Showing posts with label hate crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hate crimes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Posters Cause Liberals to Panic In West Hollywood

West Hollywood, CA--This Morning inhabits of this predominately Gay city woke up this morning seeing these Shoot Back posters everywhere.  The send a strong and solid message of resistance to the horror show we now call, The Pulse Nightclub Massacre.

Reaction of panicked local politicians was quick as they ordered city workers to immediately remove them.  The politicians told the media that the posters were way out of character for their residents and sent the “wrong” message.  Wow!  I must ask if they are they really that candyassed? 
I know a lot of Gays, and yes they tend to be Liberal, but on the issue of self-defense they are divided.  There is a large pro-gunfights organization, The Pink Pistols that supports, protects and defends the simple words of the Second Amendment.  They have not lost their sense of self-preservation. 

What I’m horrified about is these same gunrights hating Gays demand that first responders place their lives on the line protecting them from harm!  I ask, why bother when these fools are so unwilling to protect themselves or each other! 

How brainwashed are these people that they have lost all instinct for simple survival. Gays have been the target of countless hate crimes and murders.  They are vulnerable and deserve protection but everyone has a responsibility to resist criminals, bullies and terrorists!  

My Gay friends are just that, my friends. I want then safe and free from harm.  That has to begin with their own sense of survival and desire to live.  

The police don’t have the manpower to begin to protect Americans from attacks by terrorists.  They will respond in time to clean up the mess. I implore my Gay friends to get firearms and the necessary training because their lives may depend upon that.  

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Indian Sikhs Murdered by American Ignorance, Misplaced Hate and Bad Laws.

Oak Creek,WI—I’m beyond sickened to hear about the carnage at the Sikh temple in this Milwaukee suburb.  Let me dare to presume the motive and cause behind this senseless tragedy.
I’m convinced that the killer was deranged and mistakenly assumed his targets were somehow radical Muslims bent on the destruction of Americans.   I’m sure he believed that the Whitehouse and many of our politicians have abandoned their duty to protect Americans from the very real radical Muslim threat.  The killer simply decided to murder his perceived demons. 
Sikhism is a somewhat new religion barely more than 500 years old.   It began in the Punjob region, as a bold movement by Indian Hindus that dared to separate from and renounced that religion. 
Sikhs believe in a supreme creator and have teachers called gurus that are life mentors.  Sikhs live by the Christian style, Golden Rule in every aspect of their life.   They are a kind and gentle lot that are incredibly generous to everyone they meet.  Unlike Muslims, Sikhs accept and embrace all other religions and people.
You also need to know that radical Muslims have committed Genocide and every conceivable atrocity against them and have persecuted Sikhs throughout their existence. 
Sikh men are not supposed to shave or cut their hair and are required to wear an identifiable turban along with a dagger called a kirpan.   The kirpan came as a result of a religious commandment given by Guru Gobind Singh
It was Guru Granth Sahib who taught that a Sikh must also have the courage to defend the rights of all who are wrongfully oppressed or persecuted irrespective of their color, caste or creed.
Sikhs have managed to distinguish themselves on the right side of every major world war or conflict.  I served with a fine Sikh Medical Corpsman in the U.S. Army in Germany who was drafted just like me.  Yes, he wore his beard an kirpan with the uniform!
Unfortunately Sikhs in America have all but abandoned their kirpans capitulating to our un-Constitutional laws banning the bearing of arms.  They rely on police for protection and sadly have relinquished much of their religious duty to defend themselves and others.  Too many Sikhs living here listen to our misguided politicians instead of their gurus in that regard. 
Let me be the first to encourage Sikhs living in America to again relearn the teachings of Gurus Gobind Singh and Granth Sahib.  These gurus were and are correct in their teachings.  The Sikhs that have chosen to live in America have the absolute right to keep and bear arms under our Constitution.  They still have all of their their religious and moral duty.
Let me tell you about the first known post 9/11 senseless murder of a Sikh in America.
In Mesa Arizona there was a fine Sikh family that settled here to persue the American dream.  It was the Singh Sodhi family.  Balbir Singh Sodhi owned a gas station and mini-mart and employed Both Americans and Mexican Americans.  Balbir wore his turban as he proudly and honorably served the people in his neighborhood.
Balbir was as horrified and indeed saddened as any American by the attacks by radical Muslims on September 11, 2001.  It was just a few days latter when a deranged lunatic, Frank Roque gunned down Balbir as he was working. 
Roque somehow believed he was heroic and wonderful for murdering what he thought was one of the Arab terrorists.  Roque was arrested tried and sentenced to death.  Later, the Arizona Supreme Court reduced that sentence to life without parole.  Balbir Singh Sodhi was yet another victim of the 9/11 attack
It was Balbir’s brother, Rena Singh Sodhi that told me about this crime through his tears just days later.  I met Rena as he was purchasing supplies for his restaurant at a Phoenix Costco store. 
Let me say I’m very close to a Sikh Family and have been for more than 40 years.  I have met many of their friends and have attended weddings and many other family functions with them.   I’m routinely their guest at the family estate in India and have toured the nation with them.  India is a safe and beautiful country where I’m always treated like visiting royalty. 
I have learned one thing about the Sikhs.  They may seem shy but if you need help anywhere in the world I will guarantee you that Sikh with the turban will do whatever he can to help and or protect you.  
I want to inform my blog visitors that they have a duty to protect Sikhs too.  As for my readers that are firearm trainers and such to please reach out to any Sikhs and take them to your local gun ranges.  You will be glad that you did.   

