Showing posts with label civil rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label civil rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

America has fallen.

Washington, DC—Nothing is more sacred than our own lives and that of our loved ones.  Since the beginning of time, human beings have found it absolutely necessary that they obtain and have available weapons to ward off dangerous adversaries.  Then came the politicians and their police with false promises of public safety.  

One certain thing about politicians is that power and control over others is what drives them.  Unfortunately, most humans have the traits of sheep. They would rather others make even their most personal decisions for them.  

Americans were fortunate that a brilliant group of young men risked everything to form a new government in 1776.  They demanded that its people have liberty and freedom above all else.  As a result, we have a Bill of Rights that no other nation can enjoy.  

To protect our freedoms, we were given the right to keep and bear arms.  Our founding father’s knew from experience that freedom was neither obtained nor maintained without consequential bloodshed from time to time.  The right of the people to keep and bear arms was and is very serious and necessary to enforce freedom and liberty.  

Politicians have done everything they can to disarm the American people however they don’t nearly have enough support to repeal the second amendment.  The same politicians have made 20,000 local, state and federal gun laws that absolutely violate the second amendment.  They have succeeded in maliciously imprisoning thousands of American people for the constitutionally protected activity of simply carrying arms.  

We the people were given the absolute right to control the government and not the other way around.  Of course politicians inherently hate this as it limits their own personal greed for power and control.  Throughout history, politicians have redundantly engaged in mass democide.  

Freedom is often equated with anarchy by politicians.  The same politicians regulate and tax every conceivable thing or behavior to death simply because the people are too intimidated to stop this.  In America, the balance of power has shifted simply because the people are afraid of the government when it should be the other way around.  

Today, Americans and those recent immigrants, both illegal or otherwise are fully dependent cowards.  If our Bill of Rights was suddenly on the ballot, most of those rights would be voted away.  Our pathetically ignorant population has no clue about history, political science nor real freedom.  

The politicians have run a scam on the population about the Bill of Rights.  They claim that our rights are collective, not individual.  They further do everything they can to convince us that the constitution is a “living, breathing“ document that changes meaning at their whims.  Of course this is just a convenient work around to avoid the political process needed to change the constitution.  

The second amendment has been castigated, violated and trashed by politicians at every opportunity.  The job of our judiciary is to protect citizens from the government however, they have done a piss poor job as they simply embrace the politicians that appoint or promote them.

January 6, 2001 was an example of the raw power of the American people.  If there was a failure, it was that they did not come to Washington with arms and gallows.  Our tyrannical politicians immediately weaponized, the FBI and every other federal police organization to make war on those who disagreed with them.  

I don’t care who anyone supported for president, the results of the 2020 election were so obviously fraudulent. Joseph Stalin said best, it’s not who votes that counts, but who counts the votes.  Having worked in elections in Chicago for the Democrat party, I can tell you firsthand how votes are easily stolen.   

We cannot possibly have a fair election when people don’t have to provide identification or proof of citizenship in order to vote.  Americans should’ve taken to the streets rather than to allow those 2020 voting irregularities. Democrats used and abused the Covid pandemic as an excuse to successfully tamper with the way we conduct elections.

As a nation, America has fallen.  We can only wait and watch what happens next. History tells us it will be very ugly.

Monday, July 15, 2013

What’s Next for Zimmerman in the way of Prosecution and Litigation? Real Answers!

Sanford, FL- Media pundits have suggested that George Zimmerman faces a possible federal Civil Rights criminal prosecution and a wrongful death civil lawsuit.   I have to ask, when will the hogwash end?  These are incredibly vicious but hollow threats.
Let’s talk about a criminal Violation of Civil Rights action.  The facts are not there nor have they ever been outside of the wild imagination of the race baiters. The actual code, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 24 is at the bottom of this article.
The case against Zimmerman will not somehow get better with age.  It’s been investigated to death and the only evidence of race related hate came from Trayvon Martin’s own lips when he referred to Zimmerman as a “crappy assed cracker.” A prosecution here cannot begin with thin air but will require evidence.  It’s just not there.  Public opinion can’t rewrite the law to law somehow snag Zimmerman now.
A civil action for a wrongful death under FL state law is barred by a provision that grants immunity to someone using lawful self-defense.   I won’t go so far as to say some lawyer may breech this protection however it’s unlikely. 
If somehow a wrongful death case were allowed to proceed the Martin family would still have to prove their case in court with evidence, granted with a lower burden of proof.  The insurmountable problem for the Martin family is the cost of the suit and the reality that Zimmerman has no assets to attach.  We outlawed Debtor’s Prisons long ago and even a multi-million dollar court judgment would have the value of toilet paper.
George Zimmerman already has a viable action against NBC News for portraying him in a bad light after they maliciously doctored a 911 tape to make Zimmerman appear to be racist.  NBC is in serious trouble here and will wind up paying.  They will be hoping for a jury that will hate Zimmerman and only award him $1 for his trouble.  Frankly a hefty secret settlement is in the cards for Zimmerman here.
I don’t rule out an action against Obama and his henchmen for their outrageous interference and obstruction of justice in the Zimmerman matter.  Next there are the despicable actions of Special Prosecutor Angelia Corey however immunity exists protecting her for all but provable, intentional Civil Rights violations.  The bad news for Zimmerman is this may ultimately be a public relations war.  The malicious smearing of George Zimmerman by politicians and the media is far from over. 
Here s the federal Violation of Civil Rights code:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chicago Politicians Are In A Gunfight With The Federal Judiciary.

