Showing posts with label crimefile news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crimefile news. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Local cops using LPR Data captured would be presidential assassin Ryan Wesley Roth.


Martin County, FL—An anonymous bystander played a pivotal role in the capture of would-be presidential assassin Ryan Wesley Routh. Using his phone, the individual snapped a photo of Routh’s license plate and quickly alerted authorities. Police utilized License Plate Reader (LPR) technology to track and arrest the suspect.

LPRs are high-resolution cameras that capture license plates, along with the time, date, and location of a vehicle. These devices are either stationary on roads or mounted on vehicles. In this case, a network of LPR cameras in the area helped localize the suspect.

LPR technology is becoming an essential tool in modern law enforcement. It can place a suspect near a crime scene or miles away, offering crucial evidence in trials. Data from LPRs, far more reliable than eyewitness accounts, are increasingly used in court to either incriminate or exonerate suspects. Along with other data related surveillance tools, LPRs have significantly increased crime-solving efficiency.

While the use of LPR technology and operators is protected under the First Amendment, it raises privacy concerns, as it can track individuals without their knowledge. However, its applications extend beyond crime-solving; LPRs have been used in cases of infidelity and other personal investigations. As LPRs proliferate, their impact on both public safety and privacy continues to grow. For those interested in deploying this technology, LPR systems are readily available for purchase on platforms like Amazon.

This incident highlights both the power and the privacy implications of LPR technology, which is becoming more prevalent in law enforcement and personal use.

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Risks of Open Carry for Handguns: Why Concealment is Wiser.

Phoenix, AZ— For many decades, Arizona only permitted the open carry of firearms, reserving concealed carry solely for sworn peace officers. However, open carry of handguns, in particular, is fraught with risks and is more likely to lead to a breach of peace than firearms carried discreetly.

When you openly carry a handgun, you are more likely to encounter unstable individuals who might confront, complain, or even attempt to disarm you. But there’s an even more alarming scenario: imagine someone sees you with a gun, feels threatened, and falsely reports to the police that you pointed the weapon at them. The police respond to find you openly carrying a firearm, and there’s a so-called “victim” willing to lie under oath. In Arizona, aggravated assault laws, especially those involving gun-pointing, are severe, carrying a mandatory five-year prison sentence without parole.

Even if you know you did nothing wrong, the trial may not go in your favor. The accuser could perjure themselves, and the prosecutor might paint you as a danger to society. With no evidence other than your word, the risk of conviction looms large. Facing such a scenario, many people, fearing the harsh sentence, may opt to plead guilty in exchange for probation or a shorter jail term—yet this still results in a felony conviction and a lifetime ban on owning firearms.

In states that only permit open carry, it might actually be safer to risk violating a misdemeanor law that forbids concealed carry. In a self-defense situation, how you carried the gun won’t be easily proven unless you self-incriminate. Arizona, after 14 years of my lobbying efforts eventually allowed for concealed weapons permits and later removed the requirement altogether. Therefore, there’s no practical reason to openly carry a handgun, as doing so diminishes any tactical advantage you might have in a self-defense scenario. It’s best to keep your firearm out of sight and out of mind.

As one of the first firearms safety instructors in the state, I’m proud to say my students have always acted responsibly. When it comes to long guns, however, situations of unrest may necessitate openly carrying rifles or shotguns. Recent history has shown us examples, such as Korean shopkeepers during the Rodney King riots in LA and that Kenosha riot that showed Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself against three thugs trying to kill him. 

While we must defend open carry laws for such situations, it is generally wiser to conceal handguns to avoid unnecessary and potentially life-altering conflicts. Never forget when you’re carrying a weapon conflict avoidance is rule number one.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

Television today is like a rotting corpse, decomposing before our eyes

The late Newton Minnow, former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, nailed it when he called television a "vast wasteland" of senseless violence, mindless comedy, and ads that make you want to throw up. And that was in 1961! If he could see the state of TV now, he'd probably throw himself off of a broadcast tower just to make it stop.

Reality shows? More like asinine fantasy shows where people compete to see who can be the most ridiculous for the least amount of money. And let’s not forget those Court TV programs featuring folks who seem to think brushing their teeth is a once-in-a-lifetime event. These people parade their petty grievances on national television, seemingly unaware that they should be mortified.

