Washington, DC—Today there are millions of government employees and government contractors engaged in various roles serving taxpayers. Some of them have inside information that is about to change the course of American history.
Today our government is more than ever, unaccountable and out-of-control.
Many agencies operate like third world dictatorships where corruption of every kind is a way of life. Frustrated workers want to blow the whistle and turn to the news media. That happens all the time. Unfortunately too often the mainstream media won’t do their job because they are politically in bed with government wrongdoers.
Such was the case when BATFE agents shocked by the Obama Administrations intentional delivery of thousands of firearms to Mexican drug cartels tried to expose the program. That deadly operation was called Fast and Furious, and Gun Walker.
These whistle-blowing agents were ordered to hand over government stimulus tax money to known criminals who would buy firearms from various gun dealers. The Obama Justice Department deliberately short-circuited the FBI unit created to do background checks of every gun purchaser in the United States. The FBI knowingly cleared their selected felons and misfits who were barred by law to buy these guns.
The whistle-blowing law enforcement agents have risked their careers and lives to expose a deadly and frightening scandal reaching straight to the highest levels of our government.
At least two two of the involved guns have been linked to the murders of two of our Border Patrol Agents. The same hold true for many other guns since linked to the murders hundreds of Mexican Nationals.
There was only one purpose for this operation. It was to simply manufacture a crisis through engineering of statistics that would show that American’s gun rights were somehow responsible for Mexico’s unprecedented wave of drug violence.
This simply was a Obama Administration propaganda operation to garner support for reauthorization of the so-called 1994 Assault-Weapons Ban that had expired.
Despite the expiration of the ban and nationwide loosening of gun carry laws, violent crime has dramatically gone down in the US along with gun accidents.
The political Left’s gun control philosophical cornerstone had been debunked as ineffective, incredibly expensive and counter-productive.
Now the Obama Administration was caught red-handed, creating a crisis to make gun control politically popular.
Additionally the Obama Administration wanted to circumvent the Second Amendment by signing on to a United Nations Treaty that would end civilian gun rights in America. In theory, it was a much easier way to amend our hated Constitution. Yes, that’s the same Constitution every public official including Obama and his minions are sworn to uphold, defend and protect.
The mainstream media did everything they could to ignore this deadly scandal. It was America’s bloggers that took this outrage and made it public. Bloggers relentlessly posted and published in every possible form of our new Social Media to wake up America.
Finally, members of Congress had to act and begin asking questions about the program.
The Obama Administration simply began spreading lies, stone-walling as they began a massive and on-going cover-up. Now Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder has been caught in a web of corruption and perjury. He’s been declared to be In Contempt of Congress for continued withholding of subpoenaed documents.
Barack Obama has invoked Executive Privilege in an effort to somehow legalize the stonewalling.
Yes, that’s exactly what Richard Nixon did to cover-up a non-violent Watergate Hotel burglary where government sponsored spies were seeking damaging political information and intended campaign tactics.
The difference between the Nixon Watergate scandal and Obama’s Fast and Furious shame is that two American law enforcement officers have been murdered. That along with hundreds of Mexican nationals.
Unfortunately for Obama, government insiders are still blowing their whistles to bloggers and now congressional staffers. Secret wiretap transcripts exposing the roles of senior government officials in this vast conspiracy have been delivered to bloggers and some congressional offices.
Now bloggers and patriotic members of Congress have been able set a massive perjury trap for these rogue officials.
Obama has placed himself above the law repeatedly and redundantly. He has become a criminal and a despot. He must be purged from office and held accountable.
Now let’s cut to the chase and talk about what’s really involved here. In America when anyone gives a weapon to somebody they reasonably expect will use in a crime they are guilty of that same crime as an accessory. Every government official involved in the Fast and Furious conspiracy could and should be facing murder charges.
Showing posts with label Tryanny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tryanny. Show all posts
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Fighting Crime The Chicago Way!
Chicago, IL—In this city known for rampant corruption and
cronyism the politicians know what to do with the money they extort from
taxpayers! Whenever possible taxes here are only used to support thieves, thugs and liars.
Chicago’s ghetto violence is way over the top this
year. Whenever the temperature rises so
does the body count. Chicago's cops are undermanned, outgunned, underpaid and demoralized. Their pensions are on the fast track to be part of certain future bankruptcy proceedings. Imagine just what the working cops think of Chicago's latest anti-violence plan?
The only way to deal with violence like this is hire, train
cops and send the violent ghetto rats off to prison until they are too old to
hurt anyone. That works.
However in the “City That Works” any anti-crime or violence
program is acceptable only if wastes lots of money and as long as it doesn’t work. The Mayor and his merry men are going to
once again show how theft and bad government still has the affection of Chicago’s
Chicago’s politicians have agreed to hand over $1,000,000.00
to a group calling themselves, “Cease Fire".
They were founded simply to take city tax money and pretend they’re
working on violence reduction. Of course
Cease Fire will be working in “secret negations” to make Chicago safer. I’m sure the time and money will be easy to
audit that way.
Cease Fire is a group of, not so retired ghetto gangsters
with significant rap sheets that are supposed to convince their pals not to
kill each other, or innocent civilians.
They could hire, train and equip lots of cops that would have a positive result on crime reduction.
They only thing wrong with that idea is, that it works.
Chicago is bankrupt and we need not wonder why for a
Monday, August 01, 2011
Washington’s Marxist Spending Orgy Goes Unchecked!