Chicago, IL—The Windy City is awash in murder.  The bloodshed is predictable precisely with the weather.  Rain, sleet and snow hampers Chicago’s thugs and soft summer nights are filled with relentless victimization, savagery and carnage.
Chicago’s politicians are all hard corps Liberals and have promulgated every kind of gun ban they could dream up.  Gun laws never impact criminals and always impact the law-abiding.  The results are far more predictable than Chicago’s weather.   The thugs, thieves and rapists are actually emboldened and facilitated by the gun bans. The politicians either don’t get it or they want law-abiding innocents defenseless and in harm’s way.   
The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals has mandated Chicago follow the law of the land.  Unfortunately the politicians are just as lawless as the thugs.  These Fascist bastards refuse to release their iron-fisted control over the law-abiding folks as ordered by the court.
The court ordered The State of Illinois and that includes their political sub-divisions like Chicago to end the ban against the law-abiding people from carrying concealed weapons. 
The court took the unusual step of giving the politicians a half-year to create a new law that will respect freedom and liberty. These politicians will steadfastly defy authority.   The deadline will pass and they won’t lift the ban.  The court will lift it for them.
The game will continue with attempts by Chicago and Cook County to create ordinance violations to replace the voided state law.  Taxpayers will be paying the bills for those arrested, prosecuted for the bogus and unconstitutional ordinances. 
The good news is that ordinance violations come with minimum bail requirements, no fingerprints or photographs and no real expectation of jail time. They are less than misdemeanor violations.
The citizens of Illinois will be able to carry concealed weapons as long as they have a standard state Firearms Owner’s Identification Cards.  
Rank and file cops will have little taste or desire to arrest gun- carrying Chicagoans and then face lawsuits under USC1983 for Violation of Civil Rights.  Cops will not be falling on their swords for the glory of Chicago’s lawless politicians.  The vast majority of street cops steadfastly hate the unlawful gun bans themselves.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why A Simple Majority Cannot Take Our Gun Rights in America

Washington, DC—The Second Amendment to our Constitution reads as follows:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Now CNN claims their poll shows 52% of Americans favor “gun control”, whatever that means.   
Many ignorant Americans and our politicians think that asimple majority can ban guns.  That’sjust not so since the right to possess and carry guns is spelled out in our Constitution.  Amending the Constitution and Bill of Rights was not intended to be easy. 
Our politicians take shortcuts around the amendment processevery day to restrict our rights with the promise of more security.  Likewise our courts have been doing a poor job of protecting our rights by creating various exceptions to our rights often just because they think they can.  Of course the politicians appoint the judges and the jurists too often return the favor with a quid pro quo of bogus rulings.
By the way, our gun control laws were born in the Deep South as a way to keep newly freed Negro slaves disarmed under Post Civil War reconstruction.  The 14th Amendment giving us equal protection was the intended cure for that outrage.
The U.S. Supreme Court recently rediscovered the SecondAmendment because gun rights groups like the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association began to litigate the un-Constitutional laws.   The members demanded this action and it was successful particularly in the Heller and McDonald Cases that struck down gun bans.
The court simply stated that the possession and carrying of firearms by law-abiding Americans is constitutionally protected activity.  The court dissolved the gun bans.  There are still hundreds of state and local gun laws that are flat out unconstitutional in the states controlled by the political Left.  Many Republicans are in conflict with our gun rights too.
Citizens can’t be forced to pay money to enjoy rights obtain permits or licenses before enjoying them. Rights are not privileges like driving a car, hunting or practicing a profession. The courts however have held that rights are not absolute and some minimal regulation can be imposed.   
So why can’t a simple majority pass restrictive gun laws?  It’s because they’d first have to amend the Constitution.  That would be an impossible task on the issue of gun rights. Too many Americans want firearms for basic protection, hunting, andsport shooting.  Additionally manyAmericans like me want their arms to threaten and fight government tyranny. 
Gun control laws are the choice of every political tyrant.  They can’t easily enslave, abuse and terrorize an armed citizenry.  Ourfounding fathers were wise to understand that situation.  History is replete with lesson after lesson of government tyranny.
Here’s how our Constitution can be amended.  It’s all spelled out in Article V, the Constitution can be amended by a vote of two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  That must be followed by a ratification of three-fourths of at least 38 state legislatures. 
There is another way to amend through a Constitutional Convention but that is even more difficult and in fact has never happened yet.
The current resurgence of gun control efforts will fail because the Second Amendment is the law of the land.
The politicians and their supporters that think they’re above the law and make efforts to trample on American’s rights can expect real violence if they begin banning guns and arresting gun owners.  
Our cemeteries are full of war veterans that gave their lives for freedom, liberty and our Constitution.  It may become necessary to again have another holocaust because our own politicians may try to dictate to us. 
It would be totally proper and lawful for Americans to shoo tand kill government agents, soldiers or anyone trying to forcefully take their firearms by threat of force.   If they want my gun I will be happy to give them all my bullets in their face first.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Pay Big $$$ to get Frisked, Fondled and Insulted by TSA Thugs?

