Showing posts with label free Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free Speech. Show all posts

Saturday, March 02, 2019

The Incendiary Laura Loomer, Journalist or Activist?

National Harbor, MD—25 year-old journalist, Laura Loomer has repeatedly demonstrated her raw nerve, ability and extraordinary courage to ask powerful politicians and bureaucrats those tough questions the mainstream media always avoids.

Loomer publishes her material on her website and YouTube channel.  That actually qualifies her by definition as a legitimate journalist.  

Loomer has developed a confrontational style where she “Loomeres” those Leftist political newsmakers.   Loomer demands answers as a form of unbridled advocacy and activism.  That activity has gotten her ejected from book signings and numerous  political events. 

Crashing the gates and fences of Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi that both claimed a border wall was immoral captured police attention.  Loomer risked arrest and prosecution to demonstrate their stunning personal hypocrisy.

Loomer has run afoul of Muslims and their Leftist sympathizers, calling them out on their bias and violence against Jews and Gays.  That activity has gotten her banned from Uber, Lyft, Twitter, Pay Pal and Chase Bank.  

Loomer went to Congress and challenged Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey on his ambiguousness on his website’s shifting censorship policies.  When Twitter banned Loomer she handcuffed herself to their NYC front door.  

Can Loomer be simultaneously both an advocate and a journalist?   She crosses the line when she actually becomes the story rather than just covering the news. There is an obvious conflict here.  But it’s not slowed down this firebrand one bit.

Loomer obtained press credentials to attend and cover CPAC.  Her credentials were revoked and confiscated after she reportedly Loomered CNN reporter, Oliver Darcy over his biased coverage of President Trump.  

Loomer is currently championing a campaign of defending the First Amendment Rights Of Conservatives.  

Conservatives are under constant Leftist censorship attacks.  Simply wearing a red Trump hat near Liberals has been an excuse for Leftist violence.  

We need more Laura Loomers or we will have no free speech rights.  Like her message or not, if we refuse to protect Loomer, who then will protect us? 

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Internet Freedom Without Government Control is Possible through Exciting New Technology!

This is Paul Huebl of Austria with two of his delightful friends!

Vienna, Austria—It’s called, FunkFeuer or in English, Network Fire.   It’s an inexpensive way to sidestep governments, cable and utility companies to receive and also act as a repeater spreading the free broadband access to you neighbors.
FunkFeuer will be a huge weapon for use in fighting government tyranny everywhere!
FunkFeuer was developed by a group of programmers and hackers to create a wireless network that the users can transmit to each other.  All without Big Brother’s hand on the switch or greedy Internet providers raiding our wallets.
FunkFeuer provides wireless network access across large areas using the same open radio spectrum as WiFi.  However it operates over mush larger areas than today’s WiFi networks.
Imagine if this technology with tablets and smart phones began to invade nations like Cuba and North Korea that lock thought and publishing.   Government propaganda would begin to fail as people spread text, images and video of what’s really happening.
I got this information from an Austrian lad that shares my unusual name, Paul Huebl after he posted it on FaceBook.   With all the hot girlfriends seen above my young namesake has plastered all over his Facebook page, I don’t know where he found time to pass this information on…

Saturday, September 01, 2012

The Sun Times BGA Story on The Police Blog with the Name They Can’t Repeat

Chicago, IL—When I learned the Better Government Association took up an investigation of the infamous and wildly popular (among cops) Detective Shaved Longcock blog, I knew it was going to get interesting so I wrote about it.
Without quoting or even paraphrasing a single passage or story DSLC was branded by the Sun Times and BGA as racist.  But is it racist to call attention to the reality that murder, rape and armed robbery is almost the exclusive province and behavior of Chicago’s African-Americans? Is that disturbing and sad truth somehow racist?
DSLC was biting and edgy as he used off color satire and humor to express his opinions.  It was in fact only the shock factor of DSLC that gained readership, attention and finally now some debate.
A polite and politically correct society avoids the discomfort of discussing touchy problems that could possibly offend anyone.  Until we can discuss and debate the African-American culture of ignorance, depravity and carnage we can’t make the necessary repairs.
How many more innocent little Black boys will we allow to be programed straight to prison or a violent death rather than the American Dream?  How many millions of babies will be born into abject poverty and violence because it generates income for single, ignorant and idle Black women? 
I guess we have to trust the Sun Times and BGA in their judgment that DSLC is racist since they didn’t provide a scintilla of evidence that the readers can judge for themselves. That would be comical if it was not so blatantly lame. 
The usual suspect credited for the blog is a Chicago cop on duty disability.  He’s severed from the department by virtue of a serious injury that the city deemed too severe for him to return to work. 
The injured officer is not performing any function whatsoever for the department his controversial publishing cannot be a concern to the department unless or until laws are broken.  The DSLC message is far more offensive to the City Administration over the avalanche of their corruption that is killing Chicago and it’s inhabitants.
The BGA and Sun Times is well aware that for several years the Chicago Police Department blocked access to the blogs like DSLC or my own.  That was done because of our criticism of official corruption, cronyism and mismanagement of the entire city government.
DSLC has the right to think, write and publish what he wishes.  We can only guess who has authored the blog that has attracted so many readers along with the attention of the media. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Firing Teacher for Anti-Semitic Statement is wrong and Un-American

