Showing posts with label illegal immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illegal immigration. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Urgent Need for Mass Deportations: Ending the Illegal Alien Crisis

From January 20 onward, immigration policy will descend into organized chaos. The consequences of allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens to flood into our nation are undeniable and catastrophic. The Biden administration’s reckless policies have exacerbated this crisis, leaving America on the brink of collapse.

The Overwhelming Burden of Illegal Aliens

Let’s be clear: these individuals are illegal aliens, not “undocumented immigrants” or “economic refugees.” Most entered the country unlawfully, bringing with them immense challenges. Nearly all are unskilled, illiterate, and impoverished, creating a strain on every facet of American life.

Illegal aliens arrive with untreated illnesses and injuries, taxing our already overburdened healthcare system. With no health insurance, their medical care is funded by taxpayers, diverting resources away from law-abiding Americans. Along with these burdens, they bring cultural norms that often conflict with American values, including higher rates of sexual violence and intolerance fueled by ideologies like radical Islam.

Economically, the impact is devastating. The Biden administration’s response has been to print unbacked currency to provide financial assistance to these individuals, further driving inflation and eroding the middle class. Our Social Security system—funded by hardworking Americans—is now at risk of collapse as illegal aliens, who have never contributed, strain its resources.

Schools are overcrowded, housing is in crisis, and America’s poor are left competing with illegal aliens for limited resources. The betrayal by socialist labor unions, which have undermined wages and benefits for their own members to cater to political agendas, only deepens the harm.

The Violence Brought by Illegal Aliens

Illegal aliens have brought an undeniable rise in crime. Many are former prisoners or individuals with untreated mental health issues. Every day, innocent Americans are killed, raped, or maimed by illegal aliens who never should have been allowed to cross our borders.

The Only Solution: Immediate and Total Deportation

The only viable solution is mass deportation. All illegal aliens must be removed without exception. Those who claim to be victims must take their grievances to the Biden administration, which created this crisis. America cannot afford to continue shouldering this burden.

A Call to Action for Every American

Every patriotic American has a role to play in resolving this crisis. Do not hire illegal aliens. Do not provide them shelter or support. Instead, demand that they return to their home countries and apply for legal entry through the proper channels. Our nation has a front door for immigration, and it must be respected.

Temporary internment camps may be necessary to house those who refuse to leave voluntarily. While such measures may seem harsh, they are the inevitable result of their unlawful actions. Those who entered illegally brought this discomfort upon themselves.

Closing Thoughts

This is not just an immigration crisis; it is a fight for America’s survival. If we fail to act decisively, illegal aliens will continue to erode our nation’s security, economy, and identity. Every American must demand immediate enforcement of our immigration laws and the swift deportation of every illegal alien. Our future depends on it.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Is Civil War Returning to America?

Washington, DC—We are a divided nation like never before or at least since the North and South rained carnage on each other not that long ago. 

Donald Trump won the election promising an end to importing crime, drugs, poverty and terrorism through a castrated immigration control system.  The Leftists politicians (that includes both Bush Presidents) never had enough votes to repeal immigration laws so they simply obstructed justice and willfully refused to enforce it.
From Gun rights, free medical care demands and the Global Warming theory, the Left and Conservatives are at constant odds.  

We settled it with an election that Donald Trump won. However the Left can’t emotionally deal with losing and are taking to the streets in some cases like thugs.  It’s laughable as they are all shooting cell phone video of each other’s bad behavior. 

The political venom is getting worse everyday.  The Left is well known for using violence as a political tactic.  It’s only a matter of time before the Soros funded agitators begin arson, bombing and shooting.  The violence will be contained in the larger populated cities where rioters will burn their own homes along with the local businesses they need. 

The police with somehow deal with this with little support from their Leftist mayors and local politicians. It could become an epic mess.

As for the rest of the nation the well armed and trained civilians will backup the cops and National Guard easily crushing the undisciplined and untrained Leftist troublemakers should they try and leave the cities.  

