Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label genocide. Show all posts

Friday, May 01, 2015

Black Lives Don’t Matter Especially When Other Blacks Murder Them!

Baltimore, MD—Saying that, “Black lives matter.”  is disingenuous at best.  The display of rage and anger every time some black career criminal dies fighting cops during arrest situations is always epic.
Such is now the case with that career drug dealer, Freddie Gray who unfortunately died after an arrest by Baltimore police.
What goes nearly unnoticed are the thousands of Blacks murdered by other Blacks in this nation.  Certainly the media dare not publish the statistics in every major city in America.
When I was a Chicago cop I learned about the African-American violent and bankrupt culture first hand.  In the Windy City African-Americans were and still are the minority.  When it comes to crime however it’s a different story.
My duties took me to the Cook County Jail and observe that 90% of the inmates were Black.  The same was true for every Chicago violent felony court call.  Last was the Cook County Morgue. There was always a never ending sea of Black murder victims.  They were shot, cut, strangled, stabbed or simply beaten to death.  This was and still is a very routine end of the line for Chicago’s young Black males.
The White communities of Chicago don’t generate even remotely the savagery of African-Americans. 
The Whites that understand the truth of the Black Culture of Violence do what they can to avoid Blacks.  They don’t want to hire, live near them or associate with them in anyway.   This is in concerns for their very survival. 
Should Whites dare to express their understandable fear of Blacks they are branded racists.  Is that really racism?  The media never acknowledges the dangers surrounding African Americans so many White people in nice neighborhoods remain ignorant of the very real peril posed.
There is no shortage of African-American apologists with high profiles.  They condemn the reaction of Whites that refuse to accept violent Black behavior as some legitimate reaction to being poor or the ancestors of slaves.  I say hogwash.
Tolerance to ignorance, indifference and misdirected hate has done no favors to the Blacks of this nation. On the contrary it’s made matters worse.
Public schools tolerating Ebonics over English and accepting the refusal of their students and their mothers to escape poverty is beyond unacceptable.  Notice I said mothers excluding the fathers. Where are the fathers?  Far too many African-American men are little more than sperm donors.  That separate scandal simply fuels massive poverty and pain for their children.
Our tolerance for the modern African-American culture is nothing less than genocide.  All American’s need to come together to end this fatal African-American cultural disease.
This is not about genetics or skin color.  It’s about senseless violence, disrespect for life and the absence of kindness.  
We may be embarking on a very long and hot summer.  Social media is a huge new weapon for violent riot organizers.  Violence, division and hatred may bring unprecedented pain to our nation this summer.  It’s always the minorities that suffer most from the aftermath.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

PEGIDA Goals and Aggressive Muslim Deportation Must Succeed for Europe’s Survival.