Los Angeles, CA—A substitute school teacher, Patricia McAllister, spoke out at a recent Occupy LA protest, saying the Jews run the nation's banking infrastructure and should be forced to leave the U.S.

McAllister made the remark in front of the LA Unified School District headquarters on Monday. The remark resulted in this teacher’s dismissal. District officials claimed to support McAllister’s right to speak but said they’d, “never stand for behavior that is intolerant, disrespectful or discriminatory."

Official’s claimed that McAllister was an “at-will” employee that could be removed without a reason.

I guess those government officials need to go back and familiarize themselves with our Constitution that gave McAllister the right to voice even unpopular speech.

Had McAllister been indoctrinating school children to embrace her intolerant opinion that would be significantly different. The fired teacher was off-duty when she made her statement.

Now the taxpayers will be paying for the stupidity of school district officials that violated McAllister’s rights. Perhaps it is time to stop indemnifying rogue government officials and let them pay for their actions from their own pockets. Watch McAllister making her incendiary remarks below.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Burning Korans and the First Amendment

Washington, DC—The attacks are here, on our personal liberty and freedoms. These attacks come, not from enemies abroad but from politicians within our own government.

Okay, some religious leader wants to burn Korans and hold a mock trial of Islam. This only came after repeated wholesale murder and bloodshed by Islamist maniacs.

Now the Islamist murderers have stepped up their world-wide terror and our politicians want to curtail American freedom.

I tolerate Muslims that can behave themselves. Islam has made a poor showing as a religion of peace around the world and because of the actions of some of their believers have terrorized millions. I will never tolerate religious inspired or for that matter any violence against innocent victims from any religion or group.

I will never tolerate any compromise on hard won freedoms in America. Here some of our politicians want curb offensive thought, speech, broadcasting and publishing. These are the same politicians that go out of their way to protect the rights of foreign Muslims we allowed to live in America. These politicians are either traitors or complete fools.

If the offended Muslims don’t like burned Korans, or to see the covered with the excrement of pigs they, need to stop inciting this kind of response with their campaigns of murder.

Americans have the absolute right to hate and insult Islam or anyone all they want without government interference.

Just because I defend the right to hate does not mean that I hate anyone other than someone that would injure, kill or violate our freedom. Hate was criminalized in Nazi Germany. Thousand who publicly professed hate or even dislike for Nazi policy were put to death after being arrested and tried in the courts.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Executed For Speech and Thought

Nuremberg, Germany—Of all the Nazi’s tried and condemned to death at the main War Crimes Trial here, one stands out as a travesty of Justice.

Julius Streicher was the founder and publisher of Der Stürmer newspaper, which became a central element of the Nazi propaganda machine. Streicher also published three vile, anti-Semitic books for children.

Striecher was the Nazi poster boy for pure hate. He had no special government power nor did he control any aspect of the genocide. He was nothing more than a zealous Nazi cheerleader.

Streicher was simply a world class Jew baiter who published hateful material. Streicher was no more than a Nazi propagandist and a hatemonger. He’s not someone that I’d ever want to have lunch or socialize with.

Stricher was tried and convicted as a war criminal simply for his thoughts and published words. That was a total Orwellian travesty of justice.

The subsequent hanging of Stricher was an apparently just another act judicial tyranny and murder under color of law. I guess hate and hate speech is only permissible when the targets are politically correct.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Insuring Our Freedom One Video at a Time

Chicago, IL-Many of my blog visitors want to get in on the act of providing information to the world about important matters.

It is easier and cheaper than ever to capture and edit video. Cheap Flip HD style cameras are everywhere but with just a little additional effort you can make them watchable and tell the story through simple editing and narration.

Don’t ramble on as you shoot video about what you see but instead add the narration during editing. Trust me, you will sound more intelligent. Of course you can add a stand-up where you face the camera and give a 15-20 second sound bite.

