Showing posts with label Tyranny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyranny. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Richmond, VA—The far left has gained control over Virginia’s political scene. They have a Democratic governor and a Democratic legislative majority.  They are all hell-bent on banning certain firearms and an additional bunch of really draconian dictates.

Virginia has both the federal and state constitutions that protect gun rights but that does not make any difference to this bunch of radicals.  Normally it’s up to the judges to decide the constitutionality of laws that are passed.  The courts however move very slow and resolutions take many years.  In the meantime those victimized by bad laws suffer irreversible harm through incarceration and the loss of valuable property and their guaranteed and hard won freedom.  That does not include tens of thousands in legal fees. I don’t think the founding fathers took into consideration that our courts would someday all but grind to a halt when it came to protecting liberty. 
The oath of office the radical leftist politicians have taken is meaningless to these people who are on a mission to destroy sacred Liberty.  They feel that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are somehow outdated and they are smarter then our founding fathers.  They insist upon re-writing the constitution in a way that suits them and nobody else.

That’s however not the way it works and they cannot simply pass laws that violate the Constitution.  In a state where the motto is, “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” or, Death To Tyrants the politicians are asking for extreme retaliation from the citizenry. Will we see politician's homes burned down and assassinations? Tempers are understandably at an all time high.  

As the vast majority of Virginia’s counties are declaring their jurisdictions to be Gun Rights Sanctuaries the same leftist politicians are planing to unleash the National Guard on both citizens and their local law enforcement officials to overcome any resistance.  They are also making contingency plans to shut down cell phones and the Internet so the citizens cannot communicate with each other during weapons seizures.  I can’t begin to imagine the cost in both tax dollars and human lives for them to accomplish their demands.

This shows that they’re really not concerned about Public Safety but about Socialist style public control. Enforcing these unconstitutional laws will bring about more bloodshed than if we simply handed out loaded guns to prison inmates. 

We can only hope that these dangerous politicians rethink their plans and come to their senses before it’s too late. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

The European Union is a Victim of its Own Success!

London, UK—The European Union seemed like a good idea however It became too big for its britches and was ruling Europe with an iron fist.  The EU became absolutely tyrannical.  

This Socialist ruled EU monster was destroying Europe with its recent mandate to allow millions of Islamic, so-called refugees to invade member nations.  Refugees or invaders became the question and its impact was and is purely negative. 
The new “guests” absolutely abhor Western culture, food and the way of life of Europeans. They come with zero job skills, ability to speak, read or write the languages of the Euro Nations. The result has been violent crime, terrorism, social conflict and a huge financial burden on the taxpayers. 

The purpose of inviting the Islamic guests was to pollute the vote and guarantee Socialist control of the Euro nations for generations to come. Socialism only endures with a majority of totally dependent people, void of all self-reliance. 

Now the UK voters have spoken and have broken the yoke of EU slavery!  Now other EU member nations are looking to get out too!  

The obvious parallel for America is reigning in our out-of-control over-bloated Federal Government extorting taxes, dictating to and over-regulating every aspect of our lives.  The EU member nations have lost control and their sovereignty like we have ours!

Americans need to re-evaluate the control of the Socialist controlled Federal Government’s iron grip on our lives and our states. We need not submit like sheep to build and strengthen a Socialist nation our founders would have soundly rejected.

The American Congress is not controlled by Republicans or Democrats despite the labels they wear. They, for the most part are corrupt Communists and Socialists disloyal to America and especially its Constitution.  

As for the UK, I congratulate them as they move forward governing themselves.  Self-reliance, independence and self government has returned to the UK.  Margaret Thatcher would be proud!  

Monday, June 20, 2016

Martial Law, you, Cops and the Military.

Washington, DC—Only Farmers, the well armed and the prepared have a chance should things get out-of-hand.   

This divided nation has huge challenges ahead.  The political Left wants total domination over this nation and will stop at nothing to achieve a totalitarian Marxist state.  
The summer promises to have intense racial conflicts not to mention the hostile pre-election political climate. 

Should Barack Obama declare Martial Law our cops and military will initially balk.  The real muscle will surface when food shipments to major urban areas is interrupted. 

