Showing posts with label War Crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label War Crimes. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

The Incredibly Deceitful Obama Administration Wants Our Trust and Support for Yet Another War?

Washington, DC—It’s déjà vu, all over again!  Let’s see, they lied to us about that that attack on the Benghazi compound, that took the life of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others in Libya.   Absolutely knowing otherwise, they audaciously claimed the slaughter was instigated by an obscure YouTube film trailer that was somehow offensive to Muslims.
The Benghazi lies continue even though they’ve been exposed for nearly a year.  Today they call it a, “phony scandal.”  Impeachment and criminal trials are long overdue however Obama controls the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Then there is the Fast and Furious Gunrunning Scandal designed to fabricate an American Gun Control Crisis.   That fiasco needlessly took the lives of two U.S. Border Patrol Agents along with that of hundreds of Mexicans.
Next there is the targeting of Conservative political groups and individuals for special IRS intimidation, extortion and harassment. 
That was followed up with the Justice Department's undisputed seizure of Associated Press phone records.  The phone and e-mail snooping by the Obama Administration makes Nixon’s Watergate scandal tame by comparison.
The pattern of deception by the Obama Administration against the American people and our military people putting their lives on the line is despicable, deplorable and downright disgusting.  It is also a government run crime wave.
Now these same criminals are demanding we bomb Syria because they bombed their own people.  What are the real reasons our Nobel Peace Prize winning War Criminal is demanding this action? 
The impassioned, “We Must Bomb Syria” speech by the well-know American traitor John Kerry is so reminiscent of that Communist’s similar lies during the Viet Nam War.  
The Obama Administration wants to turn our young fighting men and women into war criminals just as the Third Reich did with loyal German troops. 
We must stop the Obama Administration cold along with all of the Communists and Criminals that support these bums in our government.  
Our military has the duty to arrest, try and seek punishment for the most lawless U.S. presidential administration in history.   Americans must begin to demand action while they still can. 

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Our Military Leaders Must Remember the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials!

Nuremberg, Germany—When the Third Reich collapsed and surrendered in 1945 those Nazi military leaders that could be found were rounded up, jailed and tried by a special tribunal of those victorious Allied Nations. 
To a one the accused military suspects cited as a defense that they were only following orders and that had they disobeyed those orders they would have been shot or hanged.

The international precedent was established that eliminated that defense and the defendants were held to a standard the precluded Waging Aggressive War and Crimes Against Humanity.  Nearly every defendant was found guilty and most of them were hanged.
Now Barack Obama has put our military leaders at a crossroads similar to the Nazi regime.  Hitler engaged in starting war after war and Obama is doing precisely the same thing.  Our military leaders must not allow themselves to be taken down the war crimes path by our psychotic Commander and Chief.
This is not about pacifism or becoming a Contentious Objector but the duty all solders have to not follow unlawful orders. 
Our members of the military have taken an oath, not to Obama but to the U.S. Constitution.   If there s reasonable doubt that an order is lawful, members of our military have a duty to refuse such orders.
At some point the military may have a solemn and sworn duty to arrest the President and other officials in our government for war crimes and treason.  Our military needs to know that America backs them if they follow their oaths.  
Following a war criminal's orders may lead to disgrace and actual execution as s depicted n the film below:

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why We Must Not Tolerate Drones Being Employed On Our Own Soil

Washington, DC—At the end of the Civil War Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibited our military forces from law enforcement activities on our own soil.  There was enough horror inflicted by soldiers burning down homes all over the American South.  Wanton acts of cruelty by military forces on American civilians were beyond shocking.
Our Congress has steadfastly refused to turn this kind of absolute power to the government until Barack Obama wanted it.  That along with the power to imprison Americans without lawyers, trials or Due Process has placed us all in the crosshairs of an absolute tyrant.  These are just some of the very powers that Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler had to massacre millions of their own citizens. 
Additionally the despots of World War Two never had the kind of comprehensive data collected and stored on computer of every man, woman and child like our government collects today. 
A tyrant today in our Whitehouse could murder us far more efficiently than ever before in the history of the world.  We are handing over additional raw power to our government to destroy and plunder us every second.  I guess we refused to learn that absolute power corrupts absolutely. 
The political Left bitterly and rightly decried the Patriot Act but under Obama it has been expanded significantly.  Now the Left is silent about that and some many other attacks on American’s liberty, privacy and peace.
The government has been sending unmanned drone aircraft to spy on Americans and these flying machines can also destroy our homes and businesses.  Needless to say anyone caught inside will be incinerated.
Soldiers take an oath to defend the Constitution and most may have some sense of right and wrong to prevent them from committing atrocities against fellow Americans. 
The problem with the drones is that they can be operated by or mercenaries or even criminals.  Unlike conventional military aircraft pilots we will never know who is behind the curtain at the controls of killer drones.   They will only place people behind the controls of the drones that will blindly take orders from superiors.
Frankly I can understand why Americans want to shoot the drones down on sight if they appear over our property uninvited.
At what point to we say enough?  At what point do Americans began to retaliate against politicians and their bureaucrats with gasoline, bombs and firearms?  Frankly, four more years of Barack Obama’s ambitious destruction of liberty, free enterprise and privacy will invite a second and far more deadly Civil War.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Obama the War Criminal Must be Punished

Washington, DC--Above the late Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson is prosecuting war criminals at Nuremberg. Is it time for another such trial based on these principals?

Barack Obama that campaigned on ending the two wars started by Bush? The same guy who wanted to close GITMO and give suspected terrorists Due Process and civilian trials?

By what authority did Obama order the invasion of a nation not engaged in war with the U.S. and kill anyone?

To enter sovereign Pakistan with soldiers and helicopters to make war on a criminal suspect, Osama Bin Laden and the members of his household is exactly what the Nuremberg War Crimes trials of October 18, 1945 were all about. One of the applicable charge that led to numerous hangings was, “Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace.”The deliberate cover-up of evidence and destruction of Bin Laden’s remains shows the conspiracy of deceit and obstruction of justice deserving of a lot more than simple Impeachment.

How many American mothers will never get the remains of their children killed at war because of Obama’s cruel order to deny Bin Laden’s family the ability to bury him? They can now cite Obama's handling of Bin Laden's remains as their guide.

I’m no fan of Bin Laden but the only information I ever got about his alleged crimes came from a government that’s not always candid with their people. Had there not been a rush to cover-up this event and destroy evidence America may have gotten the true story.

Barack Obama is a war criminal who now clearly deserves arrest, trial and punishment.