As for network news, it’s like watching a soap opera written by conspiracy theorists. The radical left has hijacked the narrative, and they repeat lies so often, they become truths—at least to anyone still watching.

Newspapers? Well, with over 70% of Americans barely able to read beyond a stop sign, print media doesn't stand a chance.

If it weren’t for streaming services like Netflix and Prime Video, my TVs would’ve been tossed into a landfill years ago. Thank goodness for the internet, or I’d have nothing but static and regret in my living room.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Abortion the reality and truth behind Roe v. Wade

Washington, DC—Let me start by saying I don't have a personal stake in this issue. While I find abortion generally troubling, I acknowledge its necessity in many cases. Roe v. Wade is often misunderstood. The Supreme Court should adhere strictly to the Constitution, not sway with public opinion. However, justices sometimes allow their personal political beliefs to influence their decisions, which is problematic.

In Roe v. Wade, the Court legalized abortion through a complex interpretation, declaring an unwritten Right to Privacy. This right, which wasn't explicitly included by the Founding Fathers, was effectively created without a constitutional amendment. To be clear, there has never been an inherent reproductive right or right to choose—these are terms born out of advocacy.

For "pro-choice" advocates, it's important to note that there has never been a simple majority (50%+1) to legalize abortion nationwide, nor a consensus on when abortion should be permitted in terms of weeks or months. The recent Supreme Court, with a different set of justices, reversed the earlier Burger Court's decision, leaving the abortion issue to individual states. In regions like the Bible Belt, opposition to abortion is strong due to deeply held beliefs about the sanctity of unborn life.

Given the longstanding division on abortion, achieving the support needed for a constitutional amendment is unlikely.

The Supreme Court's makeup during the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 was as follows:

1. Harry Blackmun (appointed by Richard Nixon) – wrote the majority opinion.
2. Warren E. Burger (Chief Justice, appointed by Richard Nixon) – joined the majority.
3. William J. Brennan Jr. (appointed by Dwight D. Eisenhower) – joined the majority.
4. William O. Douglas (appointed by Franklin D. Roosevelt) – joined the majority.
5. Thurgood Marshall (appointed by Lyndon B. Johnson) – joined the majority.
6. Lewis F. Powell Jr. (appointed by Richard Nixon) – joined the majority.
7. Potter Stewart (appointed by Dwight D. Eisenhower) – joined the majority.
8. Byron White (appointed by John F. Kennedy) – dissented.
9. William Rehnquist (appointed by Richard Nixon) – dissented.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

The Truth Behind Hunter Bidens Gun Law Crime Plea Agreement

Delaware—Let’s begin with the gun violation.  This Federal law was born within the Gun Control Act of 1968 after the assassinations of the Kennedy’s and Martin Luther King.  Of course, guns were blamed for these murders by the hand wringing, gun right haters, much more so, than the killers.  


A portion of that 1968 Johnson Administration, federal law dealt with making a requirement that anyone purchasing a gun from a licensed gun dealer had to truthfully fill out what is commonly known as a 4473 form


The 4473 form asks a lot of questions including if you’re under indictment or been convicted of a crime that carries a prison penalty of more than a year. Additional questions involved mental health status and citizenship.  Later, questions involving Red Flag, domestic abuse and restraining orders we're added to this form.  


More Recently the FBI got involved in doing background investigations that became an expensive nightmare because of name similarities, refusal of mental health agencies to provide access to records and massive clerical screwups.


The key 4473 question Hunter Biden falsified was, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, common narcotic drug or any other controlled substance?”  This was considered a very serious felony crime carrying a punitive ten-year prison sentence.  


Now the rub.  The younger Biden will be allowed to enter a diversion program and this specific crime will be completely wiped off his record provided he successfully completes the program.  He may have to do some public service like working for a food bank. For Hunter Biden there is no probation, jail term nor is there a criminal record under this agreement.


Was this portion of the plea agreement a sweetheart deal?  Or was it an absolutely necessity considering the United States Supreme Court Bruen decision of a year ago and The Big Guy?


President Biden has been screaming for gun bans most of his lifetime political career.  He got a serious Bruen ass kicking with the invalidating  some 20,000 local, state, and federal gun laws. 