Washington, DC—With 535 overpaid opportunists controlling our tax money the American experiment is about to crumble. The American taxpayer has lost control over his government well beyond the point of enslavement.
Communists, socialists and a vast voting block of hyper-breeding, entitlement addicted parasites have stolen our freedom and destroyed the American way of life.
This destruction of a once great nation where everyman had a birthright to the American dream has evaporated.
Politicians campaign on a pledge that they will protect the taxpayers and once elected take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. That changes instantly as they sell out and pander to Wall Street bankers and anyone feathering their beds. These political whores enter the halls of congress as middle class Americans and become multi-millionaires overnight.
Even some of the so called “Tea Party” politicians have already fallen under the spell of cold hard cash leaving their principals in the dirt. The majority in Congress are doing what they do best, extorting from the population.
Carrying the Party title of Republican has only become a vehicle used to confound and fool naïve voters.
The business of the government budget is a simple one that’s been complicated into a criminal conspiracy to bilk and defraud the working class population. Taking on endless debt to pay for things we don’t want or need to the detriment of the deserving is what has happened.
Our politicians have chosen to comprise away their self-respect to make deals with the devil so they may enjoy wealth most Americans will never dream about.
We have reached the point where American taxpayers need to simply say no and refuse to feed the monster. They can’t spend what we don’t send them. They can’t make war on taxpayers with an unfunded and hungry Army. The monster must be starved into submission or we can have a Civil War.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Burning Korans and the First Amendment

Okay, some religious leader wants to burn Korans and hold a mock trial of Islam. This only came after repeated wholesale murder and bloodshed by Islamist maniacs.
Now the Islamist murderers have stepped up their world-wide terror and our politicians want to curtail American freedom.
I tolerate Muslims that can behave themselves. Islam has made a poor showing as a religion of peace around the world and because of the actions of some of their believers have terrorized millions. I will never tolerate religious inspired or for that matter any violence against innocent victims from any religion or group.
I will never tolerate any compromise on hard won freedoms in America. Here some of our politicians want curb offensive thought, speech, broadcasting and publishing. These are the same politicians that go out of their way to protect the rights of foreign Muslims we allowed to live in America. These politicians are either traitors or complete fools.
If the offended Muslims don’t like burned Korans, or to see the covered with the excrement of pigs they, need to stop inciting this kind of response with their campaigns of murder.
Americans have the absolute right to hate and insult Islam or anyone all they want without government interference.
Just because I defend the right to hate does not mean that I hate anyone other than someone that would injure, kill or violate our freedom. Hate was criminalized in Nazi Germany. Thousand who publicly professed hate or even dislike for Nazi policy were put to death after being arrested and tried in the courts.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
How Socialism Can Be So Much Fun!

When Socialists gain power they always convince the peons that they need so many more laws for their own good and safety. Perhaps convince is the wrong word, perhaps insist may be a better choice here. This can happen all at once of slowly over decades like it has in the United States.
Since so many the peons will eventually find themselves somewhat uncomfortable or enslaved they too often vote with their feet and find a freer place to live and raise their family.
This is where all those new and helpful laws they enacted come in handy. So many things become illegal nearly everyone becomes a criminal. The police can round up the violators of ration card abuse, curfew violations or fraternization with those counter-revolutionary terrorists. Now they have fertile pool of peons they can create government snitches from. It’s all very simple snitch or lose their family and be imprisoned. Soon everyone is snitching on everyone and government knows all!
The only way out is to slaughter the Socialist Party leaders and return freedom, starting with scuttling all those unneeded laws, frisking checkpoints and phony anti-terrorist programs.
Perhaps we must make snitching socially unacceptable through severe retaliation. I’m not in any way suggesting we protect thugs, rapists or such. It’s very simple here. If the law involved has no victim or personal violence to innocent people snitching must be discouraged.
Anyone helping Socialists maintain absolute power and control on the other hand is fair game for any curbside or extra-judicial punishment at all. Perhaps we can show our displeasure with those traitors working for the TSA Socialist Jobs Program. A good candidate might be someone just like TSA Screener, Butler who was caught on tape trying to seize my camera from me outside of an airport terminal.
Ms. Butler had no legal authority to assault or rob me of my camera under any federal, state or local law. TSA screeners thankfully have no power of arrest. Ms.Butler, did not need any law here because she appointed herself not only judge, jury and executioner but also as a lawmaker!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Politicians, Propaganda and Real People

Germany was ruled by fear that was fueled by a despicable program of neighbors recruited by the government to spy on neighbors. In this environment of terror you’re expected duty was to give total allegiance to your leader or get reported.
This is no different that our own Obama Administration’s current Homeland Security Snitch Program that’s being built by our very own, Janet Napolitano.
The Germans were duped by governments ruling them that operated in secret. Yes, the exact way Obama’s Czars have been making policy behind closed doors. Secret government breeds evil. We have secret government now just as the NAZIS did in Germany.
Remember, the cleverly coded term used in private by NAZI bureaucrats, “The Final Solution to the Jewish Question” was really the program to murder millions. The Holocaust was a carefully guarded state secret formulated on January 20, 1942 behind the closed doors of a huge estate in Wannsee, outside of Berlin and away from journalists. Obama has learned about secrecy from the experts.
What’s past is prologue. We can count on a propaganda film like this being shown to the foreign army that occupies what’s left of America.
I served in the post war occupation Army during the Viet Nam War. They did not show me this disgraceful film that shown to earlier American troops. The film blamed all the war crimes by a notorious secret dictatorship on obedient German civilians.
Yes, this can and will happen in America at some point in the future but we must stop secret government while we can.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Government’s Warrantless Searches of Americans are Tyrannical and Pernicious

