Showing posts with label gun registration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun registration. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why Most Gun Permit and Registration Laws are Unconstitutional

CT Gov. Dannel Malloy signs new gun ban and registration law
Los Angeles, CA—In the not so golden state of California politicians never met a gun ban, restriction or tax they did not absolutely love.
Aside from the guarantee of the Second Amendment politicians here and in the other Leftist run jurisdictions of this once great nation regularly trample on the rights of citizens.
Permits and registration requirements all come with serious legal baggage.  First and foremost gun permits and registration come with special tax assessments or fees. 
The cost of fingerprint screening and administrative matters are forced on every gun owner.  Second is that gun owners are forced to surrender their privacy by answering personal questions on the gun permit and registration application documents.
In many states the gun registration and permit records are considered public and the media often publishes some of these records.  Newspapers have even gone so far as to map out the homes of gun owners in an effort to humiliate and shame them!  Home invaders and burglars were provided with a wealth of personal information endangering those entire communities!
The fact is gun registration is in no way an effective crime-fighting tool.  Convicted felons and mental patients have long been absolutely exempt from obtaining permits or gun registration laws on self-incrimination grounds. 
Guns are never left at crime scenes unless the offenders are killed, incapacitated or arrested at the crime scene.  Accordingly tracing gun ownership does absolutely nothing to solve crimes. 
Gun registration does nothing at all to deter crime or improve anyone’s behavior.   Gun registration’s real purpose is to unlawfully tax gun owners and to provide government with a database of targets for later gun confiscation tyranny.
By imposing special any fees and taxes on gun owners they are forced to purchase a Constitutional right.  That right then becomes reduced to a privilege granted only to those who can afford to pay for it. 
The now outlawed Poll Taxes of the Deep South are the best example of the rationale demonstrating why gun permit and registration fees are also unconstitutional. 
Forcing special taxes and fees on gun owners violates their rights to due process under the Fifth Amendment by imposing a fine.  The gun owners were never charged, tried or convicted but are in effect punished with a fine.  
The fees too often victimize the poor when they can’t afford them; they are denied their rights under the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.  Should any American be forced to choose between food, shelter or the need for self-defense?  Simple survival depends on all three.  
The state of Connecticut’s politicians have put their population in a dangerous crisis with a new registration law.  They required owners of certain rifles and ammunition magazines to register them.  So far over 100,000 have openly defied the law risking felony arrests.
Over 250 CT state police officers risked their job by signing a document that proclaims they won’t participate in enforcement activities under the new law.  You can be sure that hundreds of other officers have similar mindset did not have the courage to sign that very public document.
What it boils down to is that any officers foolish enough to enforce the new law will not have needed backup and their lives will be at risk. 
This is a crisis that undermines basic respect for law.  It’s a slippery slope that leads to chaos and even insurrection. 
The politicians in CT need to revisit their new registration law and learn about pragmatism.  They must ask themselves honestly, what are the benefits if any of their registration goals? 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Serious Political Resistance is Growing in America Against Tyranny!

Hartford, CT—Hundreds of thousands of gun owners risk felony arrest and conviction as they purposely ignore and resist new government anti-gun rights tyranny here.
The politicians here have banned what they describe as “Assault Weapons” and certain ammunition magazines.  They created a registration scheme to allow gun owners to “keep” their weapons provided they register them. 
They did that same thing in California in the 1990s.  Thousands of gun owners there simply never registered there either.
Since people who are prohibited from owning firearms cannot be forced to register guns because of self-incrimination protections the law-abiding are the only ones affected by these laws.
Gun registration is for one single purpose and that is as a major incremental step to firearm confiscation.  Gun registration has never been beneficial to law enforcement as a tool to curb crime. 
Criminals simply never leave guns behind at crime scenes unless they are killed or incapacitated.  At that juncture what’s the value of registration?
The gun owners of Connecticut are well aware of the legislative and tyrannical scam officials are running and have simply refused to cooperate.
Now officials are in a difficult position since they really have no way of raiding citizen’s homes without serious bloodshed.  They have nowhere near the manpower to force this issue.
Imagine if you will Randy Weaver or Waco Branch Davidian style raids on local family homes dominating TV news every night?  Can you imagine hundreds of bloody body bags overwhelming every coroner’s office?  
Connecticut is going to be forced to back off their plans for further tyranny.  They really need to rethink and repeal their new law. 
The USSR made so many laws restricting freedom that few people respected any laws whatsoever.   That’s what’s happening in the USA.  We’ve not learned from history and are making the exact same mistakes.
What the gun grabbers must learn is that there are millions of well-armed and trained military veterans that respect our Bill of Rights and Constitution better than our politicians. 
Most of the rank and file cops in America don’t support the myriad of unconstitutional gun laws either.  They will balk at conducting raids against their fellow Americans in order to satisfy our Fascist politician’s insatiable thirst for total control. 
Many in law enforcement and our military will quickly feel that their oaths of office require that they turn their own guns against the officials that dare order armed raids on America’s gun owners.
In the end the gun confiscation wet dreams of our politicians will be their worst nightmares.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Unlawful Government Fees and Taxes on Guns, Permits and Registration