There can be no doubt that the younger Biden would have to use Bruen to beat the gun form deception crime.  The reality is that criminal cases get through the appellate system much faster than civil cases especially when people are sitting in jail.  The Whitehouse certainly doesn’t want to see the Biden name attached to some case invalidating any portion of the now castrated 1968-gun Control Act. 


The resulting massive amount of new gun law court challenges has taken the wrecking ball to gun regulations all over the nation. 


Bruen also destroyed requirements outlawing Interstate gun sales and these 4473 forms.  Gun Registration and Serial number requirements are also rapidly on their way to the unconstitutional trash heap.  


The Bruen decision held that the founding fathers did not create loopholes allowing gun rights impairments in 1791. 


Modern public safety concerns can’t be used as an excuse to impair the Second Amendment.  The only factors that can be involved in making a gun law according to Bruen must be rooted in text, history, and tradition when the Second Amendment was promulgated in 1791.



As for the two charges connected to Hunter Biden’s tax fraud, I think the Biden run DOJ had to get Hunter Biden’s lawyers to agree to sidestep fighting the gun violation.   So to sweeten the pot, he gets to avoid a free ride to prison on that too.  


George Orwell said it best in his book, Animal Farm. “All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others.”


Take that, Wesley Snipes!  I guess Democrats have a two-tiered punishment system that seems to have a racial overtone.  The Biden name is clearly, by far the best kind of White privilege ever!


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Disingenuous Immigration Whitehouse Policies


Washington, DC—Democrats have pretended their open border policy is one of kindness and humanitarianism. That’s pure bullshit.  

We all know that poverty breeds more Democrats.  Stuffing Southern states with illegal aliens will soon turn those Southern  Red States, Blue.  Yes, Democrat politicians are using these unfortunate souls as a tool for purely political purpose.

The reality is, the southern states have had the unfair burden to provide humanitarian needs, along with medical and educational assistance to the illegal aliens. 

The Blue State politicians have, put in place every form of welfare to control their own unemployed, unemployable, impoverished, uneducated, unskilled and chronically lazy people that will vote for them.  It’s all about total control. They don’t need more Democrats in Blue States. 

If the Democrats really cared they’d welcome their new illegals with open arms and provide for them.  Instead they have been strangling and bankrupting those Southern states with these unvetted invaders. Keeping them far away and trapped in impoverished border towns is their goal!

Helping these illegals relocate to the Blue States give them substantially better resources and a real ability to pursue the American dream would be much kinder policy. 

Would you rather start your new job as a dishwasher in El Paso, Texas, or in a trendy Martha’s Vineyard, restaurant where you’d get triple the pay.  We all know the answer to that one!

Governor Abbott of Texas is doing the right thing helping these people relocate to where the money is.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Pam Zekman, A Chicago Legend Retires

Chicago, IL—Okay, retirement was the wrong word to use.  It was obviously the reality that CBS was going trough lean times and Pam Zekman took home a King’s Ransom sized paycheck.  They laid her and a small busload of newsroom faces off in this drastic economy move.  

After a half-century as Chicago's top investigative journalist, Zekman is wealthy and earned herself a dream retirement package.  Don’t shed a tear for this legendary, Queen of the Ambush Interview, she is now off to new adventures! By the way, Zekman influenced me too, more than she will ever know!

The more difficult job falls in the hands if WBBM-TV’s News Director, Jeff Harris.  He must find a leaner, meaner version of Zekman to fill her shoes.  

I know just the top gun investigative reporter and a kick ass producer, perfect for the Chicago market.  The ad revenue has to perk up a bit.  CBS2 knows it must move on and compete.  There is no alternative.  Harris has both the guts and savvy to make the right decision.  Like me, Harris knows that being number one is never enough!

Here is my Happy Trails video for Zekman:  

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid-19 is Changing TV News Delivery Forever!

Los Angeles, CA--The Covid-19 catastrophe may well change forever the way TV news is gathered and broadcast.  

The nation’s news operations have been forced to have some reporters work from home.  They’re suddenly gathering news as they conduct their routine interviews via Zoom, Skype and Facetime

The Multi Media Journalist is a mainstay everywhere except where the photographers unions are politically anchored.  That’s all about to change. 