I don’t care where you go anymore some government agent is violating your privacy and Fourth Amendment rights. Searching law-abiding people as dangerous criminals is something out of an Orwellian nightmare. It is here and like in all police states people are simply afraid to question the abuse of authority.
We’d normally expect protection from our courts but as it turns out our courts are some of the biggest offenders with their intrusive and unlawful search programs. They are not going admit they are violating anyone’s rights or end their misconduct. We need our elected officials to take their oaths to support, defend and protect the Constitution seriously or remove them.
Here are just some of the places when your rights are violated by our tyrannical police state:
1. Entering commercial aircraft.
2. Entering a passenger train.
3. Entering a government building.
4. Entering a cruise ship.
5. When reporting for mandatory jury duty.
6. When responding to a court subpoena as a witness.
7. Entering venues for sports and concert events.
One thing for certain the numbers of places where you must submit to searches formerly meant only for criminals is increasing every day.
They suggest this kind of search happens only after you waive your rights and that’s total nonsense. They suggest that you don’t have to enter these places if you want to avoid being gropped, fondled and insulted. That’s like saying you can avoid bad air by simply not breathing.
Americans must travel by air and rail. The must do business in government buildings and there are sometimes serious penalties for those who refuse to enter government buildings.
When you raise this issue with folks they will say that, “times have changed and things are different now.” That’s a ridicules and ignorant statement to make. We have gone over 200 years in this country without suspending the Fourth Amendment. That was even during the Civil War, World War One and World War two.
In America we are only a heartbeat away from having the kind of government that was ruled by the likes of Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Mao Zedong. You must stop despots in their tracks or perish.
My question to America is, when will we have enough of this tyranny? As always, what's past is prologue.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Liberty is Non-Negotiable in America-Stop Homeland Security Now

Washington, DC—For the past several decades America has allowed politicians to take us down the path of selling liberty for promised security.
Today the biggest threat to liberty in American history its Homeland Security Department and its massive power. This beast must be dismantled, defunded and destroyed before it’s too late. This un-American perversion of law enforcement is nothing more than the clear sign of the Police State we fought so many wars to prevent.
Every totalitarian, Fascist, Communist or Nazi state has sold their population that freedom was somehow dangerous and that security was for necessary public safety. The despots systematically disarmed their population before enslaving them and eventually murdering them.
I talk a lot about the National Socialists and Adolph Hitler because the photos, films and massive documentary evidence they left behind is unparalleled in world history. You need not rely on people’s faulty or biased recollections to know what happened inside National Socialism.
As Hitler was given power in Germany he was a wildly popular man, looked up to as a savior and role model. Time Magazine named him, Man of the Year. Liberty soon vanished as Hitler outlawed, civilian gun ownership, censored media and even thought. Searching of people, backpacks, vehicles, businesses and homes by government security forces was sold as necessary for everyone’s safety and security.
In the end of a twelve year reign six million Jews and nine million more good German citizens perished under National Socialism. There was no liberty or security for those left in Germany lucky enough to escape with their lives. The Soviet soldiers turned what was left of the German female population into personal sex slaves.
What’s past is prologue. This was the case in every government created by man at some point. It was the Nazis that documented the reality of every government that values security over liberty and privacy.
You can't balance the needs of security with freedom. Freedom is paramount or there is no security. Without liberty there is no public safety.
Real public safety begins and ends with access to the tools and training you need to protect yourself, family and community. Security is best left to the individual citizens rather than government.
Government is always about power, corruption and absolute control. Government breeds slavery, greed and celebrity for those in control. Government must be under the control of the people rather than the other way around. That’s the rub because government feeds on itself to gain growth and power.
When government get’s too big the best way to control it is to not feed the monster. Taxation must be under control of the taxed rather than the government. Taxpayers need to control what they pay, but for now the government makes that decision.
We must learn to say no to the TSA, BATFE, DEA, IRS, EPA, and the FBI. We have local law enforcement and don’t need to pay twice for law enforcement services. That’s especially true when their efforts are not needed or wanted in our communities. We can say no by defunding these government parasites.
We must defend liberty first, last and always. We can never fight hard enough to protect freedom and liberty. This fight never ends. We must always be ready to kill all enemies of freedom before they kill us. That includes those seeking or holding office that threaten our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Friday, January 07, 2011
California and Illinois has been Plundered into Bankruptcy by Democrat Politicians---What’s Ahead Now?

The government pensions were promised to allow retirement for a job well done. Every pension is in mortal danger now in these two states. These two states can be counted upon to file bankruptcy first under Chapter 11 to reorganize their debts by significantly reducing the amounts paid to retirees. After the reorganizations fail, and they will, Chapter 7 will kick in and a single and small lump sum will go to these folks if they get anything at all.
These two states are already begging for a federal bailout. A bailout here is nothing more than the printing of more counterfeit currency by our government. This bailout should not be allowed to happen or the entire country will be in this mess. In the end it may not make a difference.
Every state controlled by plundering Democrats can’t be far behind California and Illinois. Businesses in these states will have to relocate or simply vanish.
Of course the pension funds are only a small part of a bigger mess. Social Security was doomed the day Franklin Roosevelt and his Socialist pals in our Congress forced this program on America. Ponzi schemes always run out of money and Social Security is no exception.
The unskilled, unemployable and unwashed dependent masses of these states can be counted upon take to the streets unleashing unstoppable violence. Police departments like Chicago’s could never control a significant ghetto uprising. Neighborhoods will be controlled by whoever has the best weapons and ability to effectively to use them. Frankly most cops will understandably abandon their posts to go home and protect their own families in any real insurrection.
Our military and National Guard has been neutered by deployment with their assets to Iraq and Afghanistan. We have little left to protect America from an attack of our continent except individual Americans with small arms.
The Socialists will be offering a new form of government for America and I only hope these bastards are the first to be led to the scaffolds along with the politicians that were responsible for these disaster.
The future of America can only be anarchy and war. We will soon be asking ourselves, “How’d that happen?”
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The National Tamper-proof ID Card Scam—Watch Out!