Stay wide with the lens and move close to the subject you’re shooting. You will get much better audio especially with the on camera microphones. Avoid the zoom feature whenever possible.

Take the time to shoot the action holding the camera very still and keeping the camera recording. I does not cost you money to keep the camera rolling like in the days of expensive film and processing. Every shot should be held for no less than 20 seconds.

We all see government waste, dangerous conditions and criminal events. When in doubt shoot the video. Don’t be in a hurry to delete it either.

Most government bureaucrats hate video cameras because they know their misconduct, rudeness and waste will haunt them if captured.

The Flip cameras are small so there is no reason to ever be without one on your person. If you don’t yet know how to edit video get help from someone trustworthy. There are thousands of videos on YouTube that will teach you how to edit and upload video for the world to see.

Camera phones work but their images are not up for good viewing. Stick to the HD digital video cameras rather than even the I-phone cameras.

Get that video up on a favorite blog, hopefully, Of course you may even create your own.

He who controls the information controls the world. Dictators always could control the information in the past. Now they have to turn off the Internet to silence their critics. The people now have the power to get vital information out with little or no filtering.

YouTube has been trying to control content by pulling videos that their employees don’t like, but there are other sites. You can also put the same video up on hundreds of sites similar to YouTube. They won’t all remove something controversial. Put your video up on Facebook and ask your friends to share it with their friends.

Don’t be the one to say, “Shucks, I wish I had my camera with me for this!”

Keeping the flow of information open keeps government in check. Report on government misconduct whenever possible. Homeland Security is asking for people to inform on their neighbors. Why inform anything to Homeland Security when you can inform the world about Civil Rights abuse by Homeland Security?

Just the threat of exposure because of the proliferation of cameras helps keep the government in check.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Bullying, Society, Law and the Thought Police

Recently there have been two tragic suicides attributed to bulling. The most egregious one was a 13 year-old boy who hanged himself after being taunted because he was openly Gay. His tormentors committed no crime and won’t be prosecuted. I guess it's too difficult to imagine a kid so young being convinced he's gay.

The other case is the college student who was secretly caught on camera having Gay sex with his pal. The act was broadcast live on the Internet for the entertainment of his tormentors. When the student learned of the prank he became so distraught that he said his goodbye on Facebook and jumped off a bridge. Here there was a serious crime of wiretapping and privacy invasion. The offenders here face deserved felony convictions and prison.

Homosexuality has been a taboo on earth for many thousands of years in most societies. Gay bashing is not some new thing. There are strong religious views of some and that many other people simply find the conduct repugnant. We seem to forget that homosexual acts between consenting adults were serious felony crimes in many American states. Those laws were changed only in our recent history.

In the early 1970’s Chicagoans were routinely arrested if they appeared in public dressed in the clothing of the opposite sex. Today over half the women on Chicago’s streets could face arrest for that violation. Of course the arrests back then were prominently of gender confused men usually acting as prostitutes. That was despite the fact that the, Improper Dress or Exposure Law had nothing to do with sexual commerce.

I subscribe to the theory that Gay people can’t control their preference anymore than we can control the dominate hand that we sign our names with. Sex is a natural function we all need to engage on a regular basis within the parameters of our orientation.

I’m also convinced that it must be a serious inconvenience to deal with the sexual programming our creator has given too many of us. Imagine having to deal with being Gay, transgendered or even being a pedophile. These people are cursed with punishment for their activities wherever they go. There is no known cure for sexual deviation. It’s simply a birth defect.

There are those people that rationally but perhaps wrongly fear that these traits can become learned behavior rather than just something programmed into our DNA. They believe that homosexuality is contagious and fear for their children accordingly.

I believe that people that experiment with homosexuality always go in their pre-programmed direction in the long run. Of course there are those that simply don’t care what sex their bedmates are.

The lesser sexual deviations not discernable as dangerous such as homosexuality, gender identity disorder or some fetishes are more tolerable. In the past few decades, American society has buckled under demands for legitimization and acceptance of the most common forms of sexual deviance to a point.

Laws cannot and should not control even irrational hateful thoughts. We cannot and should not attempt legislate, brotherly love for those in society that are different. Even if you could pass such a law, would it ever change the actual thoughts in people’s minds?

There will be Gay basing as long as there are Gays and no law can change that. This is a fact that Gay people must take into account as they blend into society. Exposition of their orientation is usually the catalyst for the bullying of Gays.

Our sexual orientation or sex lives should be a private matter rather than a public display. Those who chose to advertise their sexuality may have to pay a price as they find themselves on the receiving end of discrimination in jobs, housing or even friends. Parents are also free to disown their Gay children and do on a regular basis.

