to say if my cop blogging colleagues somehow vanish, there will be many more to take their place. Chicago cops know that I will be happy to expose waste, fraud or mismanagement by any Chicago official. They also know that I will relentlessly attack the monster until it’s dead.

Department members have spouses and children that use the Social Media too. The department can’t also claim any jurisdiction over those close to cops that dare to blog.

Update: SCC has hit a speed bump and has gone dark for 24 hours, but that turned out to be a personal issue and not an end to the flow of information. Welcome Back SCC!

The General Order is Below:

The City of Chicago Declared War on Cop Bloggers

Friday, February 03, 2012

Please Don’t Invite Me To The Super Bowl!

Indianapolis, IN—If someone offered me free first class air transportation, the best hotel room, meals and seats on the Super Bowl 50 yard line, I’d pass on the opportunity.

I resent lining up like a sheep for some jerk demanding I submit to a search like a criminal. I quit going to any event in any venue where people are required to waive their liberty and privacy.

The fact that the NFL can fill a stadium with people willing to submit to this form of Tyranny tells me that the American spirit and love for freedom is dead.

There are those morons that will sigh and say, “But now we live in different times with the terrorism…” To that I say hogwash! We went through a Civil War, World Wars I and II without accepting a Police State.

They’ve had terrorism, bombs and explosives throughout the history of the United States. I don’t object to vigilant security just stay out of my pockets! No metal detectors, body scans or X-Rays for me thank you!

Americans have been brainwashed into believing there is a need to jettison freedom and our hard won Bill of Rights. We need to stand up and reject this trend because it gets worse by the second. If the NFL was unable to sell or even give away tickets and the airlines began to fly empty planes everywhere we'd see our privacy and dignity returned.

I always refuse jury duty because they demand I volunteer for a search before I enter the courthouses. I send a quick letter saying I will serve but won’t submit to the frisking and always get excused.

It's such a paradox that the games always begin with the Star Spangled Banner. We are after all in the land of the enslaved and in the home of total cowards.

Stand up America! I think it’s already too late…

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I Brought My Gun to High School, Nobody Died!

Chicago, IL—The do-gooder and government nannies have prevailed to make America into a police state. They have increased violence through a series of laws that have made drugs and gun violence fashionable by simple prohibition.

In our world anything that’s good is fun, fattening or illegal. The law steps in and makes things more desirable through simple curiosity. Guns, drugs, sex and violence become glorified as the status of these things are raised by those in government with wild imaginations that believe freedom is somehow dangerous.

It was West Side Story, the great Jerome Robbins musical not reality that caused a massive legislative movement that outlawed switchblade knives. Simply think, what’s more dangerous, a unsheathed hunting knife or a little switchblade? That switchblade must first reliably open to be deployed. Which would have the stronger and more deadly blade? The answer is obvious this was a non-problem “fixed” through unnecessary law.

I brought my rifle and a box of 50 rounds of ammunition to Chicago’s Senn High School every week and no animals or children suffered. When I was drafted into the Army to defend my country I was better off for being a member of my Jr. ROTC rifle team.

What would happen today if I took two CTA buses with a cased rifle and entered my old high school? It would make national news for sure.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Illinois and the War on Gun Rights

Chicago, IL—It began here in 1968 after the assassinations of Senator Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Some people actually believed that restrictive gun laws would somehow prevent criminals from committing murders. They began a campaign in earnest to repeal the Second Amendment. A one-sided propaganda war was waged by the Liberal media.

Gun-rights haters created a media crisis out of those two killings that were the result of a somewhat divided nation. The Viet Nam War was an American loyalty test. Americans including Kennedy and King failed that test as they chose to support the Communist regime of North Viet Nam rather than those seeking freedom. That as people actually spat upon our young military veterans as they returned home from that war.

The gun rights haters turned their scorn on gun owners and did all they could to label them as disturbed, dangerous and violent. They spread a phony message that guns were only meant for one thing, killing. People believed the phony propaganda, not taking into account all the violence prevented and lives saved because law-abiding people were armed. The mere display of a gun has sent many a cowardly predator running for their lives without a single shot being fired.

Gun ownership became politically incorrect and was barely tolerated for those horrible hunters that want to thrill-kill helpless game animals. The gun haters will never take the time to understand conservation and the reality that we have healthy game in America because of the hunters.

Mayor Richard J. Daley spearheaded the gun legislation with a state Firearm Owner’s Identification card and total, but free gun registration. Daley and the other politicians promised that they’d never charge for the Registration. Gun owners of course knew that was just another lie.