Drones, smaller and cheaper DSLR type cameras are capturing startling video images.  Quality video live streaming has never been so easy.  The technology learning curve for reporters is no longer an obstacle.

The increased efficiency and cost savings connected to news gathering are really monumental. 

There will always be a need for helicopters, and news crews to chase breaking news.  We need to forever end those ridiculous and expensive reporter’s live shots in front of stale crime scenes that serve no useful purpose whatsoever!  

The result of this will be more and better news stories.  More  reporters and producers can be hired with the cost savings. 

News gathered and reported in the field will have a new look of immediacy with the exciting creativity and style of those sucessful modern YouTube vloggers. 

These may be amazing times if actual news replaces those politically divisive talking heads once again.  Viewers want real journalists, not propaganda purveyors.  Perhaps the term, Fake News will finally disappear. 

I’m convinced the talking heads have driven viewers away from their TV sets. 

Lastly let me say that focus groups have led news managers down the same road for far too long.  It’s understandable, they are comprised of idle people that simply don’t have a life!  

Thursday, December 05, 2019

A Review of a Great Film, SYSTEM CRASHER

Writer and Director, Nora Fingscheidt and me...
Los Angeles, CA--Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely independent. 

Benni's real problem is obvious she has been denied a two parent household and all of the love and attention that every child deserves. She’s considered a System Crasher. 

Benni has somewhat dangerous meltdowns that makes placing her in foster homes nearly impossible.  Her care givers do the best they can to tame this wild child under the circumstances.

The film also stars, Albrecht Schuch in a compelling role as Benni's assigned Social Worker Escort, Micha.  Micha crosses the line when he becomes personally involved in a somewhat understandable surrogate parental capacity.   

Just like Micha, you can’t help but fall in love with Benni as she travels through some rather horrific misadventures.

I have to say it’s one of the better films I’ve seen and I wish the writer and director, Nora Fingscheidt a trip up to the Oscar podium in February.  As for the young starlet she’s been visiting with none other than Tom Hanks. We will be seeing a lot more of her.

It soon may be available on Netflix. The English Trailer is below.
Being a member of the Screen Actors Guild I am blessed to get to see a lot of films and meet the creative forces behind them. That’s exactly what happened tonight as I saw a German film, System Crasher.  

It was a project dreamed up by a lovely young film student by the name of Nora Fingscheidt.   The film began seven years ago as a thought that has culminated in an Oscar competing film in the best foreign film category.  The entire cast was captivating. 

The film stars nine-year-old, Helena Zengel as Benni, a young, somewhat abandoned child.  This child is under care of the government and they can hardly cope with her.  She’s a bright girl and is fiercely ind

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Katie Hill has Resigned from Congress!

Washington, DC--Bi-Sexual, Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill announced her resignation today.  This came as her soon to be ex-husband spilled the beans over her sexual activities with at least two subbordinate staffers.  Salacious photos surfaced showing hill naked with a female staffer, smoking a bong on 9/11/01 and another naked shot revealing her pubic area, Nazi Iron Cross tattoo. 

I suspect that there's a lot more to come involving Hill's financial chicanery and I promise that this story is far from over. My question now is what happens to the Million dollar plus 2020 campaign war chest? Hill promised to shake up Washington and she's done just that!  She's been missing since this story broke, choosing to hide behind written statements. Who will catch her with a video camera first to hear and broadcast what she has to say?                      

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Our Broken System of Criminal Justice by Paul Huebl

Los Angeles, CA--Due process and our dubious criminal justice system is really not doing well.  

Exonerations are on the rise as exhaustive post conviction investigations expose police, crime lab or prosecutorial misconduct. 

It takes decades to expose wrongful convictions as these victims rot in our prisons. 

This is not about reducing the penalties that criminals deserve.  This is about pure and simple justice and fairness.  

Prosecutors have been given excessive powers in recent years that they nearly always abuse.  Juries almost never hear about the checkered backgrounds of witnesses and so-called victims. The backgrounds of the accused however are nearly always disclosed.  

We routinely convict people in circumstantial cases where the jury guesses guilt or innocence.   If a jury has to guess, that should dictate an acquittal but that’s just not how it works.  

I have worked with the best and worst lawyers.  Even lawyers considered to be excellent, too often overlook or simply dismiss important evidence.  Egos too often obstruct otherwise good lawyers.  It’s a human reality. 