Chicago, IL—The State of Illinois like lots of jurisdictions in America want to over-regulate our rights to keep and bear arms.  Additionally they want to make us pay or face arrest and imprisonment for not submitting to their unlawful extortion demands.
The politicians and bureaucrats want to force gun owners to pay for their bogus gun control bureaucracies that they create to invade our privacy and diminish our rights.  That’s absolutely a lawless exercise.
The U.S. Supreme Court settled a similar issue long ago.  Southern politicians placed a tax on people that were voting.  There were simply called Poll Taxes.  The detractors of these taxes argued in court that they were intended to deprive poor people from voting in elections.  Poll Taxes were outlawed after the Supreme Court ruled that the right could not be taxed.
We have a specific Constitutional and clear right to keep and carry firearms.  For governmental agencies demanding payment in order to enjoy that right is nothing less than criminal extortion and racketeering.
We must enjoin these lawless politicians and their appointed bureaucrats from their criminal and punitive efforts to rob us of our rights with these extortion demands. 
Frankly no gun registration or firearm permit law demanding payment is proper.  If our politicians had their way they tax us on each breath we take or word we speak.  There becomes a point when we must tell them, no. 

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

More Guns Than Ever In The US as the Murder Rate Rapidly Declines!

Chicago, IL—Officials here are saying that the murder rate has suddenly declined to 1965 levels.  The same is happening all across the nation. However having anti-gun or self-defense zealot Barack Obama in the Whitehouse has brought on a huge surge of never before seen levels of civilian gun buying. 
Wow! Those that think that more guns in the hands of civilians would create massive bloodbaths or worse with the considerably relaxed laws on possessing or carrying them have been proven wrong.    
Chicago went from a total gun ban to “shall issue” carry permits for the law-abiding.  The program has not yet been implemented but prosecutors cannot enforce the bans on gun carrying by the large population of people possessing state firearm ID cards.
The George Zimmerman shooting and trial was the greatest PR event against crime ever by sending a highly publicized message to thugs everywhere.  That message is that doing the things that thugs do is now suddenly very hazardous.  Thankfully most thugs are cowards. 
With the significant proliferation in people carrying guns for self-defense we are having fewer murders and also surprisingly fewer gun accidents. 
On the issue of safety there are two contributing factors to the reduction of accidents.  One is that people carrying guns are getting professional safety training.  The other factor is that guns are not being left behind in homes where children may get their hands on them.  Instead those guns are in holsters being carried by their owners. 
There are those folks that still believe gun registration laws are needed.  They really can’t explain why simply because they’ve been brainwashed through misleading political propaganda. 
Most people don't know that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled twice, exempting felons and those prohibited by law from possessing firearms from registering them!  It’s all about self-incrimination and the Fifth Amendment.  Filing out registration forms violates their rights!
Guns are only left at crime when a criminal is killed, wounded or captured at the scene.  Under those circumstances police have all the information they need and registration accomplishes nothing!  
Gun owners that become victimized by theft of firearms reports the thefts to police and the serial numbers are entered into a national database. If someone gets caught with a hot gun or one with a defaced serial number a jail cell awaits him or her.
The fact is crimes are incredibly seldom or never committed with guns in possession of their registered owners.
Gun registration is meaningless other than to provide political despots a list of people to disarm or otherwise attack.  Newspapers have also printed the names and addresses of registered gun owners informing burglars wither homes to avoid or ones where they can steal firearms. 
Professor John Lott made the case for that premise in his book titled, “More Guns, Less Crime.”   With all the restrictions lifted since and the sales of millions more guns Lott has proven to be absolutely correct on every count! 
As Americans we have a duty to protect each other from a tiny minority of criminals that would victimize us.  We cannot ever depend on the police arriving minutes or longer after the crime to make any meaningful difference.
The evidence and facts about gun rights are a lot different that the political propagandists have been claiming for decades.
To look at the reverse of this more guns, less crime argument simply look to the UK and Australia where they more recently in the last few decades outlawed guns.  Crime and particularly murders and serious assaults have skyrocketed since the bans went into effect.
The real facts are that the gun-rights haters are driven by misguided emotions or a desire to disarm Americans for nefarious purposes.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Watch California’s Tyranny In Action