As for a coup d’e tat it just ain’t gonna happen!  The military and police will never side with the Leftists.

In short, a Civil War would simply control the population of the political Left in a big and messy way.    

The real solution of for the Leftists to get back on their meds and calm down.  They need to work within the system and help make this country the greatest place on earth.  

We all must all strive to support each other making sure no innocents suffer.  We all want full employment, health insurance and peace for all. 

Conservatives like me just want our guns, religion and wallets left alone. Communism/Socialism does not work. 

The followers of the political Left should begin to study the ideas of our Founding Fathers.  History is the best teacher.  Join the Conservatives because they’re the ones working for peace and humanity.  Let’s move forward working together in a united and freedom loving nation. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Why Donald Trump Will Be The Next President

Los Angeles, CA--Those with less than honorable motives have distorted real public opinion on the immigration issue for decades.
Now comes Donald Trump.  He has vowed to remove all the immigration trespassers. This will bring him a landslide of votes from both parties.  For sure he will get the Conservatives that have not had a candidate worthy of voting for, for decades!
When you examine the issues like I have you will see why Trump can’t lose! 
The single largest offender has been the major media that took the route of faux political correctness aiding the political Left. 
Communism and Socialism can only survive with an unproductive, ignorant and needy majority lower class. Needless to say without out those votes those two evil political cancers would die.
The obscene profits of large businesses are somewhat protected by a massive force of cheap labor.  Job competition always depresses wages. Big business supports the political campaigns of every pro-Amnesty Republican.  Money talks and nearly all of our whore politicians are listening.
Why does Immigration Amnesty seem to be the only solution anyone can think or talk about to deal with this problem? 
That answer is simple, Congress knows only too well that the voters don’t support a change to federal immigration laws! 
Illegal immigration has brought us massive, ignorance, poverty, illegal drugs, violent crime and diseases that we had eliminated on our soil long ago.  There is just no getting away from those facts.
Our jails and prisons are loaded with immigration trespassers that have committed really despicable crimes. We really can’t afford this.
Health care: 
Our entire healthcare system has been undermined and destroyed by many millions of border trespassers.  Their diseases, massive childbirth explosion, violent criminal activities have inundated emergency rooms everywhere. 

Those $20 aspirins and Band-Aids is nothing more than the insured and paying patients subsidizing freeloading illegals.
Primary Education:
The invasion of non-English speaking illegals has likewise devastated our public schools.   The quality of American education has been sadly diminished every year.  This is intolerable.
Nobody wants to see anyone homeless and hungry. Yes, our social agencies feed and house illegals.  Entitlement funding for our own poor was never intended feed the entire world. 
Who suffers the most from the invasion of illegal aliens?  Poor White, African-Americans and legal immigrants must fight for jobs and any entitlement scraps with the illegals.   This is usually a pro-Democratic voting block.  However they understand their plight and who is responsible for it.
Angry taxpayers, especially conservatives have really had enough of this immigration mess.  Republicans leaders have lied to them as the media has constantly fed them pure pro-illegal immigration propaganda. 
This is not about racism but law, structure and simply ending the massive hemorrhage of taxpayer’s money to trespassing freeloaders.
Our immigration policy has been nothing  less  than criminal obstruction of justice by public officials that have enabled this immigration disaster.
There is a solution to the immigration mess. Mexico is a corrupt and tyrannical government that has made an otherwise great country unlivable. That government must be overturned.  The Mexican people that want an American style economy and government must fight for it. 
We should support a Mexican revolution and then Mexico could succeed in building a great nation.  So great that they’d need a wall to keep us Gringos out!
One thing that would really help, would be by ending the Drug War.  Take the Drug profits away and that would destroy the current corrupt Mexican government in a day!
Many of the tresspassers will resist or hide but most will self-deport.   
I am in favor of allowing better legal immigration provided those allowed in have no diseases, criminal records and can read and write English.  No special preference should be given to Mexicans over those from other nations.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Immigration Announcement, Obama Double Speak at it’s Best