The moment they cut cell phones, power and water to our homes citizens will begin to gladly board buses to be delivered to FEMA camps.  They will direct us at least until the power to our cellphones fails. 

As for the cops and military we need only look at history.  The despotic leaders like Hitler and Stalin simply allow these public servants to keep confiscated property including homes and businesses.  Total corruption will rule.  Yes, much of our military and cops will fall to do the devil’s work. 

There is only one way for Americans to end such a conflict.  The homes and families of every Leftist politician must be quickly located and attacked.  They are the only ones that could possibly want a truce. War is an ugly business. 

The horror of such a historical event is just a matter of when not if.  History is the teacher.  What plans do you have to protect yourself and families?  Will you trust your government should Martial Law be declared?  

Every bad government always promises good things to the people they seek to control.  There will be good food and water for all if you cooperate.  They will promise to return citizens to their homes.  People will always believe what their told as denial because their new way of life.  

The second Amendment along with quick and decisive resistance is our only chance to thwart this kind of thing.  The sad truth is that most Americans would march to the ovens rather than to resist. That’s why Holocausts happen throughout history.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Another Terrorist Attack, But Will We ever Learn?

Orlando, FL--In light of another mass casualty shooting this time in a crowded Gay Bar we have little choice but to plan ahead for more of the same.

Our ignorant politicians nearly always respond to this kind of threat with every type of failed gun prohibition, TSA style checkpoints and of course those Gun Free Zones. 

We've learned on thing we can’t deny.  Nearly everyone of the active shooter events are stopped either by gunfire by a good guy or suicide of the gunmen. The are only stopped by the type of force they inflict on others. 

As for the TSA style checkpoints at venues, they are a total farce.  Putting unarmed, untrained, un-vetted marginal people in pseudo police uniforms to stop terrorism is laughable.  Additionally this type of faux security makes a mockery of our Fourth Amendment rights to be free of unreasonable searches. 

Any determined armed terrorist/criminal need only display their weapons to totally defeat these search gauntlets. The crowds of people waiting patiently to have their privacy violated are certainly ripe targets for mayhem. 

Shopping malls, sports arenas, theaters, schools or any venue must have a workable and realistic plan. The failed Monkey See Monkey Do response is simply no option.  

The Right Approach

Our cops can’t do this alone.  They're not enough of them, nor can we afford sufficient numbers of them to make a difference. 

We have already in place a huge force of vetted Concealed weapon License holders. They are our veterans, ex-cops, well-trained and trustworthy civilians.  

We need to open our arms to these folks inviting them to bring their weapons and courage to our venues. Somehow we've not learned that gun prohibitions only impact the law abiding folks and never the criminals. 

The right to keep and bear arms is here and is not going away any time soon. Frankly the idea of that right was to allow for better public safety. 

No matter where we stand on guns and gun rights we all claim the same desire to end murder and mayhem. We have failed with the old ideas and new it’s time to try something that works. 

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Big Bend, TX--With the sudden death of Supreme Court Judge  Antonin Scalia we can count on Barack Obama to appoint a gun grabbing Communist to the court.  That would shift the court 180 degrees to the Left. 

It remains to be seen if foul play was involved in Scalia's death however at 79 he reached life expectancy for males he was however considered in good health.

My guess is we are a year away or less from a second Civil War as the Left will destroy our hard won freedom. We can try to wait and see but by then it will be too late.  Arguably any appointment could face delay by the Senate but should that happen the unrest will be severe.  

Obama has prepared his Homeland Security just as Hitler did with his SS.  They've been given huge resources and more than a billion rounds of ammunition to use against guess who? 

Internment camps are ready along with thousands of coffins for those that dare resist. I see absolute doom on the horizon.  

Can Obama's effort to appoint a Communist pal like Eric Holder to the court get derailed? Delayed perhaps but it's unlikely he can be stopped.  Martial Law can't be far behind. 

We fought for freedom before but will our young men and women even understand the importance of protecting our Bill of Rights enough to fight for them? 

Will any future election in America ever be trustworthy?  

Food, arms, medicines and ammunition will begin disappear from our shelves.  God help us all! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

“Crazy” Ted Kaczynski Was Not Insane! He was Clairvoyant!