Friday, August 05, 2011

African-American Mobs of Thugs Terrorize and Beat Whites at State Fair

Milwaukee, WI—The Dairy state has always been more than generous with African- Americans since they came here in droves from their Southern birthplace to collect famously extravagant welfare benefits some 50 years ago.

African-Americans that migrated here went from being oppressed to being nurtured, tolerated and placed in the mainstream economically even if they did not seek employment. Today they still overwhelm the welfare rolls, jails and prisons. It’s not about skin color but the savage culture they’ve embraced. A huge segment of the African-American population thrives on hate, violence, thievery and drug abuse.

African-Americans have become a threat to the physical safety of White citizens in nearly every large city in America where they have a significant presence in the population. The latest flash mob attacks are racially motivated. The targets of the African-Americans are middle-class white people they overwhelm, beat, sexually molest and rob.

Yesterday the Wisconsin State Fair opened with scores of vicious and cowardly attacks on innocent White people by African-American mobs of thugs that rampaged through the midway and outside the grounds.

These events are contagious and malignant. White people need to take special precautions sine the media and government has failed to let them know about the danger in their zeal for political correctness. Ignoring the attacks invites more of the same.

The only cure for these violent African-Americans is a violent defensive response. Thugs can only cured by disabling injuries and death. White people must avoid African-Americans in large cities and they must take strong defensive measures when attacked. Failure to fight violence with violence will only further embolden the cowards further.

You must always remember the police are controlled by politicians that suck up to the African-American votes. The big city politicians don’t want it to been seen that they won’t tolerate Black misbehavior.

American cities are showing the same signs as South-African nations after the apartheid ended. Soon the land confiscations, beatings, arsons, murders, rapes and robberies drove the White survivors into exile.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Chicago’s African-American Youth is on the verge of Total Anarchy

Chicago, IL—They are calling them “Wildings”, the latest fad for idle young Blacks. They use texting and social networks to form large groups to take control of stores, businesses and now beaches. The plan is simple, to rob, beat and molest as many non-Blacks as they can.

Police resources are very slim and the thugs have easy and cheap transportation to the areas they have victimized. Make no mistake these are serious and violent hate crimes. Intended victims are justified in using deadly force to end attacks involving multiple offenders.

White Chicagoans should stay away from the Gold Coast, beaches, or other entertainment spots for the entire summer. The police can’t do much but write reports after the violence.

The news media and city officials are in a conspiracy of silence about this perhaps to avoid the fiscal ramifications a boycott would bring. They laughably shut the two most popular beaches claiming the heat injuries made them too dangerous. Nobody’s buying that propaganda. It was the African-American Wilding that made the beaches dangerous. Now the media has been forced to begin letting the truth escape the embargo.

The only real protection is provided by bad weather. The thugs don’t operate so well in the cold, wind and rain. If the weather’s nice take a trip to Lake Geneva, WI or perhaps, Ottawa, Illinois because these areas are generally safe. Skip the near North discos and such.

If you must work or live near the Gold Cost by all means arm yourself. That’s no different than wearing a seatbelt when you drive. If you have to, shoot and then scoot to a criminal lawyer. Skip calling 911 and a barrage of questions you should never answer. If they catch up to you say only four words, “I want a lawyer.”

The social problems created by Chicago’s reckless politicians that taxed industry and needed jobs out of Chicago and Illinois cannot be cured. Taxpayers will vote with their feet until freedom and liberty is returned or the Socialists build walls to keep them enslaved.