Showing posts with label communism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communism. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!

London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist.  The EU became absolutely tyrannical.  

This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations.  Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative. 
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers. 

The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance. 

Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery!  Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!  

The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives.  The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!

Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.

The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.  

As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves.  Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK.  Margaret Thatcher would be proud!  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Obama’s Dangerous Battle With America’s Military Veterans

Washington, DCBarack Obama has deeply divided this nation by class and race.  He has pitted a huge population of illegal aliens with ignorant and poor African-Americans against America’s productive taxpayers.
Obama has made war on our military veterans with a highly visible hate campaign. Obama has used the government shutdown to victimize veterans in a highly offensive and provocative manner.  This has turned out to be yet another one of Obama’s serious blunders.
Our nation's war memorials were built mostly with private funds.  They are located in the sprawling Capital Mall area.  The government does nothing with them but but clean a little refuse and cut the grass.  The grass did not stop growing nor did the winds cease to blow trash and leaves onto the area containing the monuments because of the shutdown.
In a shockingly provocative move the Whitehouse ordered barricades be brought in and ordered that police eject potential visiting veterans.  The cost for the blockades and security trolls substantially exceeds any routine maintenance expense by far. 
Our veterans along with some members of Congress went in and moved the barricades and visited the monuments honoring the bravery of our precious veterans.  Many of these heroes won’t get a second chance to visit the monuments because of their advanced age and health. 
In a second insult the Whitehouse opened the entire mall for a demonstration on behalf of the millions of Mexican trespassers demanding citizenship!  Of course unlike our respectful veterans the illegal aliens left behind loads of their trash for taxpayers to eat.
Obama knows that the majority of our veterans served this nation fighting Communists in the Korean and Viet Nam wars.  They were trained to kill Communists that were seeking to force their form of slavery on others.
The fact is that killing Communists was and still is a necessary and honorable mission.  The problem is that we have allowed Communists to occupy or Congress and Whitehouse.  We need to learn how to purge these bastards before they procreate any more.
Before Obama’s term expires everything points to his testing the waters of Martial Law by creating unnecessary conflicts. 
What Obama does not realize is that there are many more veterans than he can imagine that want to see him and his henchmen dragged out of the Whitehouse and tried for Treason than he can ever imagine. 
The veterans have the training and own the majority of firearms in America. They have already demonstrated their determination and bravery.  They have also passed those skills and values on to their sons and daughters.
The legions of ignorant welfare zombies and illegal aliens are no match for our veterans in any fight.  Today’s cops and military members will always side with their parents over any Obama loyalists. 
Government cash drives our military contractors but there are a few veterans among them that have access to some serious weapons of mass destruction.  It would not require much effort for some contractor to take out the Whitehouse and it’s occupants.
Obama better learn how to be a good lame duck and not push his luck.  Biting our veterans is biting the hand that feeds him. Obama should lay low while he can and retire peacefully.  To do otherwise will make some serious drama this nation does not want or need. 
Make no mistake millions of Americans are still more than willing to shed blood in the name of liberty and freedom.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

