Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transgender. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner, The Fallout and Opinions are Mixed

Malibu, CAI weighed in yesterday on this story and I'm somewhat disappointed in many people including some of my own friends.   Many of the comments I received are not fit to print.
Bruce Jenner was an unquestioned world-class athlete and sports hero.  Jenner for the most part enjoyed a charmed life of wealth while he was always in the close company of beautiful women.  Now with a medically facilitated sex change Bruce is now Caitlyn
This non-political story has the political Right and Left taking sides.  That makes no sense to me.  
There was an apparent downside to this charmed life in the form of a life long desire for Jenner to be a woman.  Experts differ on the cause or pathology this peculiar sex confusion phenomenon.   Jenner is not alone since there are apparently millions of similar examples of transgendered people in our world.
The so-called experts have no concrete answers, cure or even an effective treatment for this malady. There are those that call Jenner insane, sick, perverted or worse.  We seem to judge insanity on the failure of people to reasonably function in their daily lives. I don't think anyone could label Jenner that way.  Perhaps those people concerned or worried need to get a life.
Transgendered people are historically non-violent and there is little evidence that they have any negative impact at all on society.  Why are some people concerned enough about Jenner to condemn, complain or hate what Jenner does with the remaining years of his/her life? 
Jenner deserves some slack from everyone.  This thing will play out in a high profile and public manner at least until the novelty wears off.  Jenner will make a mountain of cash that will soon find its way to his/her children and grand children.
Should this transgender situation wipe out an otherwise amazing and productive life?  Is there some reason to believe that suddenly Jenner will suddenly become unkind, evil or even homicidal?  Jenner has an absolute right to present and or promote the new persona “Caitlyn”.   Life is far too short for anyone possibly offended to concern himself or herself with Jenner’s new life. 
Now if anyone can tell me how this Jenner transgender thing will damage society feel free to let me know.

Monday, June 01, 2015

Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn! Turning a Curse into a Money Tree.

Malibu, CA—The tale of this Olympic hero, Reality TV star and suddenly iconic transgender personality Caitlyn Jenner is sensational to say the least.
Transgender or transsexual men were and are a curiosity that is most often the butt of jokes and ridicule.  However we barely notice the millions of women that are obviously unhappy with their gender assignments.  
The sight of women dressed in sweatshirts, jeans and sneakers sporting short hair without any makeup is very common.  Women that are unhappy with their gender don’t seem to suffer any stigma whatsoever when they dress like men.  They are usually accepted for their talents, social skills and contributions to society.  Lesbians seem to be considered acceptable in society while  homosexual or transgendered men are usually stigmatized.
Gender confused men that are cross dressers or transsexuals never escape notice unless they can somehow pass unquestionably as women.  Most often they are unemployable, finding themselves victims of violence or the subject of significant societal oppression. 
When you think about this gender confusion is downright sad.   Jenner recently said that along with some fabulous physical gifts from God came this huge transgender challenge. 
Was this a challenge or perhaps a curse?  It’s clearly a curse but Jenner has ridden this mess with the strength and endurance of a true Olympic champion.
Jenner clearly has some really skilled physicians that gave her at least an outward feminine appearance that almost any 65-year-old woman would envy. 
In a perfect world every human would be satisfied with the sex assignment of our birth.  If anyone hasn’t noticed we are not in a perfect world.
When you think about men hating their natural sex assignment really have a tough time.   To feel normal they must dress and look the part of women.  Their sexual preference is often not tied to their desire to be women.  They unquestionably must have uniquely difficult challenges and incredibly problematic lives. 
There are those religious people that insist that Gays and transgender people are sinners.  I’m personally of the opinion that our God does not give a rat’s ass about such things but rather how we treat those around us. 
If there is a God that we will meet on Judgment Day, I’d to think that our kindness and honesty or lack thereof would determine what’s next for us. 
Today however,  it’s all about Caitlyn Jenner who has come out in a carefully orchestrated publicist’s dream.  She’s now a worldwide curiosity cashing in on a sensational and entertaining spectacle. 
Jenner was obviously prepared by a cadre of beauticians and put before the camera of the gifted celebrity photographer, Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair magazine. 
Now Jenner will be invited to walk every red carpet anywhere dressed by the most influential women’s designers.  The already rich Caitlyn Jenner will now become definitely and defiantly richer.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Bruce Jenner and Those Sensational Sex Change Rumors

Los Angeles, CA—As a young man Bruce Jenner was a world-class athlete.  He earned all of his fame and fortune the hard way.  As a result Jenner has certainly lived an enviable life.  He’s been married to three beautiful women and is the father and stepfather to ten lucky children.
Jenner has been successful in everything he’s done from marketing aircraft to network sports casting and of course acting. 
Jenner is also addicted to the hobby of flying model helicopters and multi-rotor drones.  Jenner is a fine example for anyone to follow as a human being.  He’s also well known for being kind to strangers.
In the last nearly two years the 65 year-old Jenner has changed in appearance.  Long hair, earrings in both ears, and a less pronounced Adam’s apple.  Reportedly he’s been seen and photographed wearing feminine nail polish.
Jenner’s now in the midst of a divorce from his third wife Kris as the rumors of gender confusion and his seeming transition fly in that direction.  Jenner’s family members have steadfastly denied what seems obvious to the gossip mongering tabloid writers. 
My thoughts are that Jenner deserves to be or dress the way he wants for whatever time he’s got left on this earth.  Perhaps he's going through a phase of gender experimentation.  
If Jenner wants to live out the remainder of his life as a woman and it makes him happy it’s far better that he does that.  In recent years modern medicine has been able to manipulate human sexuality surprisingly well.
Jenner’s changing sex does not necessarily mean changing his steadfast and obvious interest in women.
The wild speculation is really pointless and Jenner’s choices will harm nobody.  I can’t help but to speculate that the gender trading rumors seem true.  In the large scheme of things this will never negate Jenner’s many amazing accomplishments or future marketability.
Jenner has proven to be every bit an entertainer and showman.  I don’t think for a second that there is not some new reality show in the works dedicated to Jenner’s transition.  It would draw a large audience simply because it covers what has been a taboo subject and a well-known celebrity.
How does one work up the courage to deal with trading in their sex and image?  I think it would be a lot easier if Jenner were much younger.  Cashing in on it helps but Jenner does not personally need the money. 
I think Jenner is well aware that he can keep many friends that are cast and crew member's families well fed by any show he’s doing.  
For now we will just have to wait and see just how this story unfolds.  Jenner deserves absolute dignity and right to make all the money possible.  In the end for Jenner this transition may well be a gift that keeps on giving.