On its face it sounds like a great way to control immigration, entitlement and voter fraud. It will do none of those things.
The government has redundantly thrown every obstacle possible in the way of immigration enforcement for the lifetimes of most Americans. Police will never be allowed to demand that ID card as they can now do with a driver’s license of a person driving a car. There will never be an Identification card requirement for voters unless we repeal or re-write the Voting Rights Act.
The government will always exempt those people living on the margins of society and exemption from the ID card requirement as they have always done.
The national ID card in just another big government program that provides a false promise of safety and security, in exchange for your hard won liberty and privacy.
What will happen is there will be a grand single database for every responsible taxpaying American for government agents to use and abuse. It will keep track of everyone with current photographs along with the requirement of proof of their physical address. Everyone means only those willing to comply with the ID card requirement.
I see this as ominously as the tattoos the Nazi’s required of concentration camp inmates. The government implanted micro chip can’t be far behind.
Soon enough technology will provide a way to instantly read a person’s DNA code with a hand held device. We will have to deal with that horror when it comes along.
Americans are so willing to give up a slice of privacy, freedom and liberty every time their favorite politician suggests they do so. We seem to forget how wildly popular Adolph Hitler and National Socialism was in Europe until that bad Idea cost 50 million lives including nine million Germans.
There are those amazing people that always trust their government even when they are placed in lines for extermination.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Anti-TSA Airport Demonstrations were a Bad Idea.

Planning a demonstration at an airport has little appeal. Parking costs alone are astronomical and airport police have zero tolerance to any disruption of foot or vehicular traffic. I know most American including myself don’t want to ruin the Thanksgiving dinners of anyone. This planned opt out idea was just not well thought out. Also let’s face it Americans have been well-intimidated by the TSA that will prevent them from traveling on airplanes should they resist.
Instead we must boycott the airlines and flood the politicians and bureaucrats with hostility and complaints. Demonstrations need to be held at the government office buildings or homes of those allowing this un-American Nazi like program.
Should any TSA screeners touch your children on their genitals, buttocks or breasts that are under the age of consent simply call the local cops. The TSA lacks authority to do that and it’s a felony in every state. You can also be arrested yourself for allowing sexual touching of your children.
At the same time there are millions of Americans that know the TSA is an ineffective, invasive, and wasteful. The truth is Police State tactics have no impact on terrorists whatsoever. The terrorists simply work around whatever security programs are in place.
Even rocket making hobbyists have the ability to construct a missile with the capability to bring down any civilian aircraft especially at lower altitudes planes must fly close to our airports as they take off and land.
Any small group of well-armed and determined men can invade any major airport either at the tarmac level or at departure boarding areas and facing minimal or even no resistance as they gain control of large groups of unarmed Americans and planes.
Terrorists can easily get their personnel inside the service side of airports to deposit timed or altitude detonated explosives on planes. This can happen by way of food service, cargo and airplane maintenance operations. The companies all must hire sub-contractors to perform their missions.
Explosives can easily be concealed and made to look perfectly harmless. Plastic explosives can be shaped to any form and then be spray-painted and made to look like airplane parts or even a loaf of bread.
Whatever X-Ray, sniffer or physical inspection efforts can be made terrorists always find their way around them.
The TSA has put in place an illusion of security to placate and reassure frightened Americans that they are safe.
In Germany there was a small band of Communists called the Baader-Meinhoff Gang that later became the Red Brigade. Ulrike Meinhoff was a journalist who could wield bombs and a machine-gun against soldiers and cops as effectively as any male combat soldier. This group held the nation hostage for years as they kidnapped, bombed and shot their way around the world. They were responsible for the killings of at least four American soldiers who were serving in Germany.

The Baader-Meinhoff/Red Brigade group was never once discovered or disrupted by the best plans of so-called layered security the experts had put in place. This fanatical group was finally stopped by conventional intelligence and investigative means by real cops.
The TSA should be disbanded and liberty returned to American passengers. We must keep people with passports from hostile nations and those convicted of violent felonies off our planes. We can effectively fight terrorism in an aggressive and Constitutional way.
What we do need for anti-terror efforts is a force made of seasoned street cops to use behavior profiling and investigative efforts to deal with terrorists wherever they may be.
We don’t need or want a force of abusive, groping and poorly trained people placed as part of a Socialist jobs program masquerading as law enforcement personnel complete with gold badges.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
An Open Appeal To All TSA Screeners

The TSA has become the face of terror to American travelers. Travelers are too afraid to voice their disgust of the TSA war on American’s privacy and liberty. They are afraid they will wind up on that No Fly List or be singled out for more TSA punishment.
The TSA welcomes people traveling on passports from every nation hostile to America and all of the very dangerous felons released from our prisons. Ask yourself, if the TSA really cared about safety why would they let these monsters on our planes.
You’re required to give equal attention to elderly grandmothers and little children as some nervous 18 to 35 year-old male Muslim. Does that make any sense at all?
You are required to frisk pilots and flight attendants that have been fully vetted. What can a pilot do with a gun or even a bomb that he can’t do with the entire plane under his control? This TSA policy defies the simplest of logic.
Why does the TSA disarm off-duty cops if they are so concerned about terrorists?
The TSA love to brag about the knives and a few guns brought to boarding gates by forgetful passengers? That happened to honorably retired Chicago cop and film star Dennis Farina. Farina is allowed by law to carry a concealed weapon in every state under current federal law. Was America somehow safer because the TSA had Farina arrested over a small pistol he inadvertently forgot to remove from his briefcase?
The sad truth is despite the hiring of thousands of TSA screeners and spending untold billions the TSA has not foiled a single real terror incident. The sad truth is alert passengers have done more for airline safety than you and all your fellow TSA workers.
The TSA has lowered your status to that of rectum and sex organ inspector. That’s downright disgusting. I cannot see how anyone could admit to even having such a job.
Times are tough and because of the TSA they will get worse as tourism dies. People go on tours to relax and have fun, not to even think about uniformed strangers groping them and their children.
If you work for the TSA, I feel as sorry for you as much as I hate your corrupt mission. The TSA is a much bigger threat to America and our freedom than any terrorist.
Why work for an organization that does not recognize the Bill of Rights. That crap they sell you that people can choose not to fly is beyond bogus. Your TSA has expanded their malignancy to the passenger railroads and bus travel. People have a right to travel and be free from government tyranny.
Quit the TSA and find a job where people like me won’t be passing gas in your face at every opportunity. There are plenty of government entitlements for those unwilling to work if finding a job is too difficult.

