Showing posts with label bad journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad journalism. Show all posts

Friday, October 02, 2015

Obama and His Media Lapdogs Trolling Against Our Hard Won Liberty and Freedom and Very Lives, Yet Again.

Roseburg, OR—We now know that Christopher Harper-Mercer was a lone wolf, copycat,  wannabe,  Islamic terrorist that targeted Christians for murder.
Harper-Mercer found his hapless and defenseless victims to execute here at Umpqua Community College.  They were supposed to somehow be protected by a single unarmed and equally helpless security guard. 
With security like that, what could possibly go wrong?  That was considered a wise decision made by overpaid, politically left leaning bureaucrats.  They gambled with the lives of these students and lost.  Unfortunately these bastards will escape punishment for facilitating and enabling the terrorism.
Islam is in a constant state of war with infidels and the nations they are invading unimpeded while claiming refugee status.  We must take every precaution to resist terrorist incidents and train to stop incidents like what happened here.
While we are under attack by lone wolves and are under protected by our law enforcement agencies Barack Obama wants to disarm America’s law-abiding citizens. A fat-fetched conspiracy theory you might suggest?
Obama never saw a gun ban he didn’t support and vote for in his political life.  His claims that he wants only minimal changes are disingenuous and phony. 
Gun laws like all laws only impact the law abiding.  More restrictive gun laws have been found to actually enable violence as every large American city run by Democrats lave learned. 
Americans are currently under siege by crime and a massive amount of Islamic and assorted illegal immigrants.  Asking Americans to disarm is like telling us to stop using seat-belts and to throw away our smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.  
We need armed police or security at every school in America supplemented by trained and armed civilians.  Without the right tools we are helpless and always ripe for mass murder.
Obama knowingly lied to the American public about so-called Gun Violence statistics.  They include thousands of justifiable shootings by police and intended crime victims.  They include suicides and accidents including those in our military and police organizations.
The crimes are solid evidence that Americans must be responsible for the protection of themselves and families.
Obama's Lapdog media let him ramble on unchallenged for two days relentlessly parroting his lies and misinformation at every opportunity.
We must at all cost resist those Leftist politicians that will enable and facilitate violent criminals and terrorists by infringing on our right to keep and carry arms.  Our lives absolutely depend on our ability to defend ourselves!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Why Politicians Really Fear Mini-Camera Drones

DJI S900 with a Panasonic GH4 video camera
Phoenix, AZ—With the New technology of the ubiquitous mini camera drones, politicians fear losing dominant military power over the common man.
They know that ground observers and modern radar can’t see these things.  They also know that almost anyone can nearly invisibly, deploy a mini-drone to monitor the movement, armament and size of police and military assets on our streets.
That’s raw power that would allow ordinary citizens with conventional firearms to succeed in a rebellion against government tyranny.
Today we know that African-American thugs have effectively used cell-phones and texting to organize takeover mobs to rob retail establishments.  Until cell phones existed the police were the only ones to have superior instant communication with their walkie-talkies. 
Cell phone technology has given mobs advantages in recent instances of civil unrest.  Past civil insurrections such as the Rodney King of the 1980s or the Martin Luther King riots of the 1960s were put down because of superior police communications.  Those days may be over.
Government has quietly taken control of the cell phone and Internet on and off switches.   We will see that used when civil unrest become widespread.  Still there is no shortage of advanced and cheap wireless walkie-talkies that cannot be controlled so easily by the government.
The very first aircraft brought into military application was for simple and absolutely needed reconnaissance.  Unarmed airplanes facilitated tacktical battle management like never before.
Airplanes and wireless radio were and are considered dangerous military assets.  Now it’s little inexpensive drones that show significant promise to keep government tyranny in check.  
The power of intelligence gathering capabilities of the mini-drones is immense.  Imagine if one side of our Civil War had them?  Imagine how Custer’s troops could have used a mini-drone to see the Indians at the Little Big Horn.
I can’t help but imagine what a great tool the mini drone would have been for European Nazi resistance fighters of World War Two!   
Politicians will always fear civilian technological and firepower parity with the government and can be expected to stop that from happening.
They have waged a propaganda war against the civilian mini drones citing bogus public safety concerns.  The media has fallen on their sword here even though they need drones to survive their serious and ongoing financial crises. 
Laughably the FAA has suddenly changed their airspace regulation from reactive measures to proactive and preventative efforts.  They are suddenly giving the toy like mini drones with more attention than our 747 jumbo jets.
The FAA manned aircraft regulations were never a form of prior restraint policy.  Instead they quite literally are written in blood.  Every FAA regulation has a documented deadly mishap behind it.  That is except for the mini-drones.   Suddenly the FAA has sought Ill-informed prior restraint based rules based on Chicken Little style dire predictions to establish multi-rotor drone policy.
Despite numerous near miss claims there has never been a notable accident involving a multi-rotor camera drone inside the USA.  No lives lost, significant injury or even measureable property losses have been reported.  No photos, video or recovered drones have ever been displayed as evidence to back up the near miss assertions.
The FAA has actually restrained basic commerce and First Amendment protected use of the mini drones for creative art and newsgathering.  They’ve done that without a single documented death or even minimal property damage report. 
Suddenly privacy issues from the little camera drones is a “serious” concern at a time when surveillance cameras, satellite imagery and helicopter photography is commonplace and accepted by the courts.  
This is all a government sham.  The real issue is about despotic politicians keeping government might superior to civilians for absolute control.  As such it becomes obvious that the Second Amendment as well as the First Amendment now protects drones.
Ignorant Americans still somehow seem to think the Second Amendment was about hunting.  It was put in place to prevent government from exercising total control of Americans or seizing their hard won liberty. 
As for the drones, the Genie is out of the bottle.  The technology can’t be stopped.  They are easily made and programmed by hobbyists. There are upwards of a million of them already in civilian hands.
Thankfully regulating mini-drones beyond making hollow threats to do so is an impossible task.  Soon indoor pilots that can’t be readily seen will be able to operate the mini-drone.  The drones will be deployed from all manner of locations far away from the pilots. 
There is simply not enough tax funds or humans to exercise effective regulation of the mini drones on this earth. 
There are some 7000 helicopters to regulate and well over a million multi-rotor drones.  We know what’s safer to use for purposes like newsgathering.  The FAA will still play games and pretend the are concerned about real safety.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Interesting Statistics Regarding the Little Camera Drones and Safety

