Showing posts with label Whistle Blower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whistle Blower. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Edward Snowden, a Patriot or a Traitor?

Edward Snowden

Washington, DC—The massive $80 Billion communications surveillance program exposed by government contractor turned whistle blower, Edward Snowden is nothing less than sinister.  This program is un-American and clearly violates the civil rights of virtually every law-abiding citizen of the United States under the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the Constitution.  
It appears that our president and several elite selected politicians conspired to embezzle massive tax funds and used them to create this monster spy program in secret.  That’s Capital Treason and that should lead to criminal prosecution at the highest government levels.
As for Snowden he should be invited to appear before Congress and given full immunity from prosecution in exchange for truthful testimony.  The testimony administrators of this program will follow Snowden’s.
We will find out quickly if Snowden is a villain or hero.  He appears to be a brilliant and courageous young man who will well document the abject tyranny of various rogue government officials.
I fear that Snowden will be an assassination target by the Obama Administration that is already trying to label him as a foreign agent and terrorist.   Obama can be counted on to use whatever resources available to kill Snowden rather than capture him.
As for the so-called PRISM operation and its related programs a quick and permanent court injunction will end this lawless cabal.  The lawsuits have already begun and the sworn depositions forced out the defendants including Barack Obama will captivate the world’s attention and ours for many years to come.
Make no mistake unless Obama makes a sudden and successful power grab circumventing the law of the land, he and his presidency will be in total disgrace.  If he can successfully complete a coup we will immediately be in a certain second Civil War.
We must contact our members of Congress and demand immunity for Edward Snowden and a full investigation into the Obama Whitehouse.   I can promise you one thing if that happens.  Obama and his henchmen will claim Executive Privilege and when that fails they will invoke is Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. 
The nation is about to venture into uncharted and dangerous territory and perhaps racial violence as the nation further divides.   To do nothing would guarantee the absolute end to all freedom and liberty in this once great nation great nation.  The blood of patriots has always been the hefty price of freedom anywhere in the world.   What’s past is prologue.