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tell the TSA it’s Your Body and Your Property!

Ladies if you have breast implants your local TSA screeners can be expected to share the quality of your surgeon’s work with their friends. If you’re a well known celebrity you may see your implants on TMZ.com!
Depending on how often you fly you will get an unneeded dose of radiation from TSA equipment that has not been tested for long term harmful effects. Remember, these machines have not been around long enough to study them.
Here are some sobering facts:
1. Children under 18 cannot lawfully give consent to anyone to touch their private parts. Children’s parents have no authority to consent to the groping for them unless it is for medical treatment. Local law enforcement is sworn to enforce child molestation laws even against the TSA.
2. An adult can give consent to intimate groping but who in their right mind would let some TSA loser fondle their genitals? If they grope, fondle or touch without consent this is a sexual assault and local police must investigate and take action.
3. The TSA screeners are quick to demand that passengers stand or sit in certain places as they are told not to move. The TSA screeners have no power under law to detain or arrest anyone. You are always free to leave the screening area. Their commands have no power of law beyond ordering you not to proceed to airplane boarding areas.
4. The TSA screeners are quick to demand that you not touch your property. Guess what? It’s your property and you are free to remove it at your discretion from their tables. The screeners have no authority to use force to stop you.
5. Should anyone demand your name or identification as you’re leaving the screening area, you are under no obligation to cooperate. This is also true if police become involved. If police or federal officers such as the Air Marshal service or FBI demand identification you have a right to refuse unless you are arrested for a crime. Refusal to submit to TSA tyranny is no crime, at least yet.
6. If arrested by police or federal officers you have no right to resist even an unlawful arrest. Try your case in court, not at the airport. The TSA screeners with their Gestapo like uniforms and gold badges are not law enforcement officers. They don’t have the training or the necessary certification that would bestow the power to detain or arrest anyone and seize property as evidence.
7. You may use reasonable physical force against any and all TSA screeners that assault you. You can’t however use that force on police unless they are using unreasonable force against you. Trust me, if you try to use force against police you will nearly always lose in a big way.
8. The unreasonable actions of all government agents are subject to Civil Laws. That is you may sue them over violation of your civil rights.
9. Always report TSA abuse to local police, your United States Congressman and Senators.
10. Americans don’t have to remain cowardly sheep. Failure to resist government tyranny only invites more of the same.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Origin of Warrantless Government Searching of Americans

All agents of the government were required to keep their paws and noses out of our bodies, homes and belongings unless there was probable cause of criminal activity and a warrant. The courts would later dilute the warrant requirement if exigent circumstances suggested that involved officer safety or to prevent the destruction of evidence.
Violence happens everywhere in the world and the days when they adopted the Fourth Amendment were no exception. Back then freedom and liberty was not bartered for promised security like today.
For me side-stepping the Bill of Rights to search Americans began right after a violent and dangerous criminal, Eugene “Iceman” Lewis’ attempted his escape from a 7th floor judge’s chambers at 2600 S. California Ave in 1971.
Lewis, a well know militant Black thug was already under one well-deserved death sentence and was about to receive another for the cold-blooded killing of a Thillen’s Security guard servicing the Sebring Jukebox Company’s payroll more than a year earlier.
Lewis took a bailiff and assistant state’s attorney hostage with a gun provided by a court clerk who was enamored with the killer. She placed the gun in a hollowed out book for Lewis. Lewis was kept in the chambers handcuffed under guard by an armed bailiff. Concealed inside Lewis’ mouth was a homemade handcuff key from a ball point pen refill. He used the key to slip one wrist from the cuffs and dashed for the gun inside the book.
Lewis then disarmed the bailiff and with a revolver in each hand grabbed the hapless prosecutor and bailiff and began his walk to freedom.
An Area Four detective, Crosette Lee Hamilton heard the commotion and concealed himself behind the gray steel freight elevator outside door. He waited for the trio to pass and fired a single shot from a .38 Colt Detective Special into the back of Lewis’ head. Two uniformed officers assigned to the court from the Marquette District (010) opened fire on Lewis as he fell to the ground.
Lewis managed to wound the state’s attorney in the hand and another shot struck local lawyer, Leonard Karlin in the butt.
When we lifted Lewis’ body from the floor there was a flattened .38 standard 158 grain lead bullet on the floor, under his head. Hamilton’s bullet never even penetrated the killer’s head!
Within a few minutes of the shooting I personally saw, Black Panther, founder and now Congressman Bobby Rush was on the scene visibly angry and shaken up. To this day I believe that Rush was involved in the escape plot and was perhaps waiting in a car outside on California Ave. If Rush was an accomplice he still could be charged with felony murder of Lewis since there is no statute of limitations on that crime.
I attended the post mortem examination of Lewis and counted 22 holes from 18 gunshots. The Iceman would never hurt anyone again.
Within a day the presiding criminal judge, Joe power told me he was ordering big changes. Powers had ordered the Cook County Sheriff, Joseph I Woods to provide his police to search everyone entering the building. Power concluded that people entering the building, are doing it as a matter choice and that the search was then consensual. For the next month 35 guns per average day were taken from court visitors surprised by the search. Thousands of knives and an astronomical amount of narcotics were recovered. There were no prosecutions of these people most of which were already convicted felons. Instead we confiscated the contraband during a three-month grace period. After that arrests were made.
The Judge Power security plan spread like wildfire to courthouses all over the country. Next, cowardly government bureaucrats everywhere learned they could use the Judge Power program too.
There were a few airplane hijackings by deranged fools wanting a better life in Cuba. Soon the FAA adopted the Judge Power plan using private security providers.
The idea of these searches being consensual is pure hogwash because people are forced by law to do business with the government every day. People are ordered by jury summonses or are subpoenaed to courts and have no choice except to subject themselves to the frisking or be jailed. Others are ordered into buildings over tax matters, pensions, and permits.
As for flying on commercial aircraft there really is no other alternative for people required to fly for their jobs and families. The searches by the FAA and now TSA are simply unlawful. The courts have refused to do the right thing and outlaw the practice because they invented, promulgated and enforce this violation of American Civil Rights.
Most Americans never lived in a country where they could freely move about without being bullied, frisked, fondled and groped by government agents. The vile and un-American practice of warrantless searches has been accepted by the ignorant masses as a part of living under government.
That gun that started this whole outrage was brought into the building by a clerk of the court. It is the current routine to give all court employees the right to bypass the screening. They never fixed what was broken!
Acceptance of this tyranny does not make it right. We survived as a nation including our own Civil War for nearly 200 years without searching every American like a criminal.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Chicago Police, Arrest Incentives and Another Scandal