The U.S. Supreme Court soon ruled twice that convicted felons cannot be charged with failure to register themselves or guns! The Court held that making felons fill out registration forms violated their Constitutional rights against self-incrimination since they can’t possess a gun in the first place. The entire reasoning for the new gun laws went right out the window!

The gun laws were enacted and the law-abiding gun owners followed them religiously. Criminals were emboldened by the campaign they knew would protect them as the robbed, raped and murdered. Almost to the day the laws were passed violent crime and murder of cops began to skyrocket.

Mayor Daley also appointed the first ever Gun Czar, General Francis P. Kane of the Illinois National Guard. Kane promised to help bring an end to gun violence as he enjoyed his ability to hold news conferences and display weapons seized from Chicagoans.

Chicago police began seizing weapons with little or no excuse. If the person wanted their gun returned they’d have to hire a lawyer and sue. The cost to recaim a gun was much more than that of the gun itself. Thousands of guns were taken without anyone being convicted of anything at all.

Apparently the new Gun Czar liked the seized weapons and began a curious program where he begun using them for training National Guard soldiers. Kane helped himself to thousands of seized guns.

Chicago police soon ran into something very interesting. They would arrest gang members with guns and the guns had tiny numbers etched into them that read for example, F-68179. That was identical to what the Chicago police crime lab would do to nearly every seized gun! Guns were being recovered that had already been processed by the Chicago police crime lab! Some of the guns surfaced in new homicides!

It turned out that the new Gun Control Czar had a side business of selling the seized guns to Chicago street gangs! They indicted him under state charges and he never spent a minute in jail after they plead him out to a minor crime. Daley never filled the vacant Gun Czar position again.

The useless gun laws became a way of life. The push for more bans succeeded in the City of Chicago as in other areas. Violence increased with each new ban!

During the late 1980’s and 1990’s serious research was done on gun laws and crime statistics. Florida State University professor Gary Kleck and University of Chicago Professor John Lott found some amazing things about American gun laws!

Kleck found that millions of serious crimes were stopped by law-abiding gun owners without shot being fired. Police only recorded the rare times gun-owners shot criminals. When criminals were shot by victims or cops, police always included the justifiable shootings as either homicides or criminal wounding events.

Lott found that in jurisdictions with heavy personal gun ownership there was less crime! Lott’s book, More Guns Less Crime documents the abject failure of gun laws and gun bans in America to do more than create a population of unarmed victims for criminals.

In the late 1980’s some states like Florida passed laws giving the law abiding the right to carry concealed firearms. Many other states relaxed these laws and the right to carry is now guaranteed in all but a few states.

The states began to carefully watch the permit holders. The permit holders have an exemplary record for their conduct. There were a few suspensions and revocations for people who lied about their past or people who used justifiable force who were arrested.

Those, use of force cases were usually decided in favor of the permit holder and the permits were returned. Right to carry has not had an adverse impact on crime or violence. The violence in the Right to Carry States never increased and in most cases decreased.

Right to carry has leveled the playing field for the law-abiding. They now have a chance to fight and survive. The gun bans have proven one thing and that’s that only the law-abiding obey them. Gun control works well against the law-abiding and has no effect on criminals.

Remember the Fourth Amendment prevents police from searching people, their cars and homes for weapons.

Illinois is at a crossroads of sort. Right to carry legislation is becoming popular there too. The Supreme Court’s Heller and McDonald cases have made it clear, that state and local governments must not infringe on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Bear as in carry!

No politician or appointed political hack should ever have the power to interfere with the right of an American for defend, himself, family or country. That right was given to us by our creator.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Insuring Our Freedom One Video at a Time

Chicago, IL-Many of my blog visitors want to get in on the act of providing information to the world about important matters.

It is easier and cheaper than ever to capture and edit video. Cheap Flip HD style cameras are everywhere but with just a little additional effort you can make them watchable and tell the story through simple editing and narration.

Don’t ramble on as you shoot video about what you see but instead add the narration during editing. Trust me, you will sound more intelligent. Of course you can add a stand-up where you face the camera and give a 15-20 second sound bite.

Stay wide with the lens and move close to the subject you’re shooting. You will get much better audio especially with the on camera microphones. Avoid the zoom feature whenever possible.

Take the time to shoot the action holding the camera very still and keeping the camera recording. I does not cost you money to keep the camera rolling like in the days of expensive film and processing. Every shot should be held for no less than 20 seconds.

We all see government waste, dangerous conditions and criminal events. When in doubt shoot the video. Don’t be in a hurry to delete it either.

Most government bureaucrats hate video cameras because they know their misconduct, rudeness and waste will haunt them if captured.

