Showing posts with label UCLA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UCLA. Show all posts

Thursday, June 02, 2016

UCLA Shooting and an Incredibly Shameful Police Response.

Westwood, Los Angeles, CA—A deadly dispute between two engineering Ph.D  eggheads at the UCLA  campus yesterday was turned into an unnecessary and obscene military commando exercise by authorities.  

UCLA Police officers immediately responded to a shooting scene and found two dead males.  They appeared to have suffered fatal gunshot wounds from a low powered handgun and a recently fired 9MM pistol lay nearby.  Additionally there was a suicide note that made this somewhat clear to be an isolated Murder/Suicide event.  What followed was nothing less than what we’d expect from an out-of-control fascist government. 
The authorities turned this into a massive training exercise that disrupted and disturbed the entire region. SWAT teams were summoned from every department surrounding the area.  FBI, Homeland Security and the BATFE joined in the raiding party. 

A chance to test their inter-agency radio communications crossing every jurisdictional line under a single command structure was fully exploited. 

UCLA’s Bruin Alert system told the students to shelter in place setting off panic.  The students attempted bizarre efforts to lock classroom doors that had no locks.  

I saw perhaps 40 police vehicles speeding with emergency lights and sirens headed for UCLA from the San Fernando Valley along the crowed 405 Freeway. It’s easy to assume that the every major street leading to Westwood saw similar activity. 

Students were removed from buildings at gunpoint, forced to raise their hands, submit to unnecessary humiliation as the were frisked like criminals in front of news cameras.  Then the hapless students were then forced to kneel on the ground.  This while the police were assigned to search for “Active Shooters” throughout the campus.  Needless to say none were found.  

Hours later police officials declared the exercise over saying it was indeed an isolated Murder/Suicide. Then the media wasted no time heaping on the praise of how wonderfully the police responded protecting the students and faculty at the University. 

Adding insult to injury politicians began demanding more gun control. California’s gun laws are the most restrictive anywhere and UCLA is a GUN FREE ZONE! They somehow want to believe that gun laws are obeyed by criminals. Gun laws only impact the law-abiding obstructing their ability to defend themselves.  Liberals always embrace full government dependence, rejecting any form of self-reliance. 

Was the UCLA police “Active Shooter” raid just a rehearsal for bigger things yet to come?  Will we see bucket helmet, jackboot wearing armed thugs marching through our businesses and homes?  The sad answer provided by world history is yes unless we demilitarize the cops while we still can. We need to see police returned to their communities as local protectors not an invading army.  Freedom is not free we must fight for it.   

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Latest UCLA Coed Murder Court Report

Andrea "Andy" DelVesco, UCLA coed Murder Victim
Dimitry Gorim represented Alberto Medina 

 Steven Cron represented Eric Marques 
Los Angeles, CA—This was the initial appearance bail hearing for the two men arrested for killing Andrea “Andy” DelVesco.
It began with an announcement by the judge that there would be no photography, video or sketching in court.   Additionally that much of the evidence offered by the DA was privately discussed in judicial chambers and would be sealed.
Both defendants had top gun, privately retained defense lawyers.  Dimitry Gorim represented Alberto Medina and Steven Cron represented Eric Marques.   Hiring these lawyers involves paying a very large retainer up front.  
Only a partial story was revealed by the prosecutor and many more questions remained unanswered.  These are simply allegations rather than proof.  
Words never uttered in this proceeding were drugs, witness tampering or revenge killing. 
For the blow-by-blow description I made a quick iPhone video that I hope provides a window into the courtroom.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What I’ve Learned So Far About the UCLA Coed’s Murder Case.

Los Angeles, CA—I took an early interest in the case because of my closeness to past and present UCLA students and alumni. 
It was about 7:00 AM when LAFD emergency vehicles came screaming to the Scene midblock at 10900 Roebling adjacent to the UCLA Campus.
It was a lucky break that some of the students there were awakened by screams and fellow residents were up trying to combat the fire with a fire extinguisher on the first floor, Eastern side of the complex. 
That was the residence of UCLA Spanish and Psychology major, Andrea “Andy” DelVesco.   Andy was an active member of the Pi Beta Phi Sorority. 
Some of the more observant kids present were able to tell the firemen that Andy was unaccounted for and they began an aggressive search.  They found Andy badly burned and beyond all medical aid.  Some 30 firefighters were able to contain the blaze within ten minutes.
Thankfully no others suffered injuries considering this was early when the complex residents would normally be asleep.  Without early discovery by neighbors and and LAFD intervention this could have been a tragic holocaust.  
Soon UCLA police and members of the LAPD determined that this was an arson fire that was set to cover up a murder.  Ignorant criminals often believe setting their crime scenes on fire will destroy evidence and make detection more difficult.  More often this creates even more evidence that will snare the criminals.  This would prove to be one of those cases.

