Washington, DC—The United
States Supreme Court reaffirmed and settled the primary Second Amendment rights issues of all Americans in two somewhat recent cases, Heller and McDonald.
Despite this some arrogant
politicians feel they and some of their supporters are above the law. They still seek to use the full force of
government and violence against anyone exercising their gun rights.
It looks like it may take
several more years of lower court battles before these determined and lawless
political thugs are reigned in. These
cases move ever so slowly through the courts.
The Second Amendment simply
says we can possess and carry firearms. Impairment
of these rights by government is nothing more than a pure Civil Rights
On their face laws barring
Campus Carry or those that allow for Gun Free Zones clearly violate the law of
the land.
Campus Carry:
These prohibitions like every
law only affect the law-abiding. The
late convicted serial killer Theodore “Ted” Bundy was a very real beneficiary
of the bans on Campus Carry.
Theodore Robert
"Ted" Bundy was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophilia
addict who assaulted and murdered numerous young, primarily college women during the 1970s and possibly earlier.
On at least two occasions
this incredibly clever killer broke out of jail only to continue his raping,
slashing and murdering of America’s beautiful daughters.
College campuses were Bundy’s
choice to prey on young, vulnerable and unarmed women. Bundy, a one-time law student positively knew
he’d never find armed resistance on any college campus.
Just before his execution,
after more than a decade of denials, he finally confessed to at least 30
homicides committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. Bundy actually beheaded at least 12 of these
young women. The true victim count remains
unknown, and could be substantially higher.
I have to ask why some of our
politicians insist upon being accessories and enablers to the all of the Ted Bundy’s of
Gun Free Zones:
What people and lawmakers
seem to forget is that our cops can’t just simply search people for weapons
even if they look shady or suspicious.
That is unless or until they actually commit a crime!
The Fourth Amendment protects
foreign terrorists, killers, criminals and the law-abiding equally. The difference is that the law-abiding
respect the various gun bans, even those that violate their rights.
Gun Free Zones are found at
libraries, Parks, malls, government buildings and schools. Accordingly, these are guaranteed soft
targets and popular choices for mass shootings.
This comes after decades of our politicians handing over massive amounts of military weapons and cash to Islamic people that hate our culture
and us.
We’ve meddled in these Muslim
nation’s affairs trying to police them. Accordingly they continually look
for ways to murder innocent Americans where we live, work and play.
Aside from dealing with our
own existing robbers, rapists and killers we have to deal with military trained
and well-armed Islamic assassins.
The public policy of the Gun
Free Zone is the product of incredible bliss and ignorance. This concept deeply flawed and actually
increases any potential danger.
Disarming the law-abiding in
no way protects them. On the contrary
the Gun Free Zones are in fact nothing more than government created Killing