Washington, DC—Beginning with perennial and always empty promises of future border enforcement and deporting criminals, Barack Obama offered Amnesty and Green Cards to millions of border jumping trespassers.
Obama’s bogus claim that enforcement tears families apart is laughable since these families can simply stay together in the countries of their origin.  
Today Obama acted unlawfully and should be tried for Treason, jailed and impeached.
Immigration is not broken; enforcement is what’s broken.  It’s broken by the willful and criminal obstruction of justice and the refusal of officials to obey their oaths of office.
Our Congress shares blame here with its more than a hundred hard corps Socialists and Communists masked with Democrat and Republican Party labels.  Then you have corrupt Republicans thinking they’re helping big business campaign contributors with cheap labor.
Obama has opened the our doors wide for unbridled welfare, food stamps, free medical care and of course Obamaphones rewarding millions of law breakers.   
Educated and productive would be immigrants from Europe, Canada, India and other developed nations are pushed far behind the Mexican and Central American illegal immigrants seeking to work and live here.  That clearly violates and rights of equal protection.
There are still those trespassers that are already whining that  Obama’s dictate does not go far enough.
America’s politicians have allowed the illegals to gut our medical care, educational system to the detriment of America’s poor.
The biggest losers here are impoverished African-Americans that will be forced compete with the trespassers for jobs and entitlements.
We were once a nation of laws, however that has changed with our lawless president.  Immigration law and policy is the responsibility of Congress.  Today Obama has made himself a dictator.  Obama must be purged from our government. 

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Why Aren’t These Trespassers Marching in Mexico City?

Phoenix, AZ—I had to visit a client in the Maricopa County Jail who is charged with two unrelated murders of women.  When I got to the jail it was in a full state of lockdown because of a demonstration by as many as 4,000 illegal aliens and their families.  I had to wait for this foolishness to pass before the jail would reopen.
There was strong labor union sponsorship of this group’s presence on the downtown streets of this city.  The group was peaceful as the passed by with their signs and chants.  There were some glaring observations that I made of this group that threaten the economic status of America.
Our entire healthcare system has all but shut down because some 11 uninsured million illegal aliens can and do walk into any emergency room and demand full medical care.  We cannot afford to provide medical, educational, service for our own citizens but our politicians have forced us to pay a massive debt of Mexico and Central American trespassers.
If you look closely at the women of child-bearing age and you will see that nearly all of them are pregnant and have two or three children in tow.  They are not paying their own medical care costs.  These 4,000 demonstrators are sucking up millions of our tax dollars and now our some of our politicians want to give them every kind of welfare entitlement.  That will simply insure that the USA becomes a Third World Nation.
Communism can only survive with a massive population of ignorant, poor and miserably needy people.  That’s how they keep power to enslave the productive citizens.
Mexico has every natural resource of the USA.  They have two beautiful coasts and should thrive as well or better than we have done.  That’s impossible because they have a corrupt government that generates crime, poverty and ignorance.  Of course they export as much as they can to our nation as their upper educated a nd privileged society contributes nothing to their own poor.
If we really cared about these Mexican economic refugees we’d keep them out but support them in efforts to overthrow their own despotic government. If they did that right they could recreate Mexico with a Constitution like our own.  Within a few decades they could achieve greatness as a nation.  Soon they’d have to put up walls to keep us Gringo’s out of Mexico.  
Our illegal Mexican aliens have a problem.  Not only can’t they properly read and write English they are also illiterate in Spanish!  The Mexican government evades all responsibility for that human tragedy.  
By the way the Maricopa County Jail has a huge population of illegal aliens for very frightening violent crimes. Murder, rape, robbery and narcotics trafficking is what the misguided generosity of our politicians has imported.  That is both wrong and un-American.
Watch the hordes pass by.  This was about one third of the group. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Unintended Dangerous Consequences of Immigration Amnesty