California—The politicians and their bureaucrats are on a search and destroy mission, endangering citizens.  Their APPS forcible gun confiscation targets registered owners. 
The United States Supreme Court in two separate decisions invalidated the gun registration requirements of convicted felons and prohibited possessors.  Those laws violate the rights of the felons against self-incrimination by demanding they admit gun possession.
They have a new program that will make any liberty lover’s blood boil over.  Watch correspondent Ginny Simone’s story below:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Christopher Dorner Rampage Showcases the Total Failure of Gun Bans

Los Angeles, CA—When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.  That well-worn saying has never been better demonstrated by disgraced and fired LAPD officer Chris Dorner.  In a dumbfounding paradox Dorner was an advocate of Obama and the failed gun ban Democratic Party dogma.  Of course Dorner apparently wanted to make sure his future victims would be disarmed.
Dorner had quite a cache of weapons already banned under California and federal laws. He had at least two firearm silencers. He had several banned M-4 platform rifles.  He also had banned gas grenades.  Most of his handguns had magazine capacities well over the California 10 round limit.  He had numerous already banned magazines for his rifles and pistols.
Local and federal gun laws were violated by Dorner not to mention his murdering four and the maiming of his other victims. Dorner went to war with the cops.   In at least two regrettable cases cops went to war with unarmed innocent civilians using those banned firearms!  Okay the bans did not apply to the cops.
The proposed Obama/Feinstein gun bans or the so-called universal background check legislation would have had zero impact on Dorner or his deadly crime rampage.  By the way, where did Dorner get those banned silencers and gas grenades? 
With our incredible technology breakthroughs of 3-D printers and computer driven CNC machines manufacturing firearms has never been earlier.  The master machinist skills needed to make quality firearms is a thing of the past. Ammunition magazines are a snap to make.  I guess our politicians want to have booming underground gunmakers make handsome profits.   
In conclusion gun laws and gun bans only impact law-abiding people.  Controlling guns does not work any better than controlling narcotic drugs. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Registering Gun Owner and their Guns Like Sex Offenders is an Outrage that Must End!

Blogger Paul Huebl with a S&W model 29 .44 Magnum revolver.  

