Showing posts with label Thought Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thought Police. Show all posts

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Political Correctness Police are at it Again.

New York, NY—With all the burning issues for the City Council here they seem to have way too much time on their hands. They are struggling with the issue of outlawing the Wolf-Whistle in the city’s streets directed to the fair sex.

It is an absolute right for women to take the extra time to display their elegance and femininity in America. Beautiful young women walk down our streets with their high heels striking the pavement in a practiced staccato is something I equate to a primitive mating call. I live for that sight and sound.

They dress to impress and deserve all the admiring glances they can get. Every now and then there is a wolf-whistle or two to let the lady know her extra effort to look great is appreciated. Usually well-adjusted women will turn and smile for the compliment.

I certainly don’t want to see these terrific gals frightened, harassed, followed or insulted. Most or all of the conduct I just described may well violate existing laws that should be enforced. But to outlaw the wolf-whistle is plain un-American.

To even suggest that a complimentary wolf-whistle should result in an arrest and a criminal record is insane. My question is, has Taliban madmen taken over New York’s government?

Just so you know the wolf whistle in the video below is only a sound effect added post production.