Dresden, GermanyPatriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes or in its English translation, Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West (PEGIDA) is exploding in Europe.
Huge demonstrations in Germany have sent some controversial shockwaves throughout Europe that has stood by failing to react to the deadly Muslim threat. 
Is this a hate based movement or terrorized people coming together for simple survival? That depends upon whose opinion you’re examining.
There can be no argument that Muslim extremism follows this group wherever they go.  Beheadings, bombings and extreme senseless violence directed by hateful Muslims against non-Muslims is the rule rather than the exception everywhere.
The Muslims have been invited guests in civilized Western nations for longer then most of us have been alive.  Generally it’s been without major problem until the last 20-30 years. 
Civilization demands that when you’re an invited guest in someone’s nation or home that you behave like one or leave.  Those that don’t behave must be tossed out to preserve the peace.  Many Muslims feel they are somehow exempt from customs, laws and simple decency. 
What about the moderate or seemingly peaceful Muslims?  They and their clerics bear a huge responsibility for the savage acts of the militants. They remain silent and by doing so they are no small part of this pseudo-religious, cult based conspiracy of terror.
Muslim culture currently demands they reproduce like rabbits.  In their home nations medical care was non-existent and children died at an alarming rate because of common childhood illnesses that were eliminated in the West.
One thing for sure, Muslim’s demand far too much of their nations they have decided to inhabit.  They instead see themselves on a dangerous global colonization effort.  Muslims simply don’t belong in a civilized nation. 
The PEGIDA movement would not exist but as a direct response to innocent lives lost in senseless acts of hateful violence.
German Chancellor Angelia Merkel along with other politicians condemned PEGIDA to preserve their politically correct image. 
We are 70 years out of a German period of disgrace, shame and national guilt for Nazi Party atrocities.  Any ethnic conflict is a grim reminder for the German people.
The neo-Nazi’s anti-Semitism has a common bond with Jew hating Muslims.  Neo-Nazis do exist in Germany but have curiously joined with the PEGIDA movement.  Joining with neo-Nazis to combat the Muslim threat is distasteful to most Europeans because of their history of hate.
The neo-Nazi endorsement of PEGIDA tarnishes the image of this organization.  That was not helped by the antics of it’s founder, advertising executive, Lutz Bachmann, when he actually costumed and posed as Adolph Hitler for cameras.
Bachmann quickly resigned from PEGIDA after that huge blunder.
PEGIDA now has a platform to deal with Muslims.  Are these enough to stem the problem?  Frankly I doubt it, in that this is all too little and much too late. 
PEGIDA Mandates:
1.  Affirms the right of asylum for war refugees and politically persecuted people.
2.  Advocates to include a duty to integrate into the German Basic Law.
3.  Advocates for decentralized housing of refugees.
4.  Suggests creation of a central refugee agency for a fair allocation of immigrants among countries of the European Union.
5.  Demands a decrease in the number of asylum seekers per social worker from currently 200:1.
6.  Suggests to model German immigration policies after those of the Netherlands and Switzerland and demands an increased budget for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees to speed up processing of applications.
7.  Demands an increase in funding for the police.
8.  Demands implementation of all asylum laws including expulsion.
9.  Mentions zero tolerance towards criminal refugees and immigrants.
10.  States that Pegida opposes a misogynic and violent political ideology, but does not oppose assimilated and politically moderate Muslims.
11.  Supports immigration as in Switzerland, Canada, Australia and South Africa.
12.  Pegida demonstration on 12 January 2015
States that Pegida support sexual self-determination (opposing "early sexualization of children").
13.  Argues for the protection of Germany's Judeo-Christian coined culture.
14.  Supports the introduction of referenda as in Switzerland.
Muslim terror and crime is a grim reality in Europe. I favor a policy where all able-bodied law-abiding European citizens take a role in national defense.
That is to train and carry concealed firearms to deal with the Muslim threat.  It is unfair and unwise to keep Europeans disarmed and helpless from the savage armed Muslims that are relentlessly killing innocents.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Chicago’s Magnificant Mile is Under Siege and Very Dangerous. Stay Away!