Washington, DC—Creating lists of law-abiding Americans with firearms has no benefits whatsoever.  Guns are almost never left at crime scenes and when they are learning the legal owners identity is usually meaningless because the offender is either captured or killed.
There are two U.S. Supreme Court cases that make it clear that persons precluded by law from owning firearms cannot be forced to register their guns or face prosecution when they don’t.  Registration violates their rights against self-incrimination.
We all saw the recent fallout from the names and personal information being published by a Leftist newspaper trying to somehow shame gun owners.  That list also told every thug, rapist and killer where to find unarmed and helpless victims. 
Proponents of registration schemes claim that gun registration is harmless and no different than drivers and automobile licensing.  They’re dead wrong because driving or owning a car is not constitutionally protected activity.  The license to keep and bear arms is the Second Amendment!  I should add that charging citizens a fee  to exercise their right to keep and bear arms is no more lawful that the Poll Taxes of the Deep South.
Canada had a gun registry for decades that was incredibly expensive, wasteful and ineffective.  They finally saw the light and jettisoned it for good.  Remember Canada has no express right to own firearms like America does.
Gun rights are set aside for combatting government tyranny and for self-defense.  We should not be relegated only antique or ineffective arms for this purpose.  The U.S. Supreme Court called the suggestion that the Second Amendment only protected the kind of muskets that were available at the time of its promulgation frivolous in the recent Heller case.  The Heller case really covers the M-4/AR-15 and magazine capacity issues adequately. 
Registering gun owners like sex offenders and felons serves no purpose except to harass and infringe on the rights of your fellow Americans.  That is in itself unlawful.
We must also remember the millions of soldiers buried in veteran’s cemeteries that gave their lives so we could have the freedom and liberty that Barack Obama and his cronies are trying to take from Americans.  Millions of us are ready to take up arms to defend those rights like the Minutemen of our Revolutionary War once again. Please, let’s not force gun owners to take to the streets to protect their Constitutional rights again.  The fact is that we will if that becomes necessary because of any act of war against Americans by tyrannical government actions.
The very politicians and bureaucrats that are pushing this oppression will be the very first targets for armed resistance.   

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let's Bankrupt Los Angeles! Here's how!

Los Angeles, CA—Gun rights haters are dancing in the bloodof the children murdered by that well known mentally ill Sandy Hook killer.  When he could not buy a gun froma sporting goods store he murdered his own mother and robbed her of herguns.  We know the rest.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced Monday thatthe city’s annual gun “buyback” event has been moved up following the SandyHook murders.   They moved it up bymonths to December 26, 2012
Bring your rusty and unserviceable crap firearms from 9 4 p.m. on Dec. 26 at two locations: Los Angeles Sports Arena, Parking Lot 6,at 3939 South Figueroa Street and Van Nuys Masonic Temple at 14750 Sherman Way.  This a no questions asked event so they can’tmake you prove you did not come in from Arizona and Nevada!
They will pay you $100.00 for any handgun, rifle or shotgun.  If they deem it an “assault weapon” you get$200.00.   They will pay you with giftcards instead of cash so use them up on your way out of town.  Then buy some new guns, ammunition and getsome custom grips from Eagle Grips!
Since they are using tax dollars enjoy your windfall with avengeance.  I only hope we can bankruptLos Angeles for this symbolic and wasteful foolishness.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why Gun Control Laws and Bans Always Fail