I find that teasing or taunting of Gay people is certainly anti-social behavior similar to calling African-Americans, niggers. We all can be called something hateful and offensive over something we have no control, but that’s not a criminal offense. Hateful speech and thought is constitutionally protected activity. That does not make hateful speech socially acceptable and hate mongers often reap what they sew. Nobody likes mean people.

Emotional bullying is not nor should it be a crime, even if it is hateful. Certainly any, threat or act of violence is a crime. Hate on the other hand is mere thought and in America we must never create or allow for Thought Police.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Telephone Ringtone Lands Man In Jail

Hamburg, Germany—Train travel in this great country is as good as it gets. They have electricity for your laptop, gaming device or DVD players and unlike airplanes you’re free to use your cell phones. Trains are an incredibly relaxing way to travel and at least in Germany. Most importantly to me is that you’re not searched like a criminal by TSA lowlifes before you board.

One quiet trip to this Northern city was shattered by annoying sound of an especially obnoxious ringtone. One unidentified 54 year-old man’s ringtone was one of Adolph Hitler’s more memorable speeches. The Furher ringtone gave new life to the dark promise of, “the destruction of world Jewry” if Germany was “dragged” into war.

Hitler’s reign was catastrophic to Germany and its people. Nine million Germans and six million Jews perished under National Socialism. The legal reconstruction of post-war Germany has just one caveat to free speech. No Nazi artwork, symbols, or expressions of affection for National Socialism are allowed

After the offending phone rang several times it garnered police attention after someone summoned them from the train. Police detained the passenger and seized numerous pictures, stickers and swastikas glorifying National Socialism from his belongings. Now the man faces six months in a jail cell.

My thoughts are the laws against Nazi worship backfired making the outlawed activities much more attractive because it’s illegal.

Of course if that ringtone was a speech by our own Socialist, Master of The Teleprompter, I would definitely be very annoyed to say the least. Making Obama’s speeches illegal would mean he’d never shut up.

Monday, May 24, 2010

We Must Protect Internet Free Speech at All Cost

Washington, DC—Whoever controls the information, controls the world. Our founding fathers knew that only too well and as a result we have the First Amendment in our Bill of rights. Without free speech we will have no freedom at all.

All of the other rights we have, have been curtailed drastically without amending our Constitution in the last two centuries. The right to keep and bear arms, to be free from unreasonable searches, or to receive due process have all been shortchanged by government. Extortionate taxation has enslaved productive Americans in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment outlawing slavery.

The First Amendment has survived somewhat but is under attack everyday by politicians demanding political correctness and of course only they will decide what is correct.

Incumbent politicians particularly Leftists hate the Internet’s power. Their voting records and misdeeds are published and voters become educated. The Leftists whine and claim misleading information makes them victims of slander and libel.

The laws against defamation have not been repealed and unlike newspapers and TV anyone can immediately post whatever they want to set the record straight if something published in Cyberspace offends them. All men are truly equal in Cyberspace. Try that with NBC, ABC or CBS.

Yes, Internet free speech is under real attack through legislation with skillfully chosen and misleading titles like Net Neutrality and The Fairness Doctrine. Many politicians (virtually all on the Left) want to make some in the new media more equal than others.

After the invention of radio and nearly every home in the world having access to those broadcasts, it was a politician’s dream come true. Not just anyone could broadcast and governments had absolute control of content. Roosevelt, Stalin and Hitler mesmerized their populations with cult like control. People were addicted to this new media. The despots would broadcast their one sided rants and the listeners were hopelessly sucked in.

Soon the television came along and the leftists understood the power of media enough to do whatever it took to own and control it. The major newspapers, television and radio stations spoke with a single leftist voice. The journalism schools were also part of this power grab.

The Conservatives never were able to stay in front of the information race. They were only able to get their message out through books that few people read.

Nobody knew the media better than that National Socialist, Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels. He was the man who got Adolph Hitler on the front pages of the world’s newspapers and covers of several Time Magazine issues. Goebbels media skills convinced the world that Hitler was real Hope and Change for a deeply troubled Europe.

If people heard it on the radio or read it in the newspaper they were convinced it had to be true. In hindsight we know a great deal of seemingly credible half-truths and outright lies were broadcast or published each and every day.

With an unfiltered Internet anyone with computer access can post the written word, voice recording, photographs and video without cost. The days of bully pulpits are nearly over and free speech reigns supreme.

Any 12 year-old with a cell-phone video camera or web camera can broadcast whatever political message he pleases in numerous YouTube style sites. Facebook alone hosts constant political give and take with millions of postings.