American Citizenship is Rapidly Becoming Devalued to Zero

Washington, DC—Our forefathers sacrificed so much so we would have freedom, prosperity and the tools to prevent government from again becoming despotic.   As a nation our citizenship has been the envy of the entire rest of the world.   We have allowed freedom to slip away and the value of our citizenship has rapidly declined.
We built a system where free enterprise created wealth and jobs.  That in turn gave Americans the ability to consume the fruit of their labor. Productivity and excellence was rewarded and accordingly America became the wealthiest and strongest nation on earth.   Today productivity is punished with extortionate taxation at every level of government.
Nearly 100 years passed and Socialists and Communists floated new ideas about government.  These ideas failed in nation after nation but for a few party leaders that could live like royalty through corruption while their citizens were starved, confined and enslaved.  These governments are well known for killing dissidents or anyone wishing to escape from their own homelands.
That did not stop the spread of Socialism and Communism to the USA and our government including the Whitehouse.  Both major political parties are awash with politicians on a united mission, to force the failed Socialist ideas on Americans.  These disloyal politicians all believe the Constitution they were sworn to protect is outdated and irrelevant.
Socialism can only flourish when the vast majority of citizens are totally dependent upon government.  We are at a point where over 50% of the population is impoverished and programed into utter and complete dependence. 
Our Socialists are doing everything they can to increase the population with the ignorant and poor from Mexico and Central America.  The price of admission is simply to break our immigration laws.  Millions more illiterate and unskilled trespassers are being handed citizenship and the right to vote by our Socialist politicians.  That will guarantee a Socialist government in the USA for the next 100 years.
In the mean time our government is moving in efforts to prevent the flight of Americans wanting to emigrate with their assets elsewhere in the world.  The revocation of passports for tax indebtedness has already begun.  At what point does our border patrol begin to use deadly force to keep Americans from leaving?  Don’t say that it can’t or won’t happen because history is redundant with examples proving this point.
In any event our American citizenship is all but worthless today.  Government’s domestic spying is out of control.  Our Criminal justice system has been reduced to show trials.  To make matters worse we are swimming in wrongful convictions because we’ve given prosecutors too much new power. Our free speech is endangered by the very real threat of IRS abuse.  Our politicians have sold Americans on the idea that liberty must be traded for security.  As a result we have morphed into a fascist police state that’s armed with the latest technological super weapons.
Frankly I have no taste for the new America.  Even the Left leaning European nations still understands the horror of fascism and protects liberty better then America.  Americans are fleeing this nation like never before.  
Productive Americans will either have to fight to regain their freedom or submit to slavery.  I just know one thing, each coming day will be darker as our productivity, prosperity and liberty slips completely into a tyrannical Abyss.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Welcome to the Fascist Republic of America

Washington, DC—Today American’s educational system has replaced history and political science with pop culture. We are doomed to repeat history especially when our friends and neighbors don’t know what’s transpired before they arrived.

Communism/Socialism has been romanticized and legitimized by our educators despite the brutality, misery and despair it has brought nation after nation. The same educators won’t tell you about executing people fleeing from Communist/Socialist governments or taking the children of couples away for adoptions with strangers based on rumors that they were planning to flee.

If you ask our Leftist educators about Adolph Hitler or the Nazis you will be told the big lie that they weren’t Socialists. The first thing Hitler did was to redistribute the wealth. The word Nazi replaced National Socialist.

You can’t have Communism/Socialism and a Bill of Rights like we claim to have in America. Marxists say they are all equal but the government does not answer to anyone and the preferred party faithful wallow in decadent luxury while the people starve. Frankly a good Communist/Socialist is a dead Communist/Socialist.

In China today the super rich never pay a dime in taxes while those who must work to survive are simply slaves. Communism/Socialism is nothing less that legalized slavery.

Socialism is supposed to be the kinder, gentler form of Communism. You can’t maintain Communism or Socialism without fascism. Privacy, freedom of speech and due process protections is always the first targets of Communist/Socialist politicians/dictators.

To get the masses to accept our police state, fear is the primary tool. Frightening the citizenry claiming constant terrorist threats, works. History always shows humans will trade liberty for the mere illusion of safety and security. But soon the government terrorizes those same citizens much more than they could ever imagine.

The citizens of Communist/Socialist nations soon become too frightened to demand that their freedom be returned. That’s when the Socialist politicians/dictators brag that they have a 100% approval rating.

In Socialist nations there is never a division of opinion in their administrations. Dissension is always dealt with in secret mass graves.

Today Homeland Security is spreading fear everywhere through propaganda as they take control of every form of travel. They want you to believe everything they do is for our own safety. The real problem is we need protection from Homeland security, that fascist bitch, Janet Napolitano and her army of unwashed and unemployable TSA thugs.

We can either resist Barack Obama and his appointed traitors or live in a world that even George Orwell could not envision. Beware that behind Obama is an army of would-be Communist/Socialist dictators and many of them are in the Republican Party.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Business Owners: Why Suffer in the USA When You Can Relocate to Avoid Tax Tyranny?

Geneva, Switzerland—In the land of chocolate and cheese corporations pay far less than half in taxes than here. The frugal Swiss government welcomes American businesses with open arms and bargain taxes along with countless other nations.

Our own government run by those Communist and Socialist pretenders refuses to downsize as they chase away every last job from our shore. Our politicians simply don’t get it. Americans are voting with their feet to escape slavery.

Isn’t it better to have 300,000 business paying 15 % tax than 100,000 businesses paying the 35% tax? Now take into consideration the loss of American jobs aggravated by the flight of the businesses. How many American individual taxpayers have we turned into Entitlement Zombies by chasing their needed jobs away?