Chicago, IL—Chicago politician's demands for their favorite enforcement leads to impropriety. An example is arresting people that dare place their own safety above unconstitutional gun prohibitions.
Generally most genuine criminals carry all manner of weapons. Passing and publishing prohibitions of any kind never deters criminals. Police arrest people for possessing or selling drugs and find their guns. Various calls related to assaults, threats and other senseless crimes often also lead to gun arrests.
Police can’t and don’t run around randomly searching people looking for guns. Law-abiding citizens can carry guns for decades without detection or arrest simply because they never give police probable cause to stop and search them.
The Chicago Police Department’s commanders must show numbers to these politicians so they give the cops awards and perks for hauling in the guns. In my day the tactical teams of plain clothed officers assigned to districts would win eight hours compensatory time-due for every gun arrest along with a big pat on the back.
What happens in the Circuit Court of Cook County was a game of sorts. Prosecutors always have an attractive plea deal that allow for the gun to be confiscated and destroyed with the defendant getting a slap on the wrist at best. That is unless of course he was already a convicted felon, then the stakes are only a little higher.
Felons with guns never get the ten-years in prison they could get under federal law. They’d nearly always get much softer sentences rarely exceeding a year behind bars provided they plead guilty.
The reality is that actual trials on gun possession charges are incredibly rare. The need for an officer making the arrest to actually testify under oath is nearly non-existent.
Like nearly all cops I had a part-time job to bring in more money. I handled security for the old and now gone Continental Trailways Bus Company in Chicago’s Loop. Bus and train stations attract all manner of creeps and thugs. Many of them are armed and I would arrest one or two of these misfits per week that were carrying guns. If I signed the complaints I’d get no personal benefit whatsoever. I never had to sign a single complaint.
The 001 District tactical team, needed gun arrests to satisfy that old dinosaur commander, Paul V. McLaughlin. McLaughlin showered his boys with lots of praise and perks for bragging rights to lots of gun arrests in his district.
I’d make the stop and seizure and put a call into the communication center zone asking for a 001 tactical team to meet me at the baggage department. Next the district teams would race each other “code one” to Trailways knowing whoever got their first would win the prize.
The prisoner and the evidence were always taken off my hands with a big smile. I did not have to write a report, sign a complaint,inventory or impound the evidence.
I never wrote or even read the reports made by the tactical teams, attended court trials or hearings. The reports I correctly assumed told a tale of an some kind of on view arrest by a team member rather than me. The hapless defendant did not have a clue what was going on as his lawyer worked out an attractive plea deal with prosecutors. Those gun cases would always have a seemingly satisfactory conclusion.
Unfortunately the same zealousness for gun arrests has snared many good men and women simply trying to protect themselves and family members from urban violence. It happens at a traffic stop where the cop will simply ask, “Do you have any weapons on your person or in this car?” An honest answer here leads to an arrest and a criminal conviction stain that will affect jobs, professional licenses and reputations for life.
Apparently now a certain Chicago police district tactical team is facing disgrace, firing and criminal prosecution for the same type of program. A program designed to satisfy politicians that encourage and enable gun arrests at all cost.
Offering any kind of extra incentive to encourage the arrest of anyone is wrong and invites abuse.
As for possible crimes cops could be charged with include, Perjury in connection with the complaint signed under oath and Official Misconduct. There are numerous transgression of department general orders that include false reporting.
Perhaps it’s time for the courts, police, prosecutors and politicians to re-think their entire gun law and enforcement policy. For too long they have focused on the guns rather than the criminals. Violent criminals using guns in crimes in Chicago have been allowed to roam the streets despite numerous arrests and convictions. Simply grabbing guns is never a preferable solution to locking predatory criminals away from society.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Obama and the Teleprompter

