Showing posts with label hostage killed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hostage killed. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

LAPD Killing of Hostages is Reprehensible. Watch the Bodycam video!

Los Angeles, CA--LAPD Public relations people are spinning like a top to somehow sanitize their killing of a hostage.  Frankly they should have incapacitated or shot the offender dead before he was able to grab his innocent hostage.  Officers managed to actually kill the hostage with two misplaced rounds.  

The offender, a career piece of shit, deserved his fate. Could this be the result of cops being fearful of Leftist and minority political retaliation?  Did they wait until the situation was even more dire and out of control before they shot this bastard?  The LAPD officer's Marksmanship is way over-rated in movies and television!  Additional police training cost money that the Democratic City Administration would rather waste elsewhere instead.