Police quickly notified Andy’s parents, Art and Leslie DelVesco in Austin, TX.  They wasted no time, jumping on the next flight to L.A.  I can’t imagine the horror they are still reeling from and the devastation to their close-knit family.
Police did what cops do these days.  They quickly learned about the recent felony drug possession for sale arrest of Andy and discovered she was cooperating with authorities to curry favor possibly evading a ruined life with a felony conviction and prison term.
It’s obvious to me that the arresting agency (UCLA Police Department) dropped the ball badly here and failed to protect their indentured informant.
Police also obtained Andy’s computer and cellphone.  They’d also get search warrants to capture every possible communication records from her ISP, Email and phone providers.  That of course gave them a shopping list of potential suspects to investigate. 
Once they zeroed in on obvious involved characters their cell phone and emails would be captured via search warrants and analyzed too.
Police released the crime scene on September 21.  However curiously on the afternoon of the 23rd they returned with a search warrant spending the next 30 hours sifting through the debris for evidence.
On September 27 police got a break in the case that gave them probable cause to arrest 22 year-old Alberto Medina who is a pre-psychology and social work major at Fresno State University. That also gave police the ability to obtain search warrants for his cars and residences.  Fresno police acting on a request from the LAPD took Medina down and into custody during a felony stop on the street without incident.
It was learned that Medina was a Member go the Lambada Chi Alpha Fraternity but was expelled over some bad behavior.  

That in turn led police back to the Westwood UCLA Campus.  On the evening of September 27 an LAPD SWAT team raided the nearby Strathmore Regency Apartments arresting 22 year-old Eric Marques for murder too. Needless to say they used a search warrant to locate and seize evidence from his apartment.
Like Andy and Alberto Medina, Eric Marquez had a promising future.  He was a pre-med biology UCLA student. 
On September 28, police felt they could announce their arrests to the media without comprising the investigation.
What remains to be told is more about the motive and the various informants and witnesses that were involved. One life senselessly snuffed out and two others that will unlikely ever taste their freedom again.
Because of the nature of the kinds of drugs seized from Andy by police last June it’s apparent at least to me that the drug ring was catering to Rave Festivals and such.
I have to ask when will we learn that the Drug War and the huge profits it generates are far more evil than the drugs themselves.  How many more lives will be lost or destroyed before we understand treating the addicted is far cheaper and better than the constant violence the Drug Was creates? 
In the meantime we will be waiting and watching as this nightmare unfolds in a Los Angeles courtroom.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Arrests Were Made In UCLA Coed Andrea “Andy” DelVesco’s Murder!

Los Angeles, CA—Students will be sleeping easier tonight after police announced the arrests of two 22-year old Hispanic men for killing Andrea "Andy" DelVesco. 
Alberto Madina and Eric Marquez are in custody at the Van Nuys Jail. 
This is sure to be a “special circumstance” case meaning prosecutors can ask for the death Penalty. 
Yet to be offered by police is the motive however the drug selling connection is sure to be playing a part in this investigation.

the DelVesco girl and her two alleged killers showed promise as students of making great contributions to our world.  However now we have three young lives destroyed because of our insane Drug War.  How many more killings must we tolerate until we end this madness? We need to redirect our efforts to treat thoes addicted.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

UCLA Coed Murdered, an Incredibly sad Update

Los Angeles, CA--The 19000 block of Roebling Avenue is inhabited by hundreds of young role models of society.  They are the best and brightest that are selected to attend prestigious UCLA.
The sprawling UCLA campus and surrounding area is well protected by both the UCLA Police and the LAPD.  The neighborhood for the most is a safe place for these kids.
In Westwood tonight there is one less special undergraduate senior and her name is Andréa “Andy” DelVesco.  She was a member of the pi Beta Phi Sorority and worked at the on Campus Jamba Juice franchise.
This young and attractive Austin, Texas native had been studying Spanish and psychology at this renowned university.
This morning many of her young friends were huddled together just outside the yellow police crime scene tape in tears after learning about this unspeakable crime.
I can’t imagine what horror and emotional trauma Andrea’s parents are experiencing tonight.  
L.A.’s best homicide and arson investigators are working non-stop to identify Andrea’s killer and remove him/her from our streets.
Not only did Andrea’s killer commit one murder this damn near took numerous other lives that occupied the building.  
Murderers that commit arson think that the fire will cover the crime and evidence.  That’s just not the case.  DNA and fingerprints can survive all but a fully consumed inferno.  The fireman were able to extinguish the fire within ten minutes of their arrival.
If there is good news here it’s that these type of crimes are usually solved.  I’m confidant that this one will be solved quickly too.
There’s at least one thing that these kids need to reevaluate, and that’s their personal security.  The kids are quick to let strangers into their building’s common areas out of a mistaken sense of courtesy.  These wonderful kids learned just how fragile their lives are, meaning they are not invincible.

My earlier Crimefile News Drone report:

Monday, October 06, 2014

Please Enjoy Yet Another Drone Video

Los Angeles, CA—On a quiet Sunday Morning my little drone took a ride above Westwood area of Los Angeles.  The video shows the Southern portion of the UCLA campus, Wilshire Blvd and beyond.  On the West you can see the Veteran’s Cemetery, The VA Hospital and the 405 Freeway.   
Unfortunately because of the terrific music attached this cannot be seen in Europe.