Usually but not always money buys a better legal defense.  

Defense investigation makes or breaks achieving justice.  Unfortunately the vast majority of people practicing that occupation are incredibly unqualified.  They couldn’t find their asses with both hands and a flashlight. 

Too many private investigators spend their time plagiarizing the more attractive websites of their competitors! The formal training of cops in every discipline of evidence collection, interviews, interrogations along with the sciences and use of today’s sweeping computer data is just not generally available in kind to private investigators.

Without real due process and fair trials we are no better than dispensing a form of Fake Justice.  

We need to keep juries far away from Google, Fake News and those outside influences.  However that’s absolutely impossible in this day and age.  

This is not a Liberal-Conservative issue.  This is about what might happen to you or a loved one. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

That College Entrance Fraud and Bribery Tale is beyond Epic!

William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman

Mossimo Giannulli and Lori Loughlin

Los Angeles, CA—I spent the afternoon in the courtroom of Federal Magistrate, Alexander MacKinnon.  He arraigned and set bail for a handful of accused that had already been indicted on Conspiracy and Racketeering charges 

The vast majority of the 31 people were only brought before the court for an Initial Appearance on Complaints.  That’s the first step in the process.  Those brought in on complaints have a bit of wiggle room to save themselves. 

At this point there are some 50 people caught up in this very novel prosecution.  Prosecutors allege that the ringleader, Rick Singer ran a consulting company that facilitated fixing ACT and SAT scores with the use of a ringer by the name of Mark Riddell who took these tests for the applicants.  

Prosecutors also said that Singer proceeded to bribe various school officials and coaches to allow these well-connected, under-achievers a back door entrance to the very best colleges throughout the nation.

Prosecutors allege that Singer netted no less than $25 million over the last decade through this scheme.   

Federal authorities arrested actress Felicity Huffman who according to the complaint, was caught in a wiretapped conversation trying to seal the deal with Singer.  On the phone with them was Huffman’s husband, actor William H. Macy.  So far Macy has not been charged. This has an odor of prosecutorial mischief, perhaps aimed at getting the couple to cooperate with authorities. 

Another well-known actress, Lori Loughlin somehow evaded the FBI Dragnet but is expected to surrender with her lawyer very soon. Her Husband, Mossimo Giannulli was not so lucky and spent the better part of the day as a Federal prisoner.  

Bail was set on various defendants between $1Million and $50,000.00. Huffman’s bail was set at $250,000.00. The defendants were all ordered to surrender their passports and stay within the confines of the Continental United States. 

As for the parents, one family paid $6.5 Million to get their child into a prestigious school.  Others paid very handsomely to sidestep those annoying admission requirements. 

That begs me to suggest that this was the most egregious case of entrapment I’ve ever seen.  Tell me what parent could not be convinced to help their precious children.  

If there is a crime here, it involves the bribe takers and Rick Singer. Punishing wealthy parents for helping the children is fundamentally flawed. The US Attorney is far from finished here.  Who knows what other hapless parents will be made to take this very public, Perp Walk?

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Chris Burrous Left Big Shoes To Fill at KTLA-TV

Los Angeles, CA--While TV news is dying nearly everywhere, the late KTLA-TV weekend morning anchor, Chris Burrous found better ways to reach the audience. 

What made Burrous rock was his fearless attitude about broadcasting his way, always departing from the routine.  He was a TV Maverick that truly knew how to have fun.  

Burrous has proven his news reporting chops on so many high profile stories.  But there was always so much more for him to deliver to the audience! 

Rather than accept reality that few newsworthy things happen on the weekend, he used exceptional creativity to fill a five-hour show! 

Burrous often, brought the normally unseen weekend KTLA production crew into the studio.  

Burrous encouraged everyone connected to the show to simply relax and show his or her human side.  

There was much more on display than sterile anchors and a plastic studio set to see.  Burrous gave viewers real warmth as he made his own vulnerabilities acceptable! 

With Burrous there was real interaction with viewers as he merged their, e-mails, photos, tweets and fun into the broadcasts.  

Burrous really deserves a posthumous star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

Broadcasters that try to copy Burrous will fail.  They should take a cue from him and many of the successful Internet vloggers that simply refuse to follow the very stale TV template of Murrow and Cronkite.  They need to create their own brands.

