Showing posts with label government waste. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government waste. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arizona Has Decimated the Liberal, Feel Good “Gun Buy-Back” Schemes!

Guns from a recent Tucson Buy-back event. 

Phoenix, AZ—In Phoenix and Tucson there is the Large City Disease called Liberalism.  For some reason the larger cities of our nation attracts the Looney political Left and their facilitation of poverty, crime and ignorance. 
Between the larger cities are the smaller ones and the rural areas inhabited for the most part by hard working, law-abiding, and taxpaying productive people. 
The political Right controls the productive and peaceful areas.  The Left abets violence, dependence and ignorance in the places under their control.  It’s is a simple fact that per-capita violence, crime and despair is always over the top in large cities run by the Left.  The collective self-esteem of big city inhabitants is usually right in the toilet.
The Left hates gun rights preferring that their intended victims cannot endanger criminals.  The bans against possession and the carrying of firearms; serves as nothing more than a “Mugger Protection Act”. 
The Left renamed numerous ordinary firearms as, Assault Weapons demonizing them.  Gun safety is a term for handling firearms in a way to avoid accidents.  The Left has renamed that as, "Sensible Gun Laws.”  Their so-called Sensible Gun Laws are simply bans of every description and obstacles that only impact the law-abiding people. 
The Left has found a terrific way to waste tax money and sometimes involve sponsors from the community.  They are the gun buy-back events.  These government gadflies invite anyone and everyone to exchange unwanted guns including toys for tax money!  No questions are asked as they hand out the cash, sneakers and debit cards.  Leftist media collaborators give the politicians free face time while promoting the massive waste.  Then the Liberals all pat each other on the back as the collected firearms are destroyed by wasteful fools.  
Arizona found a great way to stop the ineffective and wasteful buy back events.  They simply created a state law forbidding the destruction of the collected firearms.  Any firearms collected for any reason by state or local government agencies must be sold to law-abiding citizens.   
Phoenix and Tucson can deal with crime by sending the tax money to schools, police agencies and foster parents.  That might actually work to reduce crime far more effectively than these gun buy-back charades.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chicago’s Failed Gun Politics Just cost Taxpayers Well over $1 Million bucks!


Chicago, IL—As feeble-minded politicians responded to the U.S. Supreme Court,  McDonald vs City of Chicago ruling striking down gun bans by enacting a new one the taxpayers got raped yet again!

The NRA quickly filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of their members against the City of Chicago and Village of Oak Park.  After very expensive litigation the court ruled that the local government politicians were again violating the gun rights of law-abiding citizens.  The loser has to pay the legal fees of the winner. That amounted to $1,326,588.00
That’s only half the damage because the taxpayers were forced to pay for the legal fees incurred by the politicians.  The City claims they can't pay for cops to patrol the streets but that have lots of your money to waste violating your rights.
Today Federal Judge Milton I Shadur ordered Chicago and Oak Park to pay up!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Chicago Police Operating Budget Gets Slashed by $190 Million?

Chicago, IL-- Police Supt. Garry McCarthy has been ordered to make catastrophic cuts into the police budget. I feel obligated to help him with suggestions.

Police bodyguards of Chicago’s current and former officials must end altogether. Sworn and trained city cops are not needed for this duty anyway. Those who believe they need that kind of protection, for a lot less can hire civilian security guards at their own expense. City officials are not royalty. Perhaps if they are afraid they should resign and drive cabs or work in convenience stores instead.

Police have been protecting Barack Obama’s empty Hyde Park home for nearly three years around the clock. If that must be done let the Secret Service handle it. It would be far cheaper for the city to purchase his home and find him a new one if and when he returns.

There is really no other solution here but to end this perk for good. Even the Mayor, Aldermen and Superintendent of Police should be capable enough to commute to work like everyone else.

The aldermen have the coveted city enforced Second Amendment right to arm themselves for self-defense. Perhaps they should arrange to get some training at one of the newly authorized firing ranges.

End all resources dedicated to vice enforcement except those in place that are designed to protect children from exploitation.

Misdemeanor cannabis possession should never result in booking. Complaints and release should be the standard enforcement. That alone will all but end cannabis enforcement because cops won’t bother to write those citations.

Any misdemeanor offense where the officer feels the peace is not endangered should be resolved with a complaint and release rather than booking.