That gizmo was invented after television in 1950. Prior to that stagehands held up cue cards. The actors were looking everywhere but at you when they were reading them.
Teleprompters are great for TV news anchors who must deliver clear and accurate information to their audience sometimes minutes or even seconds after news breaks.
Teleprompters allow actors to look directly into the camera lens and read the material rather than to rely on memory. Later they began to use multiple Teleprompters for use in addressing large audiences.
Teleprompters are critically important when the people reading the text to the audience did not write it. Speechwriters make our politicians sound intelligent and informed. Somehow I’ve always been offended by politicians that can support their own positions in their own words.
Teleprompters have been used by all presidents since Harry Truman. It’s been said that Richard Nixon preferred to memorize what he had to say rather than be a slave to a machine.
Barack Obama can’t recite a simple paragraph without someone writing the words and putting it on a Teleprompter for him. I can’t help but believe that Obama is a mechanical puppet for some strange shadowy alien standing behind a curtain. That Wizard of Oz image flashes in my mind every time Obama is seen speaking.
Reading a Teleprompter requires the actor to pretend he’s speaking from his heart and not reading as he makes important eye contact with the audience. Yes, it’s all an act.
It’s somewhat obvious to me that Obama is not connected to the words he speaks. He reads the material like a second-rate voiceover actor doing a commercial for a product he does not believe in.
I remember a Cold War era episode of the TV show, Outer Limits where our President was a programmed humanoid robot made by an enemy nation. Barack Obama fits that image exactly. Obama has set about destroying free enterprise, our economy and national defense at breakneck speed as he embraces the teachings of Karl Marx.
The Manchurian Candidate was another theatrical offering on this same concept based on the very real government mind control experiments involving chemical mind twisters like LSD.
No matter the reason Barack Obama appears to me as a composite invention of a foreign invader.
Like Richard Cunningham Patterson Jr., United States ambassador to Guatemala in 1950, said when he accused the Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán government of being Communist. Patterson explained his reasoning as follows:
“Suppose you see a bird walking around in a farm yard. This bird has no label that says 'duck'. But the bird certainly looks like a duck. Also, he goes to the pond and you notice that he swims like a duck. Then he opens his beak and quacks like a duck. Well, by this time you have probably reached the conclusion that the bird is a duck, whether he's wearing a label or not."
I don’t think that Obama is a duck, but I sure believe he’s a Socialist or at least that’s true of the man behind the curtain controlling him. Perhaps a Congressional Subpoena or two may take on the roll of Toto by pulling the curtain back for all to see who is really running America now.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Beck Rally Is Just The Tip of a Big Iceberg

Washington, DC—Fox News commentator Glen Beck took the Capital by storm yesterday as hundreds of thousands betrayed Americans swarmed the mall. They were there to defend our Constitution and way of life.
This may be the last time Conservatives send an impressive and peaceful message to those Communists in our Whitehouse and Congress. The traitors have turned their backs on Americans and our Constitution as they have prosecuted a war against the American dream.
Barack Obama can be counted on to not acknowledge his opposition. Obama will simply push on with his arrogant Communist revolution instead of trying to find some middle ground that might unite America. That indeed, is going to be a very dangerous path to travel.
The November elections are shaping up to be a vigorous and overdue purge of corrupt, progressive, and Leftist politicians that wear the labels of both major political parties.
The new Congress can be expected to begin numerous investigations of the Obama Administration. Issues like Obama’s birth controversy will never evade the Congressional subpoenas. Either there will be a real American birth certificate produced or Obama’s reign will end.
There are plenty of other questions that will finally get answers like the reasons Obama and his wife lost their licenses to practice law in Illinois. After that, Obama’s corrupt financial shenanigans with various convicted Chicago political pirates will be fair game.
I see no way for the Obama Administration to survive to the competition of its first term.
There is a down side of this and that is Obama’s supporters here and within enemy nations can be expected to make war on America. We are in for a very rough ride.
Monday, July 26, 2010
African-American Entitlement Zombies-- A Product Of American Social Engineering
Washington, DC—In what could only be describe as racist inspired effort to establish Socialism in America, the African-American Entitlement Zombie was created.
When the state residency requirements to collect welfare were outlawed by the Earl Warren Court in the early 1960s the poorest African-Americans began a mass-migration to the big cities. The outlawed residency requirements insured that welfare assistance would automatically be denied to anyone who could not establish that they were a resident of that state for at least one year.
States like Michigan, Illinois, New York, Maryland and Ohio paid generous benefits to those people unable or unwilling to work. The states in the Deep South did not believe in the handout programs.
Racist Southern officials soon realized they could export their poorest African-Americans through educating them of the generous entitlements in the North. Officials actually provided one way bus transportation and five dollars in cash to anyone who’d voluntarily leave. The overloaded buses left the South taking millions of needy people far away from local taxpayer’s and their pockets.
The already challenged African-Americans wasted no time settling into the Land of Milk and Honey. The welfare rolls in the North burst as the political climate changed dramatically. Those addicted to entitlements always vote for politicians that bring more entitlements. This knowledge was fully exploited by the hard corps Socialists in our government. This was and is truly a vicious circle.
The schools were quickly adapted to become day care or free breakfast and lunch centers. Learning the three R’s took a back seat to learning about entitlements.
Every effort was made, to establish a new, right to not to have to work. That concept took hold and the African-American Entitlement Zombie was born. They were people who could be controlled by relatively small amounts of free money. If they wanted more money crime was the vehicle to obtain anything extra. That was considered a “Black thing” by the racist White Socialists.
They conveniently housed these people in huge ghettos away from their elite neighborhoods. The real estate industry was more than cooperative in assisting through their Blockbusting programs that provided handsome profits to speculators and destroyed the home investment of millions of White homeowners. The tool of the Blockbuster’s trade was a simple for sale sign and the sight of shabbily dressed African-Americans home shopping. The result was panic selling at fire sale prices.
The sad truth is African-Americans were exploited redundantly and today Socialists have replaced the slave owners. They created a vast underclass of needy, ignorant, violent people that will never escape their pre-programmed existence.
The Socialists have created a broad base of African-American supporters of Socialism since they have no alternative. They have been denied the tools of self-reliance and financial survival. They’ve been encouraged to develop a culture of single-motherhood, drug use, crime and the right to demand free money.
This social engineering scam was as racist a plan that was ever created. The scheme has, destroyed lives, and overloaded our jails and prisons as it dramatically slowed America’s productivity and growth.
There are lots of Fat-Cat African-American’s that deserve a great deal of blame for this mess within our own government. They don’t have to live in or be a part of what they helped create. The decades old Congressional Black Caucus led by none other than Barack Obama has done everything they could to maintain the underclass of African-American Entitlement Zombies in America.
When the state residency requirements to collect welfare were outlawed by the Earl Warren Court in the early 1960s the poorest African-Americans began a mass-migration to the big cities. The outlawed residency requirements insured that welfare assistance would automatically be denied to anyone who could not establish that they were a resident of that state for at least one year.
States like Michigan, Illinois, New York, Maryland and Ohio paid generous benefits to those people unable or unwilling to work. The states in the Deep South did not believe in the handout programs.
Racist Southern officials soon realized they could export their poorest African-Americans through educating them of the generous entitlements in the North. Officials actually provided one way bus transportation and five dollars in cash to anyone who’d voluntarily leave. The overloaded buses left the South taking millions of needy people far away from local taxpayer’s and their pockets.
The already challenged African-Americans wasted no time settling into the Land of Milk and Honey. The welfare rolls in the North burst as the political climate changed dramatically. Those addicted to entitlements always vote for politicians that bring more entitlements. This knowledge was fully exploited by the hard corps Socialists in our government. This was and is truly a vicious circle.
The schools were quickly adapted to become day care or free breakfast and lunch centers. Learning the three R’s took a back seat to learning about entitlements.
Every effort was made, to establish a new, right to not to have to work. That concept took hold and the African-American Entitlement Zombie was born. They were people who could be controlled by relatively small amounts of free money. If they wanted more money crime was the vehicle to obtain anything extra. That was considered a “Black thing” by the racist White Socialists.
They conveniently housed these people in huge ghettos away from their elite neighborhoods. The real estate industry was more than cooperative in assisting through their Blockbusting programs that provided handsome profits to speculators and destroyed the home investment of millions of White homeowners. The tool of the Blockbuster’s trade was a simple for sale sign and the sight of shabbily dressed African-Americans home shopping. The result was panic selling at fire sale prices.
The sad truth is African-Americans were exploited redundantly and today Socialists have replaced the slave owners. They created a vast underclass of needy, ignorant, violent people that will never escape their pre-programmed existence.
The Socialists have created a broad base of African-American supporters of Socialism since they have no alternative. They have been denied the tools of self-reliance and financial survival. They’ve been encouraged to develop a culture of single-motherhood, drug use, crime and the right to demand free money.
This social engineering scam was as racist a plan that was ever created. The scheme has, destroyed lives, and overloaded our jails and prisons as it dramatically slowed America’s productivity and growth.
There are lots of Fat-Cat African-American’s that deserve a great deal of blame for this mess within our own government. They don’t have to live in or be a part of what they helped create. The decades old Congressional Black Caucus led by none other than Barack Obama has done everything they could to maintain the underclass of African-American Entitlement Zombies in America.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
National Defense Begins With Border Security