Let me say that the rest of the weekend morning show talent has likewise always delivered their fair share to the show.  

The void of Burrous leaves KTLA  is huge.  However, the show must go on!  

I expect great things from KTLA-TV News Director, Jason Ball.  Please let the unpredictable adventure continue. 

I always say, being number one is never enough.  

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Borderline Bar Mass Murder Cover Up Continues!

Thousand Oaks, CA—The November 8th   massacre  of college kids and a Sheriff’s sergeant by a crazed gunman still generates many more questions than answers.  

It’s now more than obvious that the answers will have to be forcibly extracted from the officials by legal process and court orders. 

Right now, lawyers helping victims face a solid stonewall as far as getting enough information to even file lawsuits. Legal authority is required to open the reports, surveillance video and evidence for inspection.  

The lawyers must sue before they can obtain subpoenas or any discovery material.  However they can’t sue without having a proper theory as to negligence or some other tort claim.  With the records locked up so tight, justice may never be done. 

The first obvious liability target is the Borderline Bar and Grill itself.  We know that those people injured were not shot.  Due to inadequate emergency exits those fleeing the gunman had to break windows and jump a dozen feet or so to the ground that was covered with broken glass. People suffered nasty injuries simply trying to get away to safety.  The people shot and killed by the gunman definitely had no clear way to escape!

The entire property including its parking area was quickly surrounded with a tall, opaque green fence and 24/7 security to keep lawyers and their investigators from discovering and documenting the serious lack of viable emergency exits.  

Did local government officials enable and accommodate the crazed gunman’s death trap through shoddy safety inspections of the property?  

Will they destroy evidence before the fence comes down?  Will they simply demolish the club to avoid liability claims?

Next, what was the role of the at least eight cops both armed and unarmed that were inside the club that clearly never challenged the gunman?  Case law has long ago established that cops have no legal duty to protect anyone. Perhaps they do have a duty to arrest, disable or kill a murderer engaged in his crime.  That’s one for the lawyers to figure out. 

We know that the surveillance video will tell the real story of this holocaust.  Not only has the Sheriff refused to release them his office won’t even reveal what they contain. 

Everyone loves a hero like, Sergeant Ron Helus.  Nobody loves a coward.  Apparently those cops that were socializing in the club that night were beyond a disappointment.  

People close to the investigation told me that some were armed and still were simply too afraid to confront the gunman.  

Again the surveillance video will tell the story of both the heroes and cowards.  I say the video must be released at least to the victims, their families and the media. 

The chips must fall where the may.  Remember the crime is always in the cover up!

Friday, December 07, 2018

Borderline Bar and Grill Sheriff's Sergeant Killed by Friendly Fire!

Thousand Oaks, CA—Exactly one month to the day, Ventura County Sheriff Bill Ayob and his PR department held a press conference to release some “new” details.  In reality those details were not so new since a small 5.56 MM projectile was removed from the body of Sergeant Ron Helusduring unsuccessful emergency surgery.  

Since they knew immediately that Ian David Long,the shooter was only armed with a .45 automatic Glock pistol and only the police were using Ar-15 style rifles capable of discharging the 5.56 MM rounds.  They did learn definitively from the FBI laboratory that the round came from a CHP officer’s rifle.  This was and is beyond humiliating as well as epically tragic.  I don’t envy these fellows that had the duty to let this troubling cat out of the bag. 

I did not make things easier for them when I asked about several off duty officers from at least three departments socializing in the Borderline club that were disarmed by a failed public policy.  The answer they provided was skewed with a response that off duty cops aren’t required to carry off duty like it was their own choice!  

They wanted no part of my follow up questions on that hot potato topic! One thing for sure, if one or more of the off duty cops were armed, Ian David Long would have been taken out well before so many, including Sgt. Helus were murdered.  

I asked about surveillance video from inside the club during the shooting.  They admitted that had the video but flat out refused to say what was caught on tape! 

This was nothing more than another epic failure involving a Gun Free Zone.  Off camera, I was told this was a political issue! I countered it was a public safety and survival issue.  One thing for sure, toughening this venue and other soft targets was apparently not on anyone’s agenda.  

Oh, when will we ever learn?