Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cops. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Public Relations for Drone Pilots has Challenges

Los Angeles, CA—The explosion of civilian multi-rotor camera drones is just beginning.  People are reacting to seeing them for the first time. 
My experiences with the public seeing my drones in action has been mixed.  Thankfully the vast majority of people are amazed and they enjoy seeing them fly.
A minority of “drone detractors” react with exhibitions of hostility, hatred and ignorance.  In the last two years I’ve had just a scant few unsettling encounters while flying my drone.
For reasons I don’t understand I’ve been only been confronted by women.  They advise me I’m breaking the law, and then they call or threaten to call the cops.  They obviously don’t know the law. 
I usually ignore them, shoot my video and leave the area when my flight is over.  If the cops respond to their call I don’t know because I’ve always moved on prior to their arrival. 
Three women on separate occasions were downright nasty and even emotionally disturbed.
I’ve never been negatively confronted by police and have sent my drone into the air in front of them.  The cops seem to be curious and enjoy learning about them.
I have no clue what drove these women’s nastiness and anger.  Taking a friendly approach never helps and responding with similar hostility is pointless and counter-productive.
Moving to another location in one case was little help as one woman jumped in her car and actually followed me! 
It’s obvious these women are clueless of why we send our drones up or that they are safe and not invading their privacy.   I’m really proud of the videos I uploaded to YouTube and simply want the world to see just how much fun I have while capturing the stunning images.
The civilian camera drones are here to stay.  Our First Amendment right to use them to capture images, trumps those hastily passed laws along with attempted future legislation outlawing them.  
The safety record of the civilian multi-rotor drones is unblemished despite the two million already in the hands of civilians.  
I have a habit of sending my drone up in the early morning hours avoiding potential busybodies that might take exception to my drone.  I also position my controller and drone behind my car to shield my activities from strangers. 
We must remain polite, friendly and civil even when people become nasty.  I’d rather make friends than enemies out of anyone.  I will continue to take the high road with anyone hostile to my drones

Monday, December 22, 2014

American Cops have Allowed Themselves to become Political Scapegoats

New York, NY—Cops here like everywhere are being targeted for
violence.  Cops are not the cause of government tyranny.  They are the ones forced by politicians to enable tyranny.
Cops once existed to keep the peace and to stop criminal bullying.  However the politicians have perverted the mission of police into their evil extortion mission.
Politicians hate running for reelection and want others to fund guaranteed eternal employment for them. Those in power have found clever ways of converting taxes, fines and government ATM style programs to fund their reelections.
The only way to stop this is with strict term limits for politicians.  If they can’t run for reelection they lose motivation for extorting cash to fund expensive reelection campaigns.
Switzerland has a smarter idea for their Presidents.  The President there only serves a single two-year term.  Incumbency does not help anyone and if they elect a bad politician the pain from that ends quickly. 
Our politicians especially Democrats are constantly trying to create unnecessary programs for building or anything that will provide cash to government contractors. 
We may need some of these things but our politicians deliberately overfund everything to insure quid pro quo campaign contributions from the contractors. 
The contractors hire lobbyists to convince the politicians we need whatever they’re selling.   The lobbyists are also the ones dolling out the legal campaign contribution bribes.  Buried deep in this shuffle are the taxpayers.
A good example of this is that local politicians have in recent years have found automated traffic cameras to be a huge cash cow for their reelection financing. 
The traffic camera companies run the entire extortion programs and keep the lion’s share of what they collect from the public.  In turn the contractor’s throw maximum contributions to the politicians.  
You should also know that the records of the traffic camera companies are exempt from those pesky Freedom of Information requests unlike government, keeping the press out of our business.  That is just so convent!
Those automated camera and speeding tickets are nothing less than  a strict violation of an accused’s rights to a fair trial.  That’s because they defendant is denied their right to face and cross-examine their accusers.   That along with the fact that the data and photographs produced are purely inadmissible hearsay evidence.  The local judges hold their noses and always allow their courts to be used in this extortion scheme.
Local politicians appoint the judges they know better than to overrule the automated traffic monitoring systems.  Should they do that they will get canned in short order.  
The accused traffic violators can always appeal to higher courts but the extraordinary cost to appeal their fines makes getting any justice impossible.
Incumbent politicians are then guaranteed reelection, juicy retirement pensions along with eternally breathing the rarified air of wealth and power.
Our police have been turned into the enforcement and extortion bullies.  Cops are no longer to serve and protect us but to act as tax collectors.  Remember those that don’t pay their traffic camera fines face towing and arrests.  The guy with the uniform and the gun is now the face of this tyranny.
Then there are laws taxing cigarette and alcohol sales.  The taxes are excessive e4specially in the large cities all run by Democrats.  
That excessive taxation exactly what caused New York’s Eric Garner to begin selling bootleg cigarettes to his hopelessly nicotine addicted sidewalk customers. 
Police were forced by politicians to arrest the tax scoffing Eric Garner just as if he was an armed robber.  Garner resisted and due to his poor judgment and obesity he died during that pathetic arrest.
Politicians have done all that can to make tax-collecting thugs out of cops.  Cops have in turn allowed themselves to be used for political corruption purposes.
Citizens know that contact with the police will take food from their family’s tables and worse.  Police have become a bitter and feared enemy. 
As for cops, they always need to follow their oaths of office including our Bill of Rights. They also need to remember the huge precedent set at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial.   That established that simply following politician’s orders is in no way a valid defense.   A cop’s duty is always to a higher power.

Friday, November 11, 2011

West Covina Cops In Hot Water For Film Making

West Covina, CA—In this Los Angeles suburb, there is a major scandal! It seems actors wearing police uniforms, driving city owned cars made a little spoof film and posted it on YouTube. Real cops are suspected with involvement in this major transgression.

The city’s politicians were not amused and began an investigation. The beef is the “misuse” of city equipment and working without a film permit required for commercial productions.

I’m sorry, I see don’t see anythinging wrong unless there is a legitimate victim. This should happen more often especially since the equipment and software is so inexpensive and easy to use. No this film won't make it to the Academy Awards any time soon but the film makers are learning and may just make it there someday.

Just so you know the gunshots were simulated with the special effects of Final Cut Pro software.

In case your wondering, I had nothing to do with this film. That’s my story and I’m stikin’ to it!