Los Angeles, CA –Nearly everywhere there are some frightened members of Congress, various state legislatures and city councils that are considering ways to ban or severely regulate the little multi-rotor camera drones. 
Must we always adopt the Chicken Little fear that the sky is falling?
The FAA would like to expand their budget and manpower by at least tenfold or more to regulate every 12 year-old boy with a camera drone in America.  Can the FAA be trusted to not create or engage hysteria when they have so much to gain?  We all know the answer to that!
Pilots everywhere, especially those flying helicopters see the very clear handwriting on the wall.  Inexpensive and substantially safer drones will soon replace half of them. Careers are at stake here.  Should we be surprised those pilots are making the most noise condemning camera drone?  
Fighting camera and delivery drones through propaganda scare tactics is already in high gear.  We must educate politicians, business leaders, media and the public on the real facts. 
We now know that worldwide there are over a million little drones in the hands of the public.  That’s double the amount of all conventional aircraft. 
We know all too well that many millions of dollars and hundreds of lives are lost every year from conventional aircraft mishaps.
To date there has not been a single fatality or serious injury related to multi-rotor camera drones. 
I’d like to address Internet chatter from the camera drone user groups.  There are hundreds of passages exclaim that newbies, cowboys and lawless people are reeking havoc in the skies.  My favorite quote is, “They’re ruining it for everyone!” It that were the truth there would be collisions and at least some minimal evidence of this kind of conduct. 

What exists are tales including one claim by a NYPD helicopter pilot that he clocked the little drones at the speed of sound!  Considering they have a top speed of 35 MPH that's somewhat pitiful.
These camera drones all have the ultimate Black Box, that's the camera's memory chip that contains the video of the flight.  I submit that the drone's own video is more reliable than the fables and outright lies that have been told by some public officials.  