Cuba, North Korea and the former East German Socialists had the cure for this flight. Anyone caught leaving those nations, are simply shot dead. Will Homeland Security efforts be redirected to holding Americans and their businesses captive to end the non-stop hemorrhage of tax induced job loss? The government monster can’t be forced to feed on itself.

Did we tax away enough jobs to create a vast healthcare crisis by creating legions of unemployed with no way to pay for insurance?

Would America really suffer if we reduced government across the board by 50%? Imagine if we sold just 30% of the commercial real estate acquired to facilitate all that government we really don’t need?

If only we could only end slavery once again by simply lowering taxes the American Dream could be saved. Jobs would return and people would by enjoying employment, health insurance and supplemental retirement. The endless entitlements doled out to the idle would eventually slow to a trickle if we could just bring businesses back to America with some serious tax breaks.

Our politicians will never do this on their own they must be forced by the voters.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cops Forced to Live in the Cities They Protect

Chicago, IL—For a city politician to suggest that if a residency requirement for city employees was lifted that there’d be a mass exodus is an important and very negative admission about that city’s misery index.

The sad truth is that the City of Chicago is no longer a decent place to live and raise a family. Residents of the city not sponging off of government entitlements are constant targets. They are targets of local criminals, and a city that can’t seem to find enough ways of making the city unaffordable through extortionate taxation schemes.

White people are now the all-time robbery and home invasion choice for African-American thugs in the Windy city. The stores in the upscale White neighborhoods are now the exclusive fertile prey for Chicago’s more mobile, African-American criminals

Sending children to Chicago’s schools is a dangerous prospect. A check of sex offender registries, consistently show that Chicago’s African-Americans dominate the list. One can explain why theft crimes are increased as African-Americans suffer from poverty but someone tell me please what poverty has to do with raping women and children? Again it’s about a bankrupt culture.

The Chicago Police Department had a hard and fast rule that prohibits cops from being assigned to the district where they reside. The idea is to keep cops from having to police their own neighbors. That’s sound logic but should be expanded to the entire city not just the districts.

Right now city employees that would try and sell their homes cannot because there are no buyers.

The City of Chicago cannot give their cops a deserved raise pay-raise but they can let them leave the city where they will pay less in taxes, parking fees and for goods and services in the suburbs.

Today Chicago is exclusively run by Communists, criminals and entitlement zombies. But for the wealthiest people who can afford to live in nearly all White and low crime neighborhoods Chicago disappearing middle income neighborhoods have become absolutely unlivable.

There is no fix outside changing the violent, drug-filled and bankrupt culture of the African-American community and finding decent and honest people to lead Chicago out of the darkness. Frankly without a civil war that’s never going to happen.

To force cops to live in the city invites police corruption and racism. It is time to let cops get a little refuge from the misery associated with living with the criminals they are asked to arrest.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Lucille Ball, a Beautiful Genius, Major Talent and Communist Party Member

Hollywood, CA—I just finished watching another great Henry Hathaway, film noir classic, The Dark Corner (1946) starring Lucille Ball, Mark Stevens and Clifton Webb. Mark Steven’s plays a recently paroled private eye trying to rebuild his life and business. Ball plays the private dick’s new secretary. After the PI is targeted and endangered in a somewhat convoluted scheme, Ball’s clever character comes to his rescue at every opportunity. This film is available for instant play if you’ve got a Netflix account.

As a long time real life PI, I can’t imagine the luck of having a secretary like that in a million years. Together they overcome amazing odds and in case you’ve never seen the film I won’t spoil it be revealing the ending.

In The Dark Corner, Ball was a stunning 35 year-old looker that appeared much younger. Her grace, charm and acting were terrific. This is amazing in spite of the fact that Ball left, The John Murray Anderson School for the Dramatic Arts in New York City after only a few weeks. He acting coaches told Ball she had no talent!

As a child I grew up with a family TV show, I Love Lucy. It had its comic moments but it was more a comic soap opera of sorts in the lives of two couples, the Ricardo’s and the Mertz’s. Lucy was always up to mischief that usually backfired to the chagrin of her real life husband Desi.

Ball died in 1989 at age 77, when a recently repaired aorta ruptured. Aging and death is most unfair but the truth is we’re all in this together and none of us will get out alive.

What I really did not know was Ball’s age. She was already in her 40’s when she began her, I Love Lucy series. Her first husband Desi Arnez was seven years her junior.