The Flip cameras are small so there is no reason to ever be without one on your person. If you don’t yet know how to edit video get help from someone trustworthy. There are thousands of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to edit and upload video for the world to see.

Camera phones work but their images are not up for good viewing. Stick to the HD digital video cameras rather than even the I-phone cameras.

Get that video up on a favorite blog, hopefully, Of course you may even create your own.

He who controls the information controls the world. Dictators always could control the information in the past. Now they have to turn off the Internet to silence their critics. The people now have the power to get vital information out with little or no filtering.

YouTube has been trying to control content by pulling videos that their employees don’t like, but there are other sites. You can also put the same video up on hundreds of sites similar to YouTube. They won’t all remove something controversial. Put your video up on Facebook and ask your friends to share it with their friends.

Don’t be the one to say, “Shucks, I wish I had my camera with me for this!”

Keeping the flow of information open keeps government in check. Report on government misconduct whenever possible. Homeland Security is asking for people to inform on their neighbors. Why inform anything to Homeland Security when you can inform the world about Civil Rights abuse by Homeland Security?

Just the threat of exposure because of the proliferation of cameras helps keep the government in check.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Conservative Hate and Vitriol Fueled the Tucson Massacre

Tucson, AZ—Let me fist say that the vile shooting at Gabrielle Giffords’ meet and greet event at a supermarket was not a political shooting. There is clear and convincing evidence that the accused shooter Jared Lochner is seriously disturbed and incompetent to make a rational judgment.

Lochner’s writings show that he somehow thought people in the government were controlling his mind. Lochner’s personal politics were Leftist. We are slowly discovering that Lochner was a victim of a failed mental health system that did not act when it became clear he was suffering.

A Moderate “Blue Dog” Democrat like Giffords or Judge John Roll, appointed by George H.W. Bush, were hardly the targets for any Conservative Americans. There are however many Socialists in our government that may well deserve that kind of fate for their attacks on Liberty.

Now the mouthpieces of the Far Left are suggesting that hate and vitriol from Conservatives is somehow the cause of the Tucson shooting. Free speech is the spoiler of every Socialist government and they want it curbed. They want only approved political voices to be heard, their own. Any speech but their own is hate speech. Hating Conservatives does not count as hate in their books.

The Second Amendment was created by our founders to deal with tyranny and corrupt government. That means it is justifiable to kill despotic public officials. Most people consider the brave German men that plotted to kill Adolph Hitler and other high ranking Nazis on July 20, 1944 as heroes.

Our own country has a history rich with bloodshed as the price of Liberty and Freedom. Humans by nature hate bondage and government abuse. There are humans that feel a need to enslave and control others. Those are the basic ingredients for violent war in our world.

To pretend that the corruption of our Constitution is some political disagreement not deserving of a violent reaction by Americans is ludicrous! Politicians that plunder taxpayers and initiate slavery must be stopped by ballots or bullets. Too many politicians have gotten away with too much for too long in history and the result is always the same, a human holocaust. Past is prologue, and despots everywhere are deserving of a stiff swing on the gallows.

Americans have seen their schools and health-care system destroyed by illegal aliens who allowed to plunder entitlements. That was facilitated by rogue government officials who broke the law of the land by obstructing justice.

Americans have seen a recession aggravated by Socialists in our government destroying our free market with bailouts to mismanaged and corrupt businesses. Americans have seen laws put in place that violate the 13th Amendment by enslaving them and future generations.

Americans have taken to speech and assembly to redress their grievances to an unresponsive government. The next step is simply not more speech but action as we saw in 1776 and again during our Civil War.

The Second Amendment is one of the tools our founders gave us, to preserve, defend and protect our Constitution. Our Bill of Rights is not open to negotiation outside of the amendment process. Politicians that wish to amend the Constitution by a simple vote in Congress or a 50 percent plus one vote need to understand the bayonet may find and kill them.

Americans must be free to voice their hate of tyranny. One half of a population cannot enslave the other half without bringing violence. Politicians must simply avoid efforts to steal liberty or they may well face justifiable assassination.

Monday, December 13, 2010

YouTube Vows to Remove Videos Deemed Extreme

I guess it was going to happen since Internet free speech is just too free. People are using YouTube to suggest violence as a way to deal with government tyranny. YouTube will resolve complaints by viewers of political content that suggest those routine and historical ways to preserve freedom. YouTube has said they will begin disabling accounts. This is a simple and pure effort to tightly control Americans, and YouTube and its Google parent are taking sides against thought and speech.