Lincoln, MT—In 1978 a two-decade bombing campaign began that untimely took three lives and maimed some 23 people.  Ingeniously hand constructed bombs were delivered, mailed or otherwise planted targeting people involved with advanced technology.  It was an effort to intimidate those involved to obstruct and discontinue their efforts.
I worked on this massive investigation myself for among others, ABC News.  The FBI dubbed the bomber as the, "UNABOM" (UNiversity & Airline BOMber).  Their agents meticulously reconstructed the bombs in their investigative process that consumed many of their entire careers.   
Everyone was trying to guess the reasoning behind this frightening serial killer’s actions.  The New York Times received a somewhat strange letter on April 24, 1995.  The author promised "to desist from terrorism" if the Times or the Washington Post published his manifesto, Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), in which he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization. 
That manifesto eventually led to the unmasking of the man responsible, Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski.   Kaczynski was a genuine Harvard educated egghead with a PhD in mathematics.  Kaczynski was so beyond brilliant he did not fit into our society.  He shunned anything involving technology including automobiles.   He took up residence in a tiny shack and spent countless hours at his local library. 
Friends were elusive to Kaczynski who limited his human connections to two women in the small hamlet of Lincoln.  One was the librarian and the other headed the local Chamber of Commerce.
Kaczynski was not pleasant to be around primarily because of his lacking personal hygiene and unkempt appearance.  Most people avoided this eccentric fellow.  Once Kaczynski’s own brother David tipped off the FBI the so-called UNABOM suspect’s mad world came to a halt. 
This was a huge news story at the time and I was once more working with ABC News network reporter Bill Redeker.  I worked with Redeker before on the Oklahoma Bombing case and on both of these stories and our reports came way out on top.
A picture of Kaczynski soon emerged and the consensus was that he was simply crazy.  His redundantly re-published manifesto was anything but an easy read.  However to me Kaczynski’s message was clear and hauntingly ominous.
Technology was about to strangle all of society in a world far worse than George Orwell’s 1984!  Both Orwell and Kaczynski were absolutely right in their prophecies.  Government and select corporations now have the massive power to see and hear whatever they want almost anywhere they want. There is no privacy and there is no escape from those in power.  Between Google, the NSA and thousands of smaller government contractors we are in a police state that would make Adolf Hitler a very jealous man.
Right now in Oregon there are some brave men that are challenging the federal government’s authority to seize and control public land.  Decades of family business are at stake.  Now the government is about to crush this protest just like the BATFE, FBI and our military unlawfully did to the men, women and children in Waco, TX during the Branch Davidian Massacre.
Already in Oregon the Feds have compromised cell phones, deployed listening devices and drones to selectively locate, ambush and even kill one protester so far. 
The question remains as to how far this kind on tyranny will continue.  Will the federal enforcement agents follow their oaths of office or remain loyal to tyrannical government bureaucrats instead. 
We have learned from history that despots like Hitler maintained control by allowing his thugs to seize and keep citizen’s personal property, money, businesses and land.
Keeping government enforcers on the side of the citizenry always fails under despotic regimes.  Corruption always rules.  Today we have a totally corrupt government and our elected and appointed leaders are controlled by greed for power and money.  They don’t give a rat’s ass about the people that elected them.
Kaczynski saw the power that technology would give politicians and had the vision to understand that eventually life, as we knew it was on a track straight to Hell.  Kaczynski unsuccessfully tried to stop this but nobody would listen.  
Our Second Amendment to keep and bear arms has been completely hijacked.  It was meant to give the people defense parity with our government.  We allowed this important right to become meaningless.   The government has the power and technology to murder far beyond anyone’s worst nightmare.  The small arms we have are no match for our government’s current killing tools.
Kaczynski was a lot of things, but crazy he was not.  His warnings went ignored as we laughed him off.  I for one am not laughing anymore.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

The FAA Can’t Perpetuate Drone Hysteria Without Evidence of a Single Notable Accident!