TSA Worker
Chicago, IL— In my early adulthood going to a Bears game at Chicago’s Solider Field with girlfriends included a small bottle of brandy and a blanket.  The blanket was used to keep warm while concealing certain enjoyable other mischief during the game.
Back then going to a major sporting event was a lot of fun.  However in recent decades sports teams and certain venues have begun an effort to frisk patrons. 
I hate this despicable effort frankly we’ve fought wars so we’d never have to submit to this kind of crap.   The majority of patrons are too young and just don’t understand the serious implications of what they are willingly accepting.
At first this was about bringing alcohol into the venue but quickly expanded looking for snacks and finally for concealed weapons.  Private security guards who avoided being too invasive or authoritarian did the searches.  Frankly it was more about revenue for their food service contractors than anything else.
I have little interest in going to sports events because of the cost, miserable traffic, and parking issues.  Technology has come to my rescue!  My terrific big screen high definition LED flat panel television allows me to see the games at the best possible vantage point. 
My snacks at home are better, a lot cheaper and don’t involve standing in concession lines.  Frankly I take great delight in staying home and avoiding all of the negatives involved while I lounge on my own very comfortable furniture.
Now the TSA with their cancer like spread over our everyday lives is trying to take over sporting and concert event security.  Even the sheep that have been brainwashed into believing the TSA has some anti-terrorist value are personally uncomfortable near the TSA’s dim-witted and snotty workers.  
Seeing TSA workers at airports is bad enough but tolerating these otherwise unemployable douchebags at an entertainment venue simply kills my enjoyment and spirit.   Who needs a skunk invading their picnic?
I simply won’t attend any event or fly where submitting to searches like a criminal is required unless I have no other options.   Nearly every airline has been put into bankruptcy by the TSA because people have avoided TSA tyranny.
The entire tourism industry has taken a huge financial hit from the Gestapo like TSA and now we have an additional 500 traffic deaths every year because of people like me that refuse to fly when traveling lass than 500 miles.
As Americans we need to draw a line in the sand where our personal liberty is concerned.   We have the power to vote with our wallets and purses.   We can simply stop attending any event where the indignity of frisking is involved.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The American Economy and Way of Life is as dead as Dillinger

Washington, DC—We are over-populated with the ignorant, the needy and criminals.  Government at every level is over-bloated and cannot be sustained.  Pensions everywhere are bankrupt or will be very soon. 
We have taxed the productive people to the point of forcing them to flee a very real form of slavery.  We have become  a police state.  American citizenship has been greatly devalued.
There is little incentive to manufacture products here.  The nation is at a point of despair.   With our massive economic downturn government at every level has grown and become even more oppressive.
Soon you can expect critics of government corruption and mismanagement to be silenced and their words banned as Hate Speech. 
Every business we drive away from our shores brings unemployment.  That takes significant numbers of productive people and places them on the dole.  In turn creates more helpless dependents that become too discouraged to ever be productive again.
We’ve allowed or public school system to become a program for day care, complete with free breakfast and lunch.  American teachers have been programed into being uninspiring, pathetic and totally mediocre.   Teachers have been reduced to only being concerned with their unions, tenure and seniority. Our children graduate from high schools as barely functional illiterates. 
We have let our politicians turn the Drug War and threat of terrorism into a massive freedom stealing, government jobs program.
We have forced Americans and legal aliens to compete with millions of illegal aliens for work, housing, medical care and government entitlements.  The illegal aliens manage to unlawfully find their way into the voting booths supporting politicians that give them our precious tax money.
We are getting much closer to the society envisioned by the prophetic, film Soylent Green.  Euthanasia, forced abortions along with more enslavement and misery is in our future. 
Passports and the ability to leave America will be reserved for the politically connected.   A new, Berlin Wall is in the making.  It’s only a matter of time before our citizens  begin to risk their lives to immigrate to non-Communist nations.  Will we be imprisoned or perhaps shot if we are discovered trying to flee?
The upcoming Presidential election simply is a race between two known Socialists.  No matter who wins, Americans lose.  The two-party political system in America is dead.
Perhaps the only salvation will be for freedom loving Americans to take to arms as our founding fathers knew we would have to some day.  What that means is we will suffer some serious population reduction in the form of yet another horrible human  holocaust.
We can either choose to live as slaves to a Fascist police state or we can re-earn our freedom through massive human sacrifice.  The entrenched Socialists in the Congress and Whitehouse have no intention of simply restoring our Bill of Rights. 
Governments are never the solution and always the problem.  Our founding fathers understood this only too well. 
If I sound pessimistic it’s because of the fact that what’s past is always prologue.  It is the inherent failing of the human race.   A second and much bloodier Civil War is inevitable in America.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The NRA Membership Has Ignored Minorities For Too Long

