Los Angeles, CA—Back when the
mainstream media had money the sensational hidden camera story was all the
rage. Ambiguous privacy laws, deep pockets
and lawyers changed the game, at least for well-healed broadcasters.
The days of big broadcasters
using hidden cameras has ended because of the omnipresent specter of expensive
The landmark case that
changed everything was in 1992 when ABC News, PrimeTime Live did a revealing
hidden video exposé of the Food Lion supermarket chain’s really disgusting meat
marketing deeds.
Food Lion was selling
outdated meat to unsuspecting shoppers.
ABC claimed the practice was a health hazard but allowed six months to
pass before airing their story for the industry sweeps time. I guess it wasn’t that serious of a health
threat after all.
It’s a safe bet that Food
Lion would never have let ABC News come unannounced in with cameras, inspectors
and reporters to show the public what they were actually buying. ABC News understood that and went in another
more sensational direction.
ABC resorted to a clandestine
route of deception, concealment and, of course the sneakycam. They infiltrated Food Lion with reporters,
spooks and spies to gather news and make history.
The truth is always a defense
against libel. Cameras seldom lie and
wining a libel award over a hidden camera piece would be unprecedented.
As it turned out this was not
about libel or for that matter the truth.
Instead it was about trespass, deceptive acts and invasion of privacy.
Food Lion went to their
lawyers who sued ABC and obtained a $5.5 Million jury verdict.
How does this impact today’s
citizen journalist, blogger or the opportunist that uses a concealed IPhone or
similar device to capture what might turn out to be a regrettable conversation
or performance?
ABC News had really deep
pockets, insurance and assets that Food Lion’s lawyers were confident in
seizing. Had some small group of video
vigilantes done the same thing, the lawyers would have had zero interest in
pursuing Food Lion’s claims.
I’m not saying that Food Lion
or anyone could not sue a citizen journalist, it just would be burdensome and a
giant time waster. If they did prevail
no jury would return such a large verdict against some vigilante with a camera.
Collecting even tiny
judgments against ordinary folks can be very challenging or even impossible.
There are however laws in
various states, about gathering audio or video that can be quite draconian and
punitive. Citizen journalists must be
very careful not to wind up charged with wiretapping type crimes.
The hidden camera
investigations are again making headlines.
The Mitt Romney Campaign my have
picked up several million new votes from his apparently candid remarks. Most Conservative voters could find little
difference between Obama and Romney. Now
they may take a chance in voting for a Liberal Republican. The effort to cripple the Romney campaign may
have backfired!