Los Angeles, CA—In addition to the felons and mental patients we know about there are some 11,000,000 people that are
forbidden to possess guns in America.
Illegal aliens are currently in the class of prohibited possessors. Most of them are from Mexico or Central
Things being the way they are
we cannot determine these alien's criminal histories in their home nations. Try getting criminal and mental health records from any of our Southern neighboring nations. Background checks in that regard simply cannot be accomplished.
If our government grants Green Card status or citizenship to
the illegal aliens they will automatically be able to purchase, possess and carry firearms. We will have no way of knowing if they have
criminal records for wife beating, robbery, rape burglary, drug trafficking in
their own countries. How about the dangerous mentally ill among them? It only makes sense
that once criminals are discovered they will want to relocate where their
recent past is far behind them. Coming to the USA is an obvious first choice.
It is the political Left that is demanding amnesty for those
that have trespassed into America. It is
the political Left that's been demanding full background checks on gun purchasers. Here these two philosophies are colliding
like speeding freight trains in the night.
Remember the political Left long ago put in lifetime gun bans
for people convicted of a huge laundry list of crimes. Here the
illegal aliens are set escape whatever crimes they committed in the past like
they never happened. If you’re a
dangerous illegal alien with amnesty you will suddenly have total legal access to
firearms. Of course if you are a natural
born American citizen you will never have gun rights if you did something regrettable
even as a juvenile and you’ve lived a clean life for decades.
Remember what George Orwell wrote in his book, Animal Farm, (under Socialism), “Some pigs are more equal than others.”