That will result in far fewer arrests and the massive amount of court time they consume.

Reinvent the status of light duty to utilize the skills of officers that can perform limited functions like manning the communications center, call back and desk duties.

I can remember a uniformed, sworn officer with both of his legs amputated working in the communications center in the 1960s. He was thrilled to continue on in a place where he felt useful and needed. Today he’d be forced to stay home and collect money. I also think he’d have gone to an early grave as a result.

It’s time to end the practice of spying on officers suspected of living outside the city.

The city should stop the redundant and unnecessary function of gun registration. It never solves crimes and the Supreme Court has ruled twice that felons are exempt from filling out registration forms because it violates their rights against self-incrimination. I suspect that the city will be forced to return all the fees they unlawfully collected from people engaging in constitutionally protected activity of keeping or bearing arms.

The city should also end their unwinnable efforts to defend city gun ordinances in court.

Video teleconferencing should be used whenever possible to reduce wasted time in commuting and unnecessary fuel usage.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Los Angeles Gun Buy Back Program Makes Fools Feel Good

Los Angeles, CA-- Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa with his appointed police chief, Charlie Beck along with other city politicians seem to love the silly idea of gun buy backs.

The program was recycled Saturday here at six locations by city officials. They offered gift cards from Ralph's Supermarkets or Visa. A mere handgun would fetch $100.00 while a so-called assault rifle would garner $200.00. As always, there were no questions asked as they handed over the plastic currency to the anonymous participants.

As always, most of the guns collected are worth far less than what officials paid for them. These buy backs attract gun dealers from everywhere who see the opportunity to make a small profit unloading what they can’t otherwise sell.

In some cases burglars were paid for the proceeds of their crimes turning the LAPD into an illicit fencing operation.

Close examination of the junk collected always shows rusted, broken and totally unserviceable firearms. Toys always somehow turn up in the collections. There are only a few exceptions where decent and even collectible firearms are turned in for the bounty.

Yes, there were cases of departed grandfather’s old guns being sold off. You could make a very weak argument that fewer guns are in closets that could be later stolen and misused.

The big question I always have that the media refuses to ask is, who pays for this expensive feel-good scam? The taxpayers nearly always eat this cost in most jurisdictions where these things are done. Of course this only happens in parts of the country where governments are run into bankruptcy by Liberal politicians. Any claim of corporate sponsorship rings hollow when you take into account their “charitable” tax breaks for their less than generous participation.

Do taxpayers still have the money for such meaningless and extravagant programs in this tough economy?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Remove all Lawless Wisconsin Lawmakers and Teachers from the Public Payroll.

The voters of this state demanded change. They elected people that would protect taxpayers. Teachers are in for some serious belt tightening in a state that has spent itself into bankruptcy.

Thousands of teachers and the Leftist, pro-union members of the state Legislature have gone into a lawless rebellion.

Perhaps we can put an end to educating Central and South America's children that trespass on our soil to save come cash while we are at it.

The answer is simple, fire all renegade teachers for abandoning their positions and impeach the members of the Legislature that willfully fled the state to obstruct the democratic process.

There are plenty of unemployed people that are qualified to babysit children in the public day care program they like to call a school system. Let them have the jobs.

As for the AWOL lawmakers, they all violated their oaths to faithfully perform their dities and can be now be removed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

LA Passport Office Security Mindboggling

Los Angeles, CA—I have always said that security should be taken seriously. Security officers should be well screened, well-trained and well-armed and that anything less actually creates more dangerous conditions and vulnerabilities.

The security on some government buildings has gone well out-of-control. Our government has wasted untold billions in payments to government contractors for crap America does not want or need. The L.A. Passport office is an example of wasteful spending.

First of all who ever heard of an assault or robbery of a passport office clerk? The job is not confrontational or less than pleasant. Issuing travel documents can’t be more dangerous than states issuing drivers licenses.

To apply for a passport in person there is an incredible gauntlet that defies imagination. There are nearly a dozen uniformed and armed security officers. Entering the passport offices requires a TSA style search. Cameras, sharp objects, pepper sprays and such are strictly forbidden.

Once inside the passport offices heavy bank like bullet and bomb resistant windows protect every clerk from any contact with the already frisked and unarmed applicants.

Surveillance cameras and vigilant security guards monitor the applicants no differently than maximum security prison convicts.