Town of Paradise Valley, AZ—Some of this small but wealthy community’s politicians bought into the baseless idea that multi-rotor camera drones were a threat to safety and privacy. 
Ignorance and the novelty of the drones themselves motivated politicians here to make an effort to ban drones. They thought that their residents would somehow appreciate their efforts.
Things backfired when local relators complained that the use of drones showcased the homes and community like never before.  Banning or over-regulating them could damage property values and of course property tax collections.
The Town Council considered the ban but cooler heads in that body tabled the idea at least until they had more valid guidance and information.  How they revisit this issue remains to be seen.
As for the somewhat popular Drone Invasion, there were no less than 700 reports of near misses with conventional aircraft investigated by the FAA.
Not a single collision, photo, or video has surfaced in those reports.  Were these bogus reports by people seeking attention?  Were they reports by some pilots seeking to protect their jobs by slowing down the proliferation of drones that will take their jobs?
I can’t guess what was real or fraudulent in the much-publicized world of drones and their detractors.  What we do know is their are zero fatalities, serious injuries or significant property damage.  Certainly there’s not a singe collision with other aircraft.
There are well over two million of these marvelous machines in the hands of teens and adults that are gathering spectacular images for creative endeavors, journalism and marketing.
The privacy invasion and safety fears have not been realized in any way, shape or form beyond unsubstantiated reports that have been given far too much ink.
I fully expect as the bogus reports begin to die down the FAA will take credit for their educational efforts for the decline in those rogue sightings.
The fact is there must come a point in time when the hysteria must die without some tangible evidence. 
It’s interesting to note that all FAA regulations for conventional aircraft were actually written in blood!  Yes, actual deaths and serious crashes were behind each and every rule.
When it came to the drones the FAA radically changed direction to enacting prior restraint guidelines and criminalized private enterprise.  This was un-American and violates the civil rights of those wishing to operate their drones.
Despite the threats of enforcement and state and local efforts to police our drones, what’s lacking is a legitimate demonstration of any misbehavior by drone operators.
The few attempts at prosecution have fallen flat from a lack of evidence.  The videos and telemetry data contained on the drones themselves have vindicated the operators.
It’s time to move forward with this exciting new technology.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Obama and His Media Lapdogs Trolling Against Our Hard Won Liberty and Freedom and Very Lives, Yet Again.

Roseburg, OR—We now know that Christopher Harper-Mercer was a lone wolf, copycat,  wannabe,  Islamic terrorist that targeted Christians for murder.
Harper-Mercer found his hapless and defenseless victims to execute here at Umpqua Community College.  They were supposed to somehow be protected by a single unarmed and equally helpless security guard. 
With security like that, what could possibly go wrong?  That was considered a wise decision made by overpaid, politically left leaning bureaucrats.  They gambled with the lives of these students and lost.  Unfortunately these bastards will escape punishment for facilitating and enabling the terrorism.
Islam is in a constant state of war with infidels and the nations they are invading unimpeded while claiming refugee status.  We must take every precaution to resist terrorist incidents and train to stop incidents like what happened here.
While we are under attack by lone wolves and are under protected by our law enforcement agencies Barack Obama wants to disarm America’s law-abiding citizens. A fat-fetched conspiracy theory you might suggest?
Obama never saw a gun ban he didn’t support and vote for in his political life.  His claims that he wants only minimal changes are disingenuous and phony. 
Gun laws like all laws only impact the law abiding.  More restrictive gun laws have been found to actually enable violence as every large American city run by Democrats lave learned. 
Americans are currently under siege by crime and a massive amount of Islamic and assorted illegal immigrants.  Asking Americans to disarm is like telling us to stop using seat-belts and to throw away our smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.  
We need armed police or security at every school in America supplemented by trained and armed civilians.  Without the right tools we are helpless and always ripe for mass murder.
Obama knowingly lied to the American public about so-called Gun Violence statistics.  They include thousands of justifiable shootings by police and intended crime victims.  They include suicides and accidents including those in our military and police organizations.
The crimes are solid evidence that Americans must be responsible for the protection of themselves and families.
Obama's Lapdog media let him ramble on unchallenged for two days relentlessly parroting his lies and misinformation at every opportunity.
We must at all cost resist those Leftist politicians that will enable and facilitate violent criminals and terrorists by infringing on our right to keep and carry arms.  Our lives absolutely depend on our ability to defend ourselves!