This famous TV pioneer couple made entertainment history beginning with the three camera shoot of their series. With three cameras, scenes could be shot and edited together saving countless hours of setups and retakes.

Together they formed Desilou Productions and that led to many thousands of hours of programming that still seen and enjoyed today all over the world. Their 20 year marriage was volatile and finally ended after their second divorce filing in 1960. It’s always been said by their biographers that their love for each other never really waned, they just had difficulties mostly attributed to Desi that could not be overcome.

Not that long ago I had to do some business with Kelsey Grammar’s production company, Gramnet which was at the time located in the Lucille Ball Bungalow at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. I suspect the name Lucille Ball will be repeated hundreds of years after her death. She was indeed an artist.

When doing a little research for this story I learned that Ball actually joined the Communist Party and registered to vote that way in her earlier days. Ball’s politics were as red as her hair. The Communists always recruited members heavily in Hollywood because they knew that movie stars influence the masses. That still is the case today for sure.

The funny thing about Hollywood’s Communists, they all made huge fortunes through Capitalism. I will never be able to figure out that paradox.

Enjoy the trailer for The Dark Corner below:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Socialist Coercion Techniques Against Families

"Alle 10 Jährigen zu uns" which means "All 10 year olds (come) to us.".

Washington, DC—I want to warn my visitors of the despicable and frightening way Socialist governments abuse children to enforce and establish absolute control over the population.

The Socialist state indoctrinates children in vital youth programs. They all emulate the highly successful, Hitler Youth. The idea is to create a sense of cult-style loyalty to the government or political leaders above and beyond that of the child’s parents.

The properly indoctrinated child will be rewarded for “helping” their parents by informing on them. The children are programmed to spy on their parents and their parent’s friends. The children are encouraged to inform on the reading material or broadcast viewing habits of their parents along with things like weapons ownership or plans to escape from or otherwise defeat Socialism.

Parents that cause discomfort to politicians and bureaucrats by political activity or an expressed desire to flee from the Socialist state get a visit from the local social service agency and police. The parents are deemed unfit to raise children and they never see them again. The kids are sent for adoption or orphanages that groom them for government or military service.

Innocent children have been duped into sending their parents to firing squads, gulags, concentration camps and torture chambers in every Socialist nation. Yes, it can happen here too.

This form of punishment was a common practice by the East German Communists during the Cold War against people believed trying to escape to the West. It was also used by the National Socialists against all parents in the countries they occupied during World War Two.

School teachers are rewarded for their ability to get children to tattle on their parents under Socialist regimes. Socialists hate the concept of private schools and any form of home schooling because it removes children from Socialist indoctrination that’s absolutely necessary to keep power.

The Socialist’s abuse of children is popular because it works so well.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Toy Guns in America’s Schools

I’m reading today how an 8 year-old boy was suspended from a Florida school for two years for getting caught with a toy gun in his backpack. The Zero Tolerance by this school’s administrators tells me that the child is better off anywhere else but at that school.

Americans don’t have to surrender to or accept that kind of silliness from our tax dollar, sucking educators. They are free to find employment somewhere in the private sector.

Guns are a part of world and American history. We have established a Constitutional right to keep and bear them. Toys and toys and children possess them. All toys should be equal in that a yo-yo or a doll is no different than a toy gun even at school. The children deserve their toys for fun during recess.

As a fifth grader I remember packing a water pistol to class for some serious combat during recess periods. I remember how on Boy Scout uniform day we all had out Boy Scout knives hanging from our belts. We all lived through those dangerous times somehow.

At Senn High School in Chicago we drilled with genuine .30 Cal M-1 Garand rifles in our Junior ROTC class. We also had close up and personal exposure to the Browning automatic rifle and the .30 caliber carbine. Chicago’s public high schools with ROTC all had indoor 50 foot small bore rifle ranges.

As a member of the ROTC rifle team, I had my own Springfield M-2 .22 caliber bolt action rife and commuted on two CTA buses with the rifle in a case with a box of ammunition in my pocket every week. I brought it to the ROTC room where Sgt. Ketzner would put it into the vault for me during the school day. At the end of classes I’d take the rifle home again on the CTA. Today that activity would be a national news story and I would be banished to some Gulag for life.

When I was drafted a few years later my ROTC training was a huge help in facing basic training and the specter of deadly combat in Viet Nam. I served in Cold War Germany as a medical corpsman instead.