Signs everywhere preclude weapons, cameras and cell phone use. I’m not sure what the camera ban is all about, but let’s say it is not quite perfect.

Can anyone please tell me why we need to waste these kinds of resources that could better be used to protect our borders and our endangered Border Patrol officers instead?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Government, Why Control Entitlement Fraud?

Chicago, IL--In order to collect food stamps, welfare, and those wildly popular cash cards the government won’t demand proof of legal residency or even positive identification of the recipients.
Fingerprinting and a little database management could prevent redundant payments, ineligible precipitants, and alike.  Our politicians can be counted upon to obstruct any effort to contain the fraud.
The direct deposit of funds into bank accounts allows those on the dole to live anywhere in the world as they collect from as many as 50 states.  Grab a few identities along the way and the sky is the limit! 
Around 1970 I learned a trick by a high rolling Chicago lady.  She had furs, jewels and bought a new car every year.  She complained about the cost of her facelift saying everyone was entitled to such elective medical procedures free of charge.   
The woman had at least a dozen names on a mailbox at an apartment where she did not even live. Like clockwork this woman went to the mailbox when the entitlement checks rolled in collecting them.
I learned later she created sham residences in Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana and pulled the same stunt in those states. She complained that her trips to get the checks and cashing them locally were exhausting and interfered with her winter travel to the Bahamas.
The woman spent a lot of time gathering and cashing checks she’d never have to deal with today. Those trips to the mailboxes are a thing of the past since electronic banking is here to stay. 
I dated the woman's daughter who was a student at a local university who went on to a free ride at a prestigious graduate school courtesy of mom's entitlements.
Unfortunately the woman died before the new banking technology made occupation easier than ever.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Is Your State Broke And Begging For A Bailout?

Sacramento, CA—Our favorite Terminator, turned Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a fiscal emergency saying California can’t pay its bills after February. He says they will pay vendors with an IOU.

That’s not surprising on a state run by Left Wing people that look to enslave their citizens to pay for so much crap nobody wants or needs. Now they look to people in more frugal states to pay for the mess they made.

I have a simple solution to help states like California and Illinois through their difficult times. My plan will reduce lots emissions, and also help save the planet. I propose this as a long term solution with no serious side-effects.

If this is an emergency like Governor Schwarzenegger any solution should be on the table.

Front vehicle license plates are of limited value, create pollution during manufacture and most importantly burns money. Many states like Arizona do fine without them.

Legislatures used to meet only once in two years. Now they furiously make new unneeded laws non-stop. They need to return to the old way and save us all serious money.

Our courts require public paid lawyers to travel great distances and spend hours in cars to attend court appearances where no evidence or testimony is presented such as a simple motion for a continuance. This should be done over the internet in real time teleconferencing.

Reduced workweeks will save on energy, pollution and government cost. Other than emergency service workers we can all save a bundle here.

We have all manner of licenses that expire in as little as a single year. Huge amounts of paperwork must be shuffled all over the state. Some of the licenses are for simple occupations like barbers. The same regulation and safety standards can be maintained by vastly extending time before license renewals. How may unnecessary paper chasers can we eliminate if we really tried?

We pay to house too many prisoners who are no longer a threat to public safety. They need to be cared for outside of expensive prisons. Well behaved and qualified prisoners should be allowed to work on our economy. They can certainly do the work illegal aliens are hired to do, pay for their upkeep and child support too. The prisoners can return to their cells after work.

Here is a twelve-step program to bring state governments back to health:

1. End manufacture of front license plate for vehicles.
2. Triple the amount of time before driver’s licenses are expired.
3. End vehicle emissions testing for all vehicles less than three years old.
4. Have State Assembly meet only once every two years.
5. Triple the Amount of time before any occupational license expires.
6. Triple the amount of time before business and notary licenses expire.
7. Require Courts to mandate internet teleconferencing for Motion, practice and hearings without sworn testimony.
8. Release all prisoners that are physically incapable by age or infirmity of criminal conduct.
9. Allow qualified non-dangerous prisoners to take legitimate jobs in the private workforce and pay for their food, housing, and child support while in prison.
10. Reduce state office hours, workweek and employee pay by five or eight hours.
11. Require state employees in large urban setting to pay for parking of personal vehicles.
12. Study ways to eliminate certain vice related laws and taxing the incomes of those workers.