Los Angeles, CA—In addition to the felons and mental patients we know about there are some 11,000,000 people that are forbidden to possess guns in America.  Illegal aliens are currently in the class of prohibited possessors.  Most of them are from Mexico or Central America.  
Things being the way they are we cannot determine these alien's criminal histories in their home nations.  Try getting criminal and mental health records from any of our Southern neighboring nations.  Background checks in that regard simply cannot be accomplished.  
If our government grants Green Card status or citizenship to the illegal aliens they will automatically be able to purchase, possess and carry firearms.  We will have no way of knowing if they have criminal records for wife beating, robbery, rape burglary, drug trafficking in their own countries.  How about the dangerous mentally ill among them?  It only makes sense that once criminals are discovered they will want to relocate where their recent past is far behind them. Coming to the USA is an obvious first choice. 
It is the political Left that is demanding amnesty for those that have trespassed into America.  It is the political Left that's been demanding full background checks on gun purchasers.  Here these two philosophies are colliding like speeding freight trains in the night.
Remember the political Left long ago put in lifetime gun bans for people convicted of a huge laundry list of crimes.  Here the illegal aliens are set escape whatever crimes they committed in the past like they never happened.  If you’re a dangerous illegal alien with amnesty you will suddenly have total legal access to firearms.  Of course if you are a natural born American citizen you will never have gun rights if you did something regrettable even as a juvenile and you’ve lived a clean life for decades.
Remember what George Orwell wrote in his book, Animal Farm, (under Socialism), “Some pigs are more equal than others.” 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

America’s Healthcare Crisis was a Created Disaster

Washington, DC—Despite claims of open government and transparency the Obama Administration put a bunch of unelected Left Wing lunatics in charge of reinventing healthcare and insurance.  They had a lot of things in mind bout none of them were about the rights of all Americans under our Constitution.
The Obamacare project or that Socialist conspiracy was passed into law by a congress that had admittedly not even read the massive legislative package.  The bill was passed on pure partisanship and 'faith'.  That alone should invalidate the whole mess.
Our Supreme Court will weigh in on this monster Thursday and it already looks as though it’s in for a well-deserved, massive rewrite. 
Now back to the real healthcare crisis at hand.  I said we have a created crisis.  We must examine just what we did that deprived Americans of affordable insurance and healthcare.  
The cost of healthcare has skyrocketed primarily during the last four decades when we through non-enforcement invited millions of criminals, poverty refugees and assorted trespassers to ignore our immigration laws. 
In America no hospital emergency room can turn the sick or injured away because they can’t pay or if they are illegal aliens.  That includes pregnant women about to give birth.  All of Central America knows this and have enjoyed free medical care for decades at the expense of all Americans.
Every medical bill sent to patients or insurance companies must be and is drastically inflated to cover those loses and to insure enough profit to keep hospital doors open. 
The other problem is that we insist upon treating the sick and injured that refuse to cease their sometimes incredibly risky behavior and health habits.  We just won’t say no to anyone.  It’s not fair to force insurance companies to cover drug addicts and violent criminals.  Of course we have a percentage of the population that is horrified of any thought of requiring personal responsibility.  
We must begin by returning Central America’s trespassing medical freeloaders back where they came from. 
I’m not anti-immigrant nor am I a racist.  Hundreds of thousands of aliens have earned their citizenship through military service.  I would not be opposed to a program that would allow the illegals to return to their countries of origin and apply for legal visas and eventually citizenship.  The ability to read and write English on a sixth grade level would be a reasonable entry requirement.  It’s legal immigrants that have made this country great.  
Our telephone systems also need to change.  Press one for English, or Two to get deported.
We should give serious preference to immigrants that can demonstrate skills and abilities that would keep them off the welfare rolls.
As for the so-called Dream Act concept of legitimizing those smuggled into America by their parents I am inclined to consider letting them stay based on school performance and excellent behavior.   Their parents on the other hand should be located and deported.  A Green Card and the path to citizenship must also come with a price such as honorable military service or some similar public service.
The open border Leftist propagandists have, deceptively redefined Immigration Reform.  We need reform all right, which is to reform our enforcement efforts, as Congress originally intended them.
As for American healthcare policy, we cannot begin to deal with this until after we reverse the damage done by millions of impoverished and ignorant trespassers.
Socialism can only exist with a massive percentage of the population being kept ignorant, dependent and poor.  It’s the Socialists that have infiltrated our government that are constantly engineering the failure of our free market and Capitalism.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Why We Have Pretend Border Security

San Diego, CA—There are security interests and vital border concerns for Mexico and America. The solutions offered by both nations are intentionally a total farce.