We have allowed pathetic, frightened Socialists to run our schools. ROTC and its important training for national defense, has been expelled. Our country is weaker as a result. There is no evidence that the now decades old wave of anti-gun rights hysteria has made anyone safer in our schools.

Can we please return to the days when men were men, women were women and we celebrated our freedom?

We need to purge the intolerant, un-American, Socialists from our soil before they purge us.

A Prediction, Gold Sale and Possession Will Be Banned Once Again in the USA

Washington, DC—A wild card for the banking industry is the competition with gold in addition to land and of course the stock market for our investments. The Obama Administrations hates anything being traded as currency beyond the dwindling and over-produced American paper dollar.

Taking a cue from Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration, Obama can be counted upon to destroy the gold investments predominantly made by politically Conservative investors with a ban.

The Liberals are quick to point out that it’s nearly impossible to collect any income tax on the earning’s of gold as people sell or barter gold among themselves.

The government will create an artificial low currency price for gold and demand that all bullion privately owned be turned into the government. Remember when government dictated that gold was only worth $35.00 per ounce?

Can silver be far behind this time?

Roosevelt and Obama both share a love for Marxism. Roosevelt got us half the way and Obama wants to finish the job.

A good Communist is a dead communist.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Face Of The New KKK in America

Washington, DCBarack Obama has turned his back on the African-Americans who gave him their absolute trust and support. Obama has done absolutely nothing to improve the plight of the Black or Brown American.

The takeover of the banking, automobile and healthcare industry shows no signs of creating jobs for anyone. Instead Obama and his Congress made Americans slaves to the politicians and crooks responsible for our economic collapse. Obama has robbed taxpayers of massive amounts of their present and future earnings by rewarding these criminals for the looting of businesses that should have been allowed to fail.

In America businesses fail every day. The affected employees simply begin with the next best competitor. Obama has killed competition and given millions of White Collar Criminals Golden Parachutes at the expense of all working Americans.

The crooks Obama has enriched will be confused with wealthy Americans that have legitimately earned their money. The plan is to turn all wealthy Americans into targets of wrath as Adolph Hitler did to Europe’s Jews. They will confiscate their wealth and redistribute it. As Hitler did, Obama will give the bulk of the assets to his party elite instead of the people.

This is not some coincidence but simply Obama’s plan to completely destroy our economy so he and his cronies can replace it with a Marxist model.

Obama has not lifted a finger to motivate our African-Americans to win and live the American Dream. Education and a cultural change to embrace personal responsibility is the only salvation African-Americans have to gain true equality.

Obama has instead increased African-American helplessness and dependency on government. Obama’s political agenda is on an exact par with Hitler and Stalin’s.

Socialism cannot exist in a free and wealthy society. Wealthy African-Americans threaten the whole concept of Socialism and can’t be allowed to exist.

Corrupt politicians see the value of absolute control and government appointments for life. Greed is their sole motivation as they answer to nobody. Their raw power comes from the barrel of the gun.

Obama has criminally obstructed our Federal Immigration Laws to make the legal Black and Brown people in America compete for jobs and entitlements with millions of foreign trespassers. This treasonous conduct by Obama is designed to keep African-Americans poor so they will support the false promise of Marxism.

Barack Obama has fueled racial hate in America near its boiling point. Americans have not been so divided since the Civil War. Obama will use any insurrection as a public safety emergency to declare martial law and bring in foreign troops. This will facilitate the control of Americans and rob us of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

African-Americans have been deceived by Barack Obama and have no choice but to purge this country of this traitor or never be free from the bonds of slavery.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Politics , Assassination and the American Jury System

Washington, DC—The political climate in the USA is becoming red hot. Not since the Civil War has there been such division in this country. Today, Americans feel so betrayed by politicians that have turned against the Constitution they swore an oath to protect. That may soon be a very dangerous space for a politician to enter.

In America all political views expressed in thought and speech, are constitutionally protected.  Don’t confuse protected speech with actual deeds against our Constitution, form of government or way of life.  Creating law or government policy as a public official restricting American’s Constitutional rights can easily be considered Treason.  Stopping that notorious crime by any and all means including killing could be considered justifiable homicide.

I suspect that if any American citizen kills a wayward politician known for un-American activity as a public official, obtaining his murder conviction will not be easy.

