Los Angeles, CA—Uber has
taken the taxi business to new highs or perhaps lows. The convenient but overpriced service you
order and pay for on your smartphone has suddenly banned firearms both drivers
and passengers.
The right of self-defense is
not something politicians or corporate suits can abridge. Our creator gave us
the gift of fear and the instinct for survival. We are all alive because most
of us understand threats, danger and
that injury or death is no option.
Some of us have had charmed lives always living and working in safe places where behavior is civilized. Others have had to live and work where rape,
robbery and murder is a reality. Some of us understand the need to be prepared for self-defense much better than
Uber decreed their fleet of vehicle
as “Gun Free” with a press release and a prayer. Do they really think their policy is somehow enforceable? I suppose if they find out a gun somehow was
in possession of a passenger or driver they can try and retaliate somehow. If a gun was used by a driver or passenger to end a violent crime, who
would give a rat’s ass what Uber thought about it?