Mexico is awash with drugs, government corruption and incredible violence. The lucrative and insatiable illicit US drug market fuels it all.

The United States can’t control the addicted or their spending habits. The open border, guarantees the free flow of narcotics along with the criminals that bring them here.

Mexico’s officials have been whining that American gun rights, threatens their internal security. Thousands of weapons purchased by the Mexican government fall into the hands of their criminals. Add to it the efforts of the Obama administration to deliberately ship thousands of guns purchased from licensed American dealers to the same criminals and you have a massive mess.

Any claim that either nation’s governments want to repair this disaster is pure hogwash.

The cure is a simple one. Mexico and the US could cooperatively and tightly seal the border. Mexican criminals would be unable to deliver their drugs killing that illicit commerce. The flow of guns to Mexico would end but for the millions already stolen from the government over the last five decades.

Mexico and the United States could solve their problems with simple border security. The truth is the massive political corruption of both nations will never allow the interruption of the drug trade. We have a Drug War simply to insure drug trade profits.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Was it Immigration Injustice that motivated the Los Angeles Arson Fires?

Los Angeles, CA—We have an immigration law long on the books but we also have a government run by Communists and Socialists. These criminals simply obstruct justice by providing sanctuary for certain illegal immigrants.

Our officials allow for the tsunami style importation of crime poverty and drugs from all of Mexico and Central America. Additionally these same traitors have opened our borders to millions of Muslims from nations wanting to destroy us.

This engineered and illegal immigration policy has destroyed our health care and educational system by overloading it with Hispanic and Muslim freeloaders. Our “elected” insurgents are intentionally destroying our entire economy and our free market.

Most Americans are unaware that our Immigration policy is much different for English speaking, educated and wealthy Europeans wanting to live here. To begin with the Europeans follow our laws and cooperate with Immigration officials. For that, they are rewarded with instant deportation. It’s far more difficult for a European to immigrate to our soil even though they always pay their own way.

The 55 arson fires set in three short days may have been set by a German national over the treatment by our government of his mother. For me it is very understandable that this German fellow apparently used arson to call attention to the deportation of his elderly mother. I can’t forgive his crimes but understand the anger at the blanket discrimination against Europeans.

Our officials simply refuse to enforce and apply all immigration laws on an equal basis. The government assisted the massive Hispanic immigration invasion of our nation is for one reason alone. It’s to change the balance of values, culture and power to favor Socialism.

I don’t blame the immigrants. It was the insurgents and terrorists in our own government that have done all they could to succeed as they have in this bloodless coup d'état.

Now these same Communist insurgents have declared war on Americans, our freedom and way of life through the Patriot Act, TSA terror and the new government power of indefinite detention without trial of American citizens. They also ended the prohibition of the military performing police functions over Americans on their own soil. These are the tools of an iron fisted police state.

The victims of Nazi, Chinese, Soviet and Cambodian atrocities all cooperated and could not visualize what was happening to them. They failed to resist and that failure facilitated Holocaust after Holocaust. The time to resist government tyranny is now. Waiting for a political fix for tyranny never works. Tyrants must be severely punished right now or we will never have another chance.

You can simply cooperate your way to your death camp or you can stop the bastards cold in their tracks before they disarm and murder you. Our own government has given itself absolute power and our funding fathers are rolling over in their graves right now.

Suspect information and update:

An immigration official recognized the suspect from his mother's deportation hearing and notified the Sheriff's department and LAPD. He is being held on a $250,000.00 bail. His name is Harry Burkhart, 24. His DOB is 7/21/87 and he's due in court on Wednesday.