Today the consumers of the new Cyberspace media are more sophisticated and the information posted does not go un-investigated. It’s much more difficult to control anyone at all when you can’t control the information.

The result is a better educated population and the free ride for dictators is over unless freedom is regulated out of the Internet.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Joe Grant, “The Flag Man”

Chicago, IL—It was the very beginning of July, 1970 and I had just finished serving two years in the US Army after being drafted . I was off duty and enjoying the pretty girls at the North end of Oak Street Beach.

I saw a filthy looking hippie and he was wearing a United States flag like a diaper. I viewed the sight with utter contempt. I knew there was some relatively new law that prohibited the, “improper display of the flag.” I saw a sergeant from 018 driving by and asked him if he knew about that somewhat obscure new law. He actually had a copy of it and it was a felony with no misdemeanor reducer.

That was it, we arrested the hippy whose name was Joseph John Grant. It turned out he had a drug conviction and he was soon on his way to the 018 District lock-up after we called for a wagon.

We confiscated the flag and inventoried it as evidence. I soon learned that Grant was unable to post the relatively low bail.

Grant’s is preliminary hearing court date came up and he appeared before one of Chicago’s most colorful judges, Wayne Olson. When the case was called Grant began with his smart-assed attitude and pissed off Olson. The result was the case was continued for 30 days, bail was jacked up well beyond any ability to pay and Grant was ordered to see the Court Psychiatrist, Dr. Kelleher or Dr. K as we used to call him. Eventually Grant pled Guilty to the felony and got probation along with the 45 days or so he served in the Cook County Jail.

Judge Olson wound up doing a stretch at Club Fed after he was snagged in the Grey Lord Investigation of the early 1980’s. The FBI bugged Olson’s chambers and he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Okay, I enjoyed that exercise in justice. Seeing that hippy punished for showing contempt for the flag so many Americans died under now gave me satisfaction. The penalty was harsh but Grant was everything I despised in the days following the Democratic National Convention, Jane Fonda and the sellout of South Viet Nam by the Communists in our own government.

Just a few years later the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the flag desecration laws throughout the land as protected free speech. When the ruling came down I had no problem with it since it reinforced free speech.

My military service was dedicated to freedom so the Joe Grant Flagman Case sparked my interest in the Bill of Rights. Today I’d thank that unwashed hippy for the education.

It’s was not just speech that is protected but unpopular speech. I have to be the first to admit that there is a significant portion of the population that would love to see my blog shut down and see me get beaten or worse. Thank God and our nation’s founders for free speech..

Monday, January 04, 2010

When Is A Symbolic Hanging Free Speech?

Plaines, GA—Some prankster unhappy with Barack Obama took a manikin and made it resemble the president and hanged it as some kind of nasty statement. It has brought rebuke, outrage and an investigation from the United States Secret Service.

In October of 2008 in West Hollywood, CA Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin suffered the exact same indignity and it only generated laughter and glee. No charges were brought but the man who put that one up took it down after reflecting on his poor choice of a visual statement.

Both of these events are indeed ugly. The First Amendment gives American’s the right to unpopular thought or speech.

Had this been a effigy hanging of Adolph Hitler in Germany, those responsible would have gotten quick trials and sent to Berlin’s Plötzensee Prison death room along with some friends and family members.

Ugly free speech needs protection or we will be having judges trying to determine if some imaginary speech line was crossed with a particular message.

Ugly speech should be discouraged through social rather than legal means.

In the foreground is the Plötzensee Prison guillotine used to behead most victims until the sheer number of executions during the Third Reich made that method impractical. After this, most victims were hanged from the hooks behind from piano wire.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Certain Paid Sex Is Legal In America

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievence."

—The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

First let me say it’s a great country we live in. As difficult times approach new business opportunities may be rare. I have an idea suited for some to help bring home the bacon.

It’s really quite simple, making films and paying actors to engage in on-camera adult consensual sex acts is constitutionally protected activity.

For example a woman offered to produce either still pictures or video of herself and a willing partner that’s not a crime. Likewise that same woman would be allowed to sell or rent to you a camera for your very own Cecil B. DeMille, close-up encounters of the sticky kind.

Of course that camera with instruction may cost $500.00 for an hour film making session. The person renting or buying the camera would have full publishing rights to the images along with the actual camera or media used for the session.

May I suggest the new and inexpensive, high definition Flip Camera pictured above?

The only involvement for the government is to collect sales tax of the camera rental or sale and income tax. Otherwise this is just another film making venture. Also a proper statement must be filed that the actors were over the age of 18. I hope I have helped spark some new commerce.