Washington, DC—I ‘m not sure what gun control zealots consume in their diets that motivates them to disregard their own duty to protect themselves and their families.  We call all thank our survival on the gift of fear and the instinct to survive.  I will never let any politician dictate that I submit to a criminal attack and neither should you!
I guess some people think that 911 and government is adequate at least for their needs.  We know that’s foolish because they cant stop deadly violence even in the most controlled setting of all, maximum security prisons.  Humans have proven to be the most dangerous animals on earth. 
Gun Registration:
This was thought to be a tool to give police a way to trace guns used in crimes to the owner/suspect.  They also thought that maybe police need to know if there is a gun behind the doors that they knock on answering calls for service.  The opponents of registration suggest that it’s a scheme to aid government in planned future confiscation efforts.
Criminals never leave their guns behind at the scene of crimes unless they are wounded or are killed there.   With the suspect dead or in custody the gun’s ownership has no value.  If the gun was stolen there will be a report on file and the owner can be notified and his property returned. 
Only law-abiding qualified owners can be required to register firearms.  If that does not sound fair or reasonable we need only to look at two US Supreme Court opinions that held that making felons and mental defectives register their guns violates their self-incrimination rights.  Registration requires they confess their crime of gun ownership. 
Any cop that fails to assume that there in not a dangerous felon with an gun behind every door they visit will not survive in our world.  Cops are trained treat every door as an equal hazard until proven otherwise.
The two most egregious factors of gun registration is the high cost to administer the programs that have zero value in crime reduction and the requirement that owners sacrifice basic privacy rights.
Owning a car and a gun are not similar.  Owning a car is not a constitutional right but a government granted privilege.  Owning a gun is constitutional protected activity.
Gun Bans:
These are by far the most ineffective laws.  Criminals by nature don’t give a rat’s ass about any laws.   In addition police cannot search criminals or their dwellings without probable cause and or warrants.  
Making quality firearms has never been easier or cheaper to do.  With today's computer aided CNC machines simple semi-automatic rifles like the AK-47 can be manufactured quickly with minimal skills.   Any CNC machine operator making thousands of other products can switch to guns in a heartbeat. Ammunition manufacturing is so simple millions of Americans do that at home every day.
As with drug bans the gun bans will create additional criminal cartels filling the needs of people willing to pay cash.
We’ve banned drugs and know only too well that our addicts in in no danger of being cut off from their supplies.
Mexico has had a long-standing total ban on firearms.  That’s not worked out too well for them or the families of the 50,000 murdered there last year by the banned firearms.
Chicago, Washington DC and New York have had nearly total bans in place for decades.  Of course they are by far the most dangerous cities in America simply because only criminals have guns.
Gun Free Zones:
The gun control zealots got the grand idea to create and mark Gun Free Zones where gun possession is not tolerated.  Any recent massacres in the last tor or three decades are in these Gun Free Zones where criminals are well protected by the government!
Gun Shows:
The gun control zealots have singled out gun shows as places to to vent their anger.  I challenge anyone to give a single example of a rape, robbery or murder at any gun show in American history.  Millions of guns on display at thousands of shows and not a single violent event! 
Relaxed Concealed Carry Laws and Violence:
State after state has relaxed laws and ban to the carrying of loaded guns by the law-abiding.  The gun control zealots told every state legislature that allowing the carrying of guns will lead to massive bloodshed. 
The experience of the states that allow concealed weapons has been the exact opposite of what the gun control zealots have predicted.  Families are safer because they have the right to meaningful self-defense.
Gun Accidents:
Gun accidents have never been a significant problem in America.  We have nearly one gun for every man woman and child in civilian possession right now.  Both our population and the number of guns have never been higher but gun accidents are at an all time low. 
Cops Hate Gun Control Laws:
Politicians love to claim that law enforcement supports gun bans and restrictions.  They are talking only for the chiefs and superintendents that they appoint, never the rank and file street cop.  Police chiefs are politically appointed and must share the views of their mayors.  Street cops all know better as their own lives are on the line every day.   
The Gun Control Debate
Every time gun control is discussed and debated in America logic wins with our population.  Politicians have learned that they will be punished at the polls for restricting American’s self-defense rights.  They have not forgotten the massive wrath of voters after they passed the now expired so-called Assault Weapons Ban in 1994.  The voters appear smarter then the people they elect.

The mainstream media has a curious policy of following Liberal politicians straight to Hell and their slant has been countered by the new media. 

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Rahm Emanuel’s Punitive Gun Control Drive Begins Today!

Chicago, IL-- Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced his effort to ramrod new gun control legislation statewide. The mayor wants to force all law-abiding handgun owners to pay hefty fees. He wants to begin registering and titling handguns like automobiles.

The mayor wants to reduce a Constitutional Right to a licensed privilege.

He claims this will somehow help police solve crimes. The suggestion that this will reduce violence is not supported by any studies or experience within this or any other nation on earth.

I guess The mayor forgot the City of Chicago already has a gun registration program under a vigorous and very expensive challenges in federal court.

The misguided mayor does not know or have even a clue about the following facts:

1. Two US Supreme Court decisions specifically exempted felons from being prosecuted for failing to register a firearm. The requirement violates their rights against self-incrimination.

2. Firearms are simply not left at crime scenes unless a perpetrator is caught, wounded or killed. Tracing such a gun is always worthless to investigators. Gun traces simply never result in arrests or prosecutions.

3. Yet another government bureaucracy must be established. The Illinois State Police are so overloaded now they cannot process the FOID cards that register gun owners.

4. This information is a privacy invasion that historically ends in confiscation schemes in every despotic government.

5. This is just another salvo being fired by gun rights haters against the Constitution of the United States.

6. This is no different than a Poll Tax. Forcing people to pay in order to enjoy a right is dead wrong.

If you live in the State of Illinois call Mayor Emanuel at (312) 744-3300 and tell him how you feel about his latest effort. Then call your state representatives and Senator in Springfield.