Free speech is considered by too many in this world as too powerful a tool for Americans to possess. Every criminal political regime in history has found it necessary to control thought and speech. YouTube should butt out and simply let the law and our courts decide what’s over the top rather than become a part of a repressive political force. Perhaps this is a move by Google to gain favor with impending regulation via the so-called and misnamed, Net Neutrality Internet control effort by the Socialists in our government.

Had our own founding fathers been able to use the Internet, YouTube would have shut them down for doing things like organizing the Boston Tea Party. Yes, the Boston Tea Party was a violent event where Americans forcibly and ferociously entered the Kings ships and destroyed his property. Today, YouTube would side with King George.

Tyranny by government is always an honorable reason and catalyst for revolution. Governments have proven themselves to be prolific mass murderers redundantly throughout history. Any government that restricts freedom, including our own should be stopped in its tracks by whatever means is necessary including deadly violence. Failure to take action only invites more repression.

What’s past is prologue
and history books are filled with horror stories like The Third Reich. Adolph Hitler started out with a role model benevolent political image, but things quickly changed when they gave him absolute power. Hitler did his nastiest deeds in secret and quickly executed anyone trying to expose them. Any government on earth is a heartbeat away from becoming a danger to their own population.

When government becomes more powerful than the citizens is when things become dangerous. Speech, movement, arms possession and other controls slowly ratchet up under every rogue government. Anyone suggesting freedom restriction must be viewed as nothing less than an enemy of America and its founding principles. Violence is a just and reasonable alternative when the politicians turn a deaf ear to the demands for freedom by their subjects.

Over the last two years we saw a rogue administration defy the wishes of the majority of the population. Despite major demonstration and nationwide polling results the Obama Administration turned a deaf ear to America. Americans strongly objected to Socialist style bailouts, nationalization of businesses and the takeover of the health care and insurance industries. The Socialists and Communists in our government turned against the people.

Thankfully we had an election that jettisoned many enemies of the American form of government and way of life from our Capital building. There are still too many Communists and Socialists in our government and of course the Whitehouse.

Free speech is a way for all Americans to have a say in just government impacts them and their families. Long live FREE SPEECH and those with the courage to exercise it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Scrap the TSA? The TSA Revolt! What’s Next?

Washington, DC—The government managed to get it all backwards. Instead of making war on terror they made war on American passengers.

Okay, we all know that terrorist and criminal acts have happened in our skies. What do we do without surrendering our dignity and freedom to stop the terror? The answer is really not that difficult.

First you disband the entire TSA. The whole outfit was created for a corrupt mission to violate the Civil Rights of Americans under our Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

The argument that Americans can avoid the warrantless searching by staying off airplanes is ludicrous. People have to travel to earn a living and many other necessities. Passengers are forced into submitting to illegal searches and that’s un-American.

Have we forgotten about the cemeteries we’ve filled with the bones of millions patriots we sent to protect our freedom including the Fourth Amendment? Instead we have acted exactly like the nations that we fought against over the past 233 years.

Here is the proper way to deal with Airline security:

You create a police force made of trained street cops. These people must be hired strictly qualifications and not through patronage or government casting couches. They should be the Air marshals and program administrators.

You have them set of the program under these simple guidelines:

All pilots must be trained and armed at all times. All vetted, trained and sworn police officers and commercial pilots, whether on or off-duty and be given full authority to fly armed and protect the planes.

Pairs of sworn police officers must roam every plane boarding area to profile passenger behavior. Street cops would know what to look for that might warrant further investigation. Federal funds should be used to hire local police not federal officers for the airports.

We must simply end allowing convicted violent felons, illegal aliens and anyone flying on a passport from an unfriendly nation to ever board our aircraft.

We can respect the Constitutional Rights of all Americans and have meaningful security at the same time.

Watch how one TSA baggage screener broke TSA rules and the law in an effort to prevent me from lawfully shooting video at LAX airport. Had she not stopped her assault on me I’d have thrown that miserable bitch down a long flight of concrete stars from the upper level of Terminal Two. She learned quickly I was serious.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Crimefile Salutes Veteran’s Day

Washington, DC—So many brave Americans have answered their call to duty to insure our Freedom and way of life. Enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights are everywhere including in our Whitehouse today. As these enemies work to oppress and enslave they must be stopped.

Veterans sacrificed their lives and limbs so Americans need not surrender their liberty, privacy and dignity to government tyrants and thugs.

Despots everywhere are so desperate for absolute power that there are no limits to their treachery. Stopping them has killed and maimed many millions of our military heroes in the past and will in the future.

Today is the day we honor both the veteran and the resolve we all made made to fight and die for our fellow American’s freedom.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We have a National Emergency, Suspend the Income Tax!

