Showing posts with label Thugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thugs. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Whatever Happened to the Old CTA Dicks? Did they Kill Too Many Thugs?

The official star of the CTA Police
In Chicago, the Chicago Transit Authority best known as the CTA once had its own police department.  There were about 100 male cops that were called, CTA dicks.  

They were trained and armed to deal with the muggers, sex offenders and fare jumpers that always plague public transit. 

There was a slight problem.  Since they wore plain clothes and were a predominantly white group they were choice targets of roving groups of black criminals.   

The CTA dicks were sending more thugs to the hereafter then any police agency in the state of Illinois including Chicago cops.  Most of these shootings were somehow magically kept out of the news! 

The vast majority of the thugs killed by the CTA dicks were career felons.  Others were youngsters just beginning their lives of crime.  

The bogus screams of racism and murder by cops became a PR nightmare.  So in the early 1970s they put all the CTA dicks in green uniforms and put them in patrol cars guarding CTA bus barns where nothing bad ever happens.  Soon they disbanded this entire department.  

The Chicago Police Department then created their Mass Transit uniformed Unit.  For a while they included some undercover officers but they too were targeted by unsuspecting black thugs.  After a few more Justifiable shootings they pulled nearly all plain-clothed officers from this duty. 

So today you have the grandsons of the old thugs that wear hoodies to defeat the new technology surveillance cameras.  They are pretty much guaranteed of no undercover police interference with their crimes.  

The politicians made the CTA property a, GUN FREE ZONE to deter potential robbery or rape victims from shooting the the well protected thugs roaming the Windy City! 

It’s a great country, isn’t it! 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Final Solution To Chicago’s Street Thug Problem

Chicago, IL—Rising unemployment, prisoner releases, and temperatures along with a vastly undermanned, poorly armed and demoralized police department means armed thugs will own Chicago's streets this summer.

Horrible street crimes such as the recent, near fatal baseball bat beating of two pretty young women and the brutal fatal stabbing of a tourist by the Michigan Avenue Bridge are a rapidly growing intolerable threat.

Brain-dead politicians are demanding National Guardsmen get deployed to the inner city to combat the problem. That idea is unworkable.

Chicago has nothing to lose in trying a better idea. They can immediately end the gun prohibition they will lose anyway in the next 60 days because of the McDonald ruling that’s pending before the Supreme Court.

Right now the gun bans only work against the law-abiding folks that obey them. Police can't simply start searching everyone like they do at airports. Criminals are free to roam the streets with all the guns they can fit under their baggy jeans.

The City of Chicago has had 30 years of gun bans that have never done for public safety what the politicians promised. Gun bans are the problem, not the solution. Why deprive people of the means to defend themselves?

The Illinois Legislature can amend the Unlawful Use of A Weapon Statute to exempt those with a valid Illinois Firearms Owners Identification Card from arrest for carrying a concealed weapon. They can also require the FOID card WITH a security guard blue firearms training card or a certificate of training from a state, local or federal law enforcement training academy, or personal protection/Basic Pistol firearms course offered by the NRA.

Illinois should also recognize valid concealed weapon permits issued by any state within the United States.

Chicago’s street thugs would finally be on notice that the state or local government will no longer enable their violence. These cowards can be stopped, but only through a partnership between law-abiding people and the police. The people of the state of Illinois and Chicago deserve what they don’t have right now, meaningful protection.