Jimmy Harris (Chicago Police Booking Photo)
Chicago, IL—The Windy City is under siege.  Tourists, residents and workers are constantly under attack by violent predators.  The victims are almost exclusively White.  The predators are exclusively African-American.  Chicago has been a breeding ground for a bankrupt, dangerous and violent culture that has devoured African-Americans.
Let me make myself clear.  This is not about genetic deficiencies or the color of skin.  This is about a culture that was adopted, nurtured and encouraged over many generations.   This was and is simply just another diabolical and insidious form genocide designed to destroy the Black race.
Chicago’s politicians here have created this culture by encouraging African Americans to remain ignorant, totally dependent and completely void of any family values.  
Through entitlements, tolerance of violence, generally bad behavior and acceptance of educational failure Chicago has created this cultural monster.  It’s frightening and incredibly expensive for businesses and taxpayers.  This phenomenon must be dealt with but instead it’s ignored.
In yet another stunning example this state of affairs a peaceful family gathered to enjoy the Festival of Lights Celebration and quiet dinner inside the Westin Hotel on Michigan Avenue. 
The horror began inside the restroom where a recently paroled career criminal 56 year-old, Jimmy Harris attacked stabbing and slashing his victim, an Oakbrook, IL physician.    The bloody victim tried to flee from Harris and the struggle continued outside of the bathroom.  A bartender from the restaurant tried to intervene but was also was stabbed by Harris. 
Harris was eventually located and arrested by police who charged him with attempted first-degree murder, aggravated battery with intent to do great bodily harm and aggravated unlawful restraint.
The victims were transported to the hospital for some lifesaving care and will definitely receive huge medical bills very soon.  Thankfully they survived.
Chicago’s gun bans to not protect the innocent by keeping them disarmed and defenseless.  Chicagoans have the right to keep and bear arms only on paper because the local politicians have hijacked the Bill of Rights.  
Anyone carrying a firearm for needed protection from criminals such as Harris are simply arrested, unmercifully punished and given a criminal record for the rest of their lives.   They also lose their business licenses and future employment opportunities because of the public record.
Chicago’s politicians have squandered billions on wasteful programs designed only to enrich their campaign contributions.  They have let the Chicago Police Department become underfunded, under-armed, ineffective and largely irrelevant.   
I have to beg the question, how can Chicago thrive under it’s current politicians?  Chicago’s government has taxed businesses far beyond extortionate levels. They have made safe travel into the city impossible and parking insanely expensive.  The Miracle Mile is all but on life support.
The City of Chicago refuses to protect its citizens and visitors and then refuses to let them protect themselves.  Chicago can become a ghost town like Detroit or simply get smart. 
As for those law-abiding people still living in Chicago they need to place their safety far above those un-Constitutional gun bans.  They need to get training and then carry firearms on their person so they can protect themselves and families.   They also need to leave the scenes of any shootings for their own safety and NOT talk to or cooperate with police. 
There is no law requiring the reporting of a shooting like we have for automobile accidents.  Americans have an absolute right to remain silent and that silence cannot be used against them in court.  Juries can’t be told you did not report the shooting or talk with police.
The rank and file cops have to simply ignore enforcement of the gun bans and avoid locating or arresting anyone that has used, or more commonly threatened deadly force in self-defense.
Chicago’s politicians have gone the wrong direction for decades and will never change their ways.  The citizens however must stand up to Tyranny or be swallowed by it. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chicago’s African-Americans are Murdering Each Other at an Alarming Rate

Chicago, IL—In just over 12 hours 25 people have been shot including a six year-old girl.   Cold-blooded murder appears to be the favorite hobby of Chicago’s Black population.  Is this racist?  Perhaps they are hate crimes?  It is genocide but on a much greater scale than the Ku Klux Klan ever pulled off.
This is happening because of our polite society’s fear of being labeled racist, intolerant or bigoted.  We simply tolerate this carnage and refuse to identify and condemn the cultural phenomenon behind this urban terror.  Toleration of a bankrupt and vile culture is the root of the problem.  Until we face this fact we can never begin to bring any positive change.
Until we stand up and make war on ghetto thugs we can expect this horror every day.     
The politicians have blamed American gun rights for Chicago’s killing fields.   That assessment is absolutely correct!  But these ignorant politicians just have it all backwards.
It’s the unconstitutional gun laws that have disarmed all but society’s most dangerous criminals.   The two-legged sewer rats are protected from law-abiding folks and any meaningful ability to defend themselves and families.  The thugs of course are prohibited by federal, state and local laws from possessing firearms because of felony convictions, probation, parole or their drug habits.  The thugs are always well armed. 
Despite Supreme Court rulings to the contrary, Chicago still has a virtual gun ban and Illinois has a broken state Firearm Owner’s Identification Card system that can’t (or won’t) seem to provide the permits.   The law abiding are forced by local and state government to sit helplessly and wait their turn to be murdered.  
The social engineering of Chicago has been a massive, frightening and deadly failure.  Instead of correcting anything the politicians here give everyone more of the same but in spades.