It’s a natural human condition to conjure up scenarios in our minds of bad behavior and tragic consequences.  What we must always remember here is even the cheaper camera drones are not really cheap. 
These drones are carefully guarded and cared for by their owners that don’t want to lose them to mishaps or impoundment by police.  
Drone operators all fly with friends and they are always advising each other on avoiding mistakes, piloting tips and proper etiquettes. They are in effect self-policing and regulating.    
The FAA, except for commercial use, does not now regulate the little drones.  The FAA had banned them from commercial use however that prohibition was struck down by a federal judge and is currently under appeal. 
The FAA is charged with safety and the drones have proven they do not compromise safety.  To date there has never been a known collision between a camera-drone and any conventional aircraft.
These days we hear sensational propaganda stories of near misses with planes and helicopters on a regular basis.   Add to that bogus claims that these drones somehow invade privacy have many Americans frightened, concerned and upset.
Satellites, surveillance, and cameras carried by helicopters have already stolen any privacy invasion thunder of the little drones.  Don’t forget the millions of cell-phone cameras that are in everyone’s pockets.  Cameras are here and the courts have consistently held that the First Amendment protects them.
If you don’t want to be photographed, put on your Foster Grants (sunglasses for those too young to remember that brand) and stay indoors.
If you own or lease property you can’t stop the prying eyes of aerial cameras.  Barbara Streisand found that out the hard way a few years back when a helicopter carrying a photographer snapped some pictures of her and her Malibu fortress and posted them on the Internet.  She immediately sued in court.  Not only did the singer loose but she had to pay more than a quarter million dollars to the hapless photographer.
Laws violating any portion of the Bill of Rights never stand a chance when challenged in court.  Shooting video from a camera drone over private or public property is absolutely constitutionally protected activity.   
Local bans are incredibly problematic in that tourists with drones will be ignorant of laws and even geography where its difficult to determine what jurisdiction where they are located.
Do we really want to jail and mark these people with lifelong criminal records for snapping a few pictures of our prettier parks, beaches, cities and villages?

The news media and filmmakers have already been using these things for image gathering over the more dangerous and excessively expensive helicopters.  They certainly have First Amendment rights needing protection.  

Insurance adjusters, real estate marketing and our farmers desperately need this technology for obvious reasons.  Arn't our grocery, insurance and housing cost high enough? 

If they are compelled to make rules here perhaps two current FAA guidelines are worthy of adoption.  Flying below 400 feet and avoiding airspace within five miles of an airport without control tower approval seems workable. 
Below you will find the estimated number of aircraft and helicopters worldwide:
  312,000     Active General Aviation Aircraft
  17,770     Passenger Aircraft
  89,129     Military Aircraft
  26,500     Civil Helicopters
  29,700     Military Helicopters.
According to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association there are approximately 312,000 active general aviation aircraft worldwide.
General aviation (GA) is defined as all aviation other than scheduled commercial airlines and military aviation.
Over 312,000 general aviation aircraft including helicopters,
single-engine piston-powered airplanes, multi-engine turboprops, and intercontinental business jets are flying throughout the world.
Information provided by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association: General Aviation

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Obama’s Ownership of America’s Liberal Mainstream Media is Suddenly a Major Embarrassment

 Washington, DC—Our mainstream media were all in lockstep behind Barack Obama as a new Messiah.  Scandal after scandal was laughed off beginning with the candidate and now President’s suspicious and questionable birth qualifications.  His alignment with a high-profile racist preacher along with long personal ties to known Communist terrorists, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were simply guffawed. 

The Obama Administration, BATFE gun running scandal was intentionally designed to create bloodshed that would be blamed on American Gun Rights.  This propaganda effort took the lives of at least two Border Patrol Agents and hundreds of Mexican Nationals.  The media blew it off as a bureaucratic bungling and a mistake.  
The Whitehouse kept a Nixon style enemies list and the IRS was sent to punish any political opposition.  Again, the mainstream media did not find this newsworthy.  No tough questions or criticisms like the firestorm Nixon suffered.
The NSA Spy Scandal that was revealed by Edward Snowden is of unprecedented, criminal and epic proportions.  The mainstream media simply made a traitor out of the whistle-blower as they ignored a clear and obvious case of Treason by Obama.  
Obama gave himself absolute power with the destruction of the Posse Comitatus Act while authorizing secret detention or even killings of Americans without Due Process of law.  In effect, Obama simply suspended the United States Constitution. This is exactly what Adolph Hitler did in Germany.  What did the mainstream media say?  Absolutely nothing!
Our military veterans were sold out.   VA physicians at great personal risk exposed the horrible cover up of deaths of patients seeking critical medical care.  The mainstream media burped and Obama had to respond with a symbolic forced resignation and finally a subdued reaction.
The Bizarre and Shocking Case of Treason, Obama and Bowe Bergdhal is Far Worse than imaginable.   The mainstream media seems to be a bit red-faced and blind-sided.  Will this be the beginning of the saddest chapter of American history?  When will we finally rid our Whitehouse of that traitor?