I can’t imagine what these politicians are thinking. They are shelling out billions in unemployment and welfare benefits bankrupting America.

We send them our money to redistribute back to us as handouts. That never made sense. I say Suspend all personal income tax withholdings for Americans. Suspend all requirements for quarterly tax payments from businesses that will not lay off employees.

Americans can accept lower paying jobs if there are no withholdings. Businesses will finally thrive. That will stimulate the economy. That will return confidence and productivity. That will sell homes, cars and the goods we make. How many homes can we save from foreclosure this way?

It’s not the way of Karl Marx or Barack Obama. It should happen but it just won’t happen.

Perhaps it will happen if American patriots take up arms against an oppressive government. It worked in 1776 and will work again today. What will it take to make Americans angry enough to act?

Should we wait for abject homelessness and starvation? We don’t need the government to help us, the government is the problem. The government is at war with the American people. The spoils of that war, has made 535 members of Congress millionaires with the best health benefits on earth.

Short of taking up arms Americans certainly can stop feeding the Socialist monster our money. Perhaps the bastards in Washington need to know who pays the bills. It is certainly not the supporters of Barack Obama. It’s hardworking Americans who can vote by refusal. If government can’t pay their tax collectors, how are they going to stop uncooperative Americans? Either the government can suspend the income tax or we can do it for them.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I want to tell you all there is light peeking out at the end of the tunnel. Barack Obama is losing favor fast with the media and independent voters. His poll numbers are in the toilet waiting to be flushed.

Obama’s treason is beyond obvious now as he furiously has set about to destroy America’s free enterprise, economy and currency. His obvious goal is to replace it with a failed socialist model. I have serious doubts that Obama will be permitted finish his first and last term in our Whitehouse.

Americans have educated themselves about freedom, liberty and how we obtained it. They are also learning that keeping freedom is a constant struggle that requires blood to be shed from time to time.

We have had two great victories in the Supreme Court on our sacred right to keep and bear arms.

Please don’t become complacent. We must always let our politicians know that treason is very hazardous to their health and very life. Let freedom Ring!

Friday, July 02, 2010

Say Farewell To Gun Laws! The Floodgates are Open!

Madison, WI—The DA will be rejecting prosecution of state laws that infringe on gun rights in view of the McDonald decision handed down by the Supreme Court on Monday.

Jackson County District Attorney Gerald R. Fox said in a statement he will no longer prosecute Wisconsin's prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons, transporting uncased or loaded guns in vehicles, carrying guns in public buildings and taverns and carrying switchblades and butterfly knives. He said the Supreme Court's ruling renders those statutes unconstitutional.

Wisconsin has had some of the most restrictive gun laws on the books in the country. In recent years concealed weapons were legalized twice by the state legislature only to be vetoed by the governor.

Fox is correct in his assessment and won’t be a party to civil rights violations as a result. Of course other government officials will find themselves on the defendant’s side of courtrooms all over the country.

We can look for lots of judges to dismiss cases and prosecutors refusing them simply because they are following their oaths and the law of the land.

Criminals beware! The days of gun bans and Gun free Zones are happily coming to an end in America.

Here is Fox’s press release on the matter:

Monday, June 21, 2010

Chicago Politicians Are Conspiring To Violate Your Civil Rights

Chicago, IL—Chicago’s politicians know the Chicago Gun Ban violates the Constitution of the United States. They know that the Supreme Court will shoot down the ban one week from today.

The Chicago City Council is openly exploring schemes to violate Chicagoan’s rights with infringements prohibited by the Second Amendment. They intend to make as many laws as they can to unlawfully demand special training, extortionate registration fees, and any other roadblocks to the right of law abiding Chicagoans to defend themselves, families and property.

Their goal of these outlaws is not public safety but simple anti-government refusal to follow the law of the land.

The arrogance of Chicago’s politicians must be met with any and all efforts to stop their criminal insurrection.

Cops have to remember their oaths that begin with supporting, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States.

Chicagoans can simply start with a call to the Chairman of the City Council Police and Fire Committee, Alderman Anthony Beale (312-744-4000). Tell him he will be punished to the fullest extent of the law for violating your civil rights.

Follow that call up with calls to Mayor Richard M. Daley and Alderman Edward Burke (312-744-4000) who are behind this criminal conspiracy.

The sad part here is Chicago’s taxpayers will be the ones victimized as they are forced to pay for litigation and civil payouts to people whose rights get violated

An Update: The Gun Ban is proving its value as it has facilitated lots of violent armed criminals to victimize the unarmed and helpless. So far police report eight dead among 52 shot across city over weekend. That does not include the beatings and stabbings.