Pictured above, Freedom Fighter, Frederic Douglass and modern Civil Rights Leader and NRA Director Roy Innis. Innis marched with Dr. King for civil rights. Innis is also a founder of the Congress of Racial Equality

Chicago, IL--Fairfax, VA, is Ground Zero for the fight for our fundamental rights for survival. This is where our Second Amendment rights are guarded by the vigilance of several million members of the National Rifle Association. Something is missing and demands attention. The recruitment of minorities especially African Americans has been overlooked.

The history of American gun control began during post Civil War reconstruction to further victimize and control the newly freed slaves. The idea spread up the Northeast Seaboard to New York City. It was later used to oppress each new ethnic group entering the land of the not so free.

America’s African American politicians are lock step with the Ku Klux Klan. Overwhelmingly they support every kind of gun ban. They do that as the very people they claim to represent are at the mercy of thugs, the street gang culture and violent failed Drug War.

In my home town the ghetto schools are staffed by the most pathetic excuse for teachers. They inspire nobody and exist solely because of society’s mandate and a regular paycheck. They are supposed to inspire and set the standard for culture. Instead the African American’s are kept ignorant and under the thumb of government control either inside or outside the prison system.

In Chicago it’s not the Black man that runs the household but the single Black mother with too many children. Yes, it’s an untold scandal and under these conditions African Americans will always come in last for the gifts of a great society, good, education, jobs and wealth. They will continue to overload the courts and corrections system.

Buried in this sea of disenfranchised humanity are law-abiding men and women who are suffering. They must live in fear for their very lives and are frightened for their children they are forbidden by law to protect. This is wrong and this is un-American.

If the law-abiding African Americans understood they have the right to keep and carry guns for self-defense along with the information that government has violated their rights we’d never have to worry about gun bans again.

There is a solution. I’d love to make a documentary film about Gun rights and African Americans. This would cover the history of gun control, and also name the names of the African American politicians that are keeping their own Negroes in their place. Instruction of obtaining training and safe firearms would be included.

After the film is finished, I’d want to see NRA members distribute the DVD’s with a warm handshake and white carnation to every adult as they leave churches in those troubled neighborhoods. They’d also provide the names and phone numbers of their own elected officials so they could demand real hope and change.

Delivering books or putting information on the Internet won’t do much for African-Americans in Chicago. Unfortunately reading is not fundamental in Chicago’s ghettos and handing out DVDs is a must.

There is no better way to protect freedom. African Americans have also filled veteran’s cemeteries giving their lives for our freedom. Let that not have been in vain.

An important side note:
US Supreme Court--Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 19 How. 393 393 (1856)

"It would give to persons of the negro race, ...the right to enter every other State whenever they pleased, ...the full liberty of speech in public and in private upon all subjects upon which its own citizens might speak; to hold public meetings upon political affairs, and to keep and carry arms wherever they went."

This was the court's racist reasoning the cited as to why Dred Scott was returned to his former owner.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Chicago Police Administration Demanding DNA Samples From Officers.

Chicago, IL—According to Lodge 7 of The Fraternal Order of Police, the Chicago Police Department in an unprecedented move is urging officers to sign a consent form and submit to DNA sampling. Their intentions are anyone’s prognostication but the best guess is they will put the identifiers into the giant criminal DNA database called CODIS.

We can only guess what privacy invasion mischief the department will engage in with this information. The officers will have to just accept the plan on blind faith. I, on the other hand subscribe to the saying, “In God we trust, all others we verify.”

Somehow I can see some goofy, merit selected, Chicago police bosses bringing in bed sheets or soiled underwear to crime labs in order to determine who their significant others were sleeping with.

If the Chicago Police Department is allowed to pull this off in America this won’t be a good place for anyone to live. This is worse than even George Orwell envisioned.