Showing posts with label crime and ignorance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime and ignorance. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Excessive FAA Drone Regulation Will Lead to Near Total Civil Disobedience

Los Angeles, CA—There are many thousands of camera-armed drones out on the American marketplace.  Today they far exceed the numbers of conventional helicopters.
Unlike conventional aircraft the little drones have a perfect safety record.  So far no reported deaths or serious injuries have occurred.  Injuries so far have my minor requiring little more than Band-Aids.  When accidents happen it’s because the drone’s owner put his fingers to close to the propellers.
Now the Obama Administration's FAA wants to create civilian drone regulation and greatly expand their manpower, budget and agency size.   It’s really just an unjustified power grab.
The little drones are not recognizable on radar screens.  Putting ID numbers on them is silly because even with the best binoculars nobody could read them anyway. 
They are simply not a threat to public safety or our airspace. 
The laws covering criminal endangerment, assault, stalking and privacy invasion are more than adequate to deal with that kind of behavior by drone operators.
The real issues are related to flying them in urban areas.  The reality is that's exactly where the drone operators are located. 
Realistically safety concerns are relative to the size of these drones.  The consumer type drones range from a few ounces to a few pounds.
The ones likely to be used by filmmakers, Drone journalists and surveyors must be larger to accommodate more sophisticated equipment.  More skill is needed to fly these very expensive machines.
I don’t care how any of us feel about the drones they are here to stay.  Their good use far outweighs the contrived and unrealized fear of the drone detractors. 
Many officials have yet to learn that the First Amendment like any typewriter, paintbrush or other camera protects the camera drones.
The issue of flying over crowds needs some attention.  Simply said, you can photograph a bunch of protestors better from an angle rather than directly overhead.  Flying near rather than directly over their heads is both safer and will provide better images.
In urban areas or for that matter anywhere I find that flying early in the morning provides better lighting and far fewer people are out on the streets. 
Night flight provides much better view of the drones for the operators.  I find that flying them from large empty parking lots with ample lighting is the perfect place to pilot the drones for night flight.
If the FAA over-regulates these things policing them would be incredibly expensive and difficult.  Frankly the FAA would simply be ignored.
Learning how to fly these things inconspicuously is not difficult.  You simply find a place to deploy and land your drone.  You bring your drone into the target area, get your video and get out.  If you do this right you could do it completely unnoticed. 
If you’re doing it right, by the time authorities could be informed about your scofflaw drone it would already have completed its mission!

Should there be over-regulation, count on me being a drone scofflaw.

You also need to know that unless you lie to officials or confess it may be nearly impossible to prove who was operating the drone.  If you become a target of an investigation connected to drone use say nothing!  Tell them four simple words, “I want a lawyer.”
In most cases they can’t even use a YouTube video against you in court without violating hearsay evidence rules.
If the Obama's FAA thinks they can police every youngster with little drones they really need to stop smoking crack. 
This Christmas there will be many thousands of these things given to good boys and girls.  The FAA needs to leave them alone.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Why Aren’t These Trespassers Marching in Mexico City?

Phoenix, AZ—I had to visit a client in the Maricopa County Jail who is charged with two unrelated murders of women.  When I got to the jail it was in a full state of lockdown because of a demonstration by as many as 4,000 illegal aliens and their families.  I had to wait for this foolishness to pass before the jail would reopen.
There was strong labor union sponsorship of this group’s presence on the downtown streets of this city.  The group was peaceful as the passed by with their signs and chants.  There were some glaring observations that I made of this group that threaten the economic status of America.
Our entire healthcare system has all but shut down because some 11 uninsured million illegal aliens can and do walk into any emergency room and demand full medical care.  We cannot afford to provide medical, educational, service for our own citizens but our politicians have forced us to pay a massive debt of Mexico and Central American trespassers.
If you look closely at the women of child-bearing age and you will see that nearly all of them are pregnant and have two or three children in tow.  They are not paying their own medical care costs.  These 4,000 demonstrators are sucking up millions of our tax dollars and now our some of our politicians want to give them every kind of welfare entitlement.  That will simply insure that the USA becomes a Third World Nation.
Communism can only survive with a massive population of ignorant, poor and miserably needy people.  That’s how they keep power to enslave the productive citizens.
Mexico has every natural resource of the USA.  They have two beautiful coasts and should thrive as well or better than we have done.  That’s impossible because they have a corrupt government that generates crime, poverty and ignorance.  Of course they export as much as they can to our nation as their upper educated a nd privileged society contributes nothing to their own poor.
If we really cared about these Mexican economic refugees we’d keep them out but support them in efforts to overthrow their own despotic government. If they did that right they could recreate Mexico with a Constitution like our own.  Within a few decades they could achieve greatness as a nation.  Soon they’d have to put up walls to keep us Gringo’s out of Mexico.  
Our illegal Mexican aliens have a problem.  Not only can’t they properly read and write English they are also illiterate in Spanish!  The Mexican government evades all responsibility for that human tragedy.  
By the way the Maricopa County Jail has a huge population of illegal aliens for very frightening violent crimes. Murder, rape, robbery and narcotics trafficking is what the misguided generosity of our politicians has imported.  That is both wrong and un-American.
Watch the hordes pass by.  This was about one third of the group.