Phoenix, AZ—I don’t care where you stand on the issue of criminal immigration. It’s understandable why people want to live in America. The reason people want to come here is because of all the things Barack Obama and his Socialist Gang wants to change like the free market, liberty and freedom.
Those One World Socialists want the entire globe under their rule. One World is another way of saying, there is no escape. Socialist countries have border security, not to keep people out but to prevent people from fleeing their oppression. With a one World Socialist government borders would become totally irrelevant.
American taxpayers can’t continue to provide free schooling and medical care for all of South and Central America like we’ve been doing. That failed policy has bankrupted us and damaged our way of life. Those countries and their corrupt governments have exported only poverty, drugs and violence to our heartland.
Terrorists know the American political climate has destroyed our border defense and that they can move all manner of weapons of mass destruction along with agents to place and detonate them. Dirty bombs, chemicals to poison our food or water supplies along with their delivery systems are easily transported across our border.
Only a fool would believe that terrorists did not change their method of attack from commercial air travel attacks to other means. Our own Whitehouse has been occupied by our enemies for more than a year. We are under the most serious attack this nation has ever faced. The enemy is in absolute controls our borders.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer asked Barack Obama for border security and instead got a flag of surrender. Signs posted by our federal government acknowledging the acceptance of the invasion warning Americans to stay away.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Daley Says He Will Find Ways Around The Law To Deny Gun Rights!

Chicago, Il—For 30 years politicians in the Windy City have aided violent criminals by keeping law-abiding people disarmed through a gun ban. Local government here has enabled violent crime rather than fight it.
Mayor Richard M. Daley is emotionally, pathologically and insanely motivated to find ways to circumvent the United States Supreme Court’s expected gun rights ruling in the McDonald case.
For nearly a half hour Daley used a table laden with guns as movie props to express his hatred for them and Chicagoans right to keep and bear them.
Daley made it clear he will dictate new laws designed to frustrate those who want the means to defend themselves and families with firearms. Daley will demand liability insurance, excessive training and extortionate taxation. Liability insurance for gun misuse is not offered anywhere and if there was such a thing Daley knows it would be unaffordable.
Daley falsely claims that without the gun ban the murder rate would be 30% higher. Every study ever conducted shows gun laws have increased murder rates and that millions of American citizens use guns to stop violent crimes without even firing a single shot.
Daley is a lawless thug using color of law to violate the Constitutional rights of citizens. All lawless thugs including Daley need to be stopped cold. They are a cancer in our government that needs to be cut out.
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