UPDATE!  The bloody Memorial Day weekend brought over 40 reported shootings and ten murders.  That does not count the cases where shot were fired and nobody was hit.  Thankfully the ghetto rats don't learn marksmanship any better than they do reading, writing or arithmetic. 


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Chicago’s Hudson Murder Trial Exposes African-American Culture of Crime

Chicago, IL—The courtroom of Judge Charles Burns is the scene of a real eye-opener for America.  Although cameras are still barred from Illinois courts there is enough information being printed, broadcasted and published on the Internet to get some needed attention.
The story begins and ends with Jennifer Hudson who was brought up in the incredibly violent Chicago sewer called Englewood.  Our creator gave Jennifer a great voice and the discipline to harness it for a fairytale career far from the sub-human ghetto that spawned her.   That gift may well have saved Jennifer’s life. 
This is about one society failure after another.  It began with Social experimentation by government officials with perhaps nefarious political agendas.  They wanted to give the recently migrated African-Americans a place to settle and live in the Windy City.  What they gave them is deceit, despair and doom.
Many people supported the idea of providing generous entitlements, guessing they  would provide these ignorant, poor and deprived people a way to live the American dream. The supporters of this idea had no clue what monsters were being manufactured.
Along the way the African-Americans being “helped” were robbed of any self-reliance, hope and dignity.   The entitlements simply became a narcotic.  Their public education system was reduced to child day care where teachers were forbidden to demand excellence or explain that wealth comes with scholastic achievement.  
Teachers were simply encouraged not to challenge criminal behavior or their pathetic destruction of our English language into Ebonics.  The school system went on to produce generation after generation of illiterate and unemployable parasites.
More social tinkering came with the War on Drugs.  Since many young people died of drug overdoses our politicians have responded with the Drug War.  The deaths and injuries associated with drug commerce activities made the overdose problem insignificant.  We are taking many more lives with the Drug War and many of those killed are innocent victims not involved with drugs or the trade. 
In Englewood nearly the entire community is receiving entitlements that are supplemented by theft, drug commerce, prostitution and gambling.   Englewood is a Socialist Utopia where few actually contribute anything positive to society.
Jennifer Hudson’s mother, Darnell Donnelson raised three children as a single mother.   Thankfully this matriarch took Jennifer to church where she learned to sing. 
Jennifer, Julia Hudson and Jason Hudson were brought up on fatty, starchy diets making them fat and health challenged.  Jennifer later had the advantage of wealth, trainers and Weight Watchers keeping her attractive for her fans.
Brother Jason was quickly embedded with the notorious Gangster Disciples.  He sold crack cocaine rocks while protecting his drugs and receipts with a stolen SIG 220  .45 ACP, semi-automatic pistol.  Jason was twice wounded and was crippled by gunfire in the line of duty as a gangbanger. 
Julia went from periods of unemployment to driving a school bus.  Along the way she had a child, Julian King who was being groomed for his coming out with the Gangster Disciples.
Unlike Jennifer Julia had zero discipline, no discovered talent and she has all the appearance of a fat bovine.  The men she could attract were far from desirable and those that associated with her were star struck be her sister Jennifer.  That was not good.
Among the B list gang bangers Julia dated and then married was carjacking ex-convict William Balfour.  He was a monster that should have never been let out of prison.  Balfour courted and married Julia while he reportedly abused her.  It’s believed that Balfour twice stole Jason’s pistol from him ultimately using it for the triple murder and that’s why he’s now facing a criminal court jury.
The death penalty has been eliminated or Balfour would be rapidly on his way to Death Row.  Balfour may be a nasty criminal but everyone including this accused killer in the Englewood Community are victims of Socialism gone wrong. 
The African-American culture of entitlement, drugs, crime and ignorance must end.  Tolerance for skin color and peaceful religion does not mean we have to accept a bankrupt Socialist created mutant culture.
Accepting and tolerating this twisted and violent culture is simply the worst kind of genocide.  The Ku Klux Klan could never have inflicted the kind of death, destruction and misery our social engineers have inflicted on Chicago’s African-Americans.