Should an accused assassin’s motive for killing a politician be to stop Treason, guilty verdicts may be impossible to obtain.  That would be especially true in those Conservative regions of the country.

An assassin facing trial in one of the large Leftist run cities would most assuredly get convicted.  The same trial taking place in Conservative states would bring a mixed verdict at best.  There are too many Conservative Americans that would consider the assassination of many of our leaders a patriotic and necessary act because they recognize we are well on the road to Marxist tyranny.

Perhaps some wayward politicians might rethink their loyalty positions or simply resign. The days of Tea Party peaceful resistance may end soon.  That, as American patriots use the Second Amendment remedy our founding fathers gave Americans to deal with Traitors within our own government.  

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Self-Defense during a Civil Insurrection

Chicago, IL—The Obama Administration’s checks are about to bounce in a big way.  The use of paper currency backed by nothing is ready to explode any day.  Income taxes are either not being paid or the taxpayers have no income to tax.
The Marxist entitlement monster can’t survive under these circumstances. Obama’s checking account is hopelessly overdrawn and soon his account will be closed.  The entitlement addicted folks will take to the streets with looting, burning and worse.
No nation has ever peacefully survived this kind of a crisis without anarchy and chaos followed by martial law and a fascist controlled future. Before it’s all over you may have to engage military forces loyal to Socialists or Communists.
Unfunded police, jails, even courts are already a reality. There will be no protection for you and your family if you are incapable to take on this vital role. If you live in or near an entitlement addicted neighborhood you better find friends or relatives that will take you in somewhere like on a farm.  
I will give you a list of what arms and supplies you need for the average family.
Handguns are underpowered and have insufficient range for serious combat. You do need them for close in fighting.  Shotguns are really effective short range weapons with heavy shot or slugs. Rifles have much better range, penetration and effectiveness for shots beyond the 100 foot range.
The popular rifles and carbines including the AR-15/M-4/M-16 along with the AK-47 type rifles were good for Viet Nam jungle warfare.  These same rifles are inadequate for fighting on American soil. You’re better off with the M1 Garand or the M-14 rifles using those bigger .30 caliber cartridges that can easily penetrate automobiles and light body armor.  
For every person of suitable age and discretion a semi-automatic handgun in .357 Sig or .45 ACP in a belt or shoulder holster is needed.  No less that 750 rounds of ammunition should be available for each handgun.  Those smaller pistols and revolvers including the popular 9MM are just not effective enough for serious defense.
For a single family home the following defense weapons are needed:
1.    A 12 gauge shotgun either pump or semi-automatic with no less than 200 rounds.
2.    A thirty caliber semi-automatic rifle with no less than 1,000 rounds.
Fully automatic firearms waste too much ammunition and if you have them be sure that selector switch is on semi-automatic. Of course if you have an unlimited supply of ammunition that’s a completely different story.
If you have at least the basics I have covered it’s also nice to have those underpowered jungle weapons and perhaps a good scoped deer rifle for those long shots.  You can never have too much ammunition.
Training with the weapons I’ve discussed is absolutely imperative. 
You will need military style helmets but even a motorcycle crash helmet beats nothing along with some kind of body armor. First aid supplies beyond that camping kit are needed.  Get yourself an advanced field manual for Medical Corpsman.  Here is a site that has what you need. 
Here is a trick for sterile bandages. Sterile dressings are very expansive.  Instead have a bunch of laundered white wash clothes and diapers.  Wet the material, wring it out and place in the microwave oven for three minutes. Let them cool and apply them with lots of pressure if there is bleeding.  
If you are expecting street fighting in your area you can expect your utilities to be interrupted.  Water, electricity, natural gas along with heating and cooling may end.  You need big bottles, jars and buckets for drinking water to fill as the situation deteriorates.  You must keep a lot of non-perishable food, propane tanks and fireplace wood on your property.   
First let me say always avoid firing shots from your home trying to defend it from a hostile group. Your home will soon be burned to the ground because your home is no Alamo.  Engage enemy forces from the distance.
The rules of engagement are different in an insurrection in that there are no rules.   You must shoot to kill your adversaries before they have a chance to kill you.  Firing warning shots is a stupid a move as you could ever make.
If and when order is restored don’t share your war stories with authorities.  Don’t try and report anything at all and don’t answer questions, ever.  Be prepared to hide your weapons once order is restored.  Depending on just who has forced order, you may have to make war on them too.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Adolph Hitler Hurt Germany The Most.

Berlin, Germany—At the end of World War I, Germany signed on to the Treaty of Versailles that saddled the nation with an impossible war debt to pay. This was during the time they were simply printing money as the economy tanked and Germans were actually starving.

Two opposing Socialist political parties fought for control of Germany. The Communists and Nazis battled it out. The winners were the National Socialists led by a charismatic man, Adolph Hitler who expertly used the new media of radio to lead a nation of obedient sheep.

Hitler’s PR manager, Josef Goebbels was a genius that knew to never let a good crisis go to waste. They contrived a crisis and that was the arson blaze of Germany’s Reichstag. Outraged politicians quickly voted to give the Nazis absolute power to crack down on their opposition.

Hitler delivered on his promises to feed Germany and redistribute the wealth. The Jews were targeted since they were both unpopular and wealthy. Jewish property and businesses were confiscated and distributed to Nazi Party faithful. The German people allowed themselves to be totally dependent on the National Socialist government for absolutely everything.

Jews were outlawed and those that did not flee were rounded up and sent off for "resettlement" in Eastern Europe without their assets. The dirty secret was Hitler’s Final Solution to the Jewish Problem along with extermination of the medically unfit. This was also an economical move since you need not care for or feed the dead.

Germans were very desperate for peace, prosperity and security. Hitler and his henchmen seemed to provide even better than expected and that boosted his popularity. Soon Hitler was running out of Jewish money and began the occupation of his European neighboring countries. That of course eventually brought World War II.

Still the German people were overly fond of the National Socialist messiah who filled their food pantries and stomachs with food. Those who knew the real story were tried and executed for High Treason if they made any effort to expose the Nazi atrocities.

We are at a crossroads with crisis after crisis and now we have a overly large, government dependent population that follows Barack Obama like starving puppies. Obama leads them as any other effective cult leader. Obama’s followers are just as giddy as Hitler’s were to be in his presence. The similarities between these two Socialists, is indeed downright spooky.

Germany saw 9 million of its own citizens perish because of Hitler. That does not include the Holocaust, nor the loss of all the Allied soldiers. Socialism was and is nothing more than a killing machine everywhere it has been tried.

For everyone killed or murdered in the name of National Socialism there were nearly two killed in the name of the Communist USSR under Stalin.

Getting rid of Hitler was politically impossible and those that saw the horrible direction Germany was headed had no choice but to plan his assassination. By the time the German resistance got serious, it was too little too late.

We have no choice but to rid our government of every last Socialist and Communist.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New TSA Intrusion Will Facilitate Government Airline Takeover

Washington, DC.-- White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel said it best when he advised, "Never waste a good crisis.”

That concept was used in 1933 with great success by the Nazi Party in Germany. The Reichstag was torched in Berlin at a time when the NAZI’s had less than a one-third approval rate.

That arson fire quickly resulted in sweeping new laws that gave the Nazis absolute power. Did the arsonist use that convenient tunnel from the Parliament residential building occupied by Nazi henchman Hermann Goering? That inside job theory is the popular belief today.

Barack Obama knows that the flying public dislikes the TSA and that millions of Americans refuse to fly to avoid getting frisked like criminals. They loathe the hard corps unemployable staffing the TSA utilizes to grope, steal from and otherwise abuse travelers.

With new and more intrusive screening airlines more people will stay home or find other ways to travel. That will destroy the airlines and give Obama the perfect vehicle to take over the industry. The un-American bailouts and health care hostile takeover set the pace for yet another major industry run by government.

The Christmas–eve Panty Bomber has given a gift to the Obama Administration.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Selling Communism And Socialism To A Free Society

Karl Marx promises under his ideal plan for government that everyone will share the wealth and dream of being part of a great society.

The Communist revolutions all begin with words, music and art along with good hearted and idealistic young people. Romance, enjoyable parties and the fine poetry set to beautiful music in the musical masterpiece, Guantanamera is a great springboard. I can’t argue that the concept is inviting but unfortunately it always ends the same way.

Even for that great song, Guantanamera there is no shortage of intrigue and controversy surrounding that anthem. José Fernández is said to have composed the music and written the lyrics. Cuban communist history revisionists now credit their hero, Jose Marti with creating the most popular song of the Cuban revolution. I guess if the supreme Communist authority declares it, it must be so.

After the revolution peaceful or otherwise property is confiscated by force from some and given to others. Resistance always results and is soon met by mass executions. No individual rights can remain. Speech and religion gets regulated to death. The Communist criminal justice system is nothing more than a pretend show as authorities convict and condemn the lucky ones to the Gulag but far more are put to death.

By far the most corrupt governments are under Communism/Socialism where officials don’t have to answer to anyone. They plunder their nations wealth relentlessly.

Liberals and those sympathetic or tolerant to communism/Socialism all claim to want to see the death penalty abolished. The cruelest mass murders have all been carried out under the Socialist/Communist flag. There really is nothing Liberal about eliminating Liberty.

The Socialist dream is always a holocaust.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun."

Mao Zedong made this famous quote in a 1938 publication. This was part of a larger statement that discussed public gun ownership as a hindrance to the world’s Communist Revolutions.

One thing for sure Communist and Socialist governments all love to use their guns liberally on their own citizens. Everywhere there has ever been a Communist or Socialist flag waiving there’s been a holocaust.

For some reason world history only seems to recognize the Nazi Holocaust and nearly ignores the hundreds of millions murdered in places like China, Cambodia, Cuba, Russia, East Germany, Romania and every Eastern European country. Communists uniformly slaughter civilians for political or trivial reasons.

Socialism, National Socialism, and Communism all share the same concepts of wealth redistribution, the need for absolute power within the government and the violent elimination of those citizens that dare demand freedom.

The Barack Obama Administration is rampant with proud Marxists. The other administration members are either too shy to admit their leanings other than to be openly sympathetic to Communist teachings.

Obama himself must be judged by his continuing Leftist actions. Obama’s obvious concerted effort is to collapse our economy and destroy our currency to weaken America for the Communist Revolution that he’s started.

The photograph at the top is from a recent mass execution of counter-revolutionaries and some who’s defied Communist tax laws. If Americans can’t recognize the danger and take immediate prophylactic action it may well be you or someone you love murdered by the government. We can’t allow Barack Obama or any politician to destroy our freedoms and way of life.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Want Jobs? Suspend Taxes For Small Businesses!

Washington, DC—Barack Obama has bailed out crooked banks, businesses and campaign contributors. That has done nothing for Americans in need of jobs.

Small businesses are the backbone of America’s jobs. Obama has made it as difficult as possible for small business. Simply suspending quarterly tax payments as long as these businesses don’t lay off workers will save and create jobs. Unfortunately that’s not in Karl Marx’s playbook, Das Kapital.

That kind of a tax break would provide real hope, but Obama and his cronies won’t stand for that because it would interfere with their mission to destroy Capitalism and the American dollar.

Obama’s Communist revolution can only succeed on the backs of miserable needy Americans. We must stop Obama before he does more.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Why Are We Letting Obama Operate Our Government In Secret?

Washington, DC—Barack Obama ran on a campaign promise for transparency and openness in running our government. Again that was just another of his countless campaign lies.

They held a conference on the Freedom of Information Act and openness of government on Monday. Of course it too was closed to the public and media!

This administration has been operating on secrecy. They are doing our business behind our backs. That alone should make Americans fighting mad. We should be breaking down the doors and using violence against anyone who dares plot against American’s right to know.

Obama has not been held accountable as he has operated his shadow government; not with the Senate approved Cabinet but with that cozy group of out-of-control Socialist Czars that hate the American form of government. They’ve been formulating policy and legislation behind closed doors. They know our lazy Congress won’t even read the crap they are asked to vote for or against. It’s all about party line and party discipline.

The only thing Socialist governments have ever been efficient about is the mass murder of their own citizens.

At first blush I’d say American’s don’t deserve Government by Conspiracy but if we let these bastards get away with it then we deserve exactly what we get.

If our founding fathers were alive today they would have arrested, tried and hanged these scoundrels long before now.

Learn more from an Associated Press article published today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Global Warming Hoax Is Falling Apart

They now call it Climategate. The bogus theory that the earth is in real danger and that global warming will bring doomsday. That is unless we earthlings throw away billions in cash and give up energy consumption, planes, trains and automobiles.

This pseudo-science is the darling of the left wing American politicians. This really ties into the larger consorted revolutionary effort to make America weak and incapable of stopping the in-progress Communist takeover.

I don’t suggest for a second that limiting pollution, and looking for renewable energy sources is not important for our quality of life. We simply need to